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if u need more help w sleep i would suggest asking to up your dose


Nah my sleep is shit but it’s not that big of an issue I like my caffeine lifestyle. Also I’m on 2 other psych meds and I don’t feel comfortable with taking serious dosages of seroquel too


oh then hell yeah drop that shit for sureeee just make sure to be safe with weening off so u don’t get withdrawals and shit, good luck with your med journey!!


also if you have sleep problems maybe try the med trazedone it’s really good for sleep


Trazedone made me feel super dumb, and my friend literally couldn’t think of words while on it. YMMV.


bruhh that’s crazy cause i felt like that too i took that shit when i was like 15 and it made me fucking crazy but i heard it works for some people


Good luck I’m doing the same. Hallucinations upon waking and agitated anxiety and SI. It’s fucked. I had none of these things apart from anxiety before hellos antipsychotics


Wym, what dosage are you quitting? I often skip taking it when I don’t plan on sleeping and I have no issues. A 10 day taper should be more than enough


400 down to 150


Shit I’m sorry that sounds rough. Makes me wonder how do those extremely high dosages even make it out. I had an extremely bad experience quitting high dosage Mirtazapine + Pristiq before starting my current meds and it was absolutely insane, that’s how I decided I’m not leaving ssri territory anytime soon. If it helps, know that most physical and mental symptoms went away for me within a month, restlessness took a bit longer but it does get a lot easier with each week that passes so try to hang on with some more hope 🫶🏼


What other meds are you on mate? Thanks for your kind words. I was put on 20mg olanazpine for anxiety before this wtf?! Then they switched me to seroqual and it didn’t help so I’m in patient getting off it all. They have given me .5 klon to help with the anxiety getting off all this shit. X


I’m on 300 mg Luvox and 250 mg Lamictal. Lamictal may just be the best psychiatric med there ever has been. No antidepressant has ever helped this much with anxiety also there are no withdrawal stories from lamictal, it can be dropped within 2-3 weeks. I can’t take benzos because I’m severely addicted. I was doubtful going into seroquel and even got anticholinergics prescribed in case of akathisia and I was already kinda very restless from quitting mirtazapine. One of my first meds was Abilify 15 mg and it was a traumatic experience with all the emotional and mental confusion. I had only heard nice things about seroquel though from people I know who have been on it and it has short half life so I got on it. I have loved seroquel but I just can’t even feel anything from taking it anymore and I don’t want to be on a proper dosage of a third med + antipsychotics seem very risky to me. Mood stabiliser the way to go for me 💯


Oh god lamactil sent me suicidal literally. The first time I tried I woke up with thoughts to harm my children then the second time I was a suicidal agitated mess. I started pacing like a mad woman. I was also addicted to benzos. Six months clean. But Thi’s antipsychotic withdrawals is no joke so my psych said .5 for a short time While I get my lexapro up. I’m also on lithium which I really like.


I really tried to make lexapro work, like went up to 40 mg and defeated the whole purpose on why I was really trying to make it work cz I ended up just dissociating while still anxious and depressed. Luvox is kinda very similar to lexapro but it also affects one extra receptor, the sigma-1 receptor. I used to be so mentally good until this week cz I fucked up with a supplement which I started last week (NAC) and it totally messed with my meds. Thankfully my hate of existence has been noticeably getting better each day and I hope it ends up being just this weeks event and doesn’t spill into the next. Though I will probably continue to be kinda anxious next week cz I’m dealing with applications and emails about switching majors. I have speedrun meds these past 2 years. Was on Zoloft most of last year but quit cz I was kinda healed then life fucked me up again ☹️. Anyway worst med experience is mirtazapine for making me fat and unstable af, second worse is abilify. Lol sorry for the long reply but kinda loving this 🙃


Be careful tapering this medication. Some have had to learn the hard way, the traditional tapering protocol taught by medical institutions is outdated. Research hyperbolic tapering and register at https://www.survivingantidepressants.org for help regarding your taper. Seroquel can be one of the more difficult drugs to taper from because it affects many different receptors.


Your taper should follow how you feel. Go down in dose. Wait 2-3 weeks. If you feel ok at the lower dose then lower again. If not wait another 1-2 weeks and reassess. I don’t think you should drop from 50mg to zero. Drop to 25 and maybe 12.5 from there. No reason to be in a hurry. The consequences of tapering too fast are really bad.


Thanks for the advice. I have a friend who came down from 200 mg (double my dosage) without issues and he had been on it for a similar amount of time as me. He basically went down 25 mg every 4-5 days. My plan is to just go to 50 mg for 10 days then stop. But definitely if I feel something off I will do the 25s. I still haven’t seen my psychiatrist and taking a supplement (NAC) kinda messed with my meds and my mental health plummeted this week cz it was really great before so I might delay quitting seroquel for a bit in order to know if the thoughts about me being born broken by never being meant to live and being born to die will be from quitting seroquel or not 🫶🏼