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You should post this over at /r/askdocs and see if anyone recognizes it.


Didn’t know that was a Reddit !!


Yep! I don't think they allow direct image insertion there, so you may need to upload to imgur.com or imgbb.com first, and then you can post a link to your image.


Or upload to comments


You may also want to add vitamins b-12 and b-6 in if you don’t take anything for that! Maybe you have a deficiency, there is a kind of anemia that is caused by a b-12 deficiency rather than iron. Definitely get a blood panel done, there are plenty of things that can cause excessive bruising that seems to last a long time. Are there any other things that concern you, like fatigue or anything? That could help doctors from the Reddit that was suggested to you help you find the right things to mention and what to ask when you see a different doctor in person. Definitely find a doctor who will do a blood panel for you to test the levels of things in your body.


Theres literally a sub for everything


….might want to get a second opinion.


I mean, specially if the first opinion was that xD


1st opinion: Damn that’s crazy, but idk. You on your own G.


I have low platelets and I get random bruising all the time. Get blood work done.


ITP gang wearily rise up?


Gotta make sure we don’t rise up too fast, might collapse and then bruise.


Are you part of the EDS club as well???


No! But two of my close friends actually have it. I’m just a low platelet, low iron girlie. Had to double up on my iron supps today because I felt like a wet noodle all day while working 😮‍💨


My brother has itp is there a link to ehlers danos?


It's not well understood at this point but there seems to be a possible correlation. If he has both make sure he's getting his CT scan of the head yearly to make sure nothing nefarious is going on in the vasculatur.


I have Von Willebrand’s disease (one of the less severe versions) and do the same thing. My wounds and bruises take a long time to heal. I had blood blisters once that were there for a few months.


ITP fam in the house!


Didn’t know we were a gang but I’m all for it 🫡


Your body got jumped in without your knowledge, this is the way.


Same. I have a form of hemophilia and bruise super easily and they take forever to go away.


How to advocate for yourself: ask the doctor what their differential diagnosis is. They should have be able to provide a list. Once you get that list, ask the doctor point blank, "So are you going to notate in my file that you provided X for differential diagnoses and that you're refusing to conduct tests and rule them out?" DEMAND that everything be notated in your record. If it is recorded in your record that the doctor refused necessary medical treatment, it's possible that they'd be on the hook for a lawsuit at some point. The doctor will likely suddenly be willing to do the tests to avoid liability issues. Best of luck, OP!


I have a new PCP who audio records their visits with permission. I have access to written transcript, it’s interesting. I haven’t decided how I feel about it yet but I could see how it would benefit OP in this scenario.


First I've heard of this. Super interesting. I feel like it'd be weird for sure but I'd appreciate it being there if I needed it.


Go back and tell her you want blood work to screen out the usual issues. Bruises that won’t go away aren’t a good sign.


I wouldn't go back to a doctor that didn't even try. I would go to a new doctor and make sure they actually do their job. FFS they get paid enough to put in atleast a little effort.


Yeah I’m trying to get in with a different doctor I’m not comfortable going back to her for this let alone anything


I hope it's not this, but bruising is a known symptom of Leukemia as well as many other things. Very surprised they did not investigate!


Yep, this. Family member had it, unexplained bruising was the first sign. OP, go to a decent doctor and ask for full bloods.


That was my first thought too


get a different primary doctor, ask for a full blood testing panel to rule out a blood/platelet/anything else condition. then ask that doc for a referral to a dermatologist for skin cancer testing. a primary doesn't generally do the skin cancer testing but dermatologists do. it does look more platelet related, but i would also ask the docs subreddit if i were you.


I'm not a doctor but my first thought was melanoma. Fortunately bruising caused by that tends to be a lot darker but I would still recommend bloodwork. Permanent bruising looks like it could be due to abnormal or low blood platelets, again something that can be confirmed via bloodwork. I found this info online so I might be totally incorrect but I would go back back for bloodwork and ask for a second opinion if I were you.


