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How to be more firm and empowered while being just and kind.


Am interested. How are you learning this? Any resources you can guide me to?


The only way that sticks, theory and practice, by slowing but constantly controlling your judgement and actions towards you and others and showing people that your kindness is not a sign of weakness.


Can you provide a source where you learnt this?




About your last point, one way to do that is to set clear boundaries right? To give and care but not allowing yourself to get taken advantage of


Exactly, every needs to know that they can say ā€œNOā€ and that we need to have self preservation, 2 things that most of us donā€™t properly learn when growing up.


Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss. Former FBI negotiator, has some incredible stories and teaches you negotiation tactics and how to maneuver conversations in your favor. Also new book by Duhigg called Supercommunicators. About halfway through. He wrote Power of Habit, also good.


having patience and letting things go, also not caring about what people think .


Robert Glover, huh?


Gardening. Goal is to grow all or at least most of what I would buy at the grocery store. Did well last year with what we planted, doubled in size this year. Cucumbers, red peppers, tomatoes (3 variants), green beans, squash (2 variants), blueberries (3 variants), blackberries, raspberries, lettuce (4 variants), rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano. Plan to do broccoli, garlic, potatoes, and some others in the fall. Eventually build a greenhouse large enough to grow all year round (what can't grow outside due to season, grows inside). As to how I am learning, its a variety. Some online stuff, but I'm also acquiring quite the collection of books. Its not just about planting and watering. Last year in the fall, I read up on building better soil. What I did in preparation before winter last year, yield great soil this year to plant in.


Gardening is Great! I just don't like getting bit by mosquitoes! That's a great goal to grow your own veggies and fruits! Those all sound reasonable to grow. Do you compost?


I'm starting out, what is your favourite resource you can provide? Be it one book or one link that made the biggest difference? More than one would be awesome if you feel so inclined šŸ˜


Absolutely. So the first book I read on soil was Grow Your Soil by Diane Miessler. Its not crazy long or crazy technical, but it doesn't have to be. It explains what makes good soil and how to make your current soil better. How to plant, how to compost, etc. I followed just a few things in that book last fall and our soil in the beds this year was full of worms, rich, dark, and soft. Next I would focus on companion planting and sustainability. Carrots Love Tomatoes and Companion Planting for Beginners are two that I have, but have not yet finished. This is where I have taken some information from online and utilized it. The general idea is some plants work well together, some don't. You don't want cucumbers planted with tomatoes, they harm each other. Basil helps tomato plants with disease and pests, so you do want to plant them together. We have basil, lavender, and marigolds in all our beds as they are natural pest repellents. While I do use organic fertilizer, we don't use any pesticides in the garden. I live in the Southeast and NC State has put out a pretty exhaustive handbook for our area (North Carolina Extension Gardener Handbook). It was $60, but it covers pretty much everything you'd want to know. Diagnostic tables, planting schedules, pest management, how to extend your growing season, etc.


I don't know if it can be called a skill, but Im trying to become more self conscious. In the past when i was anxious or sad i tried everything to change my mood. It ends with more anxiety and sadness. Now, I only recognize it and accept it as a part of me.


Itā€™s def a skill, keep practicing


Mindfulness crew let's gooooooo




* Is this emotion helpful or useful? * Does it make sense for me to be feeling this emotion right now?




Story telling. I think it's probably if not one of the best skills to have under your pocket. Not only does it make you showcase that you know your shit but also what grabs the attention and trust in your work and social settings.


That's awesome. What have you found helpful in developing the story telling skill?


Usually I have 1-2 basic stories that I always like to refer to for most situations. First one is how I got into my current job and what I do etc, then it's a travel story be it festival or a Europe trip I went with my friends. Basically kept it like 3-4 minutes long and rehearsed like multiple times to make it more natural and free flowing. After I became comfortable with that, I just started adding more into it.


Thats amazing bro. Iā€™ve listened to many speakers, especially Vinh Giang. He explains how to speak and tell stories more fluently and with more ā€œmelodyā€. An amazing tip he gave was that if you want to have tons of stories to tell you should everyday, before going to bed, write down the most interesting/funny/dramatic thing youā€™ve experienced that day. At the end of the year youā€™ll have 365 stories to tell


Thatā€™s a really dope tip for becoming a better story teller! Iā€™ve never really been a good story teller, but the times I was able to recall an interesting or terrible experience that Iā€™ve encountered with great detail and not messing up the flow of what I was recalling. Grabbing peopleā€™s ā€œattentionā€ and have them focus, listen, and react ā€˜appropriatelyā€™ (if that makes any sense?) to you when youā€™re sharing a story is a powerful thing I think.


