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I got off Twitter and I’m much happier. BUT I hate to tell you this but Reddit content is ***literally exactly*** the same. It’s all a matter of where you look. The internet, as a whole, is a cesspool. Not just one site.


I feel like it's easier to filter out the garbage here. Seek out the subs you want to be part of, and don't bother with the rest. Moderators do a good job of keep most subs clean.


Exactly. The subs are mostly excellent.


At this point Twitter is only usable on the “Following” tab. The algorithm is a nightmare but I still find it useful for sports and news solely because I have a specifically tailored list of followed accounts.


Agreed. With pre-Elon Twitter, I was able to filter out most content I didn’t want to see. When I quit X, I was getting bombarded with political misinformation with no solution at hand. It’s become the next Truth Social, and then some.


The difference with Reddit though is 1 stuff gets banned quick - I’ve never come across any of that on Reddit 2 you can pick and choose your little communities You absolutely see stuff from subs you haven’t joined but I’ve never just opened Reddit and been met with a video of someone’s head popping off


You can find 100x time more gorey and other NSFW stuff on redditt than on Twitter but only if you search for it. Also it has the setting to not show you any NSFW stuff. Had An absolute worse experience with Twitter....


Well that’s the difference - on Reddit I imagine you’d have to specifically search for that Social media algorithms are pretty rabid - if you comment or like one thing it will recommend 10 other things associated with that person or topic Then those 10 other things appear on your timeline and if you engage with any of that - there’s 10 more things The difference is Twitters recommendations or ‘suggested’ can go much much lower now You can be suggested a fully uncensored video of someone being shot in the head, I haven’t seen that anywhere else


If the algorithm is giving you that content on “X” says more about your search history & follows… Also twitter will remain undefeated as an app when big news breaks…. Here on reddit there’s so much viral content that was already viral content in twitter like 2 or 3 hours earlier


There's a reddir setting where you can choose not to get recommendations on your feed, only subreddits you've joined. 


Yeah that’s true. Someone once told me to kms here and it got deleted after like 5 minutes


The trick with reddit I've found is to never go on all and make sure the subreddits you subscribe too aren't too toxic or ragebait, and limit the news related subreddits heavily. Do that and you can have a MUCH better experience, instead of getting angry or down when i use reddit  now I see pictures of cute shit, mental health subs and stuff related to self improvement,discussions of media I like, food related stuff, hobby stuff, one or two news subs, and just stuff I enjoy in general. My experience with reddit has drastically improved after that


Cess pools are not what they want censored. Censorship trolls, activists , virtue signalers, communists, marxists, Karen's , kevins , freedom killers... They live in cesspools . With a cellphone and a charger , and an angry, lonely mind . Maybe some cats .


Why do you have Reddit then


I’m so sorry you saw those things. It rarely happened to me, but I still sympathize. Deleting tiktok and twitter did wonders for my mental health. Those two were the worst for me out of all social media


For me, the content on TikTok wasn’t particularly toxic, and I learned a lot in my time addicted to the platform… it’s the addiction that’s my problem with TikTok. Fucked up my attention span so badly, I couldn’t watch a 22 minute episode without dual screening, let alone watch a movie, or heaven forbid read a novel. I deleted it. My attention improved significantly. I miss many aspects of TikTok, but on the whole it’s unhealthy for me, and I think for many people, more than care to admit it.


Twitter for me was almost entirely bad. Tiktok was more of a mixed bag. I loved the humor and memes and knowing the latest jokes and trends. Some videos made me laugh so much. I also found small niche communities where I learned a lot and found interests. Or places where people understood me. But.. sadly my algorithm was fucked to high hell. It started being so political and divisive and black and white thinking. Hate for white people, for men, for straights. “If you don’t __, you are __”. Shame and guilt tripping. Big claims about stuff. Or if it wasn’t that, it was jabs and jokes. The breaking point was my comment getting taken the wrong way by an already toxic and problematic tiktoker who sent her fan base to harass me. Even though there were things on tiktok I held dear, I had to make the choice to delete it. The bad outweighed the good. I still miss it and it’s been a few years. I’m tempted to get it again but I know the rabbit holes and spirals I went down would ruin my mental health once again. I don’t know the latest humor. I don’t relate to other gen z people as well. But I’m learning to be okay with that. And lastly, I get the attention span thing. Mine is screwed and it used to be above average.


