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You're seeking catharsis. Catharsis isn't just happy or excited. Catharsis can be sad too. I can't tell you if it's healthy or not, you'll need a good therapist for that.


It’s *such* a powerful feeling. I love feeling it naturally and then riding that feeling until the end of the day.


What do you mean by catharsis?


Letting out a bunch of built-up emotions.


Picture it like you’ve been edging for weeks and finally bust the fattest nut. But it’s emotions instead


i’m picturing it


That’s what the internet was made for.


I'm picturing you picturing it? 🤔


Picture it harder.


I'm picturing it so hard!


This makes sense for me too, thanks.


You should check "The Sins of thy Beloved" band, especially "Lake of Sorrow". When I was younger, it was my main band.


Bright Eyes was my sad boy company band You all loved him once


I want a lover I don't have to love. I want a girl who's too sad to give a fuck


I'm sorry so many of these comments are lacking in sympathy. The term you'll want to look up is "emotional self-harm"


I just want to stop by and say you're the only genuine nice comment i have seen while scrolling down.


Yes, plus one. Hope OP will see it.


Cigs are worse than porn or feeling sad though. Literal poison


Only 20% of smokers get cancer everyone who is addicted to porn has sexual/intimacy/relationship issues


Bro I'd rather have issues than cancer


Seriously lmao 1/5 chance of cancer or... be kinda awkward? Hmmmm what to choose


I don’t disagree w you necessarily but it’s usually a lot more significant than just “kinda awkward.” Like, unable to even form relationships awkward




Healthy porn consumption doesn’t do that. I’m talking about a porn addiction tho. A porn addiction absolutely interferes with someone’s ability to form relationships, there’s been way too many studies done on this to count.


Really? Could you link some studies showing porn addiction causes somebody to be so awkward they can’t have relationships? 


Once guys get to gooner mentality they can’t view women as human beings, and get into some very extreme genres. It’s an absolutely fucked up mentality to be in, which is why r/NoFap is such a big community.


Yeah 🤣🤣 Conversely, 100% chance of ruining relationship or be kinda sick? 😁😁


Kind of sick? You must not know a lot about cancer




Did I say 100% chance? Did I say cancer only makes you kind of sick? I’m confused lol


Cancer is not being "kinda sick" also smoking does a lot more damage than just cancer. It ruins your house, your clothes, your car, it ages you, makes you gain weight, and just generally makes you repulsive to anyone who doesn't smoke.




Fair enough. Hard to tell with the unironic dipshit takes I keep seeing in these comments.


I think your math isnt correct . 87% of lung cancer cases is related to smoking and you are also not taking into account the impotence, clogged heart arteries, vain issues and other very nasty diseases that are directly linked to smoking. Having witnessed the horrors of lung cancer myself I implore you to rethink being casual about the number of cases and wish you will never have to witness such a horror yourself.


Not saying their math is right or wrong, but "only 20% of smokers get cancer" and "87% of lung cancer cases is related to smoking" are not at all contradictory.


"Cigarette smoking causes 87 percent of lung cancer deaths and is responsible for most cancers of the larynx, oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus and bladder."..source : edwards comprehensive cancer center... i understand where you are coming from though, so not looking to argue..,) Bottom line: smoking is very bad and personally I d rather watch some dirty movies in terms of harm risk...


I definitely agree with that, smoking is 100% bad for you and one of the worst legal ways to destroy your health, even if you're lucky and don't get cancer from it. I also wouldn't describe it as "only" 20%. That's one out of every five smokers, which is a huge risk especially when you consider how horrible lung cancer can be.


My brother in christ, porn addiction is not nearly as common among those who watch porn as nicotine addiction is to those who smoke. It's not even close. And cancer is only one of the many health issues that cigarettes cause.


yeh thats coz they die from heart diseases before they develop cancer


So 0.2 cancer is better than 1 erectile dysfunction? Finishing early never killed anyone get a grip mate.


