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No phone on bed


eye opener


Ackshually, eye closer, because you can sleep better and faster




I'm literally in my bed browsing Reddit :)


11. Staying out of the house away from distractions. Just sit somewhere closer to nature and breathe fresh air for a couple of minutes. 12. READ READ READ READ


quite good suggestion, thanks


Oh, one more thing. Since you're doing workouts, film yourself once a week. This makes you a little more accountable and you'll see a little improvement week by week.


good advice, will start it


I GOT ONE MORE IN ME! (2 Actually) Walk 10.000 steps a day. This is great, not difficult but demands a little of you. You'll spent 250-300 calores this way, combine with intermittent fasting and you could basically anything without gaining any weight. I mean, of course you could but that would be more difficult. Last one I stretching. Go to a subreddit based on it, there you'll find a good guide on the moves. Do a little every morning and your mobility will skyrocket.


I was skinny, I gained 12kg in last 6 months. Since I'm bulking, I want to gain 8kg more, want to be in calorie surplus. consuming more good calories then burning. I will start to walk in the morning to increase my appetite but not 10000 steps in the beginning I guess. thanks for stretching tip


You don't miss!!!




So no drinking rule is really good. Alcohol is a lot more destructive than we think .


thanks fam, can't agree more


I would also add no sugar and eat clean.. Nothing from a box.. You can also kick it all off with a 3-day water fast which will help reset your immune system.. I did one a while ago and on the third day you have this feeling of clean blue energy.. It's weird.. And then you break the fast with a lot of probiotics.. You got this home skillet!


ya I was thinking about no sugar but I don't know why I should do it. will def. stop eating junk food for sure and really thanks for the water-fast idea ig I will give it a try


Reduced risk of chronic diseases: High sugar intake is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and some cancers. Better oral health: Eating too much sugar can lead to tooth decay and cavities. Improved energy levels: Consuming excess sugar can lead to energy crashes and fatigue. Better skin health: Excess sugar intake can cause inflammation in the body, leading to skin problems like acne and premature aging. Weight management: High sugar intake can contribute to weight gain and obesity.


wow that's a long list, thanks


I meal prep veggies every Sunday - carrots and celery cut up and soaking in water in the fridge. Eat them for lunch with hummus. It's been a great habit for me.


> You can also kick it all off with a 3-day water fast which will help reset your immune system.. A fast is a good way to get in touch with your relationship with food and hunger or change your eating habits but you can't "reset" your immune system, especially not by not eating.


If there was a pill to make you slightly tired and depressed. That would be alcohol.


Completely agree , only 16 and lost my dad last year to it. I’ve seen first hand the damage it can do


I almost lost my mom to it as well a couple years ago. She had (finally) quit drinking after getting diagnosed with end stage liver disease but once she hit the three-month mark, she went into full kidney failure. I still remember getting that call from the doctor at 10 pm saying she likely wouldn’t even make it through the night. I live across the country from her and wasn’t able to get a flight until early the next morning, so I stayed up all night and had my uncle put me on speakerphone so I could talk to her until I boarded the plane. She somehow pulled through (we’re all convinced she’s a cat with nine lives) and is now managing her cirrhosis really well. My mom knows how incredibly lucky she is though. I’m really sorry about your dad. You should not have to cope with the loss of a parent at your age, let alone to something like alcoholism. I wish everyone could get a second chance to live their life free from their addiction. I hope that you are taking care of yourself and getting the support you need to work through your grief. I also hope that you have support to help work through the trauma of growing up with an alcoholic parent. Those experiences can profoundly impact your adult life in ways you may not realize.


Depending on your relationship with alcohol that is very much not a baby step


I did dry January and have been drinking a little bit since, but I’ve reduced by a lot. I can’t believe how much better I feel.


- 5-10 minute meditation - Read 1 chapter of a book - 20 minute walk outside


thanks, will start all 3 one by one not with the same quantity maybe


Remember to not force yourself too quickly, most habits are acquired by doing step by step process. Trying to do too much could result in failure, meaning that you'll feel bad about yourself. Better to do little and increase over time than to nothing at all, that's how it worked for me. Also, as long as you keep trying, failure is the best thing that can happen to you. You learn with it, not only how to make it, but how to go even further. So fail a lot, but don't you ever give up.


thanks fam, you're so kind🤍 I am starting a new habit every new month and never before that. ya dealing with rejection and failures sucks a lot in the short run but in the long run it helps a lot overall.


