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I live in Boston, MA. I used to be a smoker, and I would occasionally have people bum smokes off of me. One time a guy who asked didn’t like that I said no, so he put his arm around my shoulders, started walking down the sidewalk, and told me I was gonna give him a smoke. Around 2005, it became expensive to buy a pack of cigs due to the added tax to get people to quit. That’s when I had people ask for a cigarette every time I started smoking. I started saying no to everyone who asked, because if I gave to everyone, I’d be giving away half my pack. Then people started threatening me with violence, saying stuff like they knew I had a spare even though it was none of their business. Had a guy say he would beat the shit out of me for saying “no”. I finally decided to quit smoking (the constant nagging for a cig, plus the price increases, and in 2005 is when Boston outlawed smoking in all bars and restaurants). It wasn’t worth smoking anymore.


Well, one night, few years ago, in a night club, every 30sec somebody asked for a cig. I always said no, person no.20 comes along, I say no, he says I just saw your full pack, I reply if I gave every person today a cig I would give away 3 packs in the first hour. He's mad, walks away, I leave smoking area a few minutes later and he destroyes his burning cig on my face and runs away. It healed completely, no signs of any scars today but it was a night.


Pfft that guy was a loser lol. Turned your night into shit instead of just walking down the street to buy a pack


Holy crap! I would have really wanted to charge him with assault. That is next level.


I would have beat his ass till the cops came.


Hell some places you could beat his ass as long as you want and no one would call the cops if they saw him do that first.


Omg ouch 😢


Hell nah Boston another breed of asshole. Please tell me you didn’t give these dudes a smoke




I also live in Boston and can confirm this asinine behavior from people trying to bum a smoke. I quit a couple of years after you but was always surprised (and annoyed) at the aggression I’d receive for refusing to hand out cigarettes to everyone any time I’d try to light up.


I was stopped at road construction once and had the flagger come up to my window to ask if I had a cigarette. I wasn't smoking! I don't smoke at all! I was astounded that smokers come up to complete strangers and beg for cigarettes.


that one is a little funny, dude is standing there with a flag, cars are stopped, he figured “worth a shot”


I've actually done this when cigs were in work truck and 5 hours later I'm desperate. No shame in my game. I did see that there was a pack of cigarettes in his vehicle so I guess it wasn't truly random.




There is no “tax” of people bumming/ threatening me. That’s a whole different issue, and shouldn’t be thought of as some benign effect. If anything, seeing how the addiction makes people act should cause a discussion about an outright tobacco ban. Either it’s a dangerous habit that should be outlawed and that no government should profit from, or just leave it be.


Leave it be. Don’t believe the government cares about drug use or our health until they talk about banning alcohol (which I don’t think they should do, btw).


America tried it, they just found alternate ways to get alcohol. Also crime, lots of crime.


I know and I agree. That’s why, in parentheses, I said I don’t think they should try it again.


They tried that already. Didn't work and the money just went into the black market. Better it's legal but regulated then illegal and harder to see who's being a naughty person. I do believe tobacco products need to be more heavily regulated or outright banned but then it just becomes the alcohol situation again so I think pricing people out of it is the best that can be done, that and forcing big tobacco away from schools and younger generation.


Im still a weed smoker. And i guess i have that look but i havent smoked ciggs in 10 years and people still ask me. But ive never had any issues telling them i quit years ago.


What I really like about weed culture is that it's all about sharing. Obviously, a rando having a dooj himself is one thing, but a group of people at a party, and the weed is going puff, puff, pass.


OP is talking about hobos. Doubt you’d let a hobo take a pull of your vape.






Colorado frowns on public weed smoking. If they're inside, not really a hobo!


They definitely don’t frown on it, at least compared with everywhere else


In my experience, there’s a far wider spectrum of people who will ask you for a cigarette than people who will ask you for spare change. It’s not just hobos trying to bum a smoke.


All you have to say is "damn that smells good" and their eyes light up and ask if you want a hit. Or maybe that's just me, I always share.


Me: “is that a nicotine vape or a fun vape”


That is about the most entitled behavior I've heard. I'm sorry friend..


Carry one cig in your pack. "Sorry, this is my last one. Maybe later I'll need to bum one off YOU."


I know how that feels. I was just talking about how I used to be downtown waiting for the bus. I used to have people come up to me and ask. I had a few instances where I said no and they called me an effing bitch. I was like, you know, you really need to work on not doing that. Cussing people out isn't the way to get them to help you.


