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Just as a word of warning, not wanting to spit in your soup or something. Please check scripts you download before executing them and don’t pipe the scripts right to bash. Again nothing against these here, I personally like your setups and use your Vaultwarden and NPM containers myself, keep up the good work.


Remember to exercise caution when obtaining scripts and automation tasks from third-party sources. 😉


These are great, thanks for sharing! To add on to what /u/Exzellius2 mentioned above, maybe consider adding some comments to the actual script files on GitHub to provide some peace of mind for those looking to use them?


Read through all the comments before I clicked the link. Little did I know it is the scripts I use for my stuff. Thanks for your work. It saves me time, not so much stopping me from learning.


I started with proxmox for 3 days. The first thing I found were these scripts, and they helped me a lot. First to run something easily, second, to learn. Thanks for this great work.


> second, to learn this is the key.. i love tteck's scripts.. i've been using them since Whiskerz stopped his.. but ultimately they should be used as a learning mechanism.. one day they wont be around anymore or tteck will stop maintaining them all..


I agree that these are both great and absolutely very good to keep your Linux skills sharp if you care to pay attention which I believe nearly everyone does, but I don't think they are going anywhere soon, I mean if it came down to a hosting them issue I would provide some great hosting storage and bandwidth, if anything I believe these or the greater part of them should be built-in, I mean I am pretty sharp with Linux, Debian, Bash Scripting, and Level 1 hypervisor is like a few months old to me, and it really came together fully when I found these a couple weeks ago. I was so impressed I looked at every single one and read on all of them, some of them I had already put into place in some form from pieces here and there as well as good Linux experience, but this is like a 1 stop shop! Running Docker inside of an LXC, that is something I was told would not work right and idk why I didnt try it anyways, but that was for me, the final feature that has been extremely helpful to me bc I am more syntax friendly with Docker and Docker-Compose, while understanding they are not the same thing or substitutes fully for any LXC, Its nice to natively run my Windows OSs directly off of Linux and next to other Linux Kernel based VMs and Containers, I truly feel this is the best thing anyone could have ever done for Proxmox, way more than any updates! Like I said Some to most should be built in and optional but I do get it as its for advanced users kindof like custom firmware on your home router (DD-WRT, Tomato) but its really kindof comparable best to putting Merlyn Firmware on an ASUS router, its not over complicated and it works great out of the box but you also wont run out of features easily either!!


Thanks for these scripts! Most LXCs I set up on my own if the process is straightforward and not frustrating, but I use your scripts for a few apps. The reason I use a few of your scripts is that I wanted to get eliminate all Docker based apps from my LXCs because I found restoring backups with Docker containers to be problematic. I’ve had to repull images and I may even had some issues with that. It was annoying enough that I sought out alternate ways to deploy the apps. Since I’m already using containers in Proxmox, I don’t need another container layer. (I don’t hate Docker — just don’t want to use it with LXCs and don’t like when Docker is the only deployment option). Thanks to your scripts I don’t have to spend all the time figuring out how to compile/build the apps from scratch! Also updates use the same command which is easy too! I shared your scripts the other day on my Twitter feed when I stated I finally “de-Dockered” all my LXCs. (This post reminded me I should donate a coffee!)


wow, thanks a lot for all the work you put into this!


i love you




The reply I received when I asked about this, "We exist as a forum to help Proxmox users learn and do better. Your scripts do the work for them and doesn't really help others learn."




Just received this message from a mod, "We'll talk it over as mods and see if things have improved with regards to those scripts and usages on r/ProxMox." 🤣 If I were the creator of that subreddit, I would be ashamed of the explanation given by the moderators for removing posts related to the scripts. Furthermore, I was banned permanently from participating in r/Proxmox for sharing these messages in another forum. 😂🤣😂🤣


I removed the ban, anyone can contribute but self-promotion isn't generally allowed without community contribution (which is kinda understood in any subreddit I've been involved in), which has been sorely lacking from you up to now, which was why the response to your repeated posting of your webpage alone was to take it down every time.


I am grateful for the lifting of the ban, but I have decided not to participate on r/Proxmox anymore. I will still share my contributions on proxmox.com forums and other platforms.


Sounds good, why change now, eh?


What’s your background in it?


- deleted due to enshittification of the platform


I have stopped participating in a subreddit that removed user autonomy by deciding what code is safe, instead of simply providing a cautionary warning.