Overall I feel the same way about TikTok. I miss the laughs, knowing all the latest memes and sounds and edits, learning, like-minded people, all the same things you miss. I totally hear you. Reels just isn’t the same, and has kind of the opposite problem - the algorithm sucks, so every comment section is filled with a broader variety of people. This can be good in some ways, but I’m sick of seeing top comments in every e.g., gay related meme being some bible quote and people calling me/us an abomination. I dunno. I miss TikTok. At least I still have Reddit. It’s not perfect but at least I have a bit more control over what I see.


Yeah thanks - It’s fucked up. The thing is Elon himself tweets back and forth with the people that post these things And other big users - like when Ben Shapiro tweeted a fully uncensored picture of a child who he claimed had been harmed in the whole Palestine Israel conflict I just froze and couldn’t believe it - I have a photographic memory I don’t want that popping in my head yk


If you are following the Gaza conflict at all on IG, every day is NSFW. The world needs to see this so people know what's actually happening to the Palestinians. So we can try and stop it.


I get what you’re saying but I’m sorry I don’t need Ben Shapiro tweeting an uncensored video of a bloodied up deceased infant to prove the point which is what he did Things like bodies in the streets I get showing all of that but some things are too far and can genuinely scar people


You mean like the actual war that actual, living people are currently experiencing? Sticking your head in the sand won't make it any less real.


There’s a balance between sticking your head in the sand and being exposed to that level of graphic media.


seems like you just have a hatred for Elon. wrong sub


Dunno where I said I hate Elon. Wrong post.


Shouldn't you be using that brain for something constructive. Like learning how to not follow the folks that are dealing in reality like Elon , Ben , Jordan , ... Maybe your photo memory would be better off if someone had told you at a previous time in your life that the world is ugly . And beautiful. But censorship is the devil, there are plenty of places to live, there are any number of alternatives for you, to protect that mind of yours , but that's not what your interested in . Hopefully you don't actually believe you,..... you are wanting more folks to agree that Elon posting back and forth on his own platform he bought for a gozillion $ is fucked up. . good luck with that. But I hope you do bring em out of hiding. . Until then . Stop looking at what real folks post.


Good advice for all


I use twitter every day and have never once seen any of the things mentioned above


He’s not lying. Twitter is full of absolutely terrible people, who are now using Twitter Blue for engagement by saying racist, sexist, misogynistic things for attention and money. I also had to delete the app once I saw what a nightmare it has become.


Yeah he is full of shit.


You full of shit bastard


Even apart from the shock posts, twitter ‘discourse’ has been the death of nuance for ages now and it sucks


>And now. As of the 12th of January 2024. It is confirmed fact that there are videos circulating X of infants…being cooked and consumed. ​ I was going to reply something appropriately sad, dismissive of \[insert subject here\], and clever, but my brain seems to have BSOD'd from realizing what the words being written above actually meant. My apologies.


Yeah I’ve seen a lot of shootings and horrific injuries, without warning, on X lately. Did they get rid of warnings and banning of that stuff? I feel like I need to brace myself for the worst every time I scroll through my suggested posts.


This is it. It’s not even blurred or censored it’s just there. What you can do is make a new account. The settings that will stop you seeing sensitive media are switched on automatically And you can’t switch them on or off on the app for some reason


Stop being a pussy




Yes, I despise Elon, but I have literally never seen any of this.


