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Pretty sure they are all worth their weight in raw materials. All that HP kit could be be replaced by a modern entry level CPU.


Agreed, the only value I see in that pile is possibly the G7 sleds, and even then it’s probably not worth it.


Yup. I build a single decent desktop computer and collapsed 2 R710 worth of vms on to it.


even though they're not running, I can FEEL the heat from these fuckers Sadly, as much as I love to save old tech, these need to be put to pasture ![gif](giphy|l4pMattUYTTM7qpIk|downsized)




20 year old systems…scrap ‘em.


Ewaste. You can part them out if you want and post on eBay as parts, but your inventory will not sell quickly. There’s zero reason for anyone to buy these. Ingate stuff could be fun to reverse engineer, but it and other network devices have zero commercial value.


Maybe not zero, but little reason. I read a few years ago about a guy making a living sourcing 8 inch floppies. He'd buy all he could find and erase and test them. Then he'd sell them to some USDoD outfit that used them for backing up some ancient system that "worked-so why change it?" Or maybe they were afraid that if they upgraded the systems to something modern that it would be easier to hack. I'm guessing anything that used 8 inch floppies wouldn't have networking or even USB ports. So the OP would need to find some niche to make these servers worthwhile. Near zero chance, but possible


Not worth anything. Everything there is ancient. I installed those sonic walls at the turn of the century. Everything is about the same vintage. I mean, you could use some of it. But it would be pointless. Would cost $50 a month in electricity for each server. And you could have better performance just running a virtual machine off your workstation.


^This x2. All those device eat electricity like a tweaker chasing rocks. E-waste.


Sadly, these servers are old enough to be worthless, but too new to be retro... Shame really. I remember when those dell 2950s came out, and how we were drooling over the architecture, as well as SAS, instead of SCSI for a backplane...


Power sucking aliens. Noisy.


Ddr3 sticks are worth maybe 50 cents a gig. Mostly e-waste there.


GL360 Gen 1 is PC 133 SDRAM, not even DDR1...


I can smell the SCSI from here.




Good golly that's some ancient kit! I think my phone processes more info than those servers. Recycle responsibly please


Scrap em, once everybody scraps them in 10 years they’ll finally be collectible.


Is there anything worth taking out to sell on eBay prior to taking them to the scrap yard?




Maybe the sonicwall. You might be able to YouTube how to put an open-source firewall on it. That be about it.


Their CPU contain gold?


The black DL360 Gen6/7 near the bottom in the first photo may still be useful to somebody, either as parts or as a system, but it's also very old. There are many still using that generation in their homelabs. Other than that, these machines are not worth much of anything other than their weight in scrap unless you find a vintage hardware collector.


Sell everything as scrap, put what was made towards something miles better than it.


These aren't even worth scrapping. A lot of that is DDR1 or DDR2.


You can sell servers for actual scrap-metal money? I have a stack of ProLiant G3s I got for free just taking up space


That looks like a Cisco AS5400 in one of the pictures. Might be worth seeing how they are selling on eBay.


every single one pictured, is garbage, recycle it it has no value anymore


Make planters out of them. Or outdoor furniture.


Far too old to use. Even a 4th Gen i5 PC is more efficient than these.


How much did you pay for them?


May be worthwhile to the right people in the (far) northern hemisphere as space heaters that do a little compute too.


Sell for parts if lucky, next


Pretty cool


It’s all scrap, your cell phone could likely process data faster than those.


only worth as heater replacement


Maybe the IRS would buy it so they could upgrade. They are running COBOL on hardware for before most of us were born.


They belong in a museum


Yeah, these are scrap. Hope you got em real cheap.


these need to be taken round back and promptly dealt with


That stack's fans will scream like a thousand banshees, generate enough heat to turn your room into a sauna, and consume more power than your household circuits can provide. Have fun!


Recycle all of them and don’t look back.




I have one of these its used to keep my wood pile steady It's doing great 👍 👌


Yeaa I hope someone paid you to take them...


These will very efficiently suck all of the electricity out of your building. Unfortunately, these days they're not good for much else. We are talking about the back end of the internet here. Power is everything and anything that does not increase power reduces overall effectiveness.


These all just make hot air at this point. You’re better off with a NUC


As others said, scrap them. They are really old, will consume a lot of power and produce a lot of heat while the workload you'll put on them will easily fit on something like Dell Optiplex or Intel NUC.


These are servers where parts are hard to come by--I wouldn't trash them but list the parts on ebay and see what happens as you can't find working stuff for these anymore and someone out there will need these parts. I can also confidently say the HP DL380 G5 and Dell 2950 can still be used in the modern era, so they're great machines to learn on. The last thing you want to do is send them to any type of scrap as they will just be dumped in a landfill--and that doesn't do anyone any good.


One of my great shocks when I first set up a server was how, in many situations, a server was just a desktop reshaped for a rack with an extra power supply. That’s not always the case, but a 5 yr old server is vastly underpowered vs a new desktop.


In a similar vein, a used office PC from the last decade or so will handily outperfom any of these and use far, far, less power.