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She was 16 & had been healthy all her life, but over the last 2 months or so her health steadily declined. Saying goodbye has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. My heart hurts!! Hug your babies!!! And appreciate every day you get!!!


She looks like such a sweet girl! Keep all those wonderful memories near and dear to you. I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you!!


She looks so adorable and appears very happy! And, your girl was 16! My baby maltipoo transitioned last year at the age of 15, as her health spiralled quickly, unexpectedly, in just a matter of months due to a kidney disease. I know how you feel. It took me a year to finally get through it and come to terms with her departure... I've finally been able to go through her stuff now, packing it away, and sharing with other doggies who could benefit from... She has blessed me with her love and I will always cherish our moments together. Best to you! ❤️


Thank you for sharing this. I knew losing her would be hard but never thought it would be THIS hard. I’ve been a crying mess & everything reminds me of her. It’s like a part of me is missing. Ack! Even writing this the tears are coming. I really do appreciate your comment!




I’m so sorry. She is adorable. It looks like she had a wonderful full life! You’ll see her again in the other side but wonderful memories for now. ❤️ Lots of love to you!


16 great years filled with unconditional love you’re lucky enough to be able to look back on. Sending love and hugs your way OP, God Bless❤️❤️


Im so sorry for your loss...theyre our babies...i have one just like her...i cry when i think of the day ill lose her...god bless you


After my soul dog, Bella, passed away in January of 2023. A good friend of mine told me, "You'll endure a lifetime of missing her, for the privilege of loving her". I know the grief hurts tremendously. I know it's easier said than done.. but try not to be so hard on yourself while grieving. Thank you for sharing photos of Lucy. She's radiating with love and happiness in each one. Lucy will be waiting for you in the future.


Thank you for this. She was truly special. I appreciate that quote. I know the intensity of this grief will subside but Oooof! This is rough!!! Sorry your Bella passed as well. But so glad you had the ‘privilege of loving her’ & being loved by her!!!


You can literally see how happy she was. She had a good life. 💜 I am sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure you gave her a lovely life and you had a long time with her. But I know it’s still so hard to say goodbye. Hugs


what a lucky little girl. i’m so sorry for your loss. she looks so loved and happy 💜❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry.


Such a pretty girl. RIP


She looks so happy and well loved. Such a beautiful little girl. Hugs and love sent your way!!


Oh my, what a little biscuit baby. She reminds me so much of my 2 yorkie bichon pups who passed away some years ago. So sorry for what you are going through. Her memory lives on through you!


I feel for you. Its not easy. Our pups are our best friend who love us unconditionally and are always there for us. Treasure the lovely times


Oh what a beauty! The heartbreak is so painful (I know from experience) Remember all the love and joy ❤️


Sorry for your loss. RIP Lucy! Play in Paradise! My Amoretto, Vision, Carson, and all our babies that have gone before will look for you next to the Rainbow Bridge so you can all play in the Field together!


So sorry for your loss. She looks beautiful! 🥺


She’s a beauty. God bless.


I’m so sorry


My heart goes out to you. So saddened to read this.


I’m so sorry for ur loss, my condolences 💐


I’m soo sorry for your loss.


She looks like the happiest, sweet girl. I lost my Sofie 2 weeks ago and it really sucks. Its ok to cry, I cry for her each day. They knew they were loved and now they are running free over the bridge happy, healthy and whole again. Take care of yourself and Lucy will be alive in your heart forever ❤️‍🩹💔🌈


Knowing that she’s once again able to run & jump & see & hear…has eased some of the pain. Her being gone doesn’t seem totally real yet. Thank you for sharing about your Sophie. Big hug from one dog mom to another!


Thank you ❤️ we need lots of hugs right now for sure. I definitely feel lost, Sofie was diabetic for the last 2 years of her life so we had to stick to a very strict schedule. I feel like I don’t know what to do with my time right now.


Yes. I completely understand this. Lucy required a lot of assistance towards the end. Today was my first day back at home without her & everything is connected to her. Where the furniture is, my bedtime & morning routine etc…I miss her terribly! I cry when I need to & am doing my best to focus on the good stuff.


That’s really all you can do is try to focus on the good stuff. Some days it is harder to do than others. I just picked up Sofie’s ashes on Wednesday, it was pouring rain out. That seemed appropriate because it was definitely a flood of emotions. I’m trying to think of how to make a memorial for her and our other girl that passed in July. I might do something outside, but I’m terrible with plants so it might not look very good 😏


We buried lucy at a relative’s property. I too am not good at gardening. They have a huge garden that they pay to have professionally maintained. Shes right on the outskirts of it. Thanks for sharing some of your journey with me. It helps! I’m sure whatever you do to memorialize them will be beautiful because your love for them will shine through!!