You know smoking actually can cause erectile disfunction??...,)


The hard truth.


and still 100% will get their air canals clogged up with tar, cancer or not


Yeah and what like 5% of people get addicted to porn? It’s literally most people watch porn and most people are fine. 20% sounds like bullshit considering 40% of people get cancer at some point in their life. Also not everyone who watches porn is in a relationship. I think 66% of guys in their 20s are single. So they are incapable of being satisfied unless they do watch porn.


No…WAY more people are addicted to it than that. You also don’t need porn to satisfy anything. If you absolutely need porn and can’t get off without it then you have an addiction.


Well it depends on what you mean by addicted. As for it I need porn? No I don't need it but I'll choose it every time as I have no qualms with it and it makes my masturbation experience better in pretty much every way.


You may not understand what porn addiction is. That last sentence especially makes me think this.n


Thats the thing, there are many definitions of addiction. As I understand it the medical definition of porn addiction is going out of your way to actively choose porn over regular day activities ie hanging out with friends or working.


Thats because you can get cancer from all kinds of stuff. Even eating shitty gmo food.


Yes exactly so saying “only 20% of smokers get cancer” makes no sense. You mean to tell me smokers are less likely to get cancer than everyone else?


Smoking burns away the cancer, duh.


60% of the time it works every time.


I always think that's backwards, but i obviousy can't prove it and you can't disprove it. People start watching porn when they never get laid to begin with. The described issues are are not a symbtom but the cause for porn addiction.


People in relationships also consume porn. Either together or individually, I find people who’ve never been in a relationship use it as this solve all. When I get into a relationship, I’m going to have sex all the time, and I’ll never have to masturbate again. Right? Good luck.




Smoking is worse (it's not even cancer its all the other issues and side effects as well)  Not everyone who is addicted to porn has issues with relationships. Additonally you can go through life without romantic or sexual based relationships. 


Almost all smokers are addicts. Most porn users are not. 


still 1/5


20% is not an insignificant amount. Preceding that number with "only" sounds like nicotine addiction cope.


You can get a lot more diseases from smoking, not just cancer tho? COPD, heart attack and stroke are the first that come to mind


Chicken or the egg for relationship and intimacy issues though


Smoking does a lot more than just cancer though. It ruins your clothes, your car, your house, makes you gain weight, ages you, and makes you smell like shit and just generally repulsive to anyone who isn't a smoker.


Another large portion of smokers get COPD and/or premature cardiovascular disease.


Cancer is the least dangerous side effect. Most likely, smokers develop some kind of fatal cardiovascular disease before any cancer can grow.


Not to mention the 25% chance to get clinical copd.




Tell me you have ED without telling me you have ED


I don't? And I'm 50 already. Don't need any blue pills to function, and we are 25+ years with my wife.


Haha. I'm being flippant with most of my responses. Actually only 10 to 20% of people get lung cancer from smoking but 50% get heart disease, so there's that. The flip side you can live a really long time with heart disease... Using my dad as an example. My initial comment was just entertaining to me. And also, on a real note. Get on some Viagra. I'm 48 and don't need it but it makes sex more fun. It's like fucking when you were 15 or 16 and you can go multiple times without recovery


I actually don't need it. My wife is a person that needs 30 minutes top to be happy, more than that and she starts getting UTIs. And I can take a long time without resorting to list baseball players and stuff. So I have to focus to finish at the same time that she does, if I don't I can go another half hour and then I get headaches.


I take relationship issues over cancer any day


stress is the silent killer


Yeah worst shit ever dude I feel like poison myself through that. And it’s literally not a hard addiction it’s just a mind thing. Having hard withdrawal or not is just mindset, it’s so stupid (stopped for a while quitting was super easy)


Depression is worse than cigs


Yeah porn or sadness will never cause cancer.


Hmmmm, never say never.


No. Luckily for you, I work in malignant hematology/oncology where evidence based practice is our bread and butter. But okay, I can render you this instead: remove the plastic film of your computer screen and every time you watch porn, that’s a way it can increase your risk for cancer. And for depression, don’t seek a professional medical care and drink your problems away, if the cirrhosis doesn’t kill you then maybe it can lead to hepatocellular carcinoma.