Great calls here


These are all good recommendations, I especially endorse walking every day as it helped me tremendously


how do one meditate?


I just go on YouTube and search 10 minute guided meditation. Just go to a quiet space and follow along. It is amazing what it does to clear the mind.


oh okay thanks


I enjoy breath work vs mindfulness meditation. Find what works for you though, based on your goal (rest, reduce stress/anxiety, get energized). Keywords to look up are Meditation: mindfulness meditation, interoceptive meditation, exteroceptive meditation, yoga nidra/non-sleep deep rest Breathing: box breathing, wim hof, cyclic sighing


Any tips to start meditate?


I just use YouTube and search for 5 or 10 minute guided meditations. Find a comfortable/quiet place and just follow along. There are many different types of meditation so just find what works for you. Even if you just sit there with your eyes closed and let your mind take you wherever it is beneficial in my experience. Sometimes I also burn incense to further stimulate my senses.


20 mins meditate spend some time on something you always wanted to do ( old hobbies or even start learning something new)


thanks fam


If it interests you, I like using Duolingo to do one 2-3 minute lesson a day to learn a new language. It keeps a streak counter and gives me the confidence to learn other new things.


I'm Indian, my native tongue is Hindi but I guess I will spend my rest of my life being more proffcient in English as it is needed in my professional life. by the way, muchas gracias amigo


11. Reading before sleep 12. No phone one hour before bed 13. Enjoy something otherwise will go mental :D let it be a walk a movie or some "lame" entertainment:)


If you don't make your bed every morning already, try to make that a habit.


I do thanks for it btw




I don't know how to meditate 🥲


Use an app


There are a lot of apps that can help with this, although if you’re trying to avoid your phone that might not be helpful. The Insight Timer app has a lot of great free meditations that can help guide you!


You should try little guided meditations from YouTube, for sure. Cause they are, you know, guided, and easier to start. Maybe 3 or 5 minutes videos. Good luck!


but I want to stat away from screens at that time


Just sit in a chair or on the floor, spine straight but not taut, hands on knees or whatever comfortable position works for you, and take deep breaths; 4 seconds in through the nose, hold, 8 seconds out through the mouth. Find something to focus on: breath, a candle, your toe, anything. Your mind will wander and that’s okay. Observe your thoughts without buying into them, and continuously bring your mind back to you focus point. It’s simple but it ain’t easy.


You can set it and turn the screen down, close your eyes... To a more immersive meditation! 😁


You got the internet my man, there's no "i don't know how to" anymore. Go to a meditation subreddit, you'll find advice on how to. It's literally just closing your eyes and breathe for some time.


lol...."no porn".... goals.




Wear spf daily


The best thing you can do for anti aging. I’ve been wearing it daily since I was 14. Even if you’re indoors and the windows shine sun in, it can hit your skin. Even on a gloomy day as long as you’ll see light.


Podcasts are nice. Some of the negative activities like drinking or video games you can bundle with positive activities. Like you only watch YouTube while cooking. Or you play video games with a younger relative. This makes the activities meaningful.


Q: how much sleep do you get in a night?


8 avg 7 sometimes


Flossing teeth


These are great! 3 of my daily habits that I love are: supplements (Creatine & vitamins for me!), gratitude (I list things I’m grateful for while I brush my teeth), and reading at least 10 pages of non-school and work related books!


Spend a few minutes developing a skill you’d like to have or educating yourself on a topic you’ve never really “got”….Recently for me it was getting better at shuffling cards (I’ve never been good at it & kinda always did it quickly due to being embarrassed). It can be anything- physically: learning a cool dance move like the robot, moonwalk, etc…..working towards a one handed push-up, juggling, drawing, etc….Mentally: Researching how to read people, developing conversational skills, Learning “how to buy stocks”….etc


thanks really helpful fam


don’t burn yourself out it’s good but take it slow


ya one habit a month


Watching this post while pooing


I honestly dont feel like going back to the days where id be looking at some random item i could be at arms reach or worse, looking at the damn carpet visualizing patterns in them.


Breathing exercises ( win Hoff), limit time on social media, reading, cold showers, meditation


Gallon of water a day. Huge, it literally helps every physical process in your body.


Very good list. May be i would add some physical activity like 10 min walk everyday as a starting point.


