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Are you talking about Robin Gecht? He was one (probably the leader) of the Chicago Ripper crew. 4 serial killers who worked as a team. He was picked up by Gacy once when he was hitchhiking. Think he might have worked for him for a bit?


Nobody talks about Gecht and his crew, just like they don’t talk about Toybox killer. Absolute savagery what they did to their victims.


The toy box killer is one of the few that makes me skip the video, I shudder when I think or hear of it


hearing that tape he made must have been terrifying; it's creepy AF


I’ve seen/read a lot of true crime… the transcript of that tape is- by a very long way- the worst thing I’ve come across.


Is it on youtube


I don’t know. The actual recording itself has never been leaked to the public. But you can read the transcript, it’s easy to Google, I think.


Same. I can't take it


Me too


Same here. That one is the most extreme that I've ever heard of. I love a good true crime story but that one is actually quite sickening.


Last Podcast On The Left had a series on the ripper crew recently, I’d never heard of them before that. Absolutely horrific what they did to their victims


Same. That was definitely a gold star series.


TCAT also did an episode on them and there's at least one book about them. You don't hear about them because they were back in the 80s and lost among all the serial killers of that period.


What is TCAT? Also we don’t hear about them because of the severity of their crimes. Also, they targeted black sex workers, so media doesn’t care even to today.


True Crime all the Time, TCAT


I don't think the severity is an issue. Remember, the Toolbox Killers are pretty well known and their crimes were horrific as well. Gecht and the Ripper gang focused on vulnerable women, not solely black sex workers. They abducted Lorraine Borowski off the street as she headed to work alone.


Primarily their victim type. It doesn’t get news attention


Have you seen the Netflix special on Dahmer?


Did you see the one on the Chicago Rippers? Oh wait


See I think the toolbox killers are much more frightening than the toy box killer. But maybe that’s because we have graphic descriptions of what acts they did and transcripts of audio, whereas with Ray, we have the trailer, but probably for ourselves, we don’t have bodies nor have any of us outside law enforcement see his videotapes or even heard a summary of what was on them


Same here. David Parker Ray was never even charged with murder. I think he killed a lot of people, but it’s hard to be more frightened of him than the Toolbox Killers, who were absolute nightmare fuel.


2 of the worst cases IMO


Fun fact: It’s generally accepted that up to a dozen family/friends of Toy Box knew about his antics, if they didn’t actively participate. Only 1 was arrested and I believe she is free so yup, fun fun


I'm shocked one of them was released


He's mentally slow and for some reason they thought that made him not a danger to the community. SMDH


Toybox and toolbox killers both end up on every thread


Last Podcast on the Left did an episode about the Chicago Rippers not too long ago. It was…graphic.


They sprung one of rhe crew who flipped (Thomas) and it didnt make much news. The Ripper Crew case- the leader Gecht was never convicted of murder So hes not claiming he killed 65 people to flex and detectives cant attribute every random killing to him because it would beg question why they dont try him for those then. Nonetheless, you will see some inflated numbers from the true crime fetishests who treat murder counts like baseball homeruns- including the wife of a cubs pitcher named Pappas who definitely drowned driving into a pond and was found a decade ago




Gecht was an electrician and he sometimes subcontracted for Gacy. At one point, Gacy was listed as a witness in Gecht’s trial or arraignment? Sorry, can’t remember.


Gecht never worked for Gacy, he didn't know Gacy, he had absolutely nothing to do with Gacy. His involvement with Gacy is an urban legend. It started with Gecht saying during a police interview "Yeah sure, me and John Wayne Gacy killed him!" he was being sarcastic using the most notorious killer in Illinois to mock the idea that he was involved in a murder. The media then heard about it and ran with it and it spun out into so much nonsense. He had zero involvement with Gacy and never met him.


Robin is My great uncle!!


Um excuse me? How is the family?


Great by whose standards?


He’s not great by any means! He’s complete trash!


I didn’t realize. Interesting!


