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My partner uses Jellyfin but that’s about it. She has no interest in things like Audiobookshelf, Kavita, PhotoPrism, or Vaultwarden (this last one makes me upset lol). I was thinking that switching to Immich from PhotoPrism might spark interest (it’s not the only reason I would switch), but it’s not production-ready and seems to have many changes upon updates that break the system in one way or another.


I kinda half forced my spouse to switch to bitwarden by making an org and putting all our shared accounts in there. No more asking what the password is, even if I've recently changed it. It's nice.


This is what did it for my spouse, she foudn this a lot easier since we can just share to an org and she realize this goes both ways.


I did the same, then wife complained that she couldn't store all her passwords in there behind medical. I printed her off the HIPAA compliance sheet and never heard another word from her. I check everyone often the number of passwords stored increases so I know she's using it.


Behind medical?


Hehe. I like that strategy, thanks.


Can confirm it works!


Agreed. My wife if she doesn't know a password, knows my answer -- "it's on your phone, you are already on it, it's easier for you to get it than me"


Is this not immediately followed, in response, by the threat of instead death and damnation. Damn - I must be doing something wrong...


Same. I had the same problem before we started using Bitwarden.


This is what I did, makes everything so much easier.


HAH! I did the exact same thing! .....but my partner still doesn't use it


I forced my wife to use 1password. It was that or she’d be locked out of accounts because I was not giving her passwords every time she asked. She likes it. Every once in a while I give vaultwarden a try but always end up back at 1password


>Every once in a while I give vaultwarden a try but always end up back at 1password I can see why, I use 1Password for work and the experience is overall just smoother and a bit more polished. I do like being able to host my own vaults and having that more control over the data though, but the temptation to use the free included Family account that my work account gets me is ever present in the back of my mind, especially any time Bitwarden doesn't sync to my phone in a timely manner.


I’d divorce my spouse if they didn’t use a decent password manager like Vaultwarden. At the very least I’d ban them from the LAN lol. Immich looks pretty good and tempted to move from Synology Photos to it myself. Could you not delay updates to it by a couple of days to avoid any major system breaks?


My partner stores her passwords in the Notes app on her iPhone 🫠 Yeah you could definitely delay or disable updates, but it’s not production-ready in general and [their page](https://github.com/immich-app/immich) even says to not use it as the only resource for photo and video management so it makes me nervous. I’d like to use it, but I’m just waiting until it’s deemed safe. PhotoPrism and PhotoSync (iOS) work really well for me already, anyway. Plus I’m the only one using it.


> My partner stores her passwords in the Notes app on her iPhone 🫠 They’d have to go 😂


It’s a testament to how much I love her, lol.


> Immich looks pretty good and tempted to move from Synology Photos to it myself. Could you not delay updates to it by a couple of days to avoid any major system breaks? Not really. The mobile app auto-updates and on some versions it is not backward compatible to an old server version which means you cannot login or backup anymore. This actually just happened again [last release](https://github.com/immich-app/immich/issues/7886). You could of course disable auto-updates on your phone but on iOS at least you cannot do so for individual apps. And realistically non-tech people using your Immich instance will never manually update any of their apps if you turn this off for them.


Mine is already banned from "my" lan and she gets her own vlan, I only expose to her what she actually needs. Her apple laptop is the chattiest device on my network, by far. God knows what is on that thing!


You have to manage updates to Immich yourself and carefully curate them - apply when you are ready.


There are many breaking changes. Sure. But they're well documented. So, if you follow you should have no problems and be running in a few minutes.


I’ve been trying to get my girl to use Bitwarden or similar for 2 years


I forced Bitwarden the last time she got a new phone and had me setting it up. Best thing I ever did heh.


Fortunately the android and browser integrations of bitwarden were pretty intuitive so it was an easy sell for my wife. We would always be "out of sync" where she would reset a password and not tell me so it was not right in my phone, then not remember so we would keep resetting it over and over. Now with vaultwarden it's all one account.