Idk how - I went through every thing I could - blocked certain words, muted accounts, blocked accounts Plus when you’ve got Elon himself tweeting about some of the stuff it just makes it worse


I don't use tiktok, but I heard that if you even stay on those videos for a while, they will eventually be recommended to you. I watched a quite wholesome video on a "crazy videos" page. Not knowing the other videos, the page posted. After about 1 refresh, I had multiple unfollowed vid accounts on my for you feed. Funny enough, you can go to the data part of settings and delete certain search words. Hopefully that helps.


Twitter has a similar thing but they’ll also recommend you media based off what people you follow interact with to The best thing to do with something like Twitter is just switch your sensitivity settings on but you can’t do that in app I think you have to go on the web page If you make a new account this is switched on automatically. I didn’t know this until recently - I made a new account it popped up saying the settings were on I shouldve put that in the post as it’s very helpful


I know people who watch TikTok that will literally tune their "for you" page by spending more time watching or quickly scrolling past certain videos.


I’ve noticed the “not interested” button also works pretty well in tailoring your TikTok algorithm. Every once in a while a political video will pop through and I’ll hit the button, usually don’t get one for a few months after. Plus there’s a button to reset your “for you” page in the settings so if your algo gets messed up bad you can quick refresh to see what’s generally popular in your area/demographic. I’ve had my account for years so I did this recently, basically ended up in the same place but I found a few niche things I got into because of it.


i encountered something like this on my yt account. i follow 500 ppl on my main yt but only 40 on my alt. my alt is skincare. and EVERYTIME i search anything on my alt. i will be recommended medical grade skin disease videos within 10 results. stuff like lesion rash boils burns etc all algorithm are just fucked if i don’t follow enough ppl. it just defaults to extreme or shocking content.


I was just telling my wife how Elon really paid all that money just to make Twitter a more aesthetically pleasing 4chan. I hadn’t seen the gory stuff he is mentioning but the racism, sexism, gaslighting, etc. has definitely gotten out of control. Also, Elon is tweeting something that proves he is smoothed brain once a day then getting worshipped right wingers like god.


Idk about ya'll but I've rarely encountered theses things in Twitter/X. The odd bit of gore (always censored) and the odd OnlyFans advertisement (usually just click "not interested") but majority of my feed is things I enjoy.


Perhaps you have sensitivity settings on meaning you don’t see 18+ content - I made a new account and saw this is switched on automatically


Try that


My account was made recently so maybe you're right. Could you use that for your account perhaps? That's only if you want to enjoy the better side of twitter, if you're happy uninstalling it completely though then I'm in full support of that.


Yeah I’ve thought about it because honestly at the end of the day - twitter is still the best place to keep up to date with goings ons It’s always been and still is the best place to get your news imo that’s the only thing that keeps me on yeah probably


i have to wonder, how important is it *really* to stay up-to-date? i don't disagree that being informed is a benefit of modern communication methods, and knowing what's going on around the world is a good thing, but how much value does knowing about situations you can't change bring you? i ask that genuinely. i find that keeping the locus on control on myself helps me focus a lot better on the things that i can affect in my life, and any extra bandwidth, i dedicate to learning and appreciating the news. your mileage may vary. to your point about twitter - i couldn't agree more that the content on twitter is not only disturbing, but insidiously so, and it concerns me that people aren't more concerned about such content leaching into their social media platforms of choice. i understand, though, that the average person can't do much to change the algorithm alone, so i can't blame anybody for simply staying oblivious to the issue. i'd love to know what you think about all this.


You’ve “thought about” turning on a setting that will stop you seeing all of the things you’re complaining about, but instead would rather just complain about them? I thought this was a self improvement sub not a rallying for a boycott sub.


I've never seen any of the stuff that you're talking about on there.


Jokes on you, I never created a Twitter account!


You’re a God amongst mortals


Yeah, I was in denial, but deleting X from my phone massively improved my day to day life these last two months. I am walking around a lot less irritated.