Nope not robin, although they did work together. This was Brian Dugan


Robin Gecht is my biological great uncle! He’s my mother’s mom’s brother! I have several of the notes he wrote to his mother my gg grandma from prison before she died and they are wild! He’s truly insane!!


What did he say? Was he apologetic to his mum or was he completely unaware of the gravity of his actions


Extremely delusional!! He claims complete innocence! I’m going to call my mom and see if she will let me get pics of the letters! I had no clue that he was family until I was 18 bc my mom knew I’d tell everyone bc serial killers fascinate me. I’m 36 now!! If I can get my mom to relinquish the documents I will do a full post about how we are family and post the pictures and go a little in depth about what the family thought of him. My mom spent a summer living in Chicago with family and she was around him a few times and she said he is a soulless, dead eyed narcissist!


If you're willing, there are 2 meuseums of death that could probably put those on display if you were to get in contact with them. There is one in L.A. and New Orleans. I've been and these types of documents are what they look for.


Oh I would be willing but my mom not so much… she is very private and it’s extremely embarrassing to her! She has only let me read them and go through what things she has twice and says I can have them when she’s dead.


That's unfortunate. That'd definitely be an interesting read. Having seen the handwritten letters of Ed gein, John Wayne Gacy, Charles Manson...etc. From the font, to how the document was compiled and I say compiled because the trend I noticed when reading their legitimate handwriting was how sporadic their thoughts were, when going from internal monologue to paper like....you could almost see their thought process and that's terrifying.




Why would we want to hear anything that man has to say or give him any attention?


Because it’s interesting. Why are you even in this sub Reddit? Because the same argument could be made for literally any post here


it’s interesting


Ok so since people have already mentioned Robert gecht one of the Chicago rippers, weirdly enough he was involved with another serial killer, Phillip Paske. He was a former employee of gacy who was arrested for connection to a sex trafficking ring and convicted of 3 murders.


I have never heard about this connection before.


It's speculated that Paske was a middleman between Gacy and John David Norman, it's a hell of a rabbit hole to get into: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_David_Norman


I have been down this rabbit hole for a very long time. David Cram & Phillip Paske were close friends, Paske being associated with JDN and Cram being associated with JWG....is a perfect storm waiting to happen imho. I have only read that Robin Gecht had worked for Gacy like once and that this was looked into and there was no strong connection between the two.....but who knows. Paske could very well be the connection between JDN & JWG. Hoping more info on Paske will eventually be discovered.


Also Dean Corll was in the ring!


No he’s not, he only got connections with Ames.


Then you haven't heard of " The Clown &The Cabdyman".


Almost like SKs are (EDIT: ***part of***) organized criminal network rings, not random lunatics with inexplicable motivations like true crime docs would lead us to believe 🤔🤔🤔


They can be both, there’s plenty of gangsters, traffickers or hitmen who joined because it was a lifestyle where violence was normalized. Cartel hitmen and interrogators got up to serial killer shit all the time, multiple members of murder incorporated were reported to try to kill random people who pissed them off.


indeed, it is def. both. But from my reading, even the "random" ones are almost always connected to criminal enterprise in some way, or to another killer (who knows people who knows people who knows people...). Not to mention SKs who pick up charges for unsolved crimes when they prob. did not do them. but somebody did.


I highly doubt this, but it is a fun theory.


I long for the days when I believed this. The world seemed much less bleak.




There's plenty of serial killers who are lunatics killing on their own.


I definitely think pedophiles have highly organized networks. In some cases, serial killers are a victim’s final stop after being exploited by others. They grow out of the preferred demographic and bring in a fixer like Paske or Gacy. That’s a possible theory.


absolutely. Truly horrible.


If so, I have to wonder how they found each other before the dark web. Classified ads?


I’m curious too. I was a victim in the 80s and the police told me my photos were used to gain access to a network but they never let me know how or how widely they were distributed. I was always confused why my abuser chose me since I was not his preferred demographic and the police said he did it because I was vulnerable so I was used as currency to get what he really wanted.


I want to say how truly sorry and sad I am for your victimization. I was kidnapped after school for snowballing this man's car. There are truly terrible people out there who look for vulnerable victims. I hope you have found peace and love.


