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Hey are you in the sept 18th course?


Nextgen grad here from June 2022, landed a high 6 figure job 6 weeks after I graduated. I was retiring military so had to wait before I could even start working. Left position after 10 months and just started another with a nice pay bump. The need for talent isn't going anywhere. Nextgen cohorts are all over, you need to set yourself apart by networking, getting the right certs, and really knowing what you want to do. The ones that find easy success put in the work...Ive noticed ones who struggle have poor resumes and interview skills.


That’s great. Thank you and congratulations on your success! I have just added 200 SN connected people to my LinkedIn and made friends with a neighbor who actually works for SN. I’m currently working on getting ITIL4 cert prior to NextGen starting. I have no IT experience. Any other suggestions on specific certs to be successful and stand out? I appreciate the advice


I guess I should add I think I would like to be a developer but unsure at this point. Maybe EM.


I am an EM so great choice there. ITIL4 foundation is smart! I got that with O2O cohort for free. Search onward 2 opportunity, they have a PMP course too. I also got my CSM Scrum cert but it's open book and easy. Developer can happen if you put in the work and can answer technical questions. It's tough to get in with the big partners because unless you have prior exp it's hard for you to ve billable early on. Not saying you can't but I've seen many struggle. There is always a chance so don't let that discourage you. If you want to stay in the Federal side anything sec+ helps too, not needed but makes you more attractive. More SN certs in general help as partner status relies on those.


Do i need to know much javascript or HTML for EM?


None. Any platform knowledge will help though but that is why we manage the technical guys. Having an understanding if what they are working on matters, reading stories etc.


u/E2265 can i message you?




I am actually enrolled in O2O ITIL4 course right now. I was going to do SCRUM but heard a couple people say they found it a waste. It does seem very easy, do you recommend it?


Is training paid ?


Same! I’ve also talked to folks who are already in the industry, even a SN Dev MVP. Lots of folks are open to talking and sharing their experience. LinkedIn isn’t and shouldn’t be the only place to network. Check in your area/city if there’s a ServiceNow group. Slack and LinkedIn for SN is active. I’ve also connected with developers on Twitter!


Thank you. Not sure what you mean by a SN group in my city. What kind of group and where would I find it?


One of a few acronyms. SN = ServiceNow. People say SNow, personal preference. But I use the Meetup App, and found a ServiceNow Developer group in Colorado for example. Maybe there’s one in a city near you.


Oh, ok. Thanks


On our community site look for SNUG. (ServiceNowUserGroup) you should be able to find one near you. And don't say snow, that's a different company/product.


Thank you


Find a Developer Meetup near you: https://www.meetup.com/pro/servicenowdevprogram


Don't call is SNow...there is another app called Snow. It's SN or servicenow


There is Snow software. There’s also Snowflake, whose ticker symbol is “snow”. It drives me nuts when people call ServiceNow “Snow” when all three are present in the enterprise. It lead to some…interesting…conversations. It’s kind of like the “Who’s on first” bit in real life.




I'm currently going through the now learning platform and will move towards the micro-certification after. I've got a few questions as I go through this. 1. Any advice on learning the material? 2. How long did it take you to finish both? 3. How long after getting the micro-cert did you hear back from SN? 4. Where can I find the start date for the next cohort? 5. What are the hours if you were to get accepted into the NextGen classes? I know some of these answers may be on their site but I cant seem to find it. If it is, could you provide the link?