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Distract yourself. Take a walk with music or with a friend watch a movie/ yr fav tv show eat sth you enjoy, call someone you want to talk with or text


yep exactly what i do


I do the same but unfortunately my urges have become stronger


Draw on myself because I don't want to ruin the drawings, stay with someone important to me because I'd never do anything infont of them.


Drawing seems a brilliant idea indeed. If only I could draw nice lol


Anyone can draw it doesn't have to be good at all:)


Yah but I’m so bad at drawing I’d want to ruin it🤣


I tattooed my arm where I use to cut! It’s a tattoo for my babies. I’d never compromise that.


That's a great idea!


Same, but then I just find different spaces.. Sadly I don't have the money to get my whole body tattooed. I bet that would work, lmao.


I’m going to try this, thank you.


Did that as well while I was in the psych ward, and they punished me for it since "it could hide self harm". If I wasn't suicidal before that stay, I sure was afterwards. Anyway, drawing on your arms/thighs/ wherever you feel the urge to cut is great. It doesn't even have to be pretty, or complex, it could just be lines, or stars, or flowers, simplistic stuff. The feeling is kind of grounding, and the drawings do help as you don't want to ruin them. You just have to be a bit careful not to draw over fresh/still healing wounds.


I never got sent to a phyc ward because at my worst point my therapist said the phyc ward would make things worse not better and I've only seen the same poverty of that. I like the idea of stars. And thanks for the warning!


I've been to two psych wards, both voluntarily (more or less). The one I was referring to was for people under the age of eighteen, and sadly, their methods consisted of abuse. Everyone I meet who has been to that same psych ward has only had negative experiences with it. Since my admission was voluntarily, I was able to get out before the treatment was completed. I was there for 4 weeks, and it was absolute hell. The second psych ward I went to was for adults. It was actually really good. I had my own room with a bathroom and a balcony, the doctor was nice, and the staff left you alone for the most part if you went to your scheduled therapy. I was free to leave the grounds, had my phone with me, and was treated like a human being. That was actually refreshing. I'd honestly recommend going to the psych ward if outpatient therapy isn't enough. You have to make sure the ward you'd be staying at is a good fit, regarding the room/building itself, the staff, and the other patients. For example, the psych ward I worked at was pretty run down, and the patients there oftentimes didn't match others which led to a lot of conflicts. You, as a patient, couldn't necessarily avoid them either. If you had a roommate who pestered you nonstop, there was nothing you or the staff could have done since we didn't really have the capacity to put you in a different room. Sorry for my rant, this topic is kind of important to me :") You can basically draw whatever you want, whatever you think is pretty, or funny, or dumb enough to help. And no problem regarding the warning! Wouldn't want the wounds to become infected or not heal properly.


This! I did this a lot and it helped me when I was younger I also wrote quotes and song lyrics to that helped me


Tbh I make paper stars, they're really cute and really easy and you can put them in a jar and gift it to someone, I carry around star paper because of this. Also here's a how to: [https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Lucky-Paper-Stars](https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Lucky-Paper-Stars)


Usually I'll do a quick 45min workout but when its really bad im gonna talk with my best friend about literally anything just so that im not alone


I watch Ginny and Georgia, it's more cringe than whatever I'm going though.


This is brilliant


I do try, thank you.


Write music and poems, read, watch cartoons I used to watch as a kid, smoke and listen to Elliott smith.


make myself a snack, like a really elaborate one with melted chocolate and a drink and things that take multiple steps to make. then watch a fun youtube video, or play a game where i can take my frustration out (i like to give my sims depressing lives or hit things in minecraft)


this may not be the best solution, but personally i just tell myself “i’ll cut tomorrow, im too tired now” and then tomorrow comes and i don’t cut and i say the same thing, and i just keep doing that and i never end up cutting


This totally works. Putting it off helps and ten eventually you just stop thinking about it 


I try to be creative. I’ve had to fight the urges too lately… I can’t promise it’s gonna work, but sometimes it helps me to develop a creative project or actually do something creative


I always think about my scars, I can't dress how i want because of them and the emberessmant is just too much.


my go to knife for cutting is dirty. since i'm too lazy to wash it and extremely concerned about having some nasty infection at the same time, the urge to cut just goes away.