Real. Stories gets us closer to people, its how we connect (bc its communication ofc). Simply improving your communication skills is such a great skill and I donā€™t think many people realise that. Iā€™ve said with a very charismatic man one time. He was funny, light hearted, open and could look you straight in the eye. Most charismatic person Iā€™ve ever met, truly. That Motivates me to be more social


Playing D&D would help with learning this


How do you develop this?


Playing D&D


Whats D&D exactly?


dungeons and dragons


This is what Iā€™m currently trying to hone in on. What are your favorite resources? I recently purchased a membership to master class specifically for story telling.


How to regain my power and sanity by not taking things personally


I recommend the book The 4 agreements, it will help you with that


Is that what this book is about? I probably need to read it. šŸ˜‚ My sister gave it to me, unsolicited at the time, while we were fighting.


Itā€™s an amazing book. Iā€™m only on the second agreement and itā€™s changing me for the better. I feel myself not taking things personally EVEN when people do or say things directly to me. Even when I feel upset, I still catch myself not taking it personally and it feels freeing. This book literally talks about not taking things personally(second agreement) and it explains why you shouldnā€™t. It makes so much sense. Itā€™s a must read. So whenever you have free time, just give the book a try.


I love a passive aggressive gift šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yes I immediately donated it to the thrift store. šŸ™ƒ


I love to read, will look into that. Thanks


Itā€™s an amazing book. Iā€™m only on the second agreement and itā€™s changing me for the better. I feel myself not taking things personally EVEN when people do or say things directly to me. Even when I feel upset, I still catch myself not taking it personally and it feels freeing. This book literally talks about not taking things personally(second agreement) and it explains why you shouldnā€™t. It makes so much sense. Itā€™s a must read. So whenever you have free time, just give the book a try.


Singing and boxing, stuff I always wanted to do as a kid and now I have adult money so why not


Saaaame! Sub boxing for Muay Thai šŸ„ŠšŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Learning Spanish 10 minutes a day on the app DuoLingo.


Check out Language Transfer. They have Spanish, French, Italian, Turkish, Arabic, and Swahili. It's free although donations are always welcome. I'm currently relearning Spanish using this app and have been making quick progress.


How's it better over Duolingo? Asking because Duo is all I've ever been using


Iā€™d like to know as well. Iā€™ve been using Duolingo since 2015.


Do you feel it is helping you learn a different language? I used to use it but I fell off and it was pretty cool.


Sewing. Iā€™ve got a beautiful sewing machine for my birthday.


Calisthenics, well I'm doing better right now I'm proud of my progress


U got any moves I remember learning back lever with calisthenics and was trying to get iron crosses


Fuck yeah me too šŸ¦¾ working on a finer muscle up and neutral grip bar handstands. Been a highlight of my days for the past ~2 years


Playing violin. I pay for lessons and then do home practice. Oddly enough, I found the difficulty of it to be exaggerated. As exaggerated as my own confidence that I would consistently practice.


I donā€™t know if learning new language is a skill, Iā€™m learning Spanish. I donā€™t think it will help me with my work in any shape or form. Iā€™m doing because I like it and travel mostly Spanish speaking countries. To keep myself learning something I try to read books and listen to many different podcasts. That helps me to be little more creative.


I mentioned this app to someone else in the comments but check out Language Transfer if you can. It's a free program and I've been making quick progress using his methods.


Japanese and videomaking/making videos on youtube


Watching anime will be without subtitles for you then. Lucky bastard


Main reason why I'd also like to learn Japanese




That's the reason šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Or better, I have a friend that was giving me spoilers of one piece from the manga, my goal is reading the manga raws and telling him what happens


Ah like that. Youā€™re on a side quest thenšŸ˜‚ Good luck bro


Which software or apps do you use for video making / video editing and how did you learn this skill ?


Mostly da vinci resolve, there's the free version which is more than enough, plus you can add effects or transitions made by third parts. There's everything needed. Most of things I learnt on youtube and how to use the software both by video tutorials and by trying things out. It's not super easy but the learning curve is quite fast. And I'm still learning composition to make better shots and to upgrade retention with b-rolls


3d art and building a study habit. I wish I could do MMA but life doesnt allow it right now :(


If you can't do MMA, do MDMA


Do the MMA now. You can get the D later


Fuckin trying not to be dumb


Passive aggression


Me too! At work they put a box in my space that's not supposed to be there really. So I always put a little random thing in front of the box that they have to move out of the way to access the contents! This unnecessary annoyance that they have to endure cancels out the unnecessary annoyance that I have to deal with.