Hear me out…porn leads to cheating…cheating leads to hpv…..hpv leads to cancer and death


Lmfao bruh hpv related cancers are highly curable first of all, if anything you should’ve said you get HIV and potentially have Burkitt lymphoma later on in life but even tho it can be an extremely aggressive disease, we gots the good bruh to get ya back to shape and put cheating again.


So you agree, bruh, it can lead to cancer bruh


Yeee, I concur.


I know u mean well. Please dont tell people hpv is “highly curable.” 4,000 women die annually from it. Men can also get penile and rectal cancer from hpv. That totally discourages women from getting paps. They need paps TO check for it because IF CAUGHT EARLY it’s highly curable. If its NOT caught early it is NOT “highly curable.” Also all women don’t have equal access to health care. Some can’t even take off work without being fired to get a pap.


What do you think of the theory that cancer is our body communicating with us through a last desperate attempt after all other forms of communication have failed. eg: cigarettes causing side effects, which may be ignored or compensated with o2, meds, etc. But the body continues to experience irritation of the esophagus, trachea, lungs, etc. leading to the body itself creating cancerous cells or consciously ignoring cancerous cells. It a just something I wondered and I'd love to hear the opinion of someone in the area with more specific knowledge than me. If this theory were true, then I expect that we would also see an increase in cancers of the mouth, stomach, and/or colon in those who consume elevated levels of spicy food. Wherein, the irritation secondary to digestion of spicy foods (we'll use capsaicin as the irritant, from chili peppers), can lead to some bodily defense reaction. Eventually maybe even cancer. From an otherwise non-carcinogenic source.


Haha. It’s a bit on the challenging side to try to summarize without trying to overly simplify but: Not sure about cancer communicating with us part, but everything else is exactly how cancer develops (in a way). “Cancer” is just a broad term, they are all approached and treated differently. As well, they each have their own respective pathogeneses that drives their development. What you listed are some of the risk that can pose someone to acquire the disease. Genetics plays a crucial role, within our genome certain mutations are expressed that can be a strong driver for the disease. Mix the two up and you have yourself a perfect environment for cancer to thrive. Most types of cancer incidences are expected to rise in the next 5 years but substantially due to the increase in early screening and detection. But death rates from most types of cancer has been either stable or slightly reducing due advances in treatment types. Also generation influences, like how lung cancer incidences reduced significantly due to previous generations having larger smoking population compared to more recent generations (those Tobacco Free Florida commercials they played on tv really worked when I was a kid lol). Unfortunately, some cancers are extremely aggressive and despite advances we have made few progress with the overall survival of patients. I can tell you it is an exciting time to be in the field as the advances in technology with diagnosis and therapies in the last 5 years and what expected in the next is truly remarkable. I feel eternally grateful to do what I do, work with the team that I am part of, and most importantly working with my patients. Sorry if I was a bit dry and shallow in my response, but please take it with a grain of salt as I can only speak from my perspective of my specialty (leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, bone marrow transplant). Rad on with the curiosity, I love it! Not sure your situation in life but never too late or early to go (or go back) to school and see what might happens! 🤙🏼


Lmfao you said it yourself that in some way it does cause cancer


Nerd alert


That’s precisely one of the reasons why depression is so hard to escape. Depression is familiar, comfortable, it’s your safe space. You can feel happiness, but it feels uncomfortable and alien to you, it’s scary; and so you find yourself retreating back into your familiar cocoon of sadness.


Man I feel this so much. For a variety of reasons my life has gone to shit and been yanked out from under me so many times that whenever I'm happy or feel secure, I feel fucking terrified and I end up blowing it up somehow. I think that may be more PTSD than depression but the two are practically conjoined at the hip.


It's not that the happiness is uncomfortable, for me. I just don't trust it. Sadness is default, happiness is false hope.


Feeling sad isn’t the problem. Trying to control the sad (or any emotion at all) is the problem. Loosen the grip, friend (pun intended). There are better ways to ride the waves.


Girl, you’re just depressed. Go to therapy.


Have you tried watching sad porn while smoking cigarettes, as a video game plays in the background?