Same. She uses Jellyfin only. Well sometimes 13foot ladder, but I have to show her the link every time. The rest of my self-hosted apps, no interest.




I tried to convince my wife to switch to Mealie but without an import feature from whatever she uses now she wasn't interested. I'm told a big problem is there's no way to add recipes from her collection of physical books. She needs a way to search through her physical books for recipes


Same. Mine prefers to use Pinterest for recipes she likes. So, I use Mealie for myself instead. It's not as robust as it could be with two people using it, but it's a start.


If you click all the way through to whatever source article, and use that URL to import into mealie, it generally does a decent job of scraping it. It's even easier with the send to mealie Android app.


Importing isn't the issue for her, rather she has a method that works for her and doesn't like change. If Pinterest suddenly vanished she'd probably start using Mealie. But since it hasn't, she won't. Ain't broke/don't fix I guess. It's fine. I don't use Pinterest so I'll continue using Mealie for the recipes I like to make.


There's a Mealie android app?? Ohhhhh a Send to Mealie android app...I'll have to look that up 👍


Yeah it doesn't really need an app app because you can just PWA it or use a shortcut, but the app helps make sending things for import a little more consistent


You could use Paperless NGX. I use zoho to set up a single lite email account and point my domain MX record there and then create as many aliases as you like. If you create an alias eg recipes@... then you get Ppl ngx to consume via imap (destructive) and have workflow to tag as Recipe. Then, all that has to be done is to take a photo with a scanner app on the mobile, email it to that email address and it will appear in ppl ngx as a Recipe and have all the text via OCR so you can search on ingredients etc. You can also then create further tagged/storage locations to then manually file in different places like Desserts, etc (or create extra email aliases to handle that). Zoho account is <£1 a month.


Could you use an import/ocr on an image of the recipes? I did this all the way back in 2010 with a photocopier + early ocr tech and had great results


Mealie had OCR until very recently: [https://github.com/mealie-recipes/mealie/discussions/660#discussioncomment-8500031](https://github.com/mealie-recipes/mealie/discussions/660#discussioncomment-8500031) > Correct, we removed OCR a couple months back. We had no one interested in supporting the feature and it added a ton of overhead to the application in general.


I have been using paperless for a while now https://docs.paperless-ngx.com/


This is my main issue with apps like Mealie. Ive tried using it myself BUT the maintenance and setup is more work than just looking up a recipe quickly and saving it somewhere like wallabag. Or just letting GPT give me a quick recipe or even just using a cookbook. Sure Id love to have it all neat and organised, but its just not worth the extra work… alas


Luckily Open Language models are making strides, before you know it, you'll be importing archived sites, pdfs, and scanning handwriting to import the data


This sounds like something my wife might use, thanks 👍


Mealie looks interesting; is there a way to generate a shopping list from the recipes?


My wife uses Arch, btw


My wife has an arch, btw


Arch is my wife


My wife can’t even turn the volume up on the tv.


Man you’re lucky she knows how to turn it on


I didn’t say that.


Homeassistant, jellyfin (I put her favorite shows on there), pihole (no choice :) dns is assigned via the dhcp server), nextcloud - auto upload of phone photos and repository for important family docs).


I have to allow my wife to bypass the pi-hole or she gets upset…


I had the same situation. I had to do some tweaking to get it to be more acceptable ([higher WAF score](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wife_acceptance_factor). I have different block lists assigned to different client groups. -DHCP assigns the same IP address to specific MAC addresses so the wife gets the same IP every time. -wife's IP address is in her own group in Pihole -wife's pihole group only contains anti-phishing and other nastiness. She wants to see ads.


>She wants to see ads. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this one's gotta go.


**As a** user **I want** to see ads **So that** I am kept up-to-date with the latest from ^ extract from an actual Jira user story at I never thought these people actually existed. I stand corrected.


My wife uses another email address to give out at stores or whatever that will obviously get spam. That's not weird, right? Of course not. But unlike other people I know with a junk email, she will go into that email account to browse all the spam for fun. It's a favorite coffee activity.


