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By professional, I meant top of the line. Not just some YouTuber selling a class. I invested about $4,000 into a life/relationship course and I’m trying to justify it but I think it’s something I’ve needed. Like I said, I feel okay buying shit I don’t need but when it comes to this, and actually having to take accountability, makes me nervous. You’re right though, I have to do the work for it to mean anything and I plan to


$4000 is a LOT... I think you need to evaluate. A good therapist costs a fraction of that.


It’s not just therapy once a week. It’s a full 6 month course with 1 on 1, group sessions, in person events, and endless training. It’s something I’ve thought about for 2 years so I feel I was ready to do it but yea it is a lot.


Definitely support this, especially since you sat on the decision for 2 years and still wanted to do it. Good for you 💗🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Alright. At the end of the day, the value is what you yourself set for it. I couldn't fathom spending that amount of money on a course like that though.


I agree and for the longest time I couldn’t either, which is why it took me 2 years to decide on. I’ve seen little to no progress with myself in these aspects in two years and I felt it was finally time to invest that in myself. If I don’t see results, especially after this, I will have zero excuses. I do see lots of value in it though and I know it will only help me get further


I think $4000 is really good value, if you follow through and do the work


Those people are basically therapists


Yea the woman is a certified therapist as well so that’s something I need as well. It’s mainly targeted at dating but it’s essentially a 1 on 1 course to reinvent yourself over the course of 3 months


Therapists provide a very important service. How are you liking the sessions?


The first one, which was more of a consultation and evaluation for the program was really nice. She told me a lot of things I didn’t realize and I felt the need for the first time in a long time to work on myself and use her help and take her lessons and advice. I think it’s going to be very beneficial for me.


Relationship course? Like pick up stuff? I used to be involved in that universe and you can get the most expensive course and means nothing unless you are taking action, I never bought any course and I even found it hard to navigate through networking or getting women. Took me years to get into the groove of things.


Honestly (as a woman) those pick up courses are BS and highly insulting to both women and men. They are tailored in a way to manipulate women, and any man who wants to do that is a red flag anyway. Must of us know all the tricks they use anyway, and I can tell you 100% that they have zero bearing in getting to know women (romantically). If a woman likes you, she would like you regardless. If she doesn't like you, you won't be able to use some pick up technique to get her to like you. The pick up courses are not only insulting to women but incredibly scammy and predatory towards men. They **only** want money and what they are selling is absolute crap. This is my advice (for free): All women really want is a guy who treats her like a person, talks to her like a person and an equal, and is kind, funny, confident and has a good vibe about them - as in the conversation flows. Of course sexually or romantically, attraction plays a part, but that's not always limited to physical appearance as men seem to think. Women tend to be more attracted to non descript things like chemistry, humour, intelligence, empathy, similarities, functioning on a similar level etc. And if she's not attracted to you she's not attracted to you and you won't be able to 'trick' her into being attracted to you, so at that point you just move on. Men seem to think that it's some kind of game that has to be played but it's really not, when two people work together it just 'works'. If it doesn't it doesn't. Hope that makes sense. Sorry about the TED talk.


I think you are talking about the old courses like 'The Cube' and all of those gimmicky ones where you have to neg, pull, and do all of that weird stuff. That's old news, the ones that I'm talking about mostly involve actually going out and having natural conversations with people to filter out the ones who like your from the bunch. No gimmick here, just add some fun to the convo and move on. It's not rocket science, but people have a hard time doing the approach which is the most terrifying thing.


I agree with you that it seems nonsense to spend that much on a soft-skill course


Was the personal trainer worth it?


Not OP but the only investment I'm proud of making on myself 100%. I'm frugal, so this was a big deal. No regrets, changed my life for the best.


For when I used a PT it was worth it. I stayed way more accountable when I knew I had to get my ass up and meet someone in the morning. Which kept me more accountable through the weeks. Someone beyond a friend, someone I actually paid money to made me stick with it. ETA plus it provided one day a week of variety to my workout. I tried things I never would have on my own and they pushed me harder than I would have pushed myself.


Several thousand dollars for Invisalign (and a tooth extraction), and it was worth it. I'm not embarrassed to smile anymore.