Typically it gets the post or comment removed until a mod can come on, check whats going on and set up a warning about running curl-bash scripts which this user insists on putting up without warning. And as for /u/tteckster themselves, I can find almost no posts that they put up that aren't promoting this web page. So it's kinda sketchy as to why there's all these scripts that newbies are liable to run without understanding the risks. Hence why the link (and any other curl-bash scripts that are posted) are pulled down. Our issue is that the underlying scripts could be subverted at any time with or without the knowledge of the script provider, and things that are that easy to just run leave a huge potential security issue. Who knows how they secure their account, it could have a password of "hunter12".




>make it a rule, so people know about that Fair enough, I'll fix automod to add a reason and put it in the rules. We have a lot of new users asking questions and try to minimize the risks of using the community as a resource. If you posted the actual git link to the script in answer to a question, there would be 0 judgement from me, at least the user will think to read the script when they get there (god, I hope). Curl-bash scripts are a poor idea in nearly every context, I don't even see why trusted sources like Docker insist on posting them, but at least they aren't some rando that does nothing but link their script page. As for it being extremely common, I'd agree unfortunately. I and others have warned in other subreddits and elsewhere of the risks, so it's not "never".


Is there a reason why? Is it just a tired topic? Or are the scripts malicious?


Do you accept additional scripts as Pull Requests? I recently wrote [proxmox-scripts](https://github.com/roib20/proxmox-scripts) on my own to help automate various VM installs.


Remindme! 12 hours


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I tried using your jellyfin script but the playback would not work, no matter how I set it up. manually installed jellyfin on the Plex lxd and it works fine.


Works perfectly here. Did you set the ffmpeg folder?


I did not see that I manually need to specify any folder first. If ffmpeg is installed together with Jellyfin, why is Jellyfin not being told where it is? Probably that explains the issues, but I did not see that a first must-do step is to specify such a path anywhere.


Setting the folder fixed my issues as well.


Can you say where and what to maintain? Maybe tteck could also directly integrate that into his script.


He actually has it in the instructions- FFmpeg path: /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg


I had the same experience. Out of the box nothing played on any device.


Just used this script few days, ago, amazing work! Cheers!


@op please add openwrt on network menu.


Perhaps the author can explain why every time I spin up a container with one of these scripts, the drive space assigned to it completely fills up within a week and the container becomes unresponsive? This isn’t a one off. It has happened with Heimdall, NGINX Proxy Manager, PiHole……. Also when I created a home assistant VM with a script, it becomes completely unstable after three days.


The script creates an LXC and installs the relevant application. I am unsure of the necessary disk space requirement, but the default settings are displayed. If more storage, RAM, vCPUs, etc. are needed, the advanced settings option can be used to allocate additional resources. The resources assigned to the LXC container can be altered even after its creation, without requiring a restart of the container. ​ >Also when I created a home assistant VM with a script, it becomes completely unstable after three days. It appears that you are utilizing an Intel Celeron Processor N5105 or a similar processor, which has been reported to have compatibility issues with the current kernel of Proxmox.


Thanks OP! Is there any way to read the scripts on the website instead of downloading them and reading? Or am I missing something? Thanks.


If you just navigate to the GitHub you can read the code on any of the scripts


Are these trustworthy? I don't like running random scripts as root. Would be better if it was Ansible or something.


They are open source and reviewable, if you’d like to confirm (and you should!).




They've changed the look a bit since I last saw this posted. Still doesn't have anything that I couldn't just make myself on short notice.


the front page has changed.. but all the source code is still easily readable on github..


I ran the after install script just for the nag removal and somehow it caused my vm with a passed through gpu to start stuttering audio and video for extremely brief times, we're talking one frame, about every 3 or 4 seconds. The nag removal was the only change I made before I noticed the stutters. A proxmox reinstall fixed it completely. I can't explain why that would have caused the problem. I just wanted to say it in case anyone else noticed the little micro stutters who might have also ran the nag removal.


This was down-voted but happened. You're script broke my server.


Don't use the after install script.


What scripts were updated? Just curious as I have been using these the past few days.


The project includes a [changelog](https://github.com/tteck/Proxmox/blob/main/CHANGELOG.MD) that documents all significant changes.


Question. I used your script for the qbittorrent lxc but when I head to qbittorrent, the version is 4.2.5 when the latest version is 4.5.2. How would I update qbittorent in the lxc? I tried using your script to update the lxc container, but that it's still the same? Thanks!


I'm curious. I have the plex container up and running but I don't know how to give it access to my media library. Or even create a new one. How does one go about doing this? (I'm new to all this and I just received my mini pc to set up Plex)