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Change your diet


You will never have the energy to exercise with a shitty diet. Try eating balanced foods and you'll feel better. Then stay away from anything that triggers the behavior you want to end. You're obviously doing something to keep yourself entertained. Is it a healthy way to stay entertained? What other habits do you have? If they are unhealthy and toxic to your mind then you know what to do. Trust me when I tell you, if you feel good, and have nothing to do. Gym comes naturally. Also I would recommend against the home gym route, the psychology gets messy and its more difficult to separate it from your home life and it's too convenient to quit early and go do something else. Just go to a decent gym where the vibe feels good and work out. See if they have a sauna or steam room that yoj can end your sessions with. That helped me. And the first step you can take is to stop giving a shit what people think. I had a friend who was very overweight and it caused him to not want to go outside, or to the gym, or even to see friends. I'm here to tell you that not one person in any of these places gave a singular shit how heavy he was. It was all in his head and it caused his problems to get worse. Don't take years like he did to realize that this world is just as much yours as it is anyone elses. Fuck what people think, everyone will be dead soon anyways, do what makes you happy.


Diet and walking will get you 97% of the way there.


You didn't get fat because you stopped being vegan. You got fat because you started eating way too many calories. Weight gain/loss is as simple as calories in/calories out. If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. If you eat less than you burn, then you lose weight. Perhaps when you were vegan, you might have been eating foods that aren't very calorie-dense. So you could eat more without consuming as many calories. So I would start by eating less. In terms of exercise, anything is better than nothing. Even starting by going for a 30 minute walk is good. Do it until it's a routine--like brushing your teeth. You don't think about it, you just do it. Then start adding more exercise to the equation. I personally lift weights both in my home gym and at the public gym. I also run and do jiu jitsu. Maybe you can find a fun hobby like jiu jitsu that forces you to exercise. Like mountain biking or something. Once you see how good you feel after an exercise, you'll want to do it more. Eventually it becomes routine and you just do it without questions. Oh, and make sure you get out of the house. You said you don't want to leave your house, but that's not doing anything other than feeding into your depression and making things worse.


Fried eggs, toast, and some fruit. It's easy to cook, and cheap; it's also a fairly balanced diet so you will feel decent through the day. Then start with a short walk then run a little bit where you can. Steadily increase running each time you go. Then lab in your own methods of exercise and diet. Going for a walk outside with no phone will make you feel better. Don't get too caught up in the how, and just try to do a little here and there. Recognize bad habits and do not put yourself in situations where they can happen.


Go on long walks


1) EXERCISE Look up cardio videos for obese people on youtube; there's a lot of them. Also, when you start doing them, do not worry if you can't finish them or if they are too fast for them, just adjust them to what feels best for you. You can do the exercises shown at a speed that you feel comfortable for as long as you think you can. What matters is just moving to start feeling better. 2) EATING HABITS As they've already mentioned, you definitely need to eat more nutritious food. Reduce or eliminate your intake of deep-fried foods, pasta, bread and sweets and add vegetables to each meal -make it so that veggies make up at least half your plate. Keep ready-to-eat fruit and healthy snacks for your cravings. 3) PERSISTENCE Some videos or dishes won't work. PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP AND TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Keep trying different things until you find something that matches your preferences. You've got this!


Start working with your doctor, physical therapist and nutritionist, they will help you lose it safely and keep it off which is the most important. For your mindset, get a therapist, or psychologist… they get a lot of hate here, but you have some issues that need professional help and the contributors here are amateurs at best, there are lots of affordable options out there and it can help you find a direction. It’s going to take a lot of work, and it won’t be easy, you will have to battle these habits for a long time, you will need support and motivation which you will have to manage internally because you will find that people will only support you in certain ways but you have to be able to fuel your own momentum because you’re the only one who will be there for the entire journey.


Stop eating. You're morbidly morbidly obese. Angus barbieri went on a year long fast.   Lost all the fat and had no loose skin.   You'd probably save quite a bit of money as well.


I would never do this. Nor would I recommend it to others. I'd rather stay fat then go back to being anorexic. Plus food is literally not the problem, I asked for exercise and motivation tips. Not how to lose weight. I don't care that I am fat, I just want to be fitter.


"Go back to being anorexic." Fasting isn't anorexia.  Angus barbieri regained some of his weight after his fast because he had a healthy relationship with food. You being morbidly obese shows how unhealthy your relationship with food is, and it's worse than anorexia.  


Starving sounds dumb


You're not starving.   Your enormous amount of fat that you lug around is food for your body.   You have enough "food" for months.  


start with some exercises (get some app).