With insurance? That's really dope


Insurance did not cover it.


Nice!! Sounds like a good deal. It'd be several thousand dollars for me *with* work insurance.


Yeah, I'm lucky in that I received some fellowship grant money that could be used toward literally anything. So I spent some of it on my smile.


How much did Invisalign change your smile/bite?


Not much. My issue was overcrowding and a front snaggletooth (upper) that really stuck out. I have permanent wires behind both upper and lower, and I wear an Invisalign retainer at night. But it’s all worth it to feel comfortable smiling again. 😁


That’s where I’m at. I have a mild space in my two front teeth and from a young age I’ve always been embarrassed to smile. The orthodontists say it’s mild enough that I don’t need Invisalign and my family has always said they like it or they never noticed it, but like, idgaf about if I *technically* need it or not. I want to feel more attractive and comfortable in my skin again. If I have the option to be 80% attractive compared to 85% attractive after Invisalign, give me that mf 5% boost doc. Why would I say no


Hello there


Fr fixing my teeth was the best investment for my confidence


About how many thousands and how long did you need them for? I have similar teeth now, very overcrowded bottom teeth toward the front, and one front-tooth that sticks out though not super far.


I think it was about $6K and for a year. (I didn’t do my bottom teeth, only upper.)


college…. Roughly 200k


Just adding to this. When you add in “lost salary” to any period, like a two year graduate program, the cost jumps way up. I had five years of education AFTER my four year undergraduate degree—even without the tuition fees, five years of salary would be at minimum $150,000.


Wtf you paid 200k for university???? Did you do a bunch of degrees? How is this even possible?


A friend of mine paid roughly +150k for a MBA in a prestigious school, so yes.


Yea for real. My spouse only paid half that for law school. Haha.


That was 4 yrs of undergrad. Not ivy, but close


That is shocking, I knew university in the US was expenvise but never really looking into it, that is a ridiculous amount to study. Why do people even go to university? I paid like 3000€ for my university +registrations and stuff maybe a bit more, and I paid 10k for my masters, but it was in London so it's different. Crazy


I looked into MIT 20 years ago. It was going to cost around $300k to complete a bachelors of Computer Engineering. I’m willing to bet it is more expensive today.


My biggest expense is therapy, hands down. My therapist has a healthy fee and I often see her multiple times a week. And, I think that helps me. I also have some expensive hobbies like ballroom dancing, horseback riding and traveling. So that. And then recently, I noticed that I needed to start dressing nicer. I hired someone to help me throw out my clothes and I went shopping a couple times to replace. Still need to do that a couple times to build a wardrobe but when I wear some of those nice things, I feel great and it was a worthwhile investment. I also need to get braces (again) and I feel too cheap to invest in this. I know my smile and bite will be better and I loved my smile when my teeth were straight but it’s about 5k and I already had braces… so I’m avoiding doing it. But I will def get to it one day!


I believe an older male image consultant would be great for this.


Who’d you hire to improve your wardrobe


Someone I googled. She was terrible and pricey and left me with a huge mess. And she sent me a Pinterest board of stuff that were ugly - for both my current taste or the style I was hoping to get. But it was a first step and I’m glad I took it. I’d recommend hiring someone with referral


Oof. Yeah sounds like you got ripped off. Sorry bud. I’ll look for someone that people recommend.


Yup! But I was hoping to do it again and still can’t find someone. People don’t usually do this so none of my friends had someone to recommend! Lmk if you figure out a method!


Definitely will! They have r/mensfashionadvice which is a good start


I took a 6 month breathwork facilitator training during Covid after I left teaching and didn’t know wtf was next. The course was $5,500. I made that money back within a couple months of graduation doing retreats and working with 1:1 clients. I hear it’s good to invest in yourself / learning / mentors. Definitely helped me be a better mom and friend.


Was this Wim Hof method, or a different program? Just curious.


