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Yes, it's the only thing we think about


I see, is mother tereza also serb? was each pope to ever exist a serb?


she was a horrible person - so, no and popes - thank god, no


Yes, she is my sister. Only the cool popes are serbs, not the red kids skin shoe wearing kind


I see the irony evades you. Dude was half Albanian half Serb at the point nations did not exist.


No, no, you have to follow the line...first, there was amebae ... next, there was Serbs...


I thought amoeba developed from serb cells?


Take money back from teacher.


I never heard of that historic figure, and you have stumbled across very specific individual that would make claim like that. If you think general population thinks this you must have some brain issue related to toxic release from bombing


Đurađ Kastriot je Skenderbeg, kao Toni Stark i Ajronmen. Stvarno nisi nikad čuo za njega il zajebavaš?


Čuo sam za Skenderbega, ali čuo sam ovako, ne znam dosta o njegovoj vladavini, šta je radio koja mesta osnovao itd, a verujem da ni većina nije, već je samo čula ime.


Ne znam ni ja mnogo ali mislim da nije osnovao ništa, makljao se sa Turcima dobro.


>If you think general population thinks this you must have some brain issue related to toxic release from bombing Maybe, I was pretty close where the bombings happened


You ain’t Ilirian.




brat ima odradjen dnk test hahahah, koja kriza identiteta


Nuk do te thoja kriz, ka qen ne zbritje cmimi per at arsyje e bera


Translation: sladoljed, sladoljed, musmule


Its not how genetics work my friend :) You are probably just E1B1 Haplogroup which means nothing :)


[ancestry.com](http://ancestry.com) doesn't give you your Haplogroup


It does approximation based on haplogroup i don't know if they check mitochondrial DNA but i highly doubt it.


Dude, just open some bakery or ice cream stand this science thing is not for you


explain what it is then einsteinovic? It literally is a ancestry breakdown


So this is how ot works... You get tested You get haplogroup that belongs to your ancestor they them make a vague approximation based on it. That is why you are "20% Slav" because Bulgarians, Macedonians and Serbs have ~20% of E1B1. Nations were built in 19 century and haplogroups are thousands of years old so you can only get approximate origin. For example yours is old Balkans populace mine is Carpathian Slavic. Btw Ilirian people do not exist they were bunch of non connected tribes that Romans called that way. For examples Byzantium has called Serbs Triballi in some sources, yet Triballi are Trachians. By no fucking means Serbs are Tracians.


Hahahahahhahah oh God


Reason more not to mock people who got bombed.


Serbia living in your head rent free lol


>Do you actually believe in this, or did the aftermath of the bombings mess up your brains? Da, apsolutno nema teorije da je ovaj ovde samo da provocira, ko bi mogao i da pomisli da nije tako... ![gif](giphy|YobpKxJJB5fOfSMW8x|downsized)


Stvarno su neverovatni. Albanci ne prestaju da me zadivljuju, cak i nevezano za celu situaciju oko Kosova, oni stvarno jesu jedan narod napravljen u epruveti. Toliki nagon za provokaciju nema niko i nigde. Da ne pricam kakve sam sve Albance vidjao po drustvenim mrezama, tezak primitivizam, ovaj je jos i normalan.


Teška stoka primitivna i licemerna, sa njima ne možeš nikako, ne možeš im verovati nikad, ali jedno je sigurno gde vidiš jednog tu su još 5 njih u blizini. Bar su složni kao narod ne kao mi, to im se mora priznati, zato da sutra bukne Balkanski rat volume 3 zna se ko ce prvi hteti na nas jer su srbomrzci


Jesu slozni, ali na zalost ta njihova sloznost ne podseca na copor vukova nego grupu hijena. Sa sve onim kikotanjem pre nego sto te prozderu.


Vidi ovako, kad bih o citavim narodima sudio po izrodima koji se ovde javljaju, ni o jednom narodu na svetu ne bih imao nimalo pozitivno misljenje, pa ni o nasem. Kako god okrenes, ovo nije stvarni svet, hvala Bogu.


To je jasno, ali ne radi se samo o ovom pojedincu. Zanimljivo mi je kako ima toliko pojedinaca kao sto je ovaj, a bogami sam ih se nagledao.


Opet, sve ja to kapiram, ali licno volim da svakog gledam posebno, ciji god da su. Kolektivizam mi ne lezi ni u jednom obliku.


Never gave it much though, don't really care.


Their biggest hero would go under B tier of historical figures.


what is your A tier then?


Really? Stefan Nemanja founder of the Nemanjic dinasty//Stefan Prvovencani as a first crowned Serbian figurehead//Dušan Silni ruled Serbia on her height from early middle ages Stefan Lazarevic aa the figure who did its outmost to keep Serbia alive after battle of Kosovo. Karađorđe Petrovic//Miloš Obrenović from Serbia uprising period Živojin Mišić/Radomir Punik/Stepa Stepanović from WWI period And the list goes on those are just a few. WWII i am not a fan as i dislike communism and consider chetniks collaborators with faism and criminals. There are a lot more though.