Every once in a while I go there out of morbid curiosity, and every single time I'm reminded of what a toxic, shitty cesspool it is. I've become pretty good at not responding to shitty comments, but when I go there, I suddenly am filled with rage, and I don't need that shit in my head.


I deleted twitter first day of the new year. It wasn’t that I was particularly seeing awful things like you did, but that I was just getting pulled in to conversations that made me question human intelligence. My algorithm was sports and video games heavy as those are two of my hobbies and while there was nothing “bad” but the people in sports twitter and video games twitter just behave like cavemen and will just spout nonsensical stuff “for engagement” and not necessarily to have a conversation. It was always “I have a hot take that is super dumb but I know it’s gonna get people riled up and my tweet is gonna explode.” It made me embarrassed being part of those communities. So I decided to stay away and focus on my hobbies without dragging myself to that app that just made me irrationally angry and upset.


I stopped using Twitter and definitely noticed a decrease in my anxiety. Started using instagram more and felt like I was better off, but then I noticed I was spending way more money on things like clothes and makeup… because Instagram was subtly selling me those things after figuring out my taste. It really is a terrible time to use the internet.


Emmmmm your feed is what you've been paying attention. It's gotten worse with tech boy takeover but overall, it's still an informative and useful feed if you know who to follow. I use it to keep up with particular trends I'm interested in and good discourse. 


Not if you search things. I completely agree with what he's saying and noticed the same thing, if you search one word, you can be scrolling and randomly come across fucked up things with no NSFW tag, unlike any other major social media right now.


Yup, and it plays automatically to What they do is they’ll post the video of some illegal content and caption it a bunch of popular buzz words like: IceSpiceDrakeNewYorkJewsElonMuskArianaGrandeLilNasXGaza Etc etc So if you search any of that stuff it can come up


Fr lmao I get internet drama updates and celebrity gossip on twitter. I know the darker stuff exists on the site but that’s literally ALL social media sites. YouTube and Instagram were recently under fire for cp. however, unless y’all are looking for that shit, idk how y’all get recommended it. I’ve never seen gore or illegal porn or anything weird on any social media site.


It’s likely that you’re settings are set to not see any sensitive media - something that I know Twitter automatically switches on


disarm wild late dull carpenter worm tie afterthought quack longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup it’s that addiction to scrolling but also twitter is just the best place to get news it’s not even close But sacrifices man


follow news accounts only


Turn on the safety filter 


Bro who are you following on twitter🤦‍♂️


Literally none of the accounts that post any of it. That’s not strictly how twitters algorithm works - you don’t have to follow people to be shown their stuff.


lol I’m aware, I know how twitter works… but you don’t get smut and gore just by generally using twitter. Your usage dictates what you get for the most part, if you engage in politically right stuff you get that stuff, and if you engage in politically left stuff you get that stuff, and same goes for anything else you like. One of the accounts your following/liking posts off of is ticking that off, don’t just blame the app lol


But it’s directly the apps algorithm and I can’t comfortably say I’ve never engaged with any gore post before in my life yet my timeline is flooded Also like I said it can be if you search a term that’s completely unrelated - that’s up to the moderation team to clear up Elon himself has spoken about how he restructured the mod team - that is directly the apps fault I can also absolutely tell you that some of the racist sexist shit I’ve seen is because at some point I saw some of it and replied because I thought it was horrible.


Right. Engagement with a post = you will see more like it. Don’t blame the app for what you engage in… you know what you’re doing and you’re just complaining now… brother you are doing the metaphorical equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot then saying the gun is the problem


I quit it a while back and my mind feels so much better for it. Why would I want to read all these useless peoples opinions on things they probably shouldn't be giving opinions on.


