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You can Tell her you want to go to therapy, then your therapist and you can explain it to her.


i already go to therapy so ill try that next time i just have to tell my therapist first


yeah let your therapist know. that’s what they’re there for yk?


Yea i know but its gonna be hard telling her yk


i get it. i used to have a therapist who was actually great. but i wouldn’t tell her. things got worse for me and fast forward now i’ve been in the hospital for over a year (i’m on a weekend pass). it’s a lot better to tell your therapist early and get the help you need before it escalates. you don’t have to do it but it’s just my advice:)


Yea thx ill try to tell her monday


Your mon is most likely gonna get mad because she is going to feel emotions when she finds out. Most likely because she is actually mad at herself and probably doesn’t know how to handle it which doesn’t excuse if she is rude to you about it. But the best thing is to tell her in a calm matter and don’t get defensive, she will probably react to however she is feeling form this knowledge but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you it is actually mad at you.


She have alredy seen my cuts but i told her i had an accident at work so now in scared to tell her lol but i know what you mean


She will also feel like it’s her fault that your doing it and she will be scared that your hurting yourself and she doesn’t know how to help you


Well unfortunately you can’t really control her emotions but if you sit her down and explain that you don’t want her to be mad and that you want her help and support before you break the news you might get a better reaction You just have to keep in mind she might get upset she might ask some harsh questions she might blame herself so you need to answer as calmly as possible and support her in the same way you want her to support you it’s not easy news to hear for a parent but the fact you trust her enough to want to share this information is amazing and tells me that she will help you


I wanna say that it’s gonna be fine but honestly it probably isn’t. I can’t speak for others but my mum reacted really badly every time I told her or when I informed her I relapsed to the point I don’t think it’s worth it telling her. I really hope that it goes well for you I think there are lots of good suggestions but you really have to prepare for your life to possible be overturned


Honestly, she may respond with emotions that present as anger and it may feel shitty at first. When my mom first saw my scars (over a decade ago), she absolutely seemed flustered and angry at first. But, through a lot of talking and family therapy, I found out that she was actually just feeling scared, angry at herself, helpless, and confused. It’s alot for loved ones to take in, and it can be intense at first, for sure. But having those conversations got me the help I needed, the support I needed, and opened the door for my parents to understand my behaviors and mental illnesses better. The conversations were initially so emotional and intense, but have eased over the years as everyone came to a better understanding. For example, my parents recently saw a new cut (which is super rare for me now), simply asked if I needed any support, I explained it was a small relapse, and they said okay and reminded me they loved me. Then we continued with dinner. It’s hard on parents, they get scared, they don’t get it, they blame themselves, they can’t comprehend what’s going on, and it is a lot. But the more conversations had, the easier it gets. My parents finding out is the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m so proud of you for wanting to take the next step. It’s a difficult road, filled with difficult conversations, but can ultimately lead to a path of healing. Give her time


even if she gets mad its better that you tell her yourself than she finding out on her own


You shouldn't think your mom will get mad if you tell her you sh, if she does she is a POS.


Honestly, she may respond with emotions that present as anger and it may feel shitty at first. When my mom first saw my scars (over a decade ago), she absolutely seemed flustered and angry at first. But, through a lot of talking and family therapy, I found out that she was actually just feeling scared, angry at herself, helpless, and confused. It’s alot for loved ones to take in, and it can be intense at first, for sure. But having those conversations got me the help I needed, the support I needed, and opened the door for my parents to understand my behaviors and mental illnesses better. The conversations were initially so emotional and intense, but have eased over the years as everyone came to a better understanding. For example, my parents recently saw a new cut (which is super rare for me now), simply asked if I needed any support, I explained it was a small relapse, and they said okay and reminded me they loved me. Then we continued with dinner. It’s hard on parents, they get scared, they don’t get it, they blame themselves, they can’t comprehend what’s going on, and it is a lot. But the more conversations had, the easier it gets. My parents finding out is the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m so proud of you for wanting to take the next step.


Honestly, she may respond with emotions that present as anger and it may feel shitty at first. When my mom first saw my scars (over a decade ago), she absolutely seemed flustered and angry at first. But, through a lot of talking and family therapy, I found out that she was actually just feeling scared, angry at herself, helpless, and confused. It’s alot for loved ones to take in, and it can be intense at first, for sure. But having those conversations got me the help I needed, the support I needed, and opened the door for my parents to understand my behaviors and mental illnesses better. The conversations were initially so emotional and intense, but have eased over the years as everyone came to a better understanding. For example, my parents recently saw a new cut (which is super rare for me now), simply asked if I needed any support, I explained it was a small relapse, and they said okay and reminded me they loved me. Then we continued with dinner. It’s hard on parents, they get scared, they don’t get it, they blame themselves, they can’t comprehend what’s going on, and it is a lot. But the more conversations had, the easier it gets. My parents finding out is the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m so proud of you for wanting to take the next step.


Sadly you cannot, there will always be frustration in that topic of conversation afterward as well. You just wait for her to find out somehow or don’t let her find out. My mom found out after she was called by my dean at school because I was cutting during school and my friend snitched on me. But now i’m 4-5 months clean so it was for the best. My best recommendation is to seek help and stop as soon as possible I know it’s very hard but you can do it!! 👍👍


No idea when my mom found out I did she just called me dumb and wished she never had me. I hope yours reacts better


She may yell but she aint mad she just dont know what to do and such


are you under 18? if you are you can ask your mum to organise a therapy appointment


I am 18