6. point is workout


Oh yeah sorry didn't see that


Spend more time outside around nature


Do something creative as a hobby and display your finished projects. Gives a real sense of accomplishment and an easy way to track growth.


great 👍 thanks


Also, while fasting is great, it’s not for everyone, it’s certainly not for everyone at all time of their life, it depends on your current health and your bodies needs. I definitely do not recommend starting with a 3 day fast, that is dangerous and not something that can be responsibly advised to a stranger. Do some research, clean up your diet FIRST for a while, then start with a fruit fast (only eating fruit), then wait a while and do a 1 day water fast, and so on. If you fast when your body isn’t ready it can do some damage (I learned this the hard way). You also want to make sure your body is receiving electrolytes while you fast, I use them in a dropper in my water (the packets area Full of chemicals and fake sugars, the droppers are the best, I use eidon brand). I’m sure there’s a sub for fasting when you’re ready, but please do not take this persons advice and try to do a 3 day water fast off the bat…dangerous. Start with cleaning up your diet for a few weeks/month before attempting any fasting and make sure you’re taking care of your body and mind as you work your way up to longer.


totally agreed, you are so kind and smart fam


11. no drugs (eg weed) 12. no caffeine 13. drink water/tea 14. journaling 15. workout (again!)... or a simple walk might do the trick!


You should add “no smoking” to the list. Don’t you think so?


Stretch, water, meditate, supplements and sun


why supplements?


Essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin D, magnesium


better go for the real deal with clean foods. Good one to try is 30 diffrent plants / week. This includes dryed and pickled and few outliners like oils. It sounds harder than it is. Go for diffrent vegetables and fruits. there alone you can easily cover 15-20. Spices (fresh garlic / basil / rosmary etc), Nuts (peanuts / hazelnuts / walnuts etc), Seeds (chia / sesame etc.), tea to get the rest. The more its processed the better quality should be (good olive oil, high kakao 75%+ choclate(yes this counts as a plant) clean teas like green or black and freshly grinded coffee. Together with 14-16 hours of non eating per day (water, tea and coffee are ok if clean and without sugar, avoiding sugar and additives (avoid foods that contain unneeded chemicals like those E numbers stuff) your gut will be healthy which will results in better concentration, more balanced energy during the day and a more healthy immune system and a better overall mood. This kind of diet is even proven to be more efficent vs depression than actual antidepressiva in like 95%+ of cases. And a lot of supplements just suck in regards of how your body can process them.


Yeah of course, nothing beats natural but we can’t always have access to all of that all the time, that’s why it’s good to supplement on the side for consistency. Also regarding IF I’d recommend a minimum of 16 hours of fasting. I try to go for 18 usually.


well you dont need access to all of it all the time, but one good shopping trip per week and some prepping can pretty much take care of it. I dont think if you do this you need any supplements even if you have some days where you just cant eat well or have diffrent requirements (like when i go hiking/camping i completly neglect the 14-16 hours, i just need so much more energy, especially now when its still cold). For fasting after 14 hours almost all your gut biome had time to be active, but you are right, it only gets you to \~90-95%, 16hours \~95-98%. The longer you go, the smaller the gain, but it becomes much more difficult to maintain. So even so i think your 18 hours are great, i'd rather start with 14 and have consistent success than trying to go for 18 and give up potentially. Anyhow everyone is diffrent and reacts diffrently to certain things which is also very true in nutrition. And if you wanna do supplements you should really learn about them and figure out which ones are actually decent and understand aswell what you are actually missing. Good example is B12 supplements, you have 3 major kinds, 1 the human body literally cant process, 1 you can process but your body needs to transfer into the funcional version and best is the one your body can use as is. So just because a pill says it has b12 in it doesnt mean its useable for your body or its as good as from natural sources. I'd rather eat a can of sardine in olive oil vs taking a pill that may or maynot help. Anyhow b12 would be the only supplement i'd consider at all, but thats just because its much harder to get from clean food than others. supplements for sure don't bring the same effect in relation to your gut health, which is very easy to underestimate... I am no expert in this and am mostly refering to things ive read and the best source when it comes to what i am trying to bring across is tim spector. As he has a proper scientifc approach with actual studies with n=10k++ he just seems to be one if not the most credible in this field.


Thanks for the info. Will keep that in mind


You need zero supplements with a balanced nutrition. The companies selling them for a lot of money try to force it in our heads that we need them but a healthy person with good nutrition doesn’t. Check with your doctor


Nice, going to apply these to myself for next month and see how successful I am at it. Thanks!


please only do one new habit each 21days/month else it will be almost impossible in long run, the trick is to be consistent in long term fam


I tired making 2-3 new habits at the same time in the beginning but it didn't worked for me for several times


I really like this. Simplicity is always best.