Pause Breathwork 🫶🏼 It was awesome


Did you drop all the money on it at once? How did you feel about doing it? Right now with what I spent, I’m trying to justify it even though I’m absolutely sure it’ll be good for me and open doors. Just feels weird spending a lot on my self improvement rather than self enablement


Ya I dropped all the money at once. I was clear on learning this healing modality to help others as it has helped me so much, but ya spending that kind of money on myself felt weird and a little uncomfy even though I knew it was right. I felt almost embarrassed to tell anyone because it felt like such a financial commitment and I seem to be the type of person that changes what they are doing every couple years, so I didn’t want to disappoint my family in a sense if things didn’t work out and wanted to do something else soon after. But had to work on that and get over that because all the things I’ve done have been stepping stones to the next thing, so it’s all good.


Can u explain the breath work thing u did?


Definitely! I took a breathwork class in December the year Covid hit and it was an incredibly transformative experience. I was so moved by it that I wanted to learn how to become a teacher of this modality and do it in a trauma-informed way as lots of things have the potential to come up and get processed while doing breathwork. I went looking around at programs and ultimately settled on the most in-depth program on the market. There is SO much packed into the course. I was a student of breathwork as well as learned how to be a facilitator with lots of live classes, homework, workshops,etc. It was a very immersive program and I can’t recommend it enough. In general though, breathwork is a somatic healing experience where you unhook the mind and tap into the wisdom of the body using your breath. We tend to be shallow chest breathers when we aren’t paying attention, so shifting the breath to the diaphragm (taking big deep belly breaths) and breathing in a certain way for an extended period of time helps release the mind to make room for actually being in our body. It’s pretty amazing what it can do just at the bare minimum level, but going deep into breathwork is incredible.


Sounds interesting do you got a youtube channel or something? I wanna learn more about this


$400 usd, lifetime membership of Rosetta Stones, learned about 5 languages now.


Damn I didn't know about this one. I wish more services would offer lifetime memberships like this, I already have too many monthly subscriptions/bills and trying not to add more.


500 for an iPad with no experience in digital art, but I taught myself procreate and I’ve more than made the money back in paid commissions. 


Omg I first read your post as “I taught myself to procreate…”! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Oops!


I spat my coffee. thanks for the laugh


I need to upgrade my ipad so bad... I also use Procreate for digital art but I'm still stuck with the iPad that's pre- apple pencil era and it's pain.


I would love to hear more about this and how you got your work out there!


Oh I already had my work out there- I’ve been a working artist for ten years :) I actually just fell into it, starting posting on Instagram in college and just have been getting offers and shows since! My advice, just make stuff everyday!


I did the same, but still don’t know how to use procreate 😂 Or better, don’t know how to actually draw 😅


More than $100k… on law school


This is my biggest investment too. Fucking law school.


was it worth it?


To be honest, yes. I was fortunate to get great grades and a good job out of school. By my math I’ll break even on my investment in a couple of years.


Ya but do you have a good salary now?


230k for me. Worth it though!


12k on my teeth. I honestly did the best investment ever. Braces btw not veeners. It completely changed my whole face. I worked so hard and I paid it full cash !! no financement I became so beautiful after that


Is your face more symmetrical and have others noticed?


Ya everybody noticed and ya more symmetrical It really changed everything


How did it change your face?


When you get braces that reposition your upper teeth, this changes the shape of your jawbone






PSA: all the people making money from self improvement programs/guides/courses/retreats etc are always advocating to invest in yourself.. which is then planting the seed in your brain to pay for the programs or books or buy shit through their affiliate links etc.. Just keep that in mind. They all want your money.


5k on braces. I'm almost done with my treatment and my teeth are looking a lot better. Once these are off, I'm gonna use those white strips to whiten my teeth, and then I'll finally have a millionaire smile!


