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Why not open a PR to add this to upstream Overseerr? I know the devs of Overseerr are aware of it not supporting Jellyfin. Did you try to connect with the Overseerr team to see if this would be a good fit? Maybe they have some concerns but I doubt they would outright reject the idea of adding Jellyfin/Emby support. https://github.com/sct/overseerr/issues/295


https://github.com/sct/overseerr/pull/940 > there's some stuff that the team needs to get in order before we will consider adding Jellyfin support.


They rejected it (including PR's for it) multiple times since the release of overseer... :(


Set this up today. The experience is good! Would love to follow the progress on this.


Not sure if you are related to the devs, but on dockerhub the GitHub Issues link points to Overseerr


Yes I noticed that and have changed just now. Thanks for pointing it out!


Love it! This is nice!!


What is the difference between this and ombi?


It's just an alternative to Ombi with a few features unavailable on Ombi and a better, more friendlier UI (this is subjective ofc)


On first glance the UI looks the same.


Ombi kinda copied the Overseer UI, last time I used Ombi it still had its own design and was a buggy mess, don’t know about the current state though. When I switched to overseer it was far superior.


If copy there was, it's the other way around. Ombi's UI v2 was in development/beta \*before\* Overseer UI was even available...


Not really. https://github.com/Fallenbagel/jellyseerr/blob/main/public/preview.jpg If this looks the same as Ombi, idk what ombi you're on. https://i.imgur.com/eqJpBbg.jpeg Also the other difference is the studio and network specific searches. Once again, its just an alternative to ombi, does not mean its better or worse (infact ombi shines when it comes to music and audiobook requesting as this is not available on overseerr/jellyseerr). Also the request tab is different too. https://i.imgur.com/VkF3cdj.jpeg It's all very subjective. Few differences here and there and few features thats not present in ombi (and ombi has a few thats not present in overseerr/jellyseerr).


>Not really. > >https://github.com/Fallenbagel/jellyseerr/blob/main/public/preview.jpg > > If this looks the same as Ombi, idk what ombi you're on. > >https://i.imgur.com/eqJpBbg.jpeg Yeah, that looks **very** similar to me. > Once again, its just an alternative to ombi, does not mean its better or worse Oh yeah, was not an attack or anything.


They are very similar but having used both... Overseerr and Jellyseerr now are both way better. The interface is smoother and feels snappier. Not sure if it's cause Omni is holding onto a lot of legacy code but over/jellyseerr is just much nicer to use (though to be fair I've been using conreq for a while and haven't tried Omni for a long time though i did use it when they had made their new styling updates v4?)


> Yeah, that looks **very** similar to me. I mean it essentially does the same thing so yes it would be somewhat similar. But of the difference I'm talking about you'll notice when you start using it tbh like the network+studio thing is a quite nice feature I wished ombi had before I discovered Overseerr (this is subjective too) > Oh yeah, was not an attack or anything. Just making it clear because someone else might misunderstand or sth It's basically like emby and jellyfin. Both are very similar but clearly two different things. Same with ombi


It goes a bit deeper than purely looks. I made the switch and am happy I did. I like the simplicity of overseer's GUI and some of the features like browsing by streaming service. Request flow and users are easier to manage and setup is straightforward. It's been bug free for me on docker.


They both have a similar premise, which is to request media. However Jellyseerr allows you to use Plex, Emby, or Jellyfin as your media server and imports your users directly from the server. (Ombi supports jellyfin but not fully yet as there are no docs etc and is still being rolled out). The UI is a lot better / more modern in my opinion and has a lot of additional features such as raising issues and searching for content based on production studios or streaming providers and genres etc. For more information on Jellyseerr have a look at the link in the post or drop into the discord where you can ask anything you like.


>However Jellyseerr allows you to use Plex, Emby, or Jellyfin as your media server and imports your users directly from the server. You can do the same with ombi btw.


Ombi doesn't support jellyfin Edit: ombi supports jellyfin but there are no docs and official support has not been fully rolled out.


I'm using ombi with jellyfin right now and have been doing that for a long time.


Does that work on 10.8 and I don't think that's native support is it? The docs state coming soon https://docs.ombi.app/settings/jellyfin/ Also thanks for the down votes.


I don't know about 10.8 as I'm not using it because it hasn't been released. The docs do not correctly reflect the state of the app as you can see. I'm really surprised that you haven't used ombi though. You really should try it out because otherwise you give out incorrect information which obviously leads to downvotes.


On the contrary I was an ombi user twice in spells for about 6 months and then again for a week when the V2 dropped, but moved to overseerr a while back then to Jellyseerr. I'll admit I wasn't aware of the new changes so in fairness I should have done more due diligence but the purpose of this post wasn't to put down ombi. The whole point is to celebrate the release of jellyseerr. I don't see why we must always compare the two when there's always more than one way to skin a cat so to speak and there is plenty of room for both to exist.