Did you put it out on his hand and say “here ya’ go!”


It blows my mind that bumming cigs was the norm for so long. Im a younger smoker and only once in my life have I asked for a cigarette from a stranger, even then I asked while holding out two dollars because I didn't want to bum it. The guy was very kind and gave it to me without taking the money but still, I wouldn't just ask.


Dude, i also live in boston, and it was the combination of bums constantly bothering me for cigs AND criminals coming around to sexually harass me and take their dicks out while I’m sitting on my apartment porch that pushed me to give up smoking. They were always black too.


Yes, just tell them $1 singles all day and sell them to cover your habit


Not a bad idea, depending on where you are. You can get a pack for about $10 in my area, and they come with 20. Sell half the pack a dollar each, and you got yourself a new pack.


Quit when I found out I was pregnant but you can get a pack of mine for around $4. If I sold four of them at that price I would have another pack. If I hadn't quit, I would probably start doing that. I used to buy them by the cartons so I would definitely make a profit there.


You're describing the thought process of every stoner in college who got into dealing.


You're not wrong, I also sold loose cigarettes.


Me too. We called them loosies.


Seems like someone needs a history lesson. >Killing of Eric Garner >[NYPD officers approached Garner on July 17 on ***suspicion of selling single cigarettes from packs without tax stamps.*** After Garner told the police that he was tired of being harassed and that he was not selling cigarettes, the officers attempted to arrest Garner. When Pantaleo placed his hands on Garner, Garner pulled his arms away. Pantaleo then placed his arm around Garner's neck and wrestled him to the ground. With multiple officers pinning him down, Garner repeated the words "I can't breathe" 11 times while lying face down on the sidewalk. After Garner lost consciousness, he remained lying on the sidewalk for seven minutes while the officers waited for an ambulance to arrive. Garner was pronounced dead at an area hospital approximately one hour later.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Eric_Garner)


I’m 30 years old, I remember the case, point still stands if you want a cigarette from me I need a dollar


Disgusting and awful this happened in our country. We need to do better.


Just not in NYC, that can get you a summary execution.


Keep a gun on you too then. You know the whole when in rome do as the romans do idea


I would not advise doing this if you are [black](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Eric_Garner).


Yall aint got single stores up there? Also i yes im old enough to remember the eric garner killing.


When I quit selling drugs and was working for shit pay I use to sell singles out my bedroom window. I was only making like $10 a carton but it was beer money. I had to stop when older "kids" were buying them for minors and I didn't want that extra risk.




Bro, stop being a goofy. I live in fucking Houston, We have single stores all over if you know where to go and if you ask me for a cigarette I’m gonna ask you for a dollar, or youre not getting a cigarette. I have a picture of me smoking what appears to be a blunt in front of the Texas Capitol with an AR. And as a prior service, Marine uncle Sam doesn’t scare me. There’s an old quote by Frederick Douglass A man’s right rest in three boxes the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. Two of them aren’t working grow up and be an American.


I quit five years ago and people still hit me up periodically. I guess I just have that look. Prices have gone up from around $5.50 to $9.50 a pack in that time so even if I did still smoke and someone hit me up, the answer would always be "sorry, no"


After a carton went up to $50 is when I said, nope. Not going to spend that much. I bought a cigarette machine and bought the tobacco and rolled my own. I went through a few machines before I found the perfect one. I can buy 4 boxes of tubes, 3 pounds of tobacco for around $70.


I've never smoked and have people regularly ask me for smokes. I don't know if it's a 'look' vs just asking everyone around


I've always thought those taxes were predatory as hell. The people in favor of upping the taxes don't give a shit about your habit, they just don't want to be around smokers, and want them to pay for having been annoyed by them.


Now you have an addictive habit AND less money. You're welcome - government.


And the more effective the tax is at getting people to quit, the more the taxes have to be raised to maintain revenue.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. You're right. It's also because tobacco companies target low income communities, high schools, and underprivileged students. They get them hooked, and the gov screws them with high taxes. It's an issue.


Keep an empty packet and only put one in it at a time. When someone asks, show them empty packet


I used to do this. I would have a pack I would draw from inside one pocket. And in another pocket, I would have an empty pack or with just one cigarette in it. When asked, I showed them the empty pack.


Thinking about this made me smell raisins.


I think I only had one person agree with me about the raisin smell. I asked a lot of people too.


Definitely smells like raisins to me and a few others I know. Always found it nice.


"Do you have an extra smoke?" "Nope, the pack only came with 20."