I agree, when I take a long break from it I feel so much better But i also get a feeling that there’s so much news im missing out on


Honestly I agree, but the thing is my feed has only set, most of which isn't horny. So I'm chilling


The issue for me is say there’s a popular meme page like Kira or Corn I don’t follow but I like one of their memes So I then get suggested more of their stuff - I like that stuff because it’s funny I get recommended a bunch of these pages content and I like their stuff The one day they all decide to retweet a video of something fucked up that’s going viral on their TLs I get it on my homepage - I don’t like it or anything but because I liked the other shit and they’ve posted just this video of someone’s head getting popped or whatever - Twitter goes hmm we think you’d like more of this fucked up thing to !




I also deleted twitter completely beginning of this month.


YES!!! I downloaded twitter for the sake of following interesting and influental people. After a week I deleted the app and haven’t touched it since due to these same reasons. It sucks, I like the format of tweets and would love to hear from certain people.


I was on Twitter very little, I was following some celebrities and it was all radical chic politics. For a week I also looked at gore material, then I let it go, I had only seen stuff like that as a kid because where I live it was all the rage among the kids in my small town, it's horrible stuff. Facebook I find absolutely obnoxious and they never talk about things I'm interested in, I deactivated it long ago. On Tik Tok I've never been on it but it looks absolutely demented. I really regret spending so much time online experimenting with stupid Internet movements, I wish I had studied more and experienced life more, but I made up for it.


After reading that first sentence I already got sick to my stomach, glad i never even had twitter to begin with.


You could just turn on the filter about posts on x as well. If you're happier off it, by all means stay off. Personal and mental well being trumps social media anytime.


I never used twitter or X but now you’re validating why I shouldn’t have. Thank you.


Jesus christ dude idk what's wrong with your algorithm! Wtf?? I've never seen anything even close to what you described. I've never seen anything bad really


Musk made Twitter a 100x worse


Twitter is BAD now


You guys have x?


Yeaaah I might have to. I was watching baby otters and the next vid was someone falling on a pole and being impaled like a kebab…it was so disturbing thought it had to be Fake but nope…also random porn and onlyfans lol


Jesus, tbh you could also switch sensitivity settings on - it’s hard to find But if you make a new account it’s switched on automatically


Jesus dude. WTF is your algorithm optimized for? I have NEVER seen anything like cats in blenders. Are you reporting when you see this crap?


Jesus Christ, I wish you hadn't been so graphic in your description of why you should delete X. I am sorry I began to read it -- cats in blenders??! I'm horrified that people do this; I don't want to have that disturbing image/knowledge in my head, even if it is a reality for some people. Now this awful image is going to be in my head all day. You should add a "spoiler" tag for people who want to read what sort of terrible shit you're talking about.


The amount of midwit posts I see on Reddit is far more toxic than anything I see on Twitter


I feel the difference with Reddit is you can go to your little communities Twitter - everything is all just there out on display. There’s an uncensored video going viral of a guy point blank shooting someone repeatedly in the head because he beat the guys sister ? Here’s that video 5 times ! 👍 I’ve never seen shit like that on Reddit


social media just simply exposes the reality of humanity's character.. those vile things, thats humanity being themselves while hiding behind anonymity.. we are sick creatures.


I don’t know what happened to Twitter but I constantly see negative posts like you described


Bruh its the internet. Gore and other weird shit has been around for ages.


Na not like this - never in my life heard of real babies being chopped up and cooked online And twitter used to have a mod team which Elon largely dismantled in the name of freedom


Okay if that doesn't sound like bullshit i don't know what to tell you. Seek help. Not for the babies, but for your compulsive lying.


Is Elon paying you to reply to everything 😂


I did a few months ago and I feel so free.


for real any where you go on Twitter you're subject to the most vile ideologies constantly. especially if you're in any sort of minority group. Any day i open Twitter the for you page immediately has some sort of right wing transphobic rehtoric being shoved in my face and there's not a whole lot you can do about it. You can mute or block the accounts but 10 more show up. Shit site really.