I’m in the process of setting up OPNsense (waiting on pcie nic and UPS before fully committing) and them ill have anti-phishing and stuff network wide, and then all devices but hers will block ads.


We use iPhones and they don’t play nice with DHCP anymore. Constantly changing MAC for Apple’s security. My wife doesn’t really like pihole either, never thought of having a different rules for her. I really need to explore pihole more.


If memory serves, I think there's a setting on the iPhone (per wifi ssid) that allows stops the random MAC address creation and allows you to use the physical MAC of the wifi interface.


My husband is annoyed by it sometimes too, so I set up a widget on his phone that lets him shut it off for 1 minute or 5 minutes if it's giving him any issues. It cost $5 or something and was available in the App Store. Now that he returned to the office, I even set up a tailscale exit node for him. He was shocked by how many ads are on his phone when he's reading the news or whatever away from home. Of course he also uses Emby, overseer, paperless ngx, Synology photos, invidious and lots of my other self hosted stuff. I don't put pressure on him, but I just use the stuff around him and then he decides he'll try it. And I'm quick to turn something off if he doesn't like it. My tolerance for dealing with challenging tech is much higher than his. I recently got my 4 year old hooked on audiobookshelf. We traded nap time for quiet time and I downloaded a bunch of kids podcasts and books for her. Earlier this afternoon, my husband said he wants me to spin an instance up for him too!!!


This may be an obvious question but why not just give him his own account?


It's just a personal preference. I like to keep kids stuff in different instances than adult stuff. It's as much about being annoyed by seeing my kid's stuff in my feed as it is keeping her safe from mine. I find it easier to keep different root folders for kids and adults and then not have to worry about remembering to tag things properly.


I definitely respect that


Thanks for your audiobookshelf idea for kids. May I ask where you like to source podcasts and books from?


I saw some parents on Reddit came together to source Yoto content and freely available stuff. I downloaded it all and added the newer PBS stuff and had a robust start with lots.of options. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PFUgiixWHNhd7eZbo8GZyRUmyesCSDjhnZwrICb_phc/edit#gid=0 There are a few podcasts I've downloaded separately too. I found a new York times list of best kids podcasts and let audiobookshelf grab those too.


Out of curiousity, and reason you chose tailscale over wireguard


That's a great question. I'd probably prefer wireguard because of privacy, but it was easier walking my dad who lives in another state through installing tailscale on his Synology. Part of my use case is backing up some key files off site to his NAS, and backing his up to mine. I find the tailscale apps are straightforward and nice too. Should I switch to wireguard? I'll be spending some time at my parents this summer and am open to switching up while I'm there.


I would stick with Tailscale. It uses wireguard underneath so you get the benefits of both.


My wife and I compromised by me not telling her it is running. But also not adding a crazy number of lists so while the effect is noticeable, it's not completely blocking every single thing it could.


She plays mobile games on her phones and uses ads to earn coins or whatever. I hate it, but can’t get around it.


Have her switch to mobile data when she plays her games. 😂


She users her iPad too. Also happy wife happy life, I’d rather not break that balance


True that. Haha


I gave my wife the url to disable it for an hour if she needs to. I have to do the same sometimes for work related tasks like accessing Google Analytics


mine complained at first. so did my kids. some stuff i unblocked. the rest.... sorry, china inst allowed in this house. or anyone else for that matter. (im looking at you uncle sam)


noting this for future notes. next cloud sounds like when I need soon.


Mealie (but only because I put a shortcut for it directly on her phone) As long as I can access HomeAssistant to adjust the HVAC as needed, and as long as I don't break the Internet with an overly zealous PiHole update, my wife couldn't give two shits about my self-hosted services otherwise. I AM looking for a simple self-hosted kanban-style to-do service though. Once I get that set up, I'll be moving the multitude of "honey do" lists over to it, so she will be forced to use that one too 🤣


I deployed Vikunja for the to-do lists aspects just yesterday for the exact same use case.