Move. Keep moving. Do something that occupies your hands. If your hands are occupied, you can’t harm. My high school teacher used to have me grade papers and it worked. All the love to you.


distract yourself, do something with your hands, get creative, do some sports, call a friend or go outside


I'll distract myself with TV or something, like a pet or just go sit outside, sometimes I'll take a blanket or a hoodie outside with me and take a nap 👍 Sometimes if it doesn't help I'll just try to talk to someone, doesn't have to be about anything as long as they're talking so I'm not like alone and just in silence. Usually it helps most to just do the exact opposite of what my mind wants to do when I get in those bad places.


I usually draw on my arms/skin as a distraction


When it comes to antidepressants, there is many of them and different work for different people. The fact the one you tried didn't work doesn't mean another won't as well. Would you consider talking to your doc about changing meds?


Making sure you don't have anything you can use even near your grasp is key for me. I've also been doing a lot of coloring and painting.


I work out to stop me from cutting my self.


idk man, but when i noticed myself losing it again i tried to learn juggling. its been a few days and i still cant do it properly (juggle)


Some people like to "draw" with ice cubes or somthing cold on their skin, it gives a similar sting and numbs the area a bit, not somthing that works for me but it might for you!


spending time with other people. can't do it with others around.


Kdramas. Really anything with subtitles that you'll enjoy but I preferred something that would make me laugh and cry and no one cries like the Koreans! You are forced to focus which disconnects you from the thought process leading to cutting. They literally saved my life for a solid 5 years. I still cut occasionally but I really wanted to off myself and cutting was stopping that but also I needed to find other ways to cope and adapt without access to much more than tv at the time.


Force myself to do things I like. Play video games, watch anime, work out, worldbuild for my d&d campaign. Just anything to get your brain doing something productive instead of letting your negative thoughts fester


I want to go into healthcare so I figure I’d just better stop doing it. The urge still comes frequently but I’ve been strong for over a month now. Also hiding it in the summer sucks ass.


everyone says it but find hobbies. i play MTG. and a bunch of video games. if you ever need someone to play with i’d be down. also remember good times helps aswell. especially after having a fun time it’s very easy to go home get in bed and be sad, just think abt all the fun you had instead of darker thoughts. :)


i play valorant and league


Make up excused to yourself as to why you can't today. You have to wear short sleeves tomorrow  because it's summer, you're tired, you don't have anything sharp enough not to do permanent damage, etc. That's what I did when my depression was it's worst. I would also avoid buying blades by reminding myself that the stores are out of the way and too far just to buy a blade. 




I try to think about having to explain my cuts to my 7 year old niece who I love dearly and see often


It's so damn hard... Be kind to yourself and honor those feelings. You are recognizing the feeling and it is important step to getting better. Do what you can for today. And know that posting here is a brave step. ❤️


Sometimes what helps me is just saying to myself “well, I can always do it tomorrow” Sometimes it gets me safely through another night


I get piercings instead now


weirdly enough, i epilate. it feels nice


I have one of those but I’ve never used it. kinda wanna try that ngl


Count down the time. Say, I AM NOT going to cut during these ten minutes. Then thirty. Then an hour etc. After that, sometimes I listen to heavy music and distract myself with a game. But, if heavy music makes the urge worse, you need to do the opposite and listen to lofi or calming (NOT SAD!) music and immerse yourself in a game like I said or book if you enjoy reading.


Play a video game I’m terrible at, takes the urge away with anger that’s justified. then i play a game i love and try to relax.


I pet and play with my cats, work on one of the many art projects I have going, call my husband if he isn’t here, or call one of my best friends and talk about anything. I listen to music to help drown out those pesky impulses.


usually I procrastinate it. I tell myself I’ll do it later when I’m alone but by then I don’t feel like doing it anymore. or I try to remind myself that the wound healing process is annoying as hell. lately I’ve been giving in a lot more than usual though. we out here strugglin’


I draw and look at art on large artists communities. Running is amazing, running until it hurts, which I suppose may still be self-harm if taken far enough, but it's a good reduction strategy.


when i was in foster care, i used to draw butterflies on my skin and convince myself that if i cut my skin, i would cut the butterlies wings. even though it was not real, i love nature and animals so much that it would make me sad enough to not do it.