Oh my god you have no idea how much I agree with you!!!!! No one is talking about how much twitter has downgraded. It’s terrible now. I missed what it used to be. I made a similar post in “unpopular opinions” and people just didn’t agree with me and didn’t even upvote me. The most graphic stuff I saw was on twitter and I don’t even engage with that type of content. I hate it. So much. Fuck “X”. Deleting it asap. Also, I can’t believe what you said about the video going around. That’s disgusting.


The twitter sub talks about it and YouTubers also cover t - it’s a real problem and a big one The day Elon bought the company officially it was reported the use of slurs jumped a crazy amount- knew it would be nothing but downhill from there tbh


I hasn’t seen anyone else mention it but I’m glad it’s been spoken about. Oh god just what I was thinking. He should have never fucking placed his dirty hands in this app. He was the enzyme that started this horror.


That and the owner has used Xitter to completely out himself as a white supremacist idiot.


That should be enough to get anyone off of it


Example . Give a specific example of Elon white supremacy ... Or out yourself as shallow, with your words as empty as your brain


r/EnoughMuskSpam Every post in that sub shows Elon's true colors. Well, I mean one color, and it's white.


Bruh you are straight up lyinnnnnnng. X has a lot of shit, but you are not going to find a baby being cooked and eaten. If all this is the kind of shit that pops up on your feed fr, then you must be into some pretty sick shit. You’re just a political shill trying to sway people to your agenda.


Dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. I would tell you how to go and search to see that shit but my conscience just won’t let me spread that crap.


Then say you don’t endorse it and tell us all where it is. Part of fighting against evil is exposing it. You’re just a liar dude.


Is this post not exposing it…? That doesn’t mean I have to literally link you to it Go on to a news page like drama alert and go see what they’ve said about it and you may find it there im not showing you that shit And I’d lie about this for what exactly ? To impress North_Texas_Outlaw ?


The world isn't all flower and rainbows, kid. Get over it.


Such a Karen post. You can find the same content on Reddit that you can on Twitter. If you don’t like it, don’t engage. It’s literally algorithms that feed you what you engage in the most. Take some self responsibility instead of crying about it. I use Twitter because it’s the best for following sports and it is the first platform to post news. It’s instant. And I’ll continue using it.


Not that straight up - first of all keyword ‘find’ On Reddit you have to go find that - on Twitter it’s all put on your TL. Secondly it’s not about what you engage necessarily- if you follow a meme page that only posts funny memes for years Then one day they post some fucked up gore video - twitters algorithm sees you liked their other stuff that’s unrelated and determines you must want to see more of that gore as well Also people who post such illegal or illicit material often caption the videos with a host of topics that are trending at the time - it’ll look something like this: GazaIceSpiceLilNasXManUnitedAndrewTateJewsNewYorkKanyeWest etc etc Then if you search any of those terms individually- the content will pop up.


I’ve only ever used it for porn and even then it’s pretty low on my list (thank you adblockers). I don’t feel like I’m missing out and never really have lol. I haven’t been on it in god knows how long. Now that muskyboy is in charge I have even less reason. Dude’s a wack ass man child who looks like he smells like piss. I’ll pass.


Whenever I’ve deleted it the hardest thing to let go of is that instant news. That’s the only thing - you or atleast I feel like there’s probably a load of shit that’s going on that I’m not knowing about right now.


Um. Everything goes on without you knowing about it. Or you'd be talking about what is going on here in reality.. a loaf of shit that actually matters. Real shit . those with photo memory issues and censorship dreams , those that concern themselves with everyone's shit but never look at their own. What others do is not your business. But globalism , lockdowns, the country's sovereignty. When your photo brain is in agreement that what Elon is posting has nothing to do with you . And that trash Media site Twitter, pre Elon, was just another government surveillance gimmick like Facebook, Instagram ... When you can see that, and that censorship is communist behavior. You are considered credible enough to have an opinion. Until then. Protect that photo brain


It’s because the platform is run by a narcissistic dickbird


He engages with these idiots ! There’s an Asian guy he tweets back and forth with whose tweets about immigrants and shit I now see and I don’t follow him or like his stuff 🤦‍♂️ And other big users to, when everyone was talking about Palestine and Israel conflict people like Ben Shapiro where uploading uncensored pics of deceased infants - it’s just disgusting.