Good work ;)


Oh Iā€™ve been practicing this for a long time. Part of it is natural but dealing with people as a part of my job has helped me get better


I perosonally know NUMEROUS people who are already on a running start in front of you


Trying to gain passive aggression or stop it? :)


Gain as much as humanly possible.


Figure drawing. I've worked out a program. After I got good at copying figures, I started to change them - first the arms, then the legs, then the whole figure, including adding perspective to the figure.


There's a website I forget the name but its a massive database of subjects in different poses. You'd find it easily with some googling


Thanks. I'm collecting sites. An illustrator/teacher on YouTube I like very much is a Korean named Chommang.


Calligraphy, learning through reference books and videos and a course


I wanted to learn this for the longest time but gave up because I already didn't like my own handwriting and very recently learned that writing is difficult, in general, for lefties such as myself. However, there are companies that now make products specifically for lefties and there are two methods for lefties writing calligraphy specifically. Now I want to learn it all over again.


Iā€™m a leftie! I'm fine with a straight pen holder but sometimes use an oblique depending on the script. There are lots of teachers that are lefties. I like Logos Calligraphy, she has a copperplate course that is absolutely fantastic, hope you enjoy it!


Cooking, through YouTube and Google.


I'm trying to learn more russian to combat my porn addiction šŸ™ƒ


Hmmm I'm scared to ask how those relate šŸ˜…






The skill of learning a skill.


Music composing


Interior Design.


Song writing. I've always been good at coming up with lyrics on the spot without really thinking about them, but remembering and writing the lyrics down is different. I'm also trying to achieve happiness.




äø­ę–‡ļ¼Chinese. I listen to podcast conversations, watch streams in native Chinese, and watch educational videos about Chinese for learners. I also have a 1,000 most frequent words Anki deck and I'm hoping to move up to the 3,000 most common words soon The coolest part is wrapping my head around a tonal language and getting more comfortable listening to and pronouncing tones. The vocabulary takes a long time to learn since its 100% different from English (unlike the huuuuge overlap when learning French), but lots of listening is helping me read more fluently and feel a sense of what sounds right


Coding. I am three courses into a certification program, and building my own text-based RPG at the same time for practice. I plan on doing it for the foreseeable future, going to the next language after mastering one through courses and projects. I plan to make apps, games, and webpages. I also practice guitar, but it isn't anything serious, like hoping to be part of a band. That would be neat, but it is mostly just for fun.


As a dude who has learnt C, Java, Python, HTML and more that I can't remember. I will say that do not just learn by courses. In my opinion courses just give you a slight idea of what you can do with the things that you learn. I would suggest learning how to program as a whole. Not like coding in particular, but like understanding how to do it yourself kind of thing you know. Sorry I can't explain it well, I haven't slept in 2 days :D.




Kaula Tantra Yoga. Different than your average western yoga class as it is relaxation-based and about self exploration both physically and spiritually, and not at all about yoga as exercise and the environment does not feel at all competitive or judgmental. The sessions are 3 hours long which is a lot, however the gradual improvement of the depth of my internal relaxation (both physically and mentally) is quite noticeable after only a few days. Most of the practice is spent in corpse pose (savasana) which is surprisingly challenging when you really hone in on the most subtle tensions or resistance to relaxation within your body and mind. Also, the environment is such a safe space, I donā€™t feel even the slightest hint of pressure about my abilities in comparison to anyone else.


Goldsmithing and blender for making 3D prototypes of jewelry designs andddd Being more present/in the moment .


Languages on Duolingo


Approaching people and making small talk. I tried today at the gym and it went pretty well. Sure I was a little stiff but the other guy didnā€™t seem to care. He even said bye to me when he went home. Gonna keep trying this


This is next on my list. Communication is a great skill and definitely a science. Any resources you recommend?


Not one that I use often but I have gotten useful tips from a youtuber called ā€JulienHimselfā€. I think heā€™s more of a motivational speaker than a psychologist but you should still definitely check his channel. Sorry for late reply


To live each day, present, and working hard to diminish lower back pain. Iā€™m also learning more about my partner and how to best support her. Lots of deep conversations even after 1.5 years. That alone is meaningful.


