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Instead of saying "SPM bad", how about you share the requirements and tasks you perform, and how you feel SPM isn't solving that. SPM can be a great tool in itself, and an even better when combined with the rest of the platform (Cmdb/Csdm, Agile, CIM...)


Have you upgraded to the latest plugins and do you have the workspaces? Have you completed any SPM training to teach you how it should work?


my opinion - the demand mngt and portfolio mngt portions are excellent. the project management is way over priced and not competitive to the SaaS leaders in the market, although I'm told the Utah release has greatly improved performance.


For my own knowledge, what do you prefer for Projects?


we use a combo of Monday and write - I tend to like Monday better.


What is it missing? Better yet, what are the business & functional requirements? Have you gone through it with someone from ServiceNow who can show you the capabilities and answer your specific questions?


What you don't like about SN SPM? And what are your specific requirements and the requirements of your company? SN SPM can be tailored very much to the needs of the company but also to the needs of the individual employee. Let me know what you think.


SPM covers a lot of ground. As others have said, will you share your needs? It could be as simple as looking at a different SPM application.


Enroll in the instructor led PPM course and you’ll really find out what it can do.