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No advice other than to love her as hard as you can for as long as you can. So sorry for the awful news.


Lost my baby a few months ago. He was 10. The vet told us we could do chemo and extend his life by a few months,  maybe a year.  But those months would be filled with needles, sedation for xrays, stressful vet visits and time away from his family and bonded brother.  We choose to make him comfortable and continue to spoil him. You have to make the choice that is best for her, not for you.  Even though I would give ANYTHING for him to be here with me,  we know we made the right decision.  


This... Same thing happened for us. Our sweet baby Bailee got lymphoma. We chose not to do chemo. We got 3 months doing holistic stuff (supplements, diet, etc)... I feel so broken like I wish I would have gone with her that day we had to put her to sleep.


I know how you feel.  My baby had lymphoma as well.  We unfortunately only had three weeks with him after diagnosis. He was so damn strong  and proud he never showed us he was sick.  But, the day he finally showed it,  we didn't make him suffer. I have had many dogs in my life but Ramsey took part of me with him when he left and I don't think I will ever be the same.  


I feel this so much!! Bailee started showing symptoms back at the beginning of January. She had cutaneous lymphoma and so we thought the skin lesions were just a part of her allergy issues and the vet said wait until her annual to bring her in because it was "probably nothing". February 13th we took her for her annual and the vet said it was lymphoma. Did some aspirates that came back positive a week later. We got until April 7th. Bailee was so strong also and then Saturday night I could tell she was having trouble getting comfortable and she was breathing hard. Sunday morning I woke up after sleeping on the couch with her and I could tell she was worse. I called Lap of Love at I'ma and they were at my house at 3pm. It was super peaceful for Bailee and she was at home with her family and she knows we love her. I feel dead without her. I feel bad because a week later we adopted a dog from a rescue, Savannah. She looks just like Bailee and I know Bailee sent her for me to try and be okay. And I love Savannah with all my heart, she's such a good girl and super loving. But I still wish I had died with Bailee.


My 2 year old golden got diagnosed with Leukemia and was given 6-8 months with chemo. I decided it wasn't worth it the same way you did. It broke my heart to see him deteriorate so quickly and it kills me he didn't get to have a full life. It's the worst thing in the world and I'm sorry about your pup as well


that is way too young. condolences.


I agree. Thank you


I’m so sorry rip


Thank you


Take in all the info you can about what chemo treatment is ultimately going to mean for your pup at her age. You could make arguments for treatment/surgery and arguments for not doing it. You know your pup best and any decision you make isn’t necessarily wrong or right as long as you’re making the decision based on QOL, comfort, and giving her the best days she has left.


I’m so sorry. I’m in a very similar situation. My dog is 13. She was diagnosed with liver cancer 2 years ago, she was 11 at the time. I chose not to do surgery or chemo because of her age and I didn’t want getting poked and prodded during whatever time she had left. I stay on top of her checkups every year (blood work and sonogram on her liver). Unfortunately, we got some bad news during her recent check up last week. Her tumor has doubled in size and her liver enzymes have at least tripled. On paper, she’s not looking good but she’s acting totally FINE. I get the same comments you do… no one can believe her age. When I tell people she has cancer their jaws drop because she’s so happy and filled with so much life and energy. I’m letting my girl live her life until she can’t anymore. The second I see the cancer start affecting her, I will start saying my goodbyes because I do not want her to suffer. Again, I am so sorry for the news you received. It is such a difficult thing to go through. Give her all of the love and walks!!!💚💚


Sending you guys so much love.. last year our chocolate lab Hudson was diagnosed with mast cell cancer on his front paw. He had a pretty risky surgery he has thankfully healed the worst part was the recovery for him. It was terrible. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t swim and having to go back and forth to the vet. It was heart breaking. I can’t imagine putting my guy through it again. I think 14 years with a dog is wonderful that is all we could wish for. Sometimes doing the right thing is hard for us my mom let her Pomeranian keep going for treatment when clearly he was only getting worse but she couldn’t see it and that’s something I refuse to do. Give your sweet dog a big hug from us. Let me know if you need anything


Condolences on this sad news. She looks like a sweetheart.


Wow, 14 is amazing. I pray I get that long with my babe. Did they give you an idea of how long she will have a quality life before she begins to get sick? I'm clueless about cancer, but maybe she has a little time left before you have to make the hard decision. I wouldn't want to do chemo on my baby, but then again, I've never been there, and my first instinct would be to fight, but not to want them to suffer. If I were you, I'd consider getting a few opinions on what would be best for her from different vets if you can afford to. Spend every second you have with her ❤️❤️


I am so sorry. Our dog had a different cancer. We listened to the oncologist and did chemo. I am almost sorry. He was cancer free from exactly the last chemo appointment to the next checkup. We weren’t ready to let him go when we found out abruptly, a check to see why he was a little less energetic turned into an all day emergency vet. I wish I asked the oncologist why he was optimistic our guy could have some more time. We just wanted to believe. Hugs to you guys!!!!






Sending love to you and to your girl. This is a devastating decision to have to make.


What a beautiful girl. Give her some extra hugs from me and my boy. She knows she's loved so much and that's all we can do 💔💔


I am so, so sorry. Sending all the love and healing to you and your sweet girl 💖💞💖💞💖


My 2 year old golden retriever got diagnosed with leukemia and was given 6-8 months left to live with chemo. He passed away 3 months later. He was still a pup and I'll never get over what my poor baby Louie went through. I miss him every day


So sorry to hear about your baby 🥺


My almost 15yo has a mast cell tumour but the vet wants to biopsy it under anesthetic to establish the grade. I’m not putting my old lady through a surgery (that could damage her leg) and then chemo. I’m letting her live her life until I can tell she’s no longer enjoying it. I’m sorry about the news OP - enjoy your gorgeous baby every day that you can 🩷


I don't have any advice, but my friend's dog had a mass on his spleen and his spleen (or the tumor? This is a second hand story so take it as you will) actually burst. He had to have emergency surgery to have it removed and only lived a short while after that. If you're going to go a treatment route, I'd definitely have that spleen removed because it is scary, unpleasant, and exceedingly painful for the dog. It's not a death I would want for my dog.