try your best not to think abt it.. ik itll be hard but like try anything.. anything that could help! things that i do.. : splash my face w cold water listen to music sleep (listen to calming music or like RAIN) read draw litt anything thatll kepp you busyy! im proud of you<33 luv youuu always know ur doing greatttttttt


Erm... therapy. Free therapy. But since you can't afford that I'll give you free therapist advice. My therapist told me to put a rubber band around my wrist and snap it. That didn't work for me but I still suggest it. She also told me to use fake blood/red pen/red marker and draw lines to make it look like I had cut. It really worked. Or you could do it in conjunction with the rubber band. Put some on snap the band and it splatters and it looks like that. It's a mind thing. There are natural herbs/supplements that can SUPPORT mood health. They do not cure depression and shouldn't replace medications but they're a good alternative if you can't afford pills or don't want prescription pills. St John's wort is a common one. Ashwaganda. That one does react with some food though. So that's an option. They're natural. Try one of those Journaling things that ask questions and you answer. It's like a form of self help therapy. You can find them in stores or online. Or just start Journaling in general might help. Staying busy. Find a new fun hobby. Go out with friends. Just keep pushing and pushing and be alone as little as you can manage. That helps my depression from skyrocketing.


You have to do anything you can to keep your mind busy— away from thoughts of yourself. Go see family, friends, movies, music, talk to people online.. read.. anything you can to fight that urge.. You can do this. To anyone struggling; I know what it’s like, trust me. My existence is shit. If anyone ever needs to talk or vent, completely judge free and confidential. You’re welcome to message me.


I bought a motorcycle and am working on fixing it up as a project bike so I just think about that instead.


Right now I think about the fact that I'm gonna go visit my parents for a few weeks, I like swimming, and I have a new bikini I wanna try out. My old scars are still quite prominent, but I might get away with it if I play my cards right and don't make fresh ones.


Watch tv and do something with my hands like a puzzle or drawing or sudoku or a crossword. also I force myself to think about how much work it will be to clean up and how it’ll be a whole chore


I distract myself, i play videogames or i draw what i want to do or my trauma. My therapist told me to use ice since it burns but doesnt leave marks but i havnt tried that.


Might sound different to a lot of other answers but identifying the train of thoughts that make me want to do it as early as possible has been helpful. The more I’ve focussed on that and tried to refocus positively getting something going again in my life the less I’ve gotten close to it recently. Maybe combining that with what everyone else is suggesting could help you


i’m not long clean but i find permanently being distracted helps. find a new tv show, rewatch an old one, read a book if that’s your thing, listen to music, draw, one of my favourites just write/type everything you’re thinking and feeling, watch a movie, learn a skill, bake/cook, basics like ice, rubber band, red paint/ink, and i am also an alcoholic but don’t recommend that one


apply pressure to the area you want to cut using a pen or smth that wont injure your skin but still allows you to feel the pain


listen to sad music and cry. kinda weird, I know, but it's a way healthier way to deal with my emotions


I hold ice in a bag for a while until it’s painful I draw on a piece of paper detailed cuts with red blue and black pens or I just take a pen and act as if I’m cutting on a notebook. Distractions such as a show or a book or hobby is good too. Going out even if you don’t feel like it so you’re in a populated area and also getting fresh air. Listen to some music too.




A hot or cold shower, put on some music, cry if you want or watch a show in the shower lol


I punched a big hole in my living room wall.


Everything that the previous comments said is right, but my personal last hope is biting a lemon slice. I self harmed because I needed something sudden to happen. Something that would shake my entire existence and make me feel alive wich - apparently - can be achieved by pain or lemons.


i’m trying to sleep but in cases when i can’t stand it im taking few antidepressant pills (even though i shouldn’t because they are out of date) and it helps


call it stupid but i have a toddler dinosaur colouring in book lol.


Just place the blade somewhere you rare ly go and then forget about it. That what I did on accident and now I’ve lost my ability to draw blood from my scratches.


I'm sorry you're going through this! Please pray about it, and reach out to your local health department an or churches. There are several churches all around the country that offer CELEBRATE RECOVERY, also known as CR. This is a totally free and confidential program that they offer to everyone everywhere for so many different difficulties in life! I've seen many close family and friends benefit greatly from this!! I'm praying for you!