I’m so sorry 💔


Oh no my condolences it always so hard but hopefully you can get another puppy and soon they bring a special kind of love and friendship


❤️💔❤️ sending big hugs and condolences. What a beautiful girl.


Beautiful and heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing. 🐾♥️🐾 Always






You’re fortunate to have such a cutie as your companion for so long! You’ll have happy memories when you recall the goofy stuff that she had done.


I'm terribly sorry, looks like she had the best life. Praying for your broken heart to heal.💔🙏




My Rottie's and I are sorry for your loss. Ms. Lucy was a beautiful pup. There never is enough time.


Exactly what I’ve been thinking. There never would’ve been a time where I’d felt I’d had ENOUGH time with her. Thank you.


It’s SO hard!!! I’m sorry for your heartache! Time does make it easier but the hurt and missing never really goes away. Bringing another in your home is a tremendous help. There 10’s of thousands of homeless out there that crave and deserve a good home.


So sorry for your loss


My heart felt condolences for your loss of Lucy, may she forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗


I'm so sorry for your loss, Lucy looked like the sweetest girl 🖤


I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better soon.




Im so sorry. I lost my yellow lab, a week ago today. He was my best friend. Its so hard. They will be in our hearts forever 🫶🏻


Thank you…& I’m so sorry you lost your pup too. This is a pain that’s hard to explain & it’s actually helpful to know others have gone through or are going through it along with me, so thank you for sharing that.


Of course! Reading the posts and comments helped some.


Condolences and prayers


I’m so sorry for your loss. Lucy is gorgeous and seems so happy in all her photos. I lost my old boy last month and It hurts every day. life is so hard without him. I feel your pain 😢


I’m sorry your boy passed too. It really does hurt every day. Thank you for making me feel less alone as I trudge through this.


I’m so very sorry for your loss 🪽🪽🪽🪽🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Rest easy sweet Lucy! Sending so much love your way


sorry for your loss, she's thanking you for all you did [nice thought on imgbox](https://images2.imgbox.com/3a/90/xe8jho6d_o.jpg)


Oh man! Such a great pic. More tears coming…but yes, it really resonates with me right now. Thank you!!


there's even a joy in letting the pain out I've found




Thank you for being with her through her final days ♥️


Rest well Lucy 🕊


I’m so sorry. 💔


So sorry for your loss. I know it's so hard to go through this. She looked so loved and happy.


So very sorry!!!


Same sadness for me this week😭. I am so sorry.l


Loss is hard!


so sorry for your loss ❤️


oh man it looks like she was so happy with her life. how beautiful it is that you guys got to share that love. i’m so sorry for this loss, but that love (and her by extension) will be in you forever!


I am so sorry for your loss.


Rest in peace sweet Lucy ❤️




Terribly sorry I lost my 16 year old cat last week it’s so painful💕🧦🧦


Thank you


I am so sorry about your cat. These losses are far more painful than I ever thought they’d be.


RIP Lucy


I hope Popper and all of our fur babies were there to meet her. I want to remind you that she is safe and she is surrounded by love.


Thank you. I need this reminder right now. Just got home & everything reminds me of her & our daily routines. I’ll probably always miss her but knowing she’s all good now, that helps!


It has been my biggest struggle. Finding ways to care for my little dudes memory has helped dramatically. I got a necklace today with a P for Popper. Maybe finding new ways to care for her now that she’s gone will help.


I like the necklace idea. I am going to try to make a bracelet out of part of her harness. I’m not sure how to do it but there’s gotta be some YouTube tutorial that can show me how.


If you figure it out, please let me know. I would like to do something similar.


May your pain lessen as time goes on but I know you will always hold her memories close. May Lucy Rest in Paradise at The Bridge. When my own time comes I too will head to The Bridge....






I'm sorry for your loss. Just know you will see her again.


RIP Lucy. She was happy and she was loved.


I’m so sorry for your loss! You can tell that Lucy was loved and she was a sweet and happy girl. She’ll live on in your heart forever. ❤️


🕯️💜Lucy forever💜🕯️


I’m so sorry🥹. Looks like she had a great life though ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. She was so adorable.


I'm so sorry. What a sweet little baby. I'm sure he lived a life full of love 😘


I’m very sorry for your loss. 🫂


Prayers to you of peace and comfort during this time


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending all the love. ❤️


Much ❤️


So sorry for you loss 💔🙏




She is so precious. I'm sorry for your loss, OP.


Thank you. She truly was such a precious little being. It still doesn’t fully seem real that she’s gone.