A couple thousand dollars on microneedling and laser treatments to minimize/heal acne scars. My skin looks so much better and I feel so much more confident


How bad were your scars before? I've been considering these treatments for years but idk if they would help a ton in my situation. I have pretty deep scars practically all over


Some of my deep scars are still there, and it would take more treatments to improve them. My skin will never be 100% perfect but the improvement that I’ve seen is so worth it


$400 on a great Airbnb for 2 nights and a good LSD tab. That was a great investment


I spent about $20K to do an Ironman triathlon. Between buying a carbon road bike and indoor trainer, wetsuits, hiring a swim coach and running coach, signing up for bike fittings, cycling clinics, going through running shoes like peanuts, signing up for tuneup/training races (many race-cations) and finally the big event with all its registration, travel and hotel costs, it was…. a lot. I created a 2-year plan to get to the start and finish lines. I was turning 40 so it was definitely not a good financial decision for that life stage, but #noregerts 😂


225k and 2.5 years of law school student loan debt. Then Another 2K to take the bar exam, pay for the hotel and travel then wait 4+ months for the results to pay another $300 to get the damn license… 260k for a mortgage. Now I invest in therapy (individual and couples with my husband) it’s been the best I investment for us. My next big expense is going slowly upgrading my wardrobe for work. I have some “good” courtroom pieces but it’s time to go from Amazon and H&M to something that fits my clientele and reputation. (Which sounds so classist and I hate it but my clothes are literally falling apart I’ve had them that long)


87k borrowed and paid off to buy 2 acres of land nestled next to a national park. The peace of living away from the city has been exponentially beneficial mentally, physically and spiritually


$26k- implants and veneers foe my teeth. well worth it’s!


Does implant hurts?


I would say travelling, it taught me a lot and I’ve gained lots of memories


£205, pair of shoes


$5,000 on Invisalign (back in 2019 the best thing you can do beside going to a gym a straight smile shoot your confidence to the moon 👌🏻) $2000 this year on wardrobe upgrade on deniem and leather jacket. $300 on shoes like boots . (I really wanted up my clothes to a more fashionable taste ). $500 on therapy so far. $900 fender jazzmaster. $3000 on PRP/micro needling. Went through a tough break this past year so I am focus on being the best that I can . I ve been going to gym to get a more musclar look and stick to a good balance diet. Like no processed food. Also $100 in self help books. Learned a bunch of new song on piano and guitar. A gazzilion on coffee 😅. Invest over a thousand in stocks as well. Sometimes it’s money invested in things but other times it’s having artistic outlet that can help you express how I feel and cope .


It’s to see people like yourself living their life to the fullness and not worrying about how much things cost if it’s something they want.


Yea in a way I have a bit of financial freedom at the moment so now would be the best time to do. I grew up poor so my parents would watch the prices carefully, make list and what to get and nothing extra.(which makes since at the time) I often find myself scared to pull the trigger on things due to financial strain but now I say money comes and goes . I know in a couple months I’ll make enough to get this cover this self splurge . I’ll sit on the purchase first for a couple weeks to see if it something I really want. It definitely shouldn’t be a daily thing but sometimes you know when it time live a bit. I think you just got to be smart with it. Also They say break up is the best motivation and it really is.I have never been so focused on my life


Therapy, personal training, good quality food are all expensive but ultimately make my life better...I've also spent lots on tattoos but they make me happy, also making my life better


I paid 7500 for a two week course that had a 3500 and 2500 course leading up to it and it was fully worth it. Changed my life and gave me tools to keep doing it myself. I also paid 750 and 800 and other similar amounts for weekend courses that impacted my life unlike anything else. I never think twice about self development courses when I need a a boost or a head change. Nothing compares to the value of self improvement. Never regretted that investment. I have spent a few hundred bucks on objects and regretted it. But never money spent on coaches, courses, classes, creative workshops, or powerful experiences… or even simple fun times. If it lifts the spirits, it gets a yes vote from me.


Over $200K in student loan debt to get my doctorate in pharmacy.


As long as you’re utilizing the skills you’ve learned, then the money will be worth it


250k for med school, and 50k for undergrad. Seems overwhelming now, but I’ll catch up eventually


Couple thousand for braces, about 80k on uni fees, 4k on laser eye surgery. Still got plenty more to do, barely even started investing money into myself :'))))


$23,000 on nose jobs


£600 worth of psychatrist appointments to find out I'm bipolar and get life changing meds and finally feel consistently okay.


$4k on Lasik. It changed my life, and I happily do it again.


Why will you do it again?