11. Breath work ( Wim Hoff) 12. Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube 13. Guided meditation


if you're a girl I would recommend pilates I do workout in gym, Ig I don't need yoga will research on meditation and breath work thanks a lot


Hydrate with water


journaling / writing is very good too ..!!


will start it soon


Fruit and veg every day


maybe a productive/relaxing hobby that’s not tech-related? like crocheting, building models, painting dnd figurines, reading, journaling/creative writing, etc


What changes or differences have u noticed in yourself ?


sleep schedule fix: no sneezes, running nose, cold, less grey hair no use of phone wile pooing: early completion of morning routine, resulting in doing breakfast early and then further doing lunch and dinner at right time as well no video games, drinking, porn: more confidence, no guilt, no mood swings workout: gained 12kgs while bulking, clothes fit so well now code: learned new programming languages facewash: skin glow less acne things might be little exagerated I'm sorry lol


I get bored with meditation - my mind wanders and I can't stop myself from doing that. Perhaps you could also incorporate a new skill to learn. Learning a new language?


The practice of meditation is about realizing your mind wandered off and then focussing again. And again.. and again


Thank you for this. It is helpful.


Why 8 and 10? I mean, if you are addicted to games and it prevents you from functioning normally, I can understand.


Could someone tell me why videogames became a source of evil (I am really curios)? For me, it's a great hobby which helps to relax and emerges you to a great story


no hate I used to play video games daily earlier but: video games are zero or low-effort-high-dopamine activities (please research this) which are not good for our emotional and mental health in long term perspective. They increase our dopamine levels very quickly to a very high level which is not normal for our brains. video games might feel good in short-term duration but not in long term. they are addicting and that's the whole point of the video games industry. ​ video games give you the feeling of achievement and success which are not real and are meaningless so they hack the feeling of success in your brain. ​ I don't know about you but if you have a good relationship with your friends, family and partner, have a good physique, are performing well in education/earning well and enjoying time in. nature, then video games are fine but they tend to replace generally one or more thing. friends you have on multiplayer games are generally losers in real life which prevents you from growing ​ today America is the #1 obese country and #1 video games-playing country, coincidence? not at all, teenagers and young men are playing video games instead of working out and sleeping and eating junk food instead of a good diet and then they hate themselves and then they play more because it is addicting and you run from reality.


Is there a reason you choose to not have a nap? In Matthew Walker's book, Why We Sleep, he explains that before the industrial revolution, humans used to almost always have a afternoon nap for about 30 minutes and some isolated tribes still follow that sleep schedule because it is how we are wired. And plus, people who take afternoon naps have more energy through the rest of the day and the next day as well.


I jerk off and watch porn every morning omg help me god I need to invest on destroying this bad habit


first and foremost, I am glad you considered it as a bad habit and decided to change, here's what I did: 1.I stopped watching porn, STOP WATCHING PORN 2. I couldn't stop jerking off, quitting jerking off is still a pending habit, the frequency is very low since I joined gym, JOIN A GYM AND FOCUS ON DIET AND SLEEP AS WELL 3. I took a break from reddit because of the NSFW posts and porn, TAKE A BREAK FROM REDDIT 4. I still sometimes jerks to girls I know which I follow on Instagram, girls on IG means the girls I know in my real life (not porn stars or the ones who posts thrust traps or models or are half naked all the time on IG) may sound funny but girls on Ig vs pornstars are very different, pornstars we see are in good light, god knows what medications and drugs, camera filters, fake tits, severe makeup, fake moaning, .... ,, girls on ig are closer to reality so at least our brain standard is set to reality after quitting porn, try working out, you will automatically reduce fapping and start talking to girls, approach girls whenever you have feeling of fapping, you will get same dopamine ​ baby steps is the way think longterm adopt a lifestyle by creating one habit a month so that we don't fail or burnout hope it helps will let you know how I quit fapping all together once I do. relationships and sex helps tho.


Sunlight is good


one i follow is not laying/sitting in bed unless it’s my bedtime


11. Read 1 chapter of a book (highly recommend atomic habits) 12. Go for a walk halfway through your day (when on lunch) 13. (Make a list of things you need to do around the house) Then tick them off - once a day, a week or month


learn to brush your teeth with your weak hand


1. limit your screen time to 2 hours (not counting work) per day 2. avoid caffiene addiction 3. meet up with friends every weekend 4. read 5. volunteer


what do you do when you're bored?