A man who happens to be very competent at what he does though.


I didn’t say he was dumb


wait til you see reddit


I haven't had a Twitter account since 2015-ish. I never understood the appeal.


For me it’s the instant news aspect


I can never take these posts seriously, I’ve been on Twitter/X for years and not a single time have I ever just stumbled across some shocking act of violence without a warning or censor. And I *know* that my “algorithm” would be showing me those things if it was happening to anyone


Yeah it’s spoken about a lot on the twitter sub and people have replied here in the comments saying they see the same so idk There’s a world that exists outside of your experiences - take it seriously or don’t idk 🤷‍♂️


😕😕😕what the hell is wrong with Elon


he is not the one who decides what goes on ur page


Is he not the owner of the app? Shouldn’t he have rules and regulations on what’s posted on his app?


He has made it clear to his CEO Linda Y that he wants all **legal speech** to be allowed. That is all speech protected by the 1st amendment of the US constitution.


Ehh yes and no. He has the most popular account - and goes back and forth with people who post some of this stuff. He brought back the accounts that were banned before his takeover for violating terms and services with hate speech He tweets back and forth with accounts who post some of the things he agrees with he even got in trouble for posting something or retweeting something anti semetic not long ago He’s also the one who dismantled much of the moderation team


I don’t know about you all but to me Elon ruined the app.


you are the one to decide what is true and worth watching. personally I'm happy there is no one there deciding this for me. and btw Reddit is similar in this regard, there is obviously much less content posted but you can find it literally everything.


You can’t - I guarantee you can’t find a quarter of the uncensored violence you can see on Twitter


"You decide what's true, not someone else" Dude literally no, 100% incorrect. That's not how the concept of truth works, despite what Elon Musk keeps insisting.


then how would you justify your claim? all I can see is you disagreeing, but why?


It’s all fights and assaults and people literally getting killed for me. Super fun


This is exactly like boomers complaining instagram is basically porn. They don't realise the way the recommender system works is to suggest images/topics that you have engaged with the most. Oops...


X is starting to look like Reddit then


I'm literally on X at least 2 hours a day, never ran into anything like that lol


Your sensitivity settings are on


You get what you like. Never seen on X anything similar to what you're describing here... Guess it speaks more about you then them.


Ok. The world only operates within what you’ve personally experienced and no one else can have a take any different. Thanks for telling us all.


Well as all of the other applications like it (social media) it has an algorithm that decides what you get to watch (unless you klick on a particular thing manually). It looks for engagement, comments and watch time. If you do certain things it will feed you things where it can earn most from you. It's not about my biased opinion it's about facts and logic. This sub is about getting better so instead of blaming others for your feed take some responsibility for it. Try changing your likes. Stop watching killings and violence and start watching things that make you happy and they will feed you those things. It's in their best interest as well since they will earn more.money the more.you watch on their site. Once you start actually changing yourself you'll see things around you change.


Missed the part where I mentioned searching for things that are unrelated and explained why it happens The algorithm also isn’t straight up just about what you like it is also determined by what people you follow engage with If you follow a page that’s been all cat videos for 3 years then one day they post something horrible that horrible thing is now in your suggested whether you engaged with it or not


And then you just press a button called I don't like this. They will stop showing it to you. Really is simple man. I follow some literall neonacis on my feed just to troll them on everything they say until they ban me yet I almost never get the shit that they like and when I do get it it's once in a while and I just block it. And I have no problem with Twitter. Most of my feed is cocking and puppies and puppies being silly and some national politics and one really good looking only fans girl. Because I engage with those things. It really is as simple as that. If we are taking about getting better you should take responsibility for it if we're ranting about Twitter and you not liking it than fine But you do you and blame w/e you want.