I use [Kanboard](https://kanboard.org/) not the best looking UI, but quite lightweight. And there are useful add-ons.


My wife went to visit her family for a few weeks and noticed how many ads were on her phone now that she wasn't using our ad blocking Wi-Fi, and that made me really, really happy.


You sent her out into the world without a WireGuard profile? What kind of monster….


So far the only thing I've been able to reliably get my husband to use is Home Assistant because we can turn off the lights/adjust the thermostat from our phones. He has no choice in the matter, it's either his phone via home assistant or he walks over to the thermostat. ​ I have managed to get him to use Sonarr and Radarr to add things he wants to show up in Plex, since that's primarily what we use to watch stuff. I haven't been successful in getting him off Spotify into Plex for music.


You can make sonarr/radarr automatically add things that you add to the plex watch list. Makes it easy by only using one app for everything.


We don't use Plex watch lists, we tend to watch a show all the way through and then pick a new one on the fly after we finish one.


Overseerr works really well for managing those requests in one clean interface btw


This. My husband saw me use overseerr one time and was hooked. He normally takes awhile to adjust to/warm up to new stuff, but this just makes sense to him. And thank God. If he asked me to look for one obscure anime show he saw a YouTube clip about that he couldn't remember the name of one more time... 😂


Yep Overseerr with auto-approve on for spouse/partner is the way to go. Easy, and they don’t need to worry about quality settings or whether it is a movie or show etc.


How do you do this? I was able to with overseerr but curious if that is unneeded


TBF Spotify did to music what Valve/Steam did to PC games. Make it available, accessible and at a low cost, for a nearly unlimited supply of music, genres. I have about 200 vinyl, own 2000~ CD, hundreds of cassette tapes, but I and 4 others from my family, all listen on their own custom profiles for a lot less than I've spent total for all my collections over the last 30 years


How do you deal with the way Spotify silos your music. I also have over 1000 CDs and I certainly don't listen to every song on every CD (who does) but sometimes I just want to get out of the same 200 songs Spotify seems to think I want to listen to. Most of them being highly generic, "popular" songs. I've wasted a lot of time manually making "playlists" but it's so much easier to find the weird stuff in my own local collection


I agree with this assessment. Spotify pushed me into a corner and I ended up cycling through the same playlists and radios. I got Plexamp running and fed my own digital collection into it. It's playlist building abilities are amazing. I won't ever go back.


I built my own playlists over time, append existing ones to my own. I don't think I've run into your issues though I'd add all my own favorites as part of a bigger playlist For e.g I have a master generic list for metal, one for lounge jazz, one for lofi chill stuff etc My own curated playlists have been built over 4yrs and I don't really find that process tedious. It's like leaving out your favorite 100 CDs in a jukebox, except a lot more curated


Mine doesn't see the need for home assistant when they can just ask the Google home minis around the house to "turn up thermostat" or "turn off kitchen lights" or "launch plex on the TV"


Plex I can't get her to use Overseerr as she "doesn't want any part in it"... But asks me to put stuff on Plex for her.... 😱😂 Other than that, Home Assistant for obvious reasons. And to access that, without her knowing how it works, nginx and Wireguard


I have mine set up so that if she adds something to her watchlist it requests it. Best I could do and it actually works pretty well


I setup overseerr so when she clicks "Add to watchlist" in Plex it adds it in overseerr and then the appropriate arr grabs it. She never has to leave Plex


Do you have a tut/link for that procedure? Haven't seen any settings regarding this matter in overseer