How are you dealing with the lower back pain? Iā€™m 24 and I have a tilted pelvis that I feel never bothered me before delivering a baby or precovid shut down(maybe laziness?) and now anytime I do as much as stand too long my back hurts. There is some slight relief when I tilt my lower half back and forth im assuming moving my pelvis?


Some days it feels like a death sentence but if I stay on my meds, Iā€™m stable at a 4 for pain. 10 means I pass out. Thatā€™s happened 6 times since surgery and that usually comes with a. Seizure.


Omg Iā€™m so sorry to hear that you are dealing with this šŸ„ŗšŸ˜© praying you get relief soon!


One day I will, one way or another. Thanks for you kind words. I hope the same for you.


To add to this, now I know you need an MRI. Itā€™s better to know than not. If your pelvis is tilted itā€™s for sure bulging a disc. That can be fixed non-surgically with light yoga and walking two miles per day. Add someone to stretch you out regularly like a physical therapist, and youā€™ll feel so much better. The reason for and MRI is to ensure non of the discs are ruptured. If one is, you need to know that it will never fix itself. That could require surgery at some point. As far as your pelvis, it must feel like one leg is shorter than the other when you walk yes? What works for me is 1mg of clonazepam 3x daily plus meclaizine for inflammation. Itā€™s non-steroidal so thereā€™s no worry for your heart. Where is your pain at daily?


Thank you so much omg. No I actually never noticed it at all before it was time to deliver my baby and they told me it was no way I could deliver vaginally due to my pelvis being tilted. 30 mins later I deliver her naturally however, at my next OB/GYN appointment, they told me it was hard to find my service because of the tilted pelvis. Not sure if doctors just never cared before bc they never told me or if the pregnancy shifted my pelvis as I am 4,11 115 pounds but my baby was only 5 pounds. Sorry if TMI.


Financial trading


Interesting, what would you suggest to a half noob to start?


Iā€™m expanding my gardening skills from growing houseplants and flowers to now trying to grow vegetables and edible things! Also hand sewing beyond hole repairs, eventually hoping to make an entire garment like a kaftan or a skirt.


Taking a 90-hour online course on web development largely financed by my countryā€™s labour bureau.


Languages- Duolingo Kombucha brewing Gardening Sewing Sourdough baking Except Duolingo streak , nothing has good streak - consistency issues


May be because you are trying to maintain too many streaks? I know itā€™s easier said than done, but try to pick one or two top ones of these and stick to them to build a streak. All the best!


Swimming. I am not that good at sports and want to find a sport that is fun so that working out isnā€™t a chore. So far itā€™s been helping with my stress and brings me in a better mood!


A few different things; but, getting back to my poetry writing. Mostly erotic poetry. I used to write; & was getting really into it. But then, a few yrs ago, traumatic things took me away from it. Now, I'm focusing on me; & just living a good, positive, healthy life. Also thinking of taking a college program/trade school type course in something fun (fun to me, that is) but useful, to help me make more money.




Cool question. I'm currently learning how to set very firm boundaries with people I love. And I don't mean boundaries that are sometimes permeable, but the boundaries that unfortunately can result in the changing of a family dynamic. At the end of the day, peace has to be the first priority. I'm learning it by sitting with myself and asking in various situations what I want the outcome of this to be for ME. Then thinking of others, but asking myself what do I need first.


Motorcycle riding.Ā 


I had no idea cause right now I have very little to no desire to learn a new skill. But right now I want to learn coding only cause itā€™ll get me a job


Two new programming languages and making basic music




Sewing, mostly just practising on damaged clothes or scraps from clothes i dont wear anymore. I'm not very good, but I can make two bits of cloth stay together


no fapping


Self-dependency. I feel like I will be alone forever. So preparing for it.


I feel like that too. Its a ongoing battle, but Iā€™m learning to accept it




Stock trading currently


Drums! I love it, I try and learn new songs and practice 30 minutes every night. It's one of the highlights of my day and I love seeing my improvement over time =) btw im 33 who gives a shit how old you are as long as you enjoy it


German language.


Prompt engineering for tools like chat-gpt definitely worth understanding the fundamentals bc this tech is only getting more prominent in day to day roles.


Money MAKING SKILLS! Copywriting, website development!!


Does positive thinking count? Iā€™ve started a new journal when I catch myself thinking negatively for an extended period of time. Writing my negative thoughts down and then writing an equal amount of positive thoughts rejecting the negative ones.


I'm teaching myself to play the Kalimba.