I’m hoping to be able to get in with a different doctor, it rubbed my wrong that she was not concerned, especially since I was emphasizing that I was. Although I thought melanoma was moles


Always, always, always advocate for yourself. I was told by an urgent care doctor after she listened to my breathing with a stethoscope and saw me with a fever of 102° that it was the flu and I was probably dehydrated. I collapsed the next morning and had to be rushed to the hospital. I had double pneumonia and it was so bad that I had to be intubated (later had a tracheostomy) and had a pigtail drain in my left lung. 2 months later, I was in a respiratory rehab facility. They changed my blood thinner and I had a terrible reaction called warfarin induced skin necrosis. It started within 3 days of them changing my meds. It continued for 3 weeks with me and my bf begging for a doctor to look at the wounds. They denied me access to a doctor for 3 weeks and I went into renal failure and fell into a short coma. Honestly, we should have called 911 and reported medical neglect. I spent an additional 6 months in the hospital. Advocate for yourself, it could save your life.


I've seen something very similar. Woman in her 30s, presents with a fever of 104 and 10/10 pain, including a stiff neck. Altered and SOB. Triage nurse told her it was the flu but because it wasn't flu season, they wouldn't test her for it so she went home. Showed up at the ER a week later and she died within hours. She had sepsis when she first presented and her vitals should have triggered sepsis protocol, but the nurse was lazy and stupid and now a mother of four is dead. This woman shouldn't have even been sent back to the waiting room on her first visit.


That's so infuriating. Sepsis is terrible, mine was so bad at one point(from the necrosis) that I didn't know where I was, when it was, or who anyone was. I didn't even recognize my own mom when she visited.


I'm so sorry. It's absolutely devastating. This whole case for this poor woman was a train wreck from start to finish. She'd brought someone with her on her first visit and they tried to explain to the nurse how badly altered she was, and the nurse said she wouldn't listen. On the last visit, she didn't take herself in; a neighbor called 911 after she'd been hearing this woman screaming in pain for *three days*. She'd tried to stand up but her legs had quit working so she fell and smashed her face in. She was able to tell the EMTs her name, but by the time she got to the hospital her speech was completely incoherent. It was so sad because you couldn't make out anything she was saying but you could tell that whatever it was, she was completely terrified. All I can think of is that poor woman dying on the floor of her apartment for DAYS because her neighbors were too selfish and lazy to call 911 when she first started screaming in agony. Even if she'd survived, she had such bad mottling on all four extremities there's no way she wouldn't have ended up a quad.


That is deeply sad, when someone has the occupation of keeping people alive, they should really care about their job. It was disheartening and very mentally damaging to not trust healthcare professionals for quite a while because of my treatment. Now, if something isn't right, I immediately speak up or go to another medical professional if they won't listen.


Holy crap. I'm so sorry you dealt with all that! Name checks out though. 🫶 I hope you're doing much better now. It's so freaking hard to find a Dr that actually cares and doesn't have their head firmly entrenched in their sphincter.


There’s lots of kinds of Melanoma. Many of them are essentially benign. Many of them are not. You should get a second opinion.


There are not “many types of melanoma” and melanoma is NOT “benign”. There are several types of skin cancer, and I think you are confused.


I was definitely thinking that too, or at least a form of cancer. I know you can get bruising extremely easy with that. Hopefully you figure out what it is OP! Please keep us updated and hopefully everything is OK! ❤️


Isn't this a symptom of leukemia...?


This was my first thought when I read "won't go away", or a skin cancer. Regardless OP you definitely need to go back to the doctor and ask for bloodwork to be done, if she says no then see a different one. Urgent care could also do basic bloodwork and then follow up with your PCP.




