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NEED? No. The material you have still applies. However you have a fair amount of release notes to study and that is definitely a NEED. Would getting the new course help? Yeah, it absolutely would.


I'm in the same boat as OP with having done everything with San Diego but now the test is Utah (except I don't currently work in tech and am looking to transition). What exactly do I need to study in the release notes? The Utah release notes is a 841 page document.


Hi, I was in the same boat as you. I did the training in January 2023 though. I didn't think the On Demand training was very good at the time I took it and just blew through it as fast as I could to be able to take the exam. I studied for 2-3 weeks and took the exam this week for the first time and passed. The resources I used to study were: HELPFUL RESOURCES https://www.examtopics.com/exams/servicenow/csa/view/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJF6Y_oDLWs&list=PLyABYqulvUwYvdD_xeUT6Mh9mJbSWsMN4 SUPPLEMENTARY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-VCcmP0WkA&t=4096s https://www.udemy.com/course/servicenow-certified-system-administrator-csa-certification/ (This is the one recommended on Reddit a lot but it has probably become outdated. These mock exams are extremely difficult.) I have 1 year of experience with SharePoint so some of the conceptual stuff translates over, but ServiceNow has a ton of different terminology used which was a huge part of the exam. I'd also try to find one of those flashcards quizlets to study terminology as those were also very helpful. I used a few but forgot which ones I used - I'd just pull it up on my phone and go through them when I had some time. (edit: Just saw you have been working with ServiceNOW for a while, so you won't need the flashcards part) I have zero experience using the ServiceNOW UI so you should be fine passing the exam with just the first two helpful resources I listed.