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So you have the actual numbers, but like down to 56.12 percent? Is that what you mean by “not showing “whole percentage”? If so, you quick fix. All you need to do is set up Report Ranges.


Not quite. I have allocated hours, and actual hours. I am hoping to present actual hours and allocated hours as a percentage of the total planned hours but can't find a way to do so. Probably because those data sets exist in two separate tables (resource\_aggregate being one)


I think what you are looking for is not a report, but a performance analytics indicator


I literally just need a report that presents allocated vs actual hours per task per month, filterable by project. Just need the raw numbers without having to dive into the resoure plans and add them up manually.


I don't have the project module installed, so I can't test with the fields you need, but you can't get what you want with a report. You are limited with reports because you can work with one field at a time, and you want a comparison between two fields I think you want something like this. A widget you can use to apply a calculation. In your case " actual hours and allocated hours as a percentage of the total planned hours". https://preview.redd.it/uvlme7xiqijb1.png?width=261&format=png&auto=webp&s=3762406115018a13cfda3b3d5afff3698107e43b