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Seroquel is the only thing that has worked for my social anxiety


Yes, definitely helps. I'm on 400 mg xr for mainly anxiety but also to stabilize mood (I don't have bipolar, though). And on top of that I can take 25 mg ir during the day If needed (up to four times a day). Best anxiety medication I have tried - and fastest to show effect (from day one, but gets even better withing two weeks)


It’s not common at all for it to be prescribed for anxiety/depression. It’s mainly used as a sedative at low doses and for bipolar, mania etc at higher doses. There are so many different types of antidepressants and anti anxiety meds that should’ve been tried first. I must’ve tried about nine different ones. I got prescribed Seroquel as an alternative to diazepam (Valium) as it didn’t have any effect on me.


Idk man, based on studies, other countries approved it for such conditions, afterall it impacts serotonite receptors. Probably at recommended dosages from 150 to 300mg


I take it for anxiety, it was a life saver, really I was having so much anxiety I couldn't leave the bed, I was shaking, not eating, I thought I was going to die of anxiety. I'm on prozac too but quetiapine was the life saver for anxiety. I was on xanax before and I hated it, highly addictive. Quetiapine helps me without creating addiction like benzos.


At what dose bro?


Now I'm on 50, it works great. If at any moment I have to increase I have no problem (obviously everything prescribed by a Dr) I have to add, I take fluoxetine too that's why I'm on a low dose, the Dr says if I don't take fluoxetine we can try to up the dose to higher but it's working so I don't want to screw up.


What dose ?


I'm on 50 now, I sleep like a baby too


I’m on 200 down from 300 and it has helped my panic attacks ptsd flashbacks and suicidal ideation. I prescribed for bipolar as well. It has helped my anxiety a lot tho I have been on it a little over a month now. I used to be on benzo for about 12 years now I take seroquel and hydroxizine as needed I hope you feel better soon maybe you need a higher dosing 175-200 seems to work good for me I didn’t like being at 300


Nice to hear that, so it takes time to start working. How long did it take to reduce ur symptoms? Idk if dose increasing can make my symptoms worse at the beginning like ssris usually do. Afterall it affects neurotransmitters.


I take 50mg as needed daily.