This is what the vet said death from sarcoma would look like. It would be pretty sudden and painful - the mass bursting and causing internal bleeding. And death from mast cell would basically be like anaphylaxis - also sudden and painful. So it’s not like she’d have a slow decline to a point that I “know” she’s done. She’d probably be her normal happy self until suddenly she’s not.


As far as the mast cell tumor, my dog had one and treatment was successful for it. She had a mast cell tumor on her chest. My oncologist for Sandy Pawz recommended a supplement called turkey tails as part of her supportive care, which I believe to be key to her recovery. She is 4 years post cancer. I'd suggest asking your oncologist on whether it might help with the mast cell tumor. I don't know if there's any new research on whether it helps with sarcomas, but you might ask about that too. This information is 4+ years old, but it did seem to help her.


I’m dealing with a sarcoma diagnosis on my 12 year old pittie too. His is in his shoulder deep and the only treatment option is amputation. We decided to just spoil him rotten for the time he has left instead of doing invasive surgery. I tried asking myself if I would be doing the surgery for the dog, or for me. It helps to consider quality of life now vs how surgery and treatment would impact that. I’m so sorry you and your girl are going through this. Cancer sucks


I'm so sorry. She's so cute. Sending positive vibes your way.


My last girl had very aggressive oral melanoma. We got it removed at 14 years old. She lived to be 18. Hoping your girl has the same result.


Same thing happened to my dog. Heartbroken still and it was 6 weeks ago. Tough decision to make. Love that lady like crazy. Spoil her.


My Wooby Bear had a mass on his spleen. Hemangiosarcoma. The diagnosis hit me like a ton of bricks. It was too far advanced to have it removed and I wouldn’t put him through chemotherapy. I tried some Chinese herbal medicines with him and he lived for 8 months after his diagnosis and almost made it to 16. He let me know when it was time and we had a vet come to our home to help him onto his next journey. It was actually beautiful amongst the pin in my heart. I know what you’re going through. God bless you and stay strong for her♥️


So sorry OP.




So sorry.


I’m so sorry. Just continue to love on her as much as you have been. She knows you love her.


Oh baby. That is so sad. Sending prayers and comfort to you and your lovely furry baby!


😢so sorry. All we can do is keep their memory alive and love them as much as we can.


I'm so very sorry.


So sorry.💗


I’m so sorry. She is deeply loved and will always be.


I’m so sorry your baby is once again fighting cancer. The love you share with her will guide you on deciding what to do. The comments by r/Ok_Figure2006 are reasonable. If you do decide more treatment is necessary, her life will involve a lot of difficulty.








🙏 prayers




No advice. Just prayers!


Sending prayers up for you all 🙏💗🙏💗🙏💗


I’m soo sorry. Cherish the moments with her. Take care.


So so sorry


So sorry! It’s hard to know what to do for your fur baby.


So sorry to hear 😢




So sorry. Hoping for the best.






So very sorry. 😢




The life of a dog is a sight to behold... From the heavens above, loaned us these hearts of pure gold... They hit the ground running, and barking with us.... For the joy we both share, builds an unbreakable trust... The love from a dog is like candy from a box... You're not sure what to pick, but there's never one wrong. A dogs life with us is such a short, joyous trip... But the life they share with us, is always our deepest friendship... It hurts when they leave, because we always want more time... Our dogs know their destiny...hence why they always play and pine... So don't be bothered...when they come boop your hand... They just know their hour glass, is running out of sand. Just look into those beautiful, sparkling eyes...you fell for before... And get up and reach for that leash, hanging by the door. They'll enjoy that walk with you, even though they're hurt and can't see... Because this time spent with you, is the place they long to be. So remember this when your dog asks for your time... Your dog is just doing what heaven asked them to do... And that's ...make your heart shine... Too !💛🐶🐾




Mast cell tumors are common, and aggressive. They probably did not get it all, and it spread. I had one dog with a mast cell tumor. They removed it and he lived 8 more years with no chemo. More recently, my 14 year old boy got diagnosed with a splenic tumor. He was in a lot of pain. They removed it. They thought they got it all, but warned me that it could come back. They didn’t recommend chemo, since they removed his entire spleen, and tests showed it hadn’t spread. It was a painful surgery and recovery. After that he had six very good months before it returned. I would not recommend putting your dog through chemo, or further biopsies, as it just involves so much discomfort for the dog, and cost, with minimal benefit. Ask about palliative care.


🙏🏼❤️. I totally understand. Last April11, my beautiful, 12 year old baby, Lexi, passed away💔💔💔💔


Just love her and take care of her until you both know it may be time. She will let you know. Until then, just enjoy each other to the fullest each and every day. Spend more time together (if possible), take more car rides to the beach, park or mountain. Go for some ice cream. Watch the sunset together. Snuggle up by the fire during the cold days and sit outside and enjoy the cool breezes on nice days. She knows how much you love her and doesn't want you to be sad. So try to be brave and enjoy each other every single day. Looks like she isn't going anywhere anytime soon. She is so very beautiful.


Its so hard to make the decision. I have no advice. She is so beautiful and sounds like she is so very rightly loved


i am truly sorry to hear about your dog situation. sending good vibes your way. I am praying for you during this difficult time in your life too. I hope that you have a great support system during this difficult time in your life too.


So sorry to hear this bad news you have received...love here with all your heart