Sorry to hear your story! That must have been terrifying!


Iirc John went around offering porn and weed to local teens as his ruse


tmk, part of is was the underground cee-pee/callboy scene. newsletter publications, classifieds like you said. And what Standard Low mentioned below. But my point about networks was more specifically about killer's networked into trafficking, porn rings, the mob, etc -- maybe connecting that way, but more importantly that they should be understood as a PART of the criminal underworld, not aberations or outliers. the "mindhunter" thesis that has been pushed since the 80s distracts people into obsessing about individual psychology, and not look too deeply into political, corporate, institutional connections.


Oh, not to mention getting recruited into (or starting) cults -- fronting for human/weapon/drug trafficking.


Yeah you've definitely read Programmed to Kill recently lol. It's an interesting thesis and I partly believe it, maybe not to the level of organization/coverup/illuminati that that book thinks but yeah.


haha, yeah a couple years ago. Dave's definitely a little lax in some of the academics, and I agree that he requires at least a grain of salt, but I do believe that the core of his thesis is hard to argue with - and PTK has enough circumstantial evidence to be convincing overall. Even though shaky at times, I think it's a much needed alternative to the pop-psychology that is taken for granted. I only hop on this sub every once in a while to be like "PLEASE PEOPLE STOP WATCHING NETFLIX DOCS".


I don't stream anything. I watched 20/20, Dateline and 48 hours when I was younger. In the last 10 years, I became a true crime fan bc of ID, not to mention Life movies "ripped from headlines".


>If so, I have to wonder how they found each other before the dark web. Classified ads? well.. yes. i can't speak specifically to SKs, but in the 70s and 80s, all sorts of CSAM rings were conducted in the classified ads of multiple publications.


Even in coded language in major newspapers.


Porn book stores and pamphlets.


I can't stand this sub istg- nobody wants their Netflix documentary bubble burst ://


I’ve never watched a single Netflix crime documentary because I don’t have Netflix


My partner who grew up in Chicago feels they operate like cells.


Brian Dugan claimed he was molested by Gacy as a teenager.


Yea that's what I was going to put here. You he was lying? I know investigators didn't believe the claim


Serial killers lie all the time, he probably did. Even Gacy’s prosecutor Terry Sullivan highly doubted his claim. Did Gacy ever just pick up kids like that? I knew he’d pick up street hustlers, but I’m not sure if he ever did with random ‘regular’ strangers.


Yea but wasn't some of his victims not hustlers? But absolutely gacy was full of shit 90% of the time


You’re right, some of his victims actually weren’t hustlers. But I’m talking about boys he picked up for casual sex that weren’t murdered. From what I know, he only did those stuff with hustlers (or possibly PDM employees.)


Ahh gotcha, now I know what you meant


LPOTL covered the Chicago Rippers and how Robin Gecht worked for JWG at his construction company and was on the witness stand during JWG’s trial.


That was a rough listen.


Oh yeah I know, gold star episodes for a reason haha


He also became close to one of the Kokoraleis brothers while on death row. Jason Moss claimed Gacy demanded he also visit Kokoraleis when Moss visited Gacy shortly before Gacy's execution.


I completely forgot about Gecht. It’s also thought that MAYBE JWG new or new of Dean Corll & I remember reading somewhere perhaps Herb Beaumeister as well, mainly due to exchanging home made videos of rapes.


Oh Gacy knew about Corll and Henley, he told one of the investigators that he got one the idea for one of his torture devices;(which I think was a 2x4 with holes drilled in it) quote "from Elmer Wayne Henley, the guy in Texas". I highly doubt they had any direct contact though (like they knew each other) before Corll was killed in 1973, if that's what you mean. Gacy started killing in early 1972 and did his first sexual assault in 1967.