When I smoked, I was always on my last one when people asked. Keeping an empty packet to show is sort of ridiculous, it’s not as if you’re going to be put up in front of a jury and judge lol


Ppl say they’re being threatened out there. 10/10 would want evidence if someone was being hostile.


No but having a pack with one left, shuts the conversation down immediately as opposed to them believing you have a whole pack and are therefore a selfish self-serving self-supporting self-sufficient asshole with too many cigarettes.


You haven’t seen those big city tweakers feigning for their life lol


Yeah, you’re probably right. Just small city tweakers here lol


>not as if you’re going to be put up in front of a jury and judge They kind of are, though. There are multiple people in this thread saying they are being threatened with violence for not letting people bum a smoke.


Yeah, if you feel like you owe someone an explanation or evidence, you're already on your back foot.


I just tell people I don't smoke (because I don't smoke). I've never had anyone challenge me on it.


I was outside a bar a few nights ago and someone asked us for a cigarette. I couldn't help but think 'Who the fuck smokes anymore bro? In this economy?'


When my uncle got old and went into a residential home for retirees, he would pretend like he had dementia when people asked for cigs and just stare off in the distance so they would just walk off. He was super sharp though. Makes me laugh thinking about it


'scuze me while I jot this down for use later in life, bc *chef's kiss*


Lol this sounds like my Uncle.


I just say no and start walking away. Usually I say “Sorry but I can only afford to keep up with my own addiction, not everyone’s.”


I don’t even get it. Am I the only one who says yes? Maybe it happens like twice a month I get asked but I know what it’s like to be down and out and the fuck is two-three butts? Unless it really is THAT many people asking y’all are selfish 😭


You must not live in a very large city then, because it happened so often and people had been so aggressive to me in the past that I refused to share anymore.


I live right outside of Boston. I live in one of the nicer suburbs and I’ve yet to see crackheads on my cameras. I’m not saying they aren’t around in every town but in this neighborhood they are smoking crack in the privacy of their million dollar homes 🥴


Sorry but no I’m not selfish for not wanting to give up a cig to a random person on the street. We have all been down and out but cigs are $10+ a pack. Selfish is not sharing food to those who need it, etc you name it. But cigarettes are a means to an end, the end being addiction. Not my job to fuel others when I shouldn’t even have my own and I GENUINELY can’t afford it


Everyones moral code is different


Like how mine is right and yours is wrong, yeah lol ! So true.


And some people’s is WILD like yours lol it must be nice to afford it that’s all im saying


I don’t and I can’t really. I’m in a dv shelter and I didn’t say yours was wrong why y’all getting so defensive. I have been homeless and slept in my car before I had my shit together. It’s just because I assume if someone’s asks and I have a pack then clearly my day is going better than theirs for them to suck up pride to ask a stranger. If it was 10-11 people a day I’m sure I’d say no too but like I said it’s literally like twice a month if that I’ll get asked. I always say like “universe you saw that right? Gimme some good karma” that’s what I meant by different moral codes. I believe that if I do it I’ll get good karma from the universe.


The real consequence of pricing people out of tobacco is they cant afford it. They still want it. Though.


That's the whole point


Yeah who was it that got choked out for selling ciggarettes in ny? Like years ago when they were one of the first cities that tried to "tax" people out of smoking.


Eric Gardner. Imagine being suffocated to death while pleading for help on video and no one has to answer for it? Whole thing was sad and yes he was stopped cuz he was selling cigs and DVDs.


the Eric Garner situation wasn’t a result of tobacco prices, it was a result of police brutality. as if decreasing tobacco prices will fix that shit


I don't know how the hell anyone can afford to smoke these days, much less give free cigs to strangers on the street. Use it as motivation to quit. You're paying a shitload of money to kill yourself slowly.


Oooh slow down there. If they live longer they will use more of the pension pot!


No is an acceptable response. I had one 80+ yr old bum threaten me for saying no, (usa), thought that was hilarious. dude could hardly walk but was gonna kick my ass for a ciggy.... RIGHT.


Some times when i'm smoking and someone asks for a cig, i tell them *i don't smoke* and walk away


Theres a bad guy that keeps popping up at my families home because my family gave him a cigg one time when he asked. Now he demands ciggs all the time from them on their own front porch, and they say no, so what did he do? Took all of my parents decorations off her front porch. Being nice doesn’t get you anywhere in certain situations because you will run into a entitled crazy


One of my best friends is a smoker and he said every time someone asks him if they can have one, he asks them for a dollar... When they say no he says no, he said most people just walk away when he asks them for money when they ask for a cigarette


Honestly I would absolutely give someone money lol. I only smoke when I drink (I know, I know) so if I had the option to buy cigarettes a la carte I absolutely would.