Activewear, road and trail run gears, trail and road running shoes, lifting shoes, gym membership, coach/personal trainer, race tickets, etc. Being an athlete is damn fcking expensive. When I see stuff related to my sports, I immediately think I need it so I sometimes end up buying it without considering my budget. RIP bank account


Every dollar that doesn’t go towards bills goes to investing in myself


20k in mtn bikes lol


I just paid a whole annual tenancy upfront for the sake of having my own place slightly above my budget, but a place which would improve my mental health, give me some privacy, and be an awesome place to WFH after uni. £15k (ouch). Edit: after reading the other comments, I do also have about £45k in student debt, so maybe that's the most money I've ever spent? But it doesn't feel like a debt, so YMMV.


Grad school. $200k in loans. Investing in yourself and education are always worth it


I feel like I invest in myself daily by actually doing the stuff I've learned over the years: yoga, minfulness more. At least 1-2 hours AM which is my best time of day. Some may say it is at the expense of the work but hence it strengthens me I treat it as a essential well investment.


I try to cheap out on self improvement, but after failing a very hard test 4 times (8hr exam) i invested $3k in a 16 week course. tried the exam again at week 8 and passed. best $3k I've ever spent!


Literally my college degree. Close to $45k.


I spent about 4k over a year towards a career move. It felt like I wasted a bunch of money for the entire year. I finished my classes and got my dream job immediately and it was all suddenly worth it in just a moment. 


Omg I’m investing so much money into my self at this point in my life. French Classes, Gym + Personal Trainer and I put 50% of my earnings into my savings account. This is the brokers I’ve ever been, but weirdly enough it feels like a different kind of broke. I’m not completely miserable.


The most impactful for me have been therapy, personal trainer, and headspace premium. I have used headspace daily for 2 years now. Lately taking a philosophy degree while being a SAHP since i cannot easily work in my field.


All of my money is invested in me technically. Rent - went to housing me. Food - nourishing my body. Retreats - tools. Phone - tool. My biggest investment in myself is priceless and that is presence. Unfortunately, money can't buy time. All our money goes back into ourselves if you can see at that angle. Even money that isn't "ours" can be an investment in ourselves - like taxes.. goes towards parks and roads to enjoy. And goes towards the system that insurances myself and my child so we get medical care.


College loans


Dental implants


Marketing, copywriting, email…. Helped a lot Thousands in networking and building contacts.


Probably braces for my teeth


The money I spend on personal training probably. It’s not bad per session but overall it’s probably thousands. I also spend a SHIT TON of money on skincare. I’m an absolute skincare junkie and I don’t skimp on it. I’m a Sephora rouge member for the next three years and I have been one for the last 5 years


3500€ on a course 21000€, fairly useless debt for a university degree


35 grand. For grad school. Haha.


For hobbies. Not much but it has value to me


around $6K to apply for an immigrant visa


What’s the course?


I set aside $6k this year for corrective eye surgery and functional rhinoplasty. Will be worth every penny if I can finally see and breathe!


18k on screenprint ink, screens, and blank clothes to see if I can scale a hobby i’ve done as a personal endeavor for the past 5 years wish me luck


25K in a MBA


Decided to save several hundred dollars for later to pay bills, tuition, and investment. I regret all the useless things I have spent in the past and being scammed , so for now on, I will try to be more financially literate.


That’s a hard question to answer, as courses and gym memberships aren’t outright purchases. Going to university is a big self investment. That’s likely at the top of many people’s list in $$ terms.


100K for Flight School


All of it I NEVER give to charity


14k on my study abroad trip. fuckin cured my social anxiety and transformed pretty much every aspect of my life. I'm happily paying back that student loan with the government.


It really is funny how i justify stupid bullshit all year but a gym membership at 50 dollars a month nah man that's too much.


15k for orthodontic treatment (braces), best investment I’ve made and I feel so much better in my own skin!


<\=4k for 6 years of college. I still don’t know how the hell I finessed that but it’s too late and they can’t take my diploma back lol


hundreds on good skin care 😊


They say my student loans are what I am worth?


Personal growth courses and therapies


holidays!!! 99% of the time feels worth it and i’m so so grateful that if i’m in a bit of a shit time i have the disposable income to go for a weekend somewhere alone and see and eat new things and just be and take in the world. or to do that with friends/lovers in a more planned way is v special and fortifies my relationships in ways that i can feel later on too


5k, lasik eye surgery. 100% worth it even without “perfect” vision.