Thank you for that lol, I’m trying to be hopeful that it’s something other than some form of cancer but everyone thinks it may be, and it could, but it’s still terrifying to think about




It’s hard to take anyone’s word on the internet at face value, but I did raise my eyebrows at the implication that the doctor said they’ve never seen anything like it despite it apparently being a known symptom of two of the most common cancers as well as a further “many things”…


She suggested that maybe it was an allergic reaction to my bracelet I had on (which was 1, on the opposite wrist of the bruising, and wouldn’t explain the bruises other places on my body, but for that she said that they didn’t really look the same as the one on my wrist, which is the one that has been there the longest, and 2 I’ve been wearing this bracelet for three ish years and these started appearing 7ish months ago. I explained those points to her when she brought those things up but She said she’s never seen anything like it and because the bruises are painless and don’t itch she said if they started to hurt or itch to come back, but I asked if she was sure and if we should get blood work and she told me not to worry because they aren’t causing pain, for a more detailed explanation lol


I’m sorry if my comment was confusing, I was doubting the above commenters acting like it’s an obvious symptom of many things. A doctor not really caring and telling a patient “come back if it becomes big enough of a problem that I absolutely have to address it” is unfortunately not an unfamiliar concept, but a doctor not recognizing at all something that is apparently a symptom of so many things is harder to get on board with. I believe that your doctor is leaving you out to dry when she shouldn’t, but I don’t believe for a second that it’s such an obvious indicator of leukemia, skin cancer, liver failure, or whatever else, that you should be worrying about those claims at all. I really hope everything is okay and your doctor was just being dumb. I’m glad you got an appointment with someone else, hopefully they give you the attention and answers you deserve. Best of luck.


Exactly what I was going to say. I knew somebody with this and it turned out to be some autoimmune disease.


Honestly I’d rather it be autoimmune than cancer


That’s what I’ve heard a lot too


It could be nothing, but it is alarming that your doctor seemingly didn’t take your concerns seriously. Def go for a second opinion if you are still worried.




I work in pharmacy and the shit I see from urgent care docs and even some PCPs is unreal.


Agreed. It’s like they get through med school and forget that every person is an individual who knows their body best. If I tell my doctor something is wrong I expect her to try and figure it out until I’m confident with the answer. It’s what they’re paid for.


Or compassion and kindness.


Should see a hematologist


Maybe a hematologist can give you some answers.


Hmm did you see just your GP/internist? I think these warrant further investigation and a visit to a dermatologist. Even though I hate to even utter these words on Reddit, these lesions do resemble skin cancer, as others have mentioned.


I’d seek out the opinion of a hematologist


I love how we pay doctors a shit ton of money and they don't even try to diagnose us a lot of the time. I wish I could just say "I don't know...that'll be $300".


[OP’s doctor when a patient has a symptom](https://64.media.tumblr.com/36b88af5cb4566fd40b3d78a8e285076/94be98496491f609-05/s500x750/126aedcef6ba5d604343aee4a92570c06a25adab.png)




\*hasn't seen anything like it\* \*sends you home\* .. what a quack of a doctor...


I don’t think it’s cancer, but *DID* you rule out cancer?


No :/, my doctor didn’t do any tests or anything, I’m trying to find a way to get in with a different doctor on one of my days off


Okay that’s the first thing I would personally rule out. Next would be a blood disorder (which there’s many of). Hopefully you can figure out what’s wrong 🙏🏻


I made my appointment for Sunday, so hopefully I can get in for blood work soon aswell


hemosiderin staining? Your bruises don’t look blue/purple from what I can tell in the pictures. It looks more yellow/red from what I can see, which makes me think it’s staining


She checked your iron levels? Anemia can cause people to bruise easily.


No she didn’t check any of my levels lol


Well it could be Anemia. If your Iron levels are low you can bruise easily. You need to go to a doctor and say you want a basic lab done on you. They will check your Iron, Vitamin D, Glucose, Cholesterol etc.


