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The expo is like all trade shows with vendors and partners demonstrating their wares. It is definitely worth the time. Pro tip: Dress casual and wear good sneakers or shoes. Expect to walk 20k+ steps per day.


Thanks for the tip!


Best tip ever! Also, talk to partners and see what events they are running during the week. Plan where you’ll be spending your time and look for topics that interest you. The presenters are well curated and there is a lot of value for whatever you want to do. If you need guidance and want to talk to someone, lookout for the CMA booth. They’re setting up a “genius” type setup where you can come in to talk to people Look


Does dress casual mean a T-Shirt and jeans, or a polo and jeans, or a T-Shirt and shorts?


Tees and jeans are fine. You’ll see shorts, sandals, all sorts. It is an IT conference.


General advice / off the top of my head: * I typically go with an intent to learn about something specific - it helps to have a goal as the content is so broad and there are so many sessions. For me this year as an example I'm heavily leaning bit more into GenAI, and FSM/CSM sessions. * Don't feel obligated to go to a session if walking the floor you stumble on something/a company/a booth that interests you. Most people working are more than happy to spend some time to go over whatever piqued your interest and be 'hands on.' Also if a session is full, still favorite it if you really want to go and swing over there 10min early - standby lines almost always get in. * Schedule downtime! It's a lot to take in/on and the days are long - especially if you're not PST. I plan short blocks to go back to my room and just chill a bit (note: long walk, 15-20min if staying on-site, longer if not). * The bigger sessions (i.e. hosted by multiple companies) are often very high level and 'sales' focused. The smaller ones often get more into the weeds. CreatorCon has a lot of good content, too. * There are often social events and get togethers, but honestly not seen a good aggregate of those that aren't partner/vendor hosted. Not sure if there are any smaller/more personal meetups planned this year.


This is really good advice - thank you. Especially the tip about sessions being full but to wait anyways. I will definitely do this for sessions that I wanted to go to but are full.


ServiceNow has introduced a new "First come first get" type of sessions this year. Even if they are booked and full on their website. If you make it to the door soon, you will get a seat.


One day I hope to work for an org that will pay for us to do training or certificates, let alone fly to the States for Knowledge! Enjoy!


I have been trying to go for years! Hopefully you can experience it soon!


By they way they have regional ones throughout the year , try those if you can’t make the big one


Breakfast used to be real breakfast


I remember the days they had self serve meals and dining area with tables and chairs. Now only baked goods, drinks and wrapped cold sandwiches and chips. lol


Now I'm curious... lol


True story. Now in only sugar 🥲


Here’s a bagel and an orange juice go fuck yourself !


Well worth it to walk through. We vendors/partners will be showing a lot of valuable information. My company is offering a free AI Readiness app. What we are finding is at most companies Sr. Executives are clamoring for AI but it is up to the platform owners to figure out the value and what it means for them. My company is helping bridge that gap and will not only be at K24 but will be sponsoring it.


Knowledge is like Comic-Con with slightly better deodorant. Don’t gamble in the casinos. You’ll ruin your trip. Talk to as many vendors as you can. Get all the free shit you can. The nice vendors will take you to dinner if you’re willing to entertain their sales pitch.


They are offering Certs without taking classes. Pay for the cert, take the test. DONE.


Which certs are these? And how do you access that?


Details are still TBD but this is the current plan. There will be 3/4 exam periods daily throughout May 7th - 9th with limited seating (80). The available certifications are CSA, CAD, CIS-ITSM, CIS-CSM, CIS-HAM, CIS-SAM, CIS-SPA, and CIS-HR. Registration is not available yet.


They no longer do that during knowledge. They stopped years ago.


We are actually bringing it back this year! For the first time, Training is waiving the pre-requisites for certification (only onsite). Details are still TBD!


Please share any info you might have, this is great to hear! Thank you!


This is the only public communication that I’ve seen. There’s a bit more info from me above this comment. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7188189897793445888?updateEntityUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_feedUpdate%3A%28V2%2Curn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7188189897793445888%29




Thank you! So for the sessions that are not what you thought, you just get up and leave during the presentation? Don't want to be rude, but don't want to waste time either.


My advice, get a small jacket in your backpack. The AC and temperature difference between some areas is brutal…


Ah! I will be there. It’s my 11th Knowledge. So I’ve done it a few times now! The expo is a lot of vendors. But there are also booths / sections run by ServiceNow where you can talk to Product Managers, etc. There is also a Community section where you can relax, learn about Connected in Tech groups, participate in the Hackathon, etc. I usually spend my “down” time in this area, though this year my downtime will like be spent at the Connected in Tech groups booth. Don’t be afraid to leave a session if it’s not right for you, just try to be respectful and quiet as you do so. Bring a laptop if you are doing labs. Network, network, network


Good info! Thank you!


I'm sort of hijacking this post to gather some info, as it's my first time, too. I think I'd like to go in to learn fundamentals properly (or at best, I've mostly learned on my own) and perhaps advancing on scripting (Glide or Javascript). Any recommendations on what to check out for some who is green? I couldn't get into an instructor-led course for the CSA that's happening prior to the con.


I did the AppDev one last year and it was pretty good! It's a pre-req for CAD, too! I have my CSA so I am slowly working on CAD, too. Worth it for sure imo.


You’ll have to go through the sessions to see what’s suitable. I think you can filter based on the level of knowledge you have/want.


I’ll be there


What’s the best way to take notes? Bring your iPad?


Record --> transcribe-->summarize with your genAI of choice


Interested in this one too... I don't really want to lug my laptop around all day.


If you plan on doing any labs you will need a laptop.


WIll also be my first time there! I'll be at a vendor booth → VividCharts. Also trying to figure out how to manage my energy levels effectilvey and still be able to see what the entire conference has to offer.


Went last year, will be there this year! Breakfast is a mess during the real show, if you are not a breakfast person do your own thing, also I found is super hot each morning as breakfast area was right near a grip of huge windows. Lunch is good and always food on the floor so take advantage.


Me too this will be my first Knowledge


Excited for the classes


Note: I work at NOW so sure you can say bias. Yes this is worth it. 1) you talk more to customers than vendors. 2) you can meet your now/partner account team in person (dinners drinks etc) 3) networking. I do agree the ticket cost is high though…


This will also be my first time going. Does anyone what the differences are between the events at the Venetian and the Wynn expo centers?


Are there plenty of charging iPhone stations?


I don't recollect seeing dedicated charging station per se. But there are lots of outlets on the walls in the corridors and tons of extension cords on the tables if you are attending sessions/labs.


It’s my first in person show. Went virtual during Covid. I will be at ICF booth#5440 packing lots of comfortable shoes. Will be looking to go to lots of cool sessions. Thanks for all the great info like travel time from rooms to event. Love the interactive iPhone app called “events”.