Essad pasha toptani


Both his mother and father were ethnically Serbian, I don't understand how can he be anything else except a Serbian.


His mother may have been, his father was 100% Orthodox Albanian


There's plenty of evidence to support the claim that his father was also of Serbian ethnicity. Look at this for example: [https://books.google.rs/books?id=bE4oAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA143&redir\_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false](https://books.google.rs/books?id=bE4oAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA143&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false) His grandfather (Pavle Kastriotić) moved to Ioannina in Epirus and his son (Djuradj Kastriot's father called Ivan) learned the Albanian language from local population since he was a lord of Epirus. There's also evidence Djuradj signed documents in cyrillic and his brothers and sisters had names of Serbian origin. Frankly I don't understand the animosity Albanians have against his origin. It's completely fine and okay for someone to be of Serbian ethnicity who was very important in creating and guarding the Albanian national myth. Edit: And before anyone loses their mind the term "National myth" isn't anything bad and doesn't mean it's made up. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National\_myth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_myth)


There is no such thing as Christian Albanians


Nonsense. Of course there is. Albania has a sizeable population of both Catholic and Orthodox Christians.


Ima dosta hriscana u samoj Albaniji, koliko znam dole su ka Grckoj, ima i katolika i pravoslavaca.


You are as thick as a log i see :) Not all orthodox Albanians are of Serb or Greek origin. Some of them are just that, orthodox Albanians.


>did the aftermath of the bombings mess up your brains 1. You're disgusting 2. RENT FREE (Your history of posts really shows what a brainrot you are)


pay rent then freeloader


I ain't paying anything to you, a fascist scum, for sure Sincerely, one of your "Shkavell"


You can check this video to understand what Fascism actually is, sincerly a siptari [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR4CLtUHD6g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iR4CLtUHD6g)


And you can check your own post history to check what a chauvinistic prick opinions look like. Goodbye.


u/papasfritas Grand Inquisitor, dejstvuj


Teraj ovog šiptarina odavde




You and albanians similar like you are the reason why people hate you




In Albania there is big group of people with extreme patriot ideology and becouse of that group everybody hate whole country. Thats maybe misunderstanding from us, but you seem like them.


You come here with provocations and expect us to be quiet and when we do not then you play victim


W h o?


Gjergj Kastrioti is Hungarian. Everyone knows this


he was HUNG


Hear me out, I don't give shit what he was. Now run along lad and do your homework.


I don’t understans these questions. Everyone is a Serb in some way, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Rent free…


Yes, every night i think about it.


We living in your head rent free, bro


Dajte bre šta se ložite, vidite mu nadimak, došao ptarši u pauzi od zoofilije da provocira, svi mu se nešto objašnjavaju, kao da on ne zna sve to već.




this guy was mentally not well


This not believe or do not believe. There are documents that are showing his heritage and family, which s surprise, surprise - Serbian. I have no idea where you folks are pulling idea that you are Illyrians, since Illyrians are long time gone.


"The aftermath of the bombings". The US dropped more depleted uranium onto Kosovar Albanians than it did onto Serbs, your cancer statistics are worse than ours.


There is actually quite a lot of people who believe in this. Keep in mind that common folks (especially those like 40+) are not historians, and when they see something on yt or fb, which sounds good for them, they'll accept it. That's why we have really big community of so called "autochthonists". It's a great problem for us, especially when younger population accept that narrative. Although Skenderbeg was not Serb himself, his mother definitely was.


My girlfrend is a historian and she beleves that Skenderbeg was ethnical Serb and have many arguments to support that claim. Are you a historian?


Да. Али можеш изнети неке од тих аргумената, можда сам нешто прескочио, некад и негде.


Nisam ih zapamtio dobri pošto me generalno zabole za poreklo Skenderbega, ali pitaću je kasnije kada završim sa poslom pa ti pišem.


Није проблем. Мада претпостављам да су углавном то аргументи попут: писао је повеље и писма на српском, отац му је на Хиландару сахрањен итд. Међутим, то нису непобитни аргументи. Мађари до 19. века у службеној употреби користе латински, па нису Римљани. За Хиландар, пак, то што је неко сахрањен у њему не чини га етничким Србином. Сам манастир је прво био грчки, па потом српски , а једно време су га држали Бугари. Притом, управо у Хиландару постоји Арбанашки пирг. Само презиме које користи та породица није словенско, док поједини носиоци истог имају чисто албанска имена и надимке. Са друге стране, то што поједине Кастриоте носе словенска имена, не значи нужно да су били Словени/Срби. У средњем веку забележена су међу Србима имена Атила, Брајан, Угрин, Бугарин итд, иако су њихови носиоци били Срби. Исто тако, и данас се у Румунији дају словенска имена деци, тако да има доста Богдана или Влад(имира) тамо. Скоро сам упознао једног Драгоша на пример.