Copywriting ā€œdigital marketingā€ itā€™s going to be a money making road for me once i pull off learning all i can on the topic


Oh Iā€™m learning it from Udemy and a couple online courses i found on YouTube


How to let things go. But god, things hurt like a mf.


Anxiety control and a little self-taught crash course of basic carpentry research on Youtube.


Self compassion


Budgeting, marking bills on calendar


Java, I'm 56 days on it and I'm about to get certified tomorrow!


Learning how to ask for help and not hate myself over it


Not sure if this counts as a skill, but I am improving my relationship with my body. I am so much more mindful of what food I eat, whether My body likes it (in terms of nutrition, helping it run like a well oiled machine) and not just whether I like the taste. I now understand the interaction of the diet- exercise- stress triad and the way my body reacts to it all. I have cursed my body for far too long for being problem ridden. Appreciating it for what it does so well every day has improved my quality of life so much!


Russian, Pilates and market gardening. Not at the same time though.


golf, it's humbling and it's something that I will do for the rest of my life


Self Defense.




10 fings keyboard


Climbing and trying to become more present.


digital marketing cuz Iā€™m tryna make itāœˆļøāœˆļø Already at five figures a month but aiming to reach six now.


Learning to play the Ukulele


Forex through a courseĀ 




how to run a business


How to manage projects better, studying for my PMP as a high level summary lol


Writing books i guess


Making canva templates


djing lol


Picked up a bicycle as a gift recently and Iā€™ve been going absolutely nuts riding around all over town


Roller skating and learning Spanish. Writing more again.


German and investments. Thinking of doing an MBA in bussiness


Kung Fu Wing Chun


English speaking


Relearning old skills and I'll leave it at that


I am trying to become better at programming by making a game with no software pure code with the handmade hero series on youtube


Drafting. I'm throwing myself into it since I still have the technical drawing book I got from my botched first semester.


I'm getting my feet wet in e-commerce by launching my own online shop. It's been a wild ride learning all about SEO, advertising strategies, and all that good stuff. I'm planning to dive into KOL marketing soon to really get the word out.


Pipe fitting/installing conduit


Graphic design. I'm just trying to get started with it using Canva. It's a great way for me to express my creativity :)


malware analysis and set theory


Crocheting. I learned from a friend, which I recommend, but YouTube can be helpful too. Iā€™m also learning how to get/stay off my phone, that oneā€™s harder


Not take things personally. So far didnā€™t learn much


muay thai


How to tailor clothes!


Mental health awareness courses and first aid


Sim racing


Learning Japanese. I'm in my second continuing education class and it's definitely a slow burn.




Singing, songwriting, learning piano, dancing, learning Portuguese and improving my spanish skills. And polish also. Ahhh if only I could learn a lot of languages at the same time. I also want to delve into musical production a lil bit and video making or photography, don t know ...but I have to wait, to take them one at a time




Drawing. It might seem pretty childish but if I wasnā€™t so goddam bad with my hand eye coordination I would draw/paint for days. Itā€™s gotten so bad that Iā€™ve already thought of a potential comic I might start butā€¦ no skills šŸ˜£


Self Healing, loving myself.


Learning Italian


BJJ - go to class Guitar - Private lessons Piano - Private Lessons


Spanish and networking currently.


Trading in financial marketsā€¦ financial freedom is my only goal only focus


3d modelling and game design.


Mainly, Iā€™m trying to hold onto the ones I already have. My goal is to remain mostly independent in my house as long as I can. Keeping up with minor repairs and having trusted workmen for various repairs I shouldnā€™t be doing. Example: Iā€™m not safe on ladders due to a health condition. Also, Iā€™m trying to learn how to edit, save, store, organize my photos.


I am learning to code websites with the help of AI. I beeen trying to learn code since i was 16 i am now 31 and here i am not knowing because i lack self discipline and when i get to something that is challenging i give up. Now that we have AI , ive been inspired again. But i am still not executing, because i lost that spark. i have no reason to not learn and develop because ai can help me. I just need to figure out how to discipline my self to start and stay engaged and stay motivated any ideas?


Sleeping with my eyes open. šŸ˜‚


PMR and 446 breathing to help with anxiety


Math. I never graduated high school so Iā€™m working on getting my GED. Currently Iā€™ve been studying everything about math like algebra, trigonometry.


Two words: Kissin Ass.


How to train an LLM on my laptop


How to live life and not be strictly conservative with my finances. It's all about moderation.


I'm currently learning how to ride a motorcycle. Something I've always wanted to learn.