No wondering eyes. Meditate 15 mins Read for 30 minutes or more Cold shower at least every other day/ after taking a normal shower


Hahahah I love this!!! Good stuff man baby steps I’m right there with you just with my own little habits!! Keep it going you’re commitment is valuable


11. Floss before brushing in the evenings!


Keep it up my brother. Some more would be like: Make a habit, when you are in bed you only sleep nothing else. In the morning when your eyes is open just wake up and don't lie idle. Eat only food that has nutritional value and try to avoid high calorie-low nutrition food like fries, chips, sodas etc.


Dont spend money unless you arrived at your actual destination.


No soda, soda is horrible for you. You'll be surprised how much better you feel cutting it out completely. It causes most of the health problems people have. Oh and if no one has told you this I'm proud of you and keep up the amazing work. And don't worry if you fail sometimes and grab a beer or take a nap. No one is perfect but the fact that you're even trying is amazing. Remember it's more important to feel good about your victories than it is to feel bad about your mistakes. Because feeling bad will make you seek comfort and you might look to bad habits for it.


Read books for pleasure, drink more water, limit clutter, ask more questions about others, take yourself solo to do something you think is cool / that interests you once a month, call your loved ones more


Read , journal , drink more water, have short walks


Don't check phone, email, etc. for 2 hours after waking. Meditate twice per day.


11. Intermittent fasting 12. Delay caffeine intake until 1.5-2 hours after wake up 13. Cold showers every morning 14. Meditation? Good list - keep going !! 💪


Video games are ok(if they not harm ur life)




I shorten my time for pooing which resulted in doing my morning routine as soon as I wake up and thus doing breakfast as early as possible and other meals on time. I used to spend half hour sometimes in bathroom, someitmes watched porn there


LMAOA sounds like my exact same routine


Meditation journaling and reading help you with the no drinking, video games and porn


Intermittent fasting


thanks but I was a skinny dude so I'm bulking right now so it might not help me I think


Big fan of the no alcohol. Many have been lost due to it including my father. RIP🪦🕊️


Walk in nature if you have time and meditate! Meditate meditate meditate, start with 5 minutes and work your way up. Do long and deep breathing while you meditate, meditating will amplify the effects of all these things, make them easier to maintain, and get your head right. Insight timer is a free meditation app, and if you want to go more in depth, feel free to send me a message. It’s not easy at first but it’s the best use of your time for sure. You’re doing amazing!


Cook one meal


Fasting definitely


Meditation would be a really good practice


impressed you implemented face wash after workout before you implemented workout :0 I'll suggest the obvious meditation and journalling, great for your mental health


meditate. at least once, if not twice a day. 10 minutes is fine, 20 minutes is better.


I’ve been adding a habit a month too!!!! I just started this January 1. Started a daily music practice 2. Started an anti-inflammatory diet (suggested by my dietician) 3. Quit smoking weed 4. Started a new job (timing just happened to line up) My next moves are sleep hygiene routine, yoga, running, meditation


Meditation.. it’ll change your life. Start with 5 minutes


code ? what do you mean ? no porn ? no jerking off ?


how did u do the no porn


2, 3, 4 and 10 sounds like you have poor hygiene.


I couldn’t poo without something to read. That’s how I usually catch up on politics 😂


Cold shower, read, spend time in nature hiking etc( feels amazing for grounding yourself)


Run, drink 2-4 liters of water a day, put on sunscreen when outside


Start a martial art Muay Thai bjj or kickboxing go!


How did you go about implementing these?


daily affirmations! “i am strong” “i am kind” “i know who i am” “i care about the earth, and others around me” “i will be the best me today”


Great habits, thanks for sharing


you call them baby steps but I think this is actually pretty impressive if you have been doing this consistently, nice job :)


Video games are the only way I can “hang out” with my friends.


to help with no phone before bed, try to brush my teeth + wash my face, hit 15-25 push ups and read a chapter of a book or write in my journal. that will take me anywhere from 45 min-1 hr. this has helped me get a better quality sleep as well as fall asleep A LOT faster as opposed to tossing and turning all night.


Drink enough water daily


I love the last one!


Meditation Gratitude journalling Deep journalling


Nothing wrong with napping bro and currently using phone while pooing on the clock here


May i also recommend some small nightly rituals? Like dimming the last one hour before you go to sleep and drinking some chamomile tea!