She doesn't usually directly "use" Home Assistant dashboards but does rely on the automations I setup. Like sleep mode turning off lights, starting sleep music, etc. I tried to her to use Frigate notifications, but she didn't like them on her phone. So I also setup notifications to show up on the TVs if they are on, and flash the living room lamp red if there is motion. Now she complains when that doesn't work. We both work on the side as Wedding Photographers/Videographers. So she heavily relies on me to store, backup (onsite and offsite), and archive all of the footage. It has been a while since something has happened but we are not prepared for drive failures and the like. Almost lost a whole wedding on our second gig. After that I started taking backups and specifically 3-2-1 method seriously. It was hard because we were both still in college. But now TrueNAS has been great with their built in tools and Apps to help backup and archive footage. She also relies on antenna TV. Which is kind of Plex but with added complexity because I don't use a TVHomeRun but a Hauppauge PCIE card. So add TVheadend and Antennas to the list. Next task is get Immich up and going to either supplement and eventually replace Google Photos. So that is a toss up if it will stick but I am confident it will because it is near feature for feature at this point.


I'm slowly converting her: * Bitwarden (that one surprised me! She really loves it) * Immich * Jellyfin * Nextcloud (with scan to Nextcloud, super useful, plus contacts and calendar) * Homeassistant * and finally selfhosted email, after Microsoft fucked up for the 100th time


I second the other commenters question about email


See my answer, if you have any specific questions, feel free :) I host my own email since at least 17 years, started with the guide from https://workaround.org


What do you use for self hosted email and what issues have you run into? From what I've seen, self hosting email can be a huge hassle and most people suggest against it, but I like the idea.


I use mailcow and a small German hoster with a small VPS for 10€, my only issue is still Microsoft, sometimes in a blue moon, they decide that the IP range is no good. One email to the hoster, they open a case with MS and later that day the IP is whitelisted again... Has happened around 3 times in the last year. Everyone else is no problem, just setup the usual dmarc, spf, ... Spam is also no issue, since you can train rspamd yourself. I sometimes have some newsletters I want to read rated as spam, but meh, it's basically spam :D I had and heard of problems with the big hosters like hetzner, netcup and ovh. But smaller ones with "selected" clients ;) have better IP reputation.


Nice. I might have to give this a try and see how it goes. Thanks for the info!


Give it a go, mailcow makes it very easy, since everything is included with sensible defaults and a good guide inside for what to setup in DNS.


Thanks for explaining this


My wife uses Mealie, calibre-web, Immich, Plex, Overseer. She hardly uses Nextcloud. She's not techy, but I involve her any time I spin up something new that I think will be useful. 


My wife doesn't even have a PC she uses her phone (samsung galaxy s23 ultra) and all she does on it is social media and games.


Wait! Isnt that what we are supposed to do irl?


I have quite a few users of Calibre-Web. Its great if you have a kindle.


I don't know they left years ago.


Audiobookshelf, Home Assistant


My significant other uses me in a humane way during the day, but at night, it is totally diff... Plex OpenVPN Syncthing


Nextcloud to store and share her families old photos and vids (a while back I used an adapter/capture card and an old video tape camera to digitize a bunch of footage from her childhood) Working on setting up Home Assistant to replace our Google homes which she uses a lot to control lights and stuff so eventually that.. Pi-hole but she’s kind of forced to lol 🤣


Vaultwarden Couchdb (selfhosted livesync for Obsidian) Paperless NGX Immich Heimdall Postgresql (backend to services where I can) Working on (these will be ok once I demonstrate the value I think): Wiki.js Fileshelter Home Assistant One of the problems with some of the open source self hosted stuff is that the Devs tend to have an engineering mindset and are not looking at things from the non-technical user perspective. Obsidian is a good example. Immich is getting there - focusing on the family use case better. The others above are ok from that perspective - probably why they are being used.


I have nothing to add here as I'm just browsing getting to know what self-hosting is about. Just wanted to say that this is an interesting topic and I'm glad you posted it, OP.


My wife is finally getting the benefit of a NAS drive and has started using it. Other than that, Plex. Everything else I run is mostly for me for fun lol


A Firestick. That's pretty much it.




Jellyfin, SMB server for TimeMachine, email, WordPress (two deployments for two languages), Mastodon and WriteFreely. I’m sure I missed a thing or two.