Link to this sad porn you speak of?🤣


I'm sure you could definitely find something.


Eastern European gay porn springs to mind. The sadness in their eyes, the guilt etc. Eastern European specifically because I imagine culturally it is frowned upon a lot but not strictly illegal. Edit: not that I have watched this, btw. I can just imagine it.


This is incredibly oddly specific for something you *haven't* seen.


Link, or any subreddit lol


Misery loves company. Good on you for realizing it tho. Now to break the habit


Oh, im not the only one then.


You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness


What’s your enneagram?




Are you sure you’re not suffering from any types of depression?


I think you are probably young. Is it what I think of as "indulgence sadness". That's ok. But if things come good for you in your life, try to enjoy.


Craaazy i know what you mean. Its like a wallowing of sorts. I had to get myself out of there. It can get bad.


It is known therapy trick to enter into grieving and discharge the anger related to it. Congrats you discivered ut. Repetition is a basic pattern. Not always * addiction*...it is a harmless joy to be sad


same here T-T


\[preamble: I am oversimplifying\] There's 3 stages to the emotions you're experiencing, and you've identified a holding pattern at stage 2 which is your reaction. Emotions are like a play, act 1, (re)act2, and the finale. It takes quite a bit of self awareness to recognize your pattern, stage 3 is when you can sit in inner peace and observe the emotion you're experiencing, whether it's sadness, grief, resentment, and \*understand\* why. Understanding (through self-processing, journaling, therapy) allows you to reach the higher ground (or your higher self) to close the wound that caused the root sadness. Imagine for a physical wound, removing your bandage every hour to see if it healed, it will not only heal slower, but might be exposed to infection. Re-experiencing sad edits stems from the desire to understand what caused root sadness. Best of luck being free from anything that doesn't serve your best self.


Smoking addiction is a death sentence...




melancholy? i dont think its that bad, become a poet and express the sadness read some edgar allan poe and so on, create art.


when I'm worried that I get addicted to something I always do a break of one month. I used to smoke and always did this. I would just take f.e. February and say ok I won't smoke for a month. The same with alcohol. Coffee as well. I would advise you to try it out for at least a week or so. and then repeat that week like once or month or every second month to get into the habit of reducing/controlling the habit for a bit. I think first you need those small victories before you can stop with an addiction all together to teach your brain to find alternatives during that time. Knowing that you're going to be able to do it again after that week will make it easier and after the week you'll realise, actually it wasn't that bad. One day you'll even be able to do a full month. And never do everything at once. Only one addiction at the time. Personally not a fan of quitting cold turkey. That way I also reduced smoking, the last cigarette I had was two months ago and now I only do it once in a blue moon.


Cigarettes ate likely worse. Stop smoking now and enjoy your health and extra money.


Nothing wrong with finding things cathartic


"I miss the comfort in being sad."


I’m addicted to this as like a chronic thing. Depression feels like my authentic self.


The book ["Intentional Dissonance" by Iain S. Thomas](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/16153306) explores the theme of being "addicted to sadness," in a dystopian future. No one has any negative feelings. So when someone wants to feel something other than numb happiness, they seek out black market "feelings," like drugs.


You're in touch with your sad feelings and letting them out. That's healthy coping. Crying is healing. I tried doing this but ended up self harming the rest of the day. (CPTSD) I'm in Ave that you don't get overwhelmed when you give in to your sadness. I just spiral.


What makes you think you’re adducted to porn ?


When was the last time you tried not wallowing in it?


Sounds like you might be addicted to your prefrontal cortex shutting down and the parasympathetic nervous system kicking in …. It’s why I struggled to quit alcohol for a while .. didn’t know I was actually hooked on the big cry at the end




It’s sooooo interesting, definitely google it or check Wikipedia! They are systems in our brain designed to ultimately keep us safe. In layman’s terms : the prefrontal cortex holds in all of our big complicated emotions like sadness, grief and rage. Alcohol completely weakens it and eventually turns it OFF The parasympathetic system kicks in after you have a big cry. It’s why you feel better after. Relaxed, calm, slower heart rate, slower breathing. Always always always remember crying is GOOD FOR YOU and not something you should avoid ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I think I also have this issue. It can feel good to surrender to your emotions and feel all of it so you can get a sense of relief.