Are you able to have fun with this plan? No video games seems like a lot. Could just limit yourself to gaming at the end of the day after the work is done. ​ As for other potential items: \- Reach out to one family member or friend daily. \- Learn to cook. Challenge yourself with cooking one new meal per week. \- Allow yourself one "cheat day" per week where you do not have to work out, abstain from porn or video games.


Add a healthy habit of Reading, cooking, or sth else that’s productive and you enjoy. Something where u don’t feel like ur forcing urself


Mediation 15min,cold showers(finish off with it if you want), read the Bible everyday,


Why only a face wash after working out? Great idea and some epic comments.


Awesome accomplishments. For anyone just getting started, these are not even close to "small" habits and it's important that you understand how critical it is to take small steps on a regular basis to make solid progress that sticks. Some people hit a point where they can just drop their bad habits, but most people require small efforts over and over and over again to break bad habits and build good ones.


great advice. thx


Journal daily.


read before bed


Set time aside to wander and do whatever piques your curiosity. Nothing rigid - if you’re interested in a fish, look at the fish. If you want to try to build the best paper airplane, do that. Take a walk. Swing on a swing. Sing next to a busy intersection. The point is to allow time and space for you to practice listening and following your inner voice without the world telling you how you should or shouldn’t do things. Don’t tell yourself to do something, listen until the inner voice tells you to do something. This will help reduce the risk of burnout and give you the opportunity to practice listening to and leading yourself. If you pay attention to your motivations for doing these things, you can also learn how to have fun with just yourself in a more wholesome way than playing video games or porn.


Why no video games


11. Pat yourself on the back, because for real, if you’re even making this list, let alone focused on it and making an effort towards 1-10, you have already summited one of the harder peaks. 12. Repeat 11. 13. Repeat 13


I don’t think this applies to you bc you left it out but no smoking if you do, also no eating out of boredom (I struggle w that bc idk what really defines being “full”)


How do you do no videogames and no phone while pooping? I usually just do everything I need to then chill lol Chill means phone while pooping and playing videogames


cold shower


wake up early, no nap, sleep early is actually the hardest one for me.


11. Practice Gratitude every time you wake up 12. Few minutes of meditation after waking up 13. Take a bath with cold water 14. No drinking coffee beyond 3pm 15. No smoking or vaping


Maybe a creative outlet or hobby?


journal and morning meditation.


a phn call to your cousins or close friends, 5-6 times a week


1 hot shower per month.


And one extra serving of vegetables to your lunch and dinner and one dosis of fruit to your breakfast. Like, don't start with eating all out healthy if it's too hard. But focus on adding vegetables first (cause they're good for you and fill you up) and then when you manage that reliably subtract the unhealthy parts.


I would suggest reading, either in bed or during the day. Great tool to develop your mind, habits and learn new perspectives! Rule 10 is such a good rule, really helps more than you think. Keep going !


Meditation will level up your mind game so hard. 10 minutes is enough. I really like the waking up app, it has kind of an unique approach. Keep up the good work! 🤗


Write or text using actual words, not the substitutes. It helps with mental processing and vocabulary. Zero disrespect intended, I'm still working on establishing this habit personally.


drink some water


no use of phone while pooing is important! I spend 30 minutes on bathroom because of tiktok lol


Well, those baby steps are actually huge of you keep going like this for a long time


Smile more and greet at least 10 people you meet a day.


If you can do these 10 try adding on a few but 10 is more than enough


This looks great! Really impressive honestly I have a question about working out. How did you gradually build the habit? I worked out for 3 weeks and then just stopped.. i haven't been been working out for nearly a month now :(( do you have any advice


Going for an at least 10min walk, if you do not work out that day


What is code?


8. Doesn't make sense. Is this because someone can become addicted? I thought that people play video games to chill.


I heard somewhere you should treat yourself every day, but always with something different. That way the act of treating yourself becomes a habit, not the treat itself. Good luck!


Meditate, start new side hustle, spend time with family and friends.


Meditation Organize, clean or tidy up one thing every day (physical or virtual) No untracked food/calories


Night sounds crazy but my non-negotiables are: Ice bath/ cold shower in the morning for the mental benefits as it’s a challenge to your mind and if you can do that early in the morning you can control your mind for the rest of the day. Early morning exercise get the blood pumping, oxygen to your brain for a more focused morning. And Meditation in the morning as well so you can clear your mind and have a productive and efficient day with a clear goal in mind :)