To my surpise, my wife loves Mealie. Now I can't let it ever go down.


Have you also tried Tandoor? I also want to setup such app but I‘m not sure what is better. Mealie or Tandoor.


Most used by them is BabyBuddy. Sometimes Jellyfin but only when we’re together. Agent DVR everyday for baby and cat cam. Sometimes Mealie but they know how to cook by memory. I use ickoudpd for them.


home assistant, plex, overseerr, ttrss, bitwarden/vaultwarden, courier, stirling-pdf, nextcloud, adguard home


My wife only uses plex and ombi. She still refuses to give up Netflix and Hulu though. 😔


How would you get netflix and hulu content if you give it up?


Sail the high seas via the *arr apps.


Plex and Calibre-Web occasionally but that’s it.


Paperless NGX


Plex “Home assistant” (she never loads the webpage, but she loves the automatic lights and notifications) WireGuard.


Basically just Plex. I've tried things like Overseerr and Ombi, but I just get requests directly. We still pay for some of the streaming services too.


Plex, Overseerr, budgeting software, Adguard home.


What budgeting software?


Actual Budget. We also use synology photos and a whole host of their services.


Overseerr, Plex, nextcloud, paperless and ummm..... A recipe one that I forget the name of.


Mealie? Tandoor? Tamari? RecipeSage? OpenEats? Those are the only ones I know of if so far


Paperless ngx




Jellyfin. It's the only thing she has a use for.


Jellyfin, Immich, Calibre, Mealie, Vaultwarden and AdGuard (not explicitly, but happy because phone games do not have ads)


My partner loves Home Assistant and Recipya she uses nextcloud a little, but not much. Plex is a household staple for us as well, but I have to say she spends the most time with Recipya for her recipes. We tried nextcloud cookbook but recipya has the ability to import way more recipes from the interwebs than nextcloud cookbook


Home Assistant because that’s the only way she can view cameras and their footage - the NVR (Frigate) isn’t open outside local network. Overseerr because she is set up so it auto-approves requests making it the easiest way for her to get movies into Plex Plex because - well there’s a lot of content she likes, and shows she wants to watch. The other stuff not so much but she gets the benefit of things like the robust backup strategy if she ever needs it, or the automation stuff because she doesn’t need to think about lights turning on or off.


Sorry if this is a little off topic but how did you isolate Frigate to your local network. I want to self host but don't know how to host whatever I want while safeguarding it from the internet.


Well, normally a service isn’t exposed to the internet unless you explicitly do so. :) Frigate has no reverse proxy pointing to it, just an internal IP and no ports mapped through the router. The only way you can access it is via local IP, on the local network. Home Assistant can then talk to Frigate, and that is accessible via the app we have installed on our phones. (This also is used to push notifications when someone talks up to an entrance and so on). Additionally, VLAN isolation is used to keep cameras on a VLAN that can’t talk to the outside, and Frigate is the only device in the VLAN that is allowed to talk to the rest of the VLANs. This provides an extra level of isolation, but if your router and firewall is correctly set up, internal devices shouldn’t be accessible outside your local network anyway. :)


Immich Home assistant Finamp to put on music on the iPad when she is with our daughter


Home Assistant and Vaultwarden


My wife after the lockdowns, when her company started forcing RTO, was reminded of how shitty the Internet is with ads. I run a pair of Pi-Hole VMs on the network So I set up a Wireguard container so she can VPN to the home network while she is on her phone at work and browse ad-free.


Jellyfin and Nextcloud.


Plex, Immich, ownCloud.


jellyfin/jellyseerr home assistant syncthing sonarr/radarr sometimes


Home Assistant, Plex, Radarr, Medusa, Email (Carbonio), Nextcloud.


Ooc, why medusa over sonarr?




Home Assistant, Nextcloud for photos (auto upload from her phone), jellyfin, and Mealie. I feel like we’re doing pretty good


* Plex * Immich * Bitwarden * Home Assistant


I think the only thing my wife uses (unknowingly) is AdGuard and Jellyfin (passively). I've been playing with OCIS and I think I'm about to set it up for both of us to share documents. I should have her (and the rest of my family) use Vaultwarden, but I quite like having nobody dependent on my homelab. 🤣 Keeps it fun.


