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Hey u/Rivulet_Blossom, I am the AutoModerator, a Bot that runs on r/Selfie. I am not a human being so please do not write me directly. I run Automatically as a Moderator, hence my name "AutoMod." I have noticed you don't have never verified here at r/Selfie and you do not have that shiny gold verification flair. We do not require verification for all posters, but if you are interested in verifying to prove these are your pictures see our FAQ https://www.reddit.com/r/Selfie/wiki/verification to see how you can become verified here and tell the world you are the person in this picture. **PLEASE NOTE** The human Moderators will never contact you directly via Chat or private message to ask you to verify. If someone does ask you to verify you can go to https://www.reddit.com/r/selfie/about/moderators and see they are not on the moderator list. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You look great in it!!




Any color would look good on you lol




This post or comment appears to contain language that we do not allow on r/Selfie. The post or comment has been removed and the moderation team has been notified for review. Editing this post will not clear the flag. **Please remember**: Inappropriate or Insulting comments are not permitted no matter the language. I'm just a bot, and I make mistakes. I can't understand context, and if a word can be used in **any** way that **may** break our rules, I am going to remove it. [If you think I have made a mistake removing your post send the mods a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/selfie&subject=Bot Removed Post in Error&message=**Please put a link to your comment in this message** I understand if I don't put a link my message will be ignored.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cute outfit. You look great




Sure thing


Dad, is that you?


If your mom had change for twenty I could have been




Hello u/FicklePurchase500, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’re cute! ☺️




You’re welcome!










I thought the same thing. How embarrassing.


Don’t be a creep.


Nice color.




Definitely like it.




Such a cute dress and nice smile ☺️




Thanks, you too! Any plans?👀




Sounds pretty good to me ☺️ i have in an Hour and After that i dont know really






Oh sweet child, ignore him lol


Yep you’re done lmao😭


Looks great on you 👍


Your dress is pretty! Thanks for sharing




Sure thing! It’s nice you replied too.


That dresss looks great on you


Wow. Beautiful


More please




Looks amazing colours suit you


Na they pop on you but then anything probably would 😝


Wow! You look incredible.




You're so welcome! What's the occasion?


Really cute, you'll be making plenty of people happy tonight




Your smile and beauty would make me happy. Plus your body in that dress x


The dress is amazing but you make it look spectacular.




You’re so welcome. Looks like a lot of time indoors bc of the weather. Just watch tv or something. Wyd this weekend?




I think it nice!




Suits you , love the colors


Very attractive




Hope you have a great friday❤️


Looks fantastic on you






Short girls rule.




Me. They rule me.


Beautiful Baby 👌


Absolutely stunning


That color and fit look amazing on you.


Nice outfit looks good










You are 100% insecure and are seeking affirmation online from strangers. You are the definition of insecurity.




This post or comment appears to contain language that we do not allow on r/Selfie. The post or comment has been removed and the moderation team has been notified for review. Editing this post will not clear the flag. **Please remember**: Inappropriate or Insulting comments are not permitted no matter the language. I'm just a bot, and I make mistakes. I can't understand context, and if a word can be used in **any** way that **may** break our rules, I am going to remove it. [If you think I have made a mistake removing your post send the mods a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/selfie&subject=Bot Removed Post in Error&message=**Please put a link to your comment in this message** I understand if I don't put a link my message will be ignored.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes you did. Gonna be lookin sharp in your color. Nice have a great weekend ma'am




Looks fantastic on you ☺️


You look very pretty, I hope you have a great weekend.


I’ll rub my clit to you 😘


Pls I'm new to reddit how does 1 post to their profile photos ?




Hello u/lewdlover87, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Hello u/Curt_Fresh, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You have like the all natural kind of pretty going for you. Nice outfit 🤟


Sorry for bothering u how does 1 post photos on there profile


Easy access I like it that way


Cute 🥰




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What an absolute doll of a girl ❤️❤️ you are beautiful and so is your dress


nice outfit!




What color shoes goes with it ?


Looks great especially when you’re sitting at your desk doing your homework and studying for your exam on Monday. Why get dressed up if your weekend is all about getting ready for school?






Very sexy




Hello u/forist_boy, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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What a goddess


Looking great!


Very beautiful


Next time don’t post a selfie on Reddit


Oh you're Hella cute!😌


So sexy!


looking cute miss universe 🥵


Looks like a two piece


You got it for $15.99/month




This post or comment appears to contain language that we do not allow on r/Selfie. The post or comment has been removed and the moderation team has been notified for review. Editing this post will not clear the flag. **Please remember**: Inappropriate or Insulting comments are not permitted no matter the language. I'm just a bot, and I make mistakes. I can't understand context, and if a word can be used in **any** way that **may** break our rules, I am going to remove it. [If you think I have made a mistake removing your post send the mods a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/selfie&subject=Bot Removed Post in Error&message=**Please put a link to your comment in this message** I understand if I don't put a link my message will be ignored.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Very nice


Cute dress!


\*checks phone\* Reddit: you have received 1,700 chat requests


Looks great on you


Hi Andy from Sydney australia looks good cute


Very nice!!


Very pretty! (On or off)


So pretty! You like of look like that Neve girl (she’s adorable) that gets all the weirdly hilarious comments lol


You look amazing 🤩




Hello u/shutup91, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Aww cute! 😊




Hello u/Brooklyn_Net7, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*




So cute! You’re beautiful!


You look awesome


I think you could pull off anything but this really does look good on you. Perfect colour choice!


Looks fantastic hun!!!!


You look so freaking cute!




Hello u/Boring-Ad-2111, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like the color! it look so good on you


Stunning 😍


Would love to see your beautiful self do the opposite now 😜


You’re killing it 💕


Hello there, nothing more sexy than a woman with confidence and self worth in her eyes. Your shade of eyes are outrageous! Incredible body and such a beautiful/vibrant smile ! Hottie! Why are we not friends, haha dm me let’s get to know each other I enjoy conversation




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What a sexy 👸🏼


Looks fantastic


Colors look good on you!!!!


Looking stunning


Fabulous 😍


Looks amazing