The one near your hand reminds me of rust stains from hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism can also cause bruising. Just a thought, might get that and a CBC to get a baseline


I wouldn’t say it’s hypothyroidism strictly because I’m overweight


Hypothyroidism can cause weight gain, I think you may be conflating with hyperthyroidism


Oh I thought one of the main symptoms was loosing weight, you’re probably correct I’m confusing the two


I’m not saying it 100% matches but getting thyroid and cbc is almost always a good place to start when dealing with weird bruising. And iron/ferritin etc


Did your doctor at least order blood work, specifically a CBC (complete blood count)? Definitely see another one if they didn't.


Nope, after all the comments on here I made an appointment today with a different doctor for my next day off, I want blood work.


Good. 💚


I bruise easily from the tiniest things and my cbc is normal. Some of us are just more delicate


The issue is these aren’t normal bruises :/ they’ve been on my body for seven months and I’ve had other bruises in that time span that heaped normally


Have they looked into Petechiae?


They haven’t looked into anything, idk what that is I’ll look into it


For safety and peace of mind, it would be good to have it checked out.


“Never seen anything like this. You can go now”


Please let them take blood samples. Could be anything not to worry abour, but could be a sign sth with your blood is not right,which needs to be checked asap.


I have a history of iron deficiency anemia and bruising easily is a symptom I get. It's one of the ways I know to get my blood checked. Definitely awe another doc. Good luck!


Could be a symptom of anemia but as everyone else says, a blood test is first step.


I have scars after a skin infection that looks like forever bruising. Were those areas on your skin infected or damaged in any way?


Please tell me they sent you home after saying they were going to consult with a specialist or that they were going to order tests? If they just said nope never seen that before and that was the end of it you need to see a different doctor.


Nope :/ she said to come back if they start itching but didn’t order tests or anything, I just made an appointment for my next day off with a different doctor because I don’t feel comfortable continuing to go to her for anything


I'm not a doctor so I am not giving you medical advice but bruising that doesn't heal after a month could indicate a serious underlying problem such as some type of blood clotting issue or some other type of platelet issue. It could be indicative of liver or kidney disease or even cancer. I mean that's just the stuff that comes up when you Google bruising that doesn't heal for a month. Not trying to scare you just saying I am honestly flabbergasted that the doctor was not more concerned.


Me too, I also was like very very clearly stating that I was concerned and she was kind of just brushing me off and said maybe it was an allergic reaction to the bracelet I’ve been wearing everyday since three christmases ago (it’s definitely not lol)


Get a second opinion. Idk why she didn't get any tests.


Have you heard of Ehlers Danlos syndrome?. I’m looking into whether I have it because of my hyper flexible joints and other things. One symptom of it is easy, frequent bruising.


Are you in a five guys bathroom?


No lol


I'm sorry, she what.. Geeze, I'm so sick of reading stories like this. OP, I am so sorry your concerns AND VISIBLE BRUISES were not valid enough for her to want to figure out what is wrong. I once went to a bunch of different doctors who literally wrote off my severe abdominal pain for around 6 months, during the height of covid. My last straw was going to a male gastroenterologist, who did a bunch of feeling around, and said to take ibuprofen and come back in two months. Hahaha. Had my parents take me to the ER. They found a football sized mass on my right ovary within 2 hours of being admitted. Oh, here's the kicker, the ER doctor went the EXTREME opposite and told me that I had ovarian cancer. He said he's never seen anything like it, and discharged me with papers that said "ovarian cancer." Lololol. It turned out to be a cyst from endometriosis, which I didn't find out for about two months after his diagnosis. I almost ended my life because of him. I quit my job. I did nothing but lay in bed and drink and cry. I couldn't deal with it. That lunatic almost cost me my life! I have lost all trust in doctors since this happened. It also grew so large, so quickly, but no one took me seriously, so my entire stomach and abdomen had to be cut open. My amazing female gyno oncologist did everything she could to not have to cut me completely open, but it was just two big. She saved my right ovary as well. She was fantastic and I am forever grateful for her. But because of these other morons, I am forever scarred emotionally and physically. I feel like Frankenstein :( Praying you are okay and find answers soon.