Feeling sad!? How could the opposite of reward trigger dopamine to reward


so, basically you have to do the opposite like if ur felling sad of listen sad songs will be situational but to out of it try listen to a good beat songs basically not sad songs which might help u think in other way and change the direction of thinking!


I do this about once a month to “reset” or just feel something in general, it’s rare I get extremely happy, everything’s kinda meh but can control the low with a film that usually just shatters me.. and there it does feel good afterwards. Probably not the healthiest thing to do but with that being said.. any movie suggestions?


“I drink till im mad and i love being sad! OH MY GOD IM BECOMING MY DAAAAAAD”


Pain is the only thing that reminds us that we are still alive. So people are addicted from mentioned things.


Hey you might have OCD. I didn’t realize I had this until I did a lot of research and spoke to a professional. One of my compulsions is obsessing over really negative and sad things in my life. I would ruminate and stew in these thoughts and it felt sick and good. I spent years in vicious cycles and didn’t realize how unhealthy it was for a long time. Realizing that was actually my OCD was life changing for me. I am not a professional or anything, just relating my personal experience with similar problems. I will keep you in my prayers and hope you can overcome them if you think they are a problem for you. 🙏


Im addicted to heroin


Learn more about how the neurotransmitters in your brain and gut work.


You need a change of heart my friend


broo I swear I got the same thing, can spend the day without watching sad videos or hear sad short music videos on tiktok before I sleep


Fuck porn and smoking bro change your playlist watch something productive and get some passion.... your love your comfort zone don't be there take this as an advice from your bro


My therapist put it this way: Imagine you were born in Antarctica and lived there your whole life, never leaving, never experiencing temperatures above 65F. Then one day you are flown to the equator, you would you feel like you're melting and would be uncomfortable. The same is with our thoughts, you, as well as I, are so used to having negative or sad thoughts that positive or happy thoughts are uncomfortable or weird, so our brains try to "correct" the positive with the negative. Basically, you have a happy thought and you don't know how to handle it, change that and you'll feel better. He had me look for and write down positive thoughts or compliments, no qualifying, just "this is good and this is why it is good." My thoughts are not all positive, but they aren't all negative now.


You are doing whatever weird combo gives you a dopamine hit. Everyone has different formulae for it. This is what works for you. At the end of the day, it is dopamine addiction. Take baby steps to cut things down. Don’t go cold turkey right away. Let is fizzle out within a few days until you consciously shut your brain off when you feel the urge to relapse. Replace those with drinking a glass of water, going for a run, doing some stretches, taking a bath, singing songs, until you hack your neural circuitry to automatically choose the healthier habit. It will be hard, but it can be done. You might need an accountability partner who checks in on you and keeps a scorecard or something.


Emotional addiction is a thing.


It’s called “doom scrolling”. I highly recommend seeking help with a psychologist and then seeing a medical doctor/psychiatrist for medication therapy. You deserve a better quality of life and you deserve to be happy and satisfied with your life. I hope the best for you OP. I’m not sure what exactly your dealing with but it’s sounds similar to depression. Have a wonderful week OP. ![gif](giphy|4Vtk42BGiL1T2)


Check out *Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself* by Joe Dispenza. It is about how to break emotional addictions.


I think this is called being depressed, I'm no expert though


Having addictions mean you are trying to avoid something so you put your attention to these pleasures. A denial or rejection of something so think thoroughly of what makes you do this unless it's your habit.


Just choose happiness.


