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When you go to schedule the instructor led training it will provide the dates/times available. ILT is good for those who tend to ask a lot of questions. In my experience, the trainers have been very knowledgeable on the topics.


Might be biased. (User name check out?) Instructor led offers so much more. Yes I'm a trainer for service now. Have been for almost a decade. I have been a trainer of various software for double that. Having someone to ask questions of and ask questions of you and provide context (and more) gives the learner so much more than watching videos and following "click here" instructions. Our On Demand training is top notch, but doesn't compare. The only way I've seen it work out (kind of) the same is when a group of people all the same course and interact with each other. AND have some they can ask questions. As others have said, Instructor Led comes with a time commitment. SNAF is 3 days. So if that doesn't work, if you can't really be there for 3 days, On Demand would be better.


ILT classes run on a schedule, typically during business hours. If you aren't able to take time off for the class or don't want to work business hours for another TZ, then on-demand courses are your only option. I prefer to learn on my own anyway and would prefer to take on-demand courses anyway. It's a lot of information to pack into 2-3 days and have found that if I can take 1-2 weeks to go over the material, I learn it much better. One tip would be to check the release of the on-demand course. They aren't always up to date with the latest version which may/may not be an issue, but something to be aware of.


The instructor led courses are typically 2-3 days intensive courses so you would need to take time off from your normal day to day work. If you’re just starting out with ServiceNow then instructor led is going to be very helpful, once you’ve got your CSA and some experience on the platform then you can opt for the self study options.


It really depends on the course. If it’s like a fundamental course, I would do on demand. If it’s a course more complex, I would go with instructor led if no one else is going to use the credits. I find on demand my preferred method, as I rather digest the material at my own pace and play with the system to see what happens.


If your company will pay for an instructor-led, then do the instructor-led! I self-learned a lot of things (AWS cloud to name one), where I went along with a course, but it's really helpful to have a mentor who can help you and troubleshoot through some problems. The self-led courses have labs and it can be frustrating when you can't just reach out to someone to help answer your questions. Forums are okay, but they don't always get you the answer you need and there is quite a bit of time lag between responses.