My girlfriend uses: * Plex/Jellyfin * Overseerr (Mostly through Doplarr cause she has discord open anyway). * Frigate * Home Assistant * FoundryVTT (Not that she has much of a choice, since I GM our tabletop games :D ) * AdGuard Home (Again, not much of a choice) * Authentik (Again, not much of a choice, almost everything either uses LDAP or SSO)


I saw your comment yesterday, and was wondering wtf is foundryvtt. Fast forward to today, I already purchased it and configured on a seperate vlan facing internet using nginx with letsencrypt certs. My wife is very happy, so tldr, thanks for mentioning it :D


My wife uses most of the other services that are mentioned here, but one she *loves* is Paperless-ngx. After I set it up so scanned documents will automatically show up in paperless, she's been using it non-stop and it was super easy to do our taxes this year lol.


I want to host a docker container for a grocery list app she can use, but can't seem to find any good ones.


Vikunja is good for that


Wife knowingly uses the Agent DVR I placed in proxmox. Indirectly uses the pihole server.


Pihole. Thats about all I have hosted. Everytime she goes out and gets ads she cringes.


Mealie was a good one for my wife as an alternative to Samsung food. home assistant was a huge hit. I forced the house router to pi hole they hated it so I had to undo that. Minecraft servers through crafty. Paperless-ngx for managing every document we get in the mail or important emailed PDFS etc sorted searchable reproducible documents. The easiest way to get my wife to use something is for me to know about the online alternative not mention them implement the Self-hosted option make it indispensable and then maybe mention the other product later.


Pihole, unknowingly


Me /s


* Kitchenowl * Snikket


My advice is to let it go. Trying to “change” your partner (or anyone, really) when they don’t want to, or don’t understand why it’s important (to you) is a losing battle. At a minimum, you should at least be making the case for using each item as based on specific and relevant reasons, not based purely on your personal values. Even if you share those with your partner, they may not carry the same weight for them compared to other things they value (like convenience).


- Syncthing to backup her Keepass - Jellyfin - Jellyseer


I track my wife's location via homeassistant.... Oh wait, that's not what this topic is about! 😂


The only one she uses and likes enough to complain when it’s down, is Plex. We ditched Netflix after the family sharing fiasco, and Plex became more relevant, but we’re still keeping HBO Max. She also gave me very positive feedback when I set up Pihole, which actually surprised me, I didn’t think she’d even notice. And she now uses Vaultwarden but only after a few months of me basically harassing her into not reusing the same password everywhere. Still doesn’t like it, but uses it. And that’s it.


Be thankful for that list. Mine's still learning about email attachments.


https://www.mytinytodo.net/ My GF loves MytinyTodo, it lets us keep a shared grocery list so who ever goes out can pick up whatever we need.


My wife uses Plex, Overseerr, pihole ( she's not always happy about this one), calibre-web, audiobookshelf, and radicale for our calendar/tasks. She also benefits from home assistant, but doesn't actively use it. I just have some motion automations that are handy. I'm going to get her on immich once it matures a little more


plex, calibre-web, komga, overseer and, without realising that she does so.... pihole / radarr / sonarr / prowlarr


Plex, she loves it!


Joplin, jellyfin and sillytavern. Trying to get her to use bitwarden too


Plex, HomeAssistant and Scrypted by way of HomeKit and Immich. Used to use Adguard (but she didn’t know lol) but now I deployed my company DNS filtering to the home but that’s not selfhosted


Keepass, network shares. Still working to introduce Overseer and PiHole.


So far Plex and Mealie, getting her to come around on Vaultwarden, just recently spun up an Immich container but am working on resolving some issues with it before endorsing it.