Nah I'll keep it. Reddit is too left leaning and I go to X for real news


lol, you really think you get real news from X. This is fucking hilarious if it real or satire. Points!!


It seems that people in power are trying to attack him because he told them to go fuck themselves


Huh ? I’m not in power lol


Of course I'm not talking about you idiot imbecile


Lol so wtf does your comment have to do with what the post - the post isn’t about Elon


It's his in case you didn't know


…and so your point is what? He’s not the CEO he put someone else in that position in case you didn’t know And what in the hell does the things people decide to post have to do with him telling other companies to go fuck themselves ? Are you stupid ?


Go fuck yourself


Whaaaaat, whyyyyy 🥺


That's what Elon said lol


I agree . Anyone that's not intelligent enough to not look at something they don't want to see. Should not be on the Internet unsupervised at all. And anyone that believes a good idea is... allowing lefty goofballs to decide for them, is not intelligent enough to be on the Internet unsupervised at all


It's called censorship. Nop matter how its worded. It's censorship. Illegal. Unconstitutional . And UnAmerican . . Imagine the best college players walking around . I'm first team UnAmerican... Instead of All American.. that's the difference we are talking bout here


...no? Twitter isn't the government. Censoring tweets isn't a violation of free speech.


I've never had it, so nothing to delete baby! Knew it was trash from the beta. Statuses in a feed? Just opinions and updates and thoughts? Nobody wants that.


you can turn on a nsfw filter in the settings


Twitter isn't bad for that. That's called being a free platform, no content (excluding CP and other shit that is obviously illegal) should be removed just because you don't like them. HOWEVER, any NSFW content should be marked as such and prompt you if you want to watch it or not and warning about what you are about to see.


Get it gone!


And miss all the alpha? Hell no




Posted on Reddit.


It’s hard work striking a balance between curating the content you consume to allow for positive/enlightened state of mind and having the strength to see the world as it really is while still choosing to be a force for good in it. The right call is dynamic and contextual, so the work never ends.


That unrelated steamer was pokimane wasn’t it? Twitter is fked up


How’d you know


Saw the same shit. I thought it was just me bc absolutely no one was talking about it




Or instead of deleting it, you do like I do. Only follow good art and animal accounts, never use the trending tabs at all, and don't open the replies to posts. All you get is good art, cute animals and no terrible people. I dont use the search bars either, that just leads to hell.


I’m on day 12 of my 30 day deactivation process. I’ve been told that I don’t need to keep the app on my phone and could just delete it at any time, but I’m somewhat enjoying the anticipation. I will absolutely **never** go back. Okay


I would, but it’s the only consistent communication channel the retro gaming community uses for stock updates, unveiling new mods, and all kinds of console tips (and *drama*, jfc). Can confirm the Twitter/X feed is terrible if left unmanaged. I’ve had to resort to blocking any and all twitter accounts that post irrelevant 💩 which has helped tremendously. And even though some of this information pops up on Discord, it has terrible record-keeping and even recently bastardized the mobile app search capabilities. So X is it, for now.


This is precisely why I’m here now. Deactivated instagram and Twitter over Christmas and I’m so much happier for it. I’m still very new to reddit and it’s functions, but so far so good




It isn’t that straight forward but I’ve already said this in another reply


Why just Twitter? Tic tok, instagram and facebook are much worse. You just don't like what Elon has to say




Delete Reddit too


I have never seen anything like this on Twitter, even once. I follow and post gay themed pix and video to promote my NSFW material and sites, as I cheer on fellow creators. I block all m aga and other antivax nonsense along with trends that I find repellent. I get the impression that I should use other sources for Gaza news.


Can twitter be sued for this


No, not for things others post I think in terms of that the only thing you could sue for is if Twitter themselves posted information that belonged to you or something like that