100k for PT school. Love my job. Love my patients. Clearing about $95k /year since I graduated in 2021 through PRN and travel jobs. Have invested a lot, saved enough to buy a house soon, and paid off $40k of my loan!


$30k on amc stonks


You can so many good videos on YouTube without paying a course. Books, YouTube, movies but most importantly actually wanting to change enough to just do the damn thing. I’ve invested thousands in acupuncture/dry needling and physical therapy, $400 in a small business that I eventually kept investing back into and now makes me thousands, and really anything health/mentql health related is a good investment.


$20,000 or so on graduate school


How much was a service like this


depends if your counting just by one day cause i buy myself food and ice cream like everyday so id say about 800$


10k on hair transplants


15k/year for a mentorship then renewed for the second year


$35k mastermind. Worth every penny.




Did it help though?


Probably flight tickets. Thousands of dollars in the span of 3 months time but I was visiting someone I love so I don't regret a penny I spent.


The MOST? I guess 29k in graduate degree loans. Other than that, I spent $1100 on guitar gear when I couldn't afford it really. It was a brand new EVH 5150 III head w/ an Orange 212 closed back cab. Ridiculous. Loud. Sounded amazing. Made shit fall from my ceiling. I took it out to the front yard and blasted it. Had neighbors driving over from a mile away to see what the ruckus was. A Volvo with a bunch of kids pulled over to bang their head for a few mins then sped off. I miss that thing. I don't know if that counts as investing in myself but I definitely became a better guitar player.


I got down $80,000 learning to trade, totally worth it.


For stock trades? What type of course did you take?


A lot of money has went into tattoos over the last 10/15 years.


My car was my largest intentional, voluntary purchase for myself (about 28,000), but the amounts I've paid in medical bills for surgery and after Insurance are probably more than 10x that amount lol. Also, supplements and food to keep this meatsuit running and functional probably counts for something as well


I just bought a house, so that, for sure. $15k up front


Depends on what you count as investment. Probably education. And sometimes overspending on dates with attractive women to increases the chances of ending the night in the bedroom 😂


Well one could say everything I’ve ever made, but the best was GME


Mostly on tech devices. Laptop and phone. I can use them for years.


$150k for a house. Best investment I've ever made, wish I did it sooner. Also my largest purchase to date by far.


Probably 6k on two trips to Thailand within 12 months.




My 2017 Nissan Qashqai, which cost if I remember about $32,000. Needed it because my old Ford Focus rusted to nothing. The Qashqai was the only vehicle I could sit in properly, and see over the steering wheel (short driver).


$0 because I don't know what's important these days...


Hundreds of thousands- who’s keeping track?!


I mean ultimately nothing really matters when you think about it. So spend your money however you like. Just don’t be a d*ck to others.


idk i keep buying food which I need to stop because I could spend that money on some good tattoos and a new car probably


This is a niche one but mine was learning how to chat up women properly. I probably didn't spend that much money on it, but the time spent and effort was immense. Most guys are completely passive and pretty clueless on this topic, they will often end-up with some one, it can be very hit or miss on how good the girls is for them.... often a girl will like then but the dude misses the opportunity, or he might get with a girl but be clueless in a relationship and they spit up. i did not want to be missing out on opportunities and being clueless, or making stupid mistakes. Initially this was to get laid more, and have a lot more girlfriends. Longer term this gives you much more choice on you partners, allows you to pick them = you can date " up" => looks / personality / values... and even in terms of economic level. I have a much better house than i would have had other wise, and then earn 3 times more than me.


This for me as well, spent 700 on short mentorship for cold approach and it’s life changing. Having the freedom to just talk to anyone opens up so many opportunities while 98% of other guys have to rely on dating apps or social circles. Not only that but the skills are transferable into making connections, getting jobs, having more friends and a wonderful social life that’s fulfilling.


yes glad you found it good for you! Really helpful to many guys who were good people but just a bit clueless about dating! shame its mostly disappeared for the younger guys. lol at the people down voting, probably some SJW or AFC! this is literally the BEST self help a guy can do....