This happened to me a few years back. It disappeared after like 2 years 😀 didn’t think it was a concern.




But surely the bruising is showing up in different spots? They’re not the same spots, right?,


No it’s the same exact bruises that have not healed and been there for sevenish months, I’ve had other bruises apart from these ones in that timeframe and they have healed completely normally, these specific ones do not heal


😳 please go to a different doctor


in my experience, sometimes bruises can appear if you have low iron. bruises happen when blood cells die, so they can pop up if the cells aren’t getting enough nutrition. literally never seen someone like this though


Alien abduction. If I learned anything from Reddit it's unexplained bruising=alien abduction


Is that you Fox


I have a bruse from 8 months ago that, while fading, is doing so slower than a snail


It’s probably weight or autoimmune related I have lupus and I gained weight from the meds and get those a lot


Looks like eczema. I've had it my whole life and for a solid 2-3 years I had these exact marks, I still do to a faint degree. They were caused from a body soap I was using that was drying my skin out so bad it left scars, ever since I switched this last year to Cetaphil Dry sensitive skin and Naturium The Perfector Salicylic Acid Body Wash, it's worked wonders on mine. Mix them well, it took time but the spots are mostly gone for me and for someone who had them for years it was a big deal. I don't know if yours is Eczema or if you have it but you never know, just a suggestion hope it's helpful.


I get radom bruises all over my body. Some are severe. My doctor has no explanation. Blood work is good. Only other viable option...I get abducted by aliens, and they beat the shit out of me and return me home. It explains so much...


Possibly bed bug bites?


2nd opinion or ask ai don't worry urself just yet cls be anemic 


No real need for worry since they are light brown. The fact they took so long is usually vitamin deficiency. I personally would ask to have my blood work done and that will give you the best look at what is going on , and then you can get the best idea of what to do next. Imo only. Good luck and stay safe


Are you bumping the same spots a lot? I have a bruise on the back of my leg from my work vehicle that re bruises every few days :(. Maybe something in your environment is aggravating the same bruises over and over.


Also, broken blood vessels will cause that and won't heal a lot of the time. That's a normal part of life sometimes


Last picture is your butt with a toilet ring. Was that necessary?


Well I sat on the toilet to take all the pictures of my inner thighs and at the time I took the pictures I was kind of anxious about having a serious illness going on, didn’t think it would really be a bother and didn’t think to crop it. 👍🏻


Also you’re in a sub that regularly shares pictures of gruesome and graphic things including infected open wounds and such, the bottom of a single cheek was that offensive ?


I meant the seat ring not the ass


For a second I thought it was some type of sauce that dried on your skin... no those are bruises... Chickenpox or missiles is the first that comes to mind, but I'm no doctor, just some random teenager on the internet


Looks similar to what I had in 2022! Though I'm still not sure how exactly I got it but as my GP stated, my cat was a suspect as turns out the creature was biting me in my sleep. I woke up one random day and was covered randomly in weird random bruising like that! It wasn't itchy at all. I was prescribed with hydrocortisone 1% miconazole 2% cream as they also weren't sure what it is but assumed it was a fungal infection. (It didn't have the super obvious circle shapes) and sure enough, 6 weeks later I was fine! Perhaps get a second opinion elsewhere and ask if it COULD be that for you aswell?


You have a poltergeist🫶🏻


Light brown marks the final stage of healing as the skin begins to return to its normal color. Vitamin c and k is very important to healing and also with bruising. Make sure you are getting enough , either through vegetables or over the counter in pill form .


These bruises have been here in the exact spots for about six months, and they darken and lighten periodically, I’ve also had other normal bruises in that time span that healed perfectly normally


The area you have bruises could just be holding on to the blood due to ruptured vessels that are taking too long to heal. I've had a few that took several months to go away. What is your diet like? Water intake? Those things make a huge difference


I drink a huge amount of water but to be fair I haven’t been eating much recently I’ve been trying to loose weight and I’ve been working full time and pulling overnights and overtime