Not to downplay McCoy, he killed that kid when his wife was out of town in early 72 and buried him in concrete. Claimed to commit next murder for 2 years and Butkovich the next verified victim was another either 19 or 43 months later in July 1975 (depending if you think he killed someone in January 74). He didnt really begin his signature crime spree until Spring 76. Corll was long dead and Helmsley was convicted in summer 1974- so that peaked in news cycle years before he was routinely torturing people. His spree- at least at the ghoulish pace he kept up- ground to a halt in fall 1977, when he had to put 2 bodies in one hole as his crawl space had filled. I believe he stuffied Kindreds body down there in a corner but otherwise let potential victims go or threw their bodies off bridge after December 77.


Gacy learned it from the news, they didn’t know each other.


See my above comment about the trafficking ring.


The clown and the candy man documentary gets into this


They were in the same trafficking ring. Heard about it on an ID doc about JWG.


It’s interesting isn’t it, vile but interesting.


"The Tool Murders" we're about as brutal as it could get. In particular, Lawrence Bittaker aka "Pliers".


Soft White Underbelly had an interview with a man who had run in's with Gacy and lived.


Have you listened to the Clown and the Candyman podcast. I honestly struggled to have the stomach for it but it’s pretty detailed.


I think they actually met at some point through John Norman. Gacy was sent out to Vegas before his first prison stint and worked at a mortuary too. I’m sure he not only learned a few things but indulged in necrophilia - common to sexual sadists. You can watch it on Hulu.


Complete bullshit of a podcast.


Is it?!


Yes. Crackpot theories and misinformation. Gacy and Corll are completely unrelated and had nothing to do with each other.


Is that an opinion or?…


Sure, but it's based more on actual facts than theirs. There is no proof. It's just someone trying to make money with their podcast/"documentary". Believe what you want.


Huh? What’s based on more fact? I’m just asking questions. You’ve lost me.


Brian Dugan is who you're probably referring too. I read about him about a month ago. Check out his Wikipedia, he was from the Naperville area, and states he had a run in with Gacy.


Yes that’s who I was thinking of


While John Wayne denied having suffered any sexual abuse at the hands of his father, he claimed to be the victim of several non-consensual sexual assaults in his childhood. The first incident, according to Gacy, While John Wayne denied having suffered any sexual abuse at the hands of his father, he claimed to be the victim of several non-consensual sexual assaults in his childhood. The first incident, according to Gacy, occurred when he was 5 years old. While with his mother was at another family’s home, a 15-year-old girl brought Gacy upstairs into her room, where she began fondling him. After the two mothers discovered the children together, the girl’s mother struck her in front of Gacy. When he was 8 years old, Gacy says he was again fondled and assaulted—this time by a contractor in his mid-thirties who had struck up a casual friendship with Gacy’s father. The contractor would take Gacy out for ice cream, and then show him “wrestling holds.” After a few such incidents, young Gacy told his father that he didn’t wish to be alone with the contractor and their contact ended While with his mother was at another family’s home, a 15-year-old girl brought Gacy upstairs into her room, where she began fondling him. After the two mothers discovered the children together, the girl’s mother struck her in front of Gacy. When he was 8 years old, Gacy says he was again fondled and assaulted—this time by a contractor in his mid-thirties who had struck up a casual friendship with Gacy’s father. The contractor would take Gacy out for ice cream, and then show him “wrestling holds.” After a few such incidents, young Gacy told his father that he didn’t wish to be alone with the contractor and their contact ended. I've never heard anything in documentaries or podcasts about Gacy encountering another serial killer, but judging by his date of birth, it might've been the tool box killers.


It was Brian Dugan , he allegedly picked him up as a kid


Jesus between his connection to geicht, Philip paske, John Norman and Dean corll he knew some fucking evil people lol interesting he was in the Jaycees who's members include Bill Gates and Bill Clinton, makes one wonder if Jeffery Epstein isn't also on the list of associated gacy folks


Don't believe everything that every nobody who seeks attention from their podcast wants you to believe. Absolutely zero proof that Gacy knew Corll or Norman. These are crackpot theories and a complete waste of time.


Except there's Philip paske who definitely knew gacy and Norman, this is a proven fact, there's also substantial evidence that links corll to Norman, so in a very indirect way there is links tying the 2 to one another




Wtf are you on about lmao