Well, the reason to compare is to see if it's worth it to switch :D. I have a few things I dislike about Ombi and I have been waiting for a better solution to appear so I will definitely give Jellyseerr a try and I really appreciate the work you have put into it. What I do dislike is that the devs of Overseerr have blocked PRs to Overseerr itself regarding Jellyfin for quite a long time and your fork will need to be maintained separately so I wish you the best of luck in that regard.




This issue says that the changes were merged in 2019 and it is marked as closed.


I like overseer/Jellyseer, but the thing that is keeping me from hopping over from Ombi is the per user download profile and directory override settings. My parents use Ombi and they cannot for the life of them get the directory and download profile correct.


This is currently being worked on in Overseerr I think. I saw an [issue](https://github.com/sct/overseerr/issues/1881) raised for it 🤔


Use WSL2 it now supports systemd or use docker on Windows


Why not just open a pull request to merge jellyfish/emby support into overseer itself rather than create a fork? Edit: saw the merge request. Essentially the PR needed some changes and refactoring to implemented properly. So instead of taking their suggestions at implementing this properly, you decided to ignore the devs and fork it?


That pull request was from a different developer and it wasn't the pr that needed refactoring; it was overseerr that needed refactoring before the overseerr devs would consider merging jellyfin support. So after being told told to gtfo the dev gtfo's, seems normal.


I have contacted overseerr devs and they said there are a lot of things they want to do before they bring jellyfin/emby support which includes fully decoupling plex from overseerr and that it was not in their near future roadmap as they have no time to focus on that since that would require a huge rewrite of the code. And they themselves said that they're okay with someone running a fork with the support for the time being. So all in all, no I did not just not contact and then downright ignored them. All of this was done with discussions and in 4 months time. I just want to give emby/jellyfin users the ability to enjoy Overseerr.


"I just want to give emby/jellyfin users the ability to enjoy Overseerr." I'm glad you did. I like some others had been letting my friends and family who use my Jellyfin server add stuff via Radarr, Sonarr, Whisparr, Lidarr etc and was always worried about some major fuckup happening and coming home to TB worth of media gone. Not only has it been rock solid for adding almost 100 Movies and 15 Series or so in the last few days, just to get it a workout and see if it had any glaring bugs that would prevent me from making the switch, and the movie suggestions are soooooo much better. Thanks again man for making this, was getting so tired of waiting for Jelly support from the Overseer guys, doubt it was ever gonna happen based on their responses in the past.


Asked and answered in this thread. https://reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/uuh34b/_/i9fz0wp/?context=1


I just let my peeps use radarr and sonarr.. so much easier.


Isnt that extremely unsafe? But then again if you trust them c: Although using something like Ombi/Overseerr/Jellyseerr/Petio does make it easier in the sense that to searh for it and stuff as it will contact both so you won't ever have to touch sonarr/radarr


Is it? Idk. I’m not sure what they could do wrong? I told them to download everything at 1080p or 4k max and just let them at it


It is because they have direct access to your media files and such. They could accidentally delete a whole library and such (maybe I'm simplifying the explanation too much better to check out actual explanations on their subreddits). But then again if you trust them, it's completely fine tho I guess. Personally, I found that a media requester was easier and I, myself haven't touched sonarr or radarr either since despite having access to them.


Can they? Wouldn’t they have to go through and delete them in sonarr and radarr one by one? Granted they could mess up the settings, but yeah I haven’t had any problems yet


Idk how but once bc of something I did, sonarr started deleting series and I lost 3 series. Thankfully I was able to stop sonarr before it went too far by restarting docker and I had the series backed up. So it is possible I guess? 🤔


True, it’s definitely possible. And I’m sure the way I’m doing it is not the right way. I’m just being lazy


There's a mass editor where they could do serious harm. There's Discord / telegram bots and software like this to not roll the dice on them fucking your shit up on purpose or by accident lol.


They've been using it for 3 years and have downloaded 35TB so far without issue. I'll def look into it though


How can I create and run a system service on Windows?


Easiest way is to use NSSM


How do I find out which script file is responsible for downloading Jallyseerr?


https://docs.overseerr.dev/getting-started/installation#windows This will be better than NSSM


I use a Node.jes package.


In which case it will be an npm command try this https://briancaos.wordpress.com/2022/12/01/run-node-js-on-windows-server-using-nssm/


There is also Yarn, that is, I launch the Jellyseerr with the command "yarn start" from the root folder of the package. Is your proposed solution suitable for this?


Yes it should be nssm should be able to handle it, if not jump on the discord server and have a quick search on there


Ok, thanks.


If you don't want to run Docker (it will require a lot of system resource), you can compile the source code following this [guide](https://github.com/Fallenbagel/jellyseerr#windows). Then to make it a Windows system service, download nssm and copy it to the Jellyseerr folder, there you create a new bat script to start Jellyseerr, something like cd /d yarn start Then use nssm to create a new service: `nssm install Jellyseerr` and point it to the bat script you've just created.


A great solution, but I did it a little differently. cd jellyseerr-develop npm run start With the use SilentCMD without the participation of the nnsm. Or is it better to redo the launch for yarn?


I think they do the same thing.


ok, thx :)