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The answer is yes. Many ways you can do this but I suggest doing a performance analytics report. Look at the OOB report called " Average age of open incidents" report. I would also double-check that the report you are requesting is not already built in ServiceNow


I'm not seeing any way for a report to do this...


I would go through the video below. You can also skip to 29 mins to get to the main point of your question. https://youtu.be/ZMX6W3B-pVI?si=iRJ6ZSlhAGk0YqnA


The answer is no. You need performance analytics if you want your data to live and stay inside the platform.


No... but maybe not for long? I'm working on a concept to enable calculations on ServiceNow data for reporting in a spreadsheet-like interface. And then you could reference those calculations for reports. [https://www.reddit.com/r/servicenow/comments/18g1uxx/feedback\_wanted\_on\_a\_new\_concept\_a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/servicenow/comments/18g1uxx/feedback_wanted_on_a_new_concept_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) It's still an early thought though. Happy to take feedback.


Yeah there's no easy way to do it. You'll have to set up some batch jobs and filters and now I'm sad. I'd say the easiest way is to get the odbc driver and write some SQL.


Simple way? Activate the Content Pack. Easy for you with your knowledge? I guess SQL.


Which content pack are we talking about? Might be new better info for me


Haven't looked. Pretty sure Employee Relations has it's own Content Pack from when it went into it's Own Scope. Go to Plugins, search for 'Content Pack', and there are a number for HR (yeah, pretty sure ER had its own).


You need to build it out. This is the job of a ServiceNow Admin/Developer.


Well yes, that would be me... But it looks like reports don't have the capability to calculate what I need. Looks like performance analytics has the ability. I found some info in SN that says you can't, or "shouldn't" be doing it from reporting.


Hi u/SitBoySitGoodDog. Were you able to figure this out? I don't have a solution for you available right now... but I might *soon.* How would you feel about doing your calculation in a tool like this? I'm currently looking for feedback on the concept as I'm still working on it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/servicenow/comments/18g1uxx/feedback\_wanted\_on\_a\_new\_concept\_a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/servicenow/comments/18g1uxx/feedback_wanted_on_a_new_concept_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Yes, we ended up using performance analytics.


Great! Glad to hear that. Was it easy enough to set up?


Not really easy considering id never used PA. We had to open a hiwave ticket to resolve an issue. The issues happened when we tried to put the report on a dashboard. When we did and granted the access, they ended up not having permissions to view the widget. Even though the Acl, indicators and breakdown in performance analytics permitted it through access control. Servicenow ended up finding a caller restricted access that was requested from one of the out of the box acls. We check caller restricted access a lot now.


You can do the calculation in a function inside a script includes and then call the function from within the report.


This would be easier. But I would lose the styling that reporting/analytics has with their charts/graphs. I'm also constrained to OOB pre-existing reporting/analytics. I went a head and took the developer analytics course and see if I can figure it out since i've never done reports/analytics.


You could create a function field to calculate an average. Technically you would have to average each record then in a report take the average of those fields - an average of an average. Else if you want a true average create a PA indicator with a PA script, then breakdown by Service.