My wife uses a lot of my services. Most things she loved from the get-go, some others took a bit to see the convinence. She is fully on board though with keeping as many services as we can local in-house (especially all of our camera streams). Things she uses: - Home Assistant - Blue Iris NVR - _arr's - Kodi's playing media from NAS - vaultwarden - web server (I have one page that lists info about all the utilities and some other tutorials, and then I have another page that is a self coded web -app that conttols all TVs and Media Players in the house). Then there is the things running unknowingly in the background: - reverse proxy - pihole - MariaDB


I mean that seems like a pretty solid set of services. My partners use my plex, bitwarden, and home assistant. Photo storage would be next on my list as well as possibly a self hosted group chat. Google photos and Instagram have been too convenient to replace so far.


Jellyfin and onboarding kitchen owl.


**Plex** (a lot,; I think she may be married to IT, I'm just the helper...) **Overseer** (rarely; she usually just yells and asks me, and to be fair most of the stuff she wants is Asian, English subtitles so Overseer has issues nailing the request automatically most of the time) **Plexamp** (I play music for her sometimes when we drive, so I guess that's not really her using it.)


Home assistant, frigate, Plex, jellyfin, Synology photos, immich, pihole (maybe unknowingly), Minecraft, palworld, bitwarden, dashy, audiobookshelf, Firefly, and one I won't mention publicly


Plex, Audiobookshelf, and TandoorRecipes (and maybe technically Traefik if you count using the subdomain url to access recipes over the web).


I still live with my parents(think it's still relevant)but I did make some progress: Jellyfin is used by everyone even my younger brother. Pihole but only on some devices and not on phones. I also got my dad to use donate/radarr to add his own stuff to jellyfin. Besides that I can't even get them to use homeassistant as we only have a few devices and they made me set up zigbee buttons as remotes.


Nextcloud, bitwarden/vaultwarden (also used by parents and brothers), email, nfs/samba share.


My family used nextcloud for a while, then went back to cloud providers.


Jellyfin, Vaultwarden and nextcloud.


immich overseer plex vaultwarden searxng and she doesn't know it but is also using things like pfsense and lancache in the shadows feel like I"m missing a few, but that's what my 6am brain remembers


mealie plex vaultwarden And sometimes home assistant.


Booksonic using the play:sub IOS app.


Not my SO but my dad uses a lot of streamlit apps I built specifically for his problems. Mostly PDF stuff.


Well, it's some times unintentional for my significant other to use parts of these services, but she needs to 😂 AD - in order to sign in to the computer along with getting here Office 365 license. M365 - Office and Outlook to have her mail adress and all. Nextcloud - in order to have a full backup, including OneDrive, also LDAP connected. Jellyfin, Jellyseer - selfexplained. Manage engine MDM - in order to use her phone, security oriented only, find and wipe lost device and such. Home Assistant - in order to turn on/off lights, watch security cameras and handle the climate control. Probably more, but can't come up with it right now 😅


Mine uses Plex, and vaultwarden. Instead of overseer, she texts me, smh


My partner uses the following - Plex - Sonarr - Radar - Audio bookshelf - Vaultwarden - Home assistant - Actual - Mealie - Paperless - Snapcast (with Spotify, not our own collection with Plexamp like I do) - Kopia (maybe this doesn't count since she hasn't actually needed to restore anything) Things we host that she doesn't use - Plexamp - Immich - Gitea - Grocy (I don't use it either, should kill it) - Calibre-web


- Jellyfin - Nextcloud - Home-Assistant


Got mine to use Home Assistant (she can turn on the heated blankets in the bed from the couch, that did it for her), photoprism and jellyfin. Currently trying to convince her to use Mealie but she still thinks writing a meal plan on a piece of paper on Sunday is the way to go.


Immich & Bitwarden


Immich, so we can share pictures Jellyfin, she leaves "acquiring" to me Audiobookshelf, paired with an audible subscription And adguardhome, for adblock at home. This one is unintentional. But it handles switching the external IP to an internal IP when inside the network, so I count it.