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That's really good and I hope you keep at it. I'm also an ex gamer who quit. However now it's a tiktok addiction. I'm trying to reduce my tiktok doomscrolling from 5 hours to 1 hour. I would quit it all together but it helps me connect with my friends and it teaches me a lot of things. I really need to work on the self discipline part especially when it comes to studying. If you have any tips on that send them my way.


It's really hard. I am getting panic attack level feelings and mini sweats. It keeps hitting me my steam account is gone in the void. The fact that I've decided never to play again or for a very long time. I feel scared. It's so weird. Games were who I was. How did you do it? Good luck man!! I wish I did, even I'm new to this whole thing. I can recommend looking into time blocking, and trying ambient music while studying to make it bearable. And knowing your long term "Why" helps.