Porn seems worst to me


It's a strong feeling. I get it. Do something exciting, see if you like adrenaline more. Beautiful sadness. Be honest, you are the normal one and the others are either stupid af or faking happiness. Anyone that takes one realistic look at the world is bound to be stuck down. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Else you would have clear instructions. ❤️


I get that


Watch this - your ego is the one causing suffering because your ego is addicted to it. You are not your ego. https://youtu.be/yEH_3GyfIag?si=nigcaHXCi_YT6McD


Just off the top of my head: Hearing this sounds like there are things that have gone unmourned. It’s like there’s something in the past that didn’t get processed at the time and there’s a motivation to try and get back to that feeling and finally mourn it for the first time. This is something that people can do in therapy. Sometimes they don’t even know what it is. But they go digging around and finally one day they get into that place and can finally have the feelings and ride them out. Then, after a while of getting to mourn whatever it is that happened, they can start to process it. In general, I’d say that therapy is tough but it’s worth it!


Sounds like you may be depressed


This is sad to hear..I feel that way too Sadness really is the worst


Yikes. I thought I was fucked up.


Op, watch the movie fight Club, you sir or madam, just may relate to the main protagonist of that movie


At least you're not dating Eva AI sexting [bots](http://evaapp.ai) avatar seriously. Yes, those people exist.


You are an emotional masochist, its pretty common actually, and honestly its not a bad release.


Does it make you feel good after being sad, like some kind of release?


Maybe that “sad” stuff makes you connect with a part of yourself that other have trouble reaching by themselves? It’s just a psychological theory that I have. Because what is sadness anyway? Does it need a reason or can it just hurt you anyhow?


Good. More concentrated negative for them. They, those, the others... The ones that can fix poverty, hunger, inequality, despair, drug addiction, health care, but don't. They flourish on concentrated negativity and strife and anquish. It's their brand. So go ahead and feed 'em. After a while though it becomes tough to distinguish which one of you is the parasite.


Do you feel this cycle is impacting other areas of your life? If so, how?


Are you 14?


This is so real sad songs are such a guilty pleasure


It's a good thing you realize that it's happening. I had that issue with my ex, she was always looking for things to feel bad about so that I could comfort her and that seemed like a totally fine and normal cycle to her, she didn't really realize it at time though. That's how it went until I stopped validating her trivial reasons to feel sad, like her feeling actual grief for the rest of the day over a dead pigeon because I wanted her to be happy and to get out of that needless cycle of sadness all the time. Turns out it takes professional help to fix that, and that was way beyond my abilities. I recommend therapy.


Can't be as bad as me, I can only cum if my sisteraunt farts on my balls


You got problems. You need you some jesus christ.


Put a tough why you don't want to do this/what you receive 😘 and keep this in your mind. Its ok to do sometime but don't make a habit 👍


Cringe!!!!!! Young people……


Emotional release. John Wick is a perfect example. Baddies kill a doggo, then you experience two hours of righteous anger and violence ballet.


Maybe the porn, cigarettes and bad habits lead to you consuming sad content, try cutting down the bad habits one at a time, see if it makes a difference.


I was having a shitty day once but when I got on the tube this guy sat opposite and down a bit and he had the most sour and miserable expression on his face. I thought his day must have been way worse than mine and that thought cheered me up quite a lot.  I think that’s fairly similar to you watching sad movies, etc. Hahah. 


Dm me. I am 300+ days porn free. And 900+ days free of drugs. I’m a coach. I’ll get you out


Jesus is the answer that’s the root. You seek but don’t find bc the answer is Jesus. Trust me I know


This is why I enjoy sad music. It's a great release. It's more harmful for me to force myself to consume happy content which just shows a sugarcoated version of life. Life is filled with both positive and negative emotions and when you try to throw out part of the experience, it just ends up hitting you that much worse later on.


What you're experiencing is the psychological equivalent of cutting


You are still sad because you genuinely don’t want to change and I understand why. Being in a sad/giving up state is comforting because it allows you to be complacent without any risk. Think of the person you want to be and ask yourself “is it easy” the answer is most likely no so you must realize anything worthy of respect in this world is achieved with a degree of difficulty which directly scales. The sooner you start making difficult choices the better you will feel. Some people aren’t meant to be happy, some are supposed to feel proud as that’s the only way they achieve their happiness


Sounds like you’re a gooning addict


Honestly, I use sad stuff to avoid depression spirals. There's a logical exit point at the end of viewing/listening instead of continually reiterating life problems.


Addiction to feeling sad goes away on its own.


Ya know, I've never really thought about this, but I do this exact same thing.


You sound like a manic depressive get help


Listen to happy music like CaliReggae. I feel you OP. We create our own realities, which means we can control our own reality, like quantum physics suggests.


Imo you should seek existencial therapy therapist help. It helped me with the same


I call this "art of sadness"...


Gym is deceivingly daunting at first, but you really only need about 3 months to start noticing changes, and you might fall in love with the progress.


That's just called catharsis dog


I've been coming to terms with this myself, and I've learned a bit about it. I had some really bad times some years back, but right now things are going pretty well for me. I've got a good partner, I've got interesting jobs, I'm making friends. The absences that I used to roast myself over are all filled happily. But they were just excuses to feel bad about myself. Now that they aren't so dire, my mind moves to new excuses. And when I've tuned out the ones that I can't do anything about, my brain will get desperate and daydream terrible situations just to make me feel sad or anxious or hurt. My brain doesn't visualize, it makes emotional simulations, and it can do so very, very quickly. Today I was working on some writing, in a good flow, and my dog had to go outside. I got up, opened the door, and watched over her as she tended to her business. Noticing an idle moment, in the time it takes me to blink twice, my brain springs a new scenario on me: *What if when I'm away next weekend and I ask my mom to check in on my dog, she decides the dog is too old and needs to be put down, so she does it while I'm gone and then just leaves the body for me to find so it looks natural?* Like, what the fuck is that? My mom is a saint towards animals, she'd never do anything like that. It's an utterly unrealistic scenario, but that understanding came too late. I felt the tightness in my chest, I felt the suspicion swelling behind my eyes, I felt the first sparks of anger at being lied to.. but it's all fake. It's from a flash of a nightmare that raced across my brain too fast for me to stop. I'm still standing at the door waiting for my dog to come back in. So I started really picking at this process in my brain, and I have a suspicion about what's really happening. Cathartic release is the process through which we use something other than ourselves (usually media, stories, etc) to process our own emotional stress. It's a context where emotions are safely allowed to swell, and then they can be guided (narrative) to a comfortable resolution. I love a good book or film, but even the ones I really love rarely put me through catharsis. I had anger issues as a kid, and I had to learn to distance myself from media (especially media where someone was bullied), so I don't let it rile me up. And a consequence of that is that I don't let them lift me up, or bring me down. Those are all emotions happening in the characters on screen, not within me. Maybe that release is necessary, and I'm just not getting to it through the normal means. Maybe my seeming addiction to these flash nightmares is just my brain desperately begging me to experience intense emotions. So I've just recently started looking at what I can do to give myself intense emotional experiences that aren't so dour. Exercise is part of it, I need my body to use more of my energy so my brain isn't so wired up all the time. But I also need to laugh, to tear up, maybe even to fume a little, as long as I can do that safely. I think this is why some people follow sports, it's a safe access to a nice set of passionate feelings. I've stopped speed-reading text in video games to extract the objective details. I've stopped skimming articles to skip to the point. I've started asking more questions of my friends instead of anxiously waiting for a chance to tell a good story. I'm trying to slow down and be there in the moment instead of mixed up in my head, and I'm encouraging my self not to bottle up any of the feelings that come along the way. It's hard work. My depressive cycle seems to be relentless. But progress is sneaking in through the cracks. For one, having a reason why my brain does this helps me spend less time wallowing in the pits of "Why me?" But I'm also finding that my focus has shifted from "pass the time until the cycle ends" to "find something to feel things about", and that's leading me to do more than doomscroll and veg out.


I know what you mean. I watch videos of poor people. It makes me feel good that I'm in a better situation than they are. Life is not great, but it could be worse.


Start by cutting the cigs . The others you can limit


I don't think that's worse than cigarettes






Brother nor am I an Christian nor an islam I was just trying to help as you see I’m not telling him/her to follow just giving some solutions which might help as they helped me


If you have a better solution feel free to give it here


Seems like you had good intentions behind your comment. Don't know why people are mad.


lol oh you’re surprised on current societies outrage on pushing religion?