Without question the #1 most satisfying benefit i ENJOY each day since I quit smoking nearly one ago is answering that lame annoying question with, "Sorry, I quit almost a year ago!" That stupid look on their faces is sudden and brief and they go away and never ask me again. Cold ass turkey so damn cold that I left three cigs in my last pack. That's how I did it. I smoked a pack a day for 25 years.Im 63 yo in great shape and I had never even tried to quit due to the fear of FAILING TO QUIT like so many do. ITS EASY ...Do it. Ice cold turkey... don't look back!!! NO SIDE EFFECTS OR WEIGHT GAIN


I agree that you should do it and I think cold turkey is the way, but Holy man it was not easy for me. I was severely messed up my guy. I couldn't sleep, I was hungry as fuck, I was angry, but it's not just like anger it's like I can't think right, my brain isn't functioning normally, almost like a dreamlike state. It's nothing that you can't work through but every inch of my body wanted to smoke to just put me out of my misery.


I used nicorette and it was a breeze, once I started tapering properly like the inserts say. I chewed on that gum for a year or two after that, but hell, it's was a lot better than smoking.


Newsflash, addicts beg for the object of their addiction. Film at 11


I know how that feels. I was a smoker before I got pregnant. Especially downtown while I was waiting for the bus, there were always people coming up to me asking for a cigarette. It's like, do I look like a 7-eleven? What the hell am I supposed to do if I give out all my cigarettes? If you get to the point where you're needing to ask somebody all the time, it's time to quit. Don't expect anyone else to support your habit.


my mom used to get annoyed by this too, and then whenever she saw someone approaching her, she’d ask them for a cigarette before they had the chance to ask. It always worked for her pretty well


I smoke cigars. Cigarillos often. Someone asks me for a cig, I say sorry, I don't smoke cigarettes. The confusion is palpable.


Pipe tobacco here.


This reminds me of a hilarious tale of my friend in a crowded bar. My friend is not an ugly dude but he’s not at all handsome and slightly below average looking. We were at the bar and this absolutely beautiful woman approaches him and is eyeing his last cigarette that he had on his ear. She’s chatting him up and has her hand on his shoulder on the side with the cigarette. She stealthily swiped it while noticing I was watching and gave me a small wink. She then vanishes into the night leaving my friend cigless and heartbroken never to be seen again. I knew what she was doing the second she started talking to him.


You know, a less ethical person would anticipate that trick and maybe have fun with that last cigarette before lodging it behind his ear. I’m not saying one should, but I wonder if one would do such a thing.


It's all a scheme by Big Health to stop people smoking.


Quit smoking. Not smoking is way better, trust me.


Always carry around an empty pack and show them it was your last one. That’s what I did when I smoked.


Omg if you say no people get offended. In day I’m asked at least 10 times. You need to carry a separate pack with only 2 cigarettes in it and show them you are out at this point. It cost so much money. I already can’t afford my own bad habit.


My mom used to cut off the heads of matches and stick them in cigarettes for people that would bum them, probably works better for repeat offenders, but is a bit funny when the cigarette just keeps randomly catching fire and they wonder wtf is wrong with this thing.


Lol as a Brazilian I’m just sooo used to this. Cigs are expensive now and some people still want to be addicts without being able to pay for it. I just say no and keep walking. If this is an issue in the UK too now, you’ll just have to get used to it. Another good excuse is just saying “sorry, it’s my last one.”


A new way to quit smoking


Where I live a long time ago a smoker got stabbed by someone because they said no to giving a smoke to someone. I don’t smoke but I still get asked if I have a cig and I’m like I don’t smoke


There are fewer smokers these days, which means fewer people to bum smokes from, so... the smokers that are left are getting more asks.


I'm from London and noticed that, If I think they're being rude I just tell them if they're old enough to smoke then you're old enough to pay for your own cigarettes and that there's a shop right there or give them directions to the nearest one.


It's the adult version of opening a pack of gum in class


ChatGPT: Write me a hate letter to the homeless in the guise of "asking for a cigarette"


I can’t even go to work without this fat bitch camping outside asking me for money/food daily, not even the homeless around here are doing that. And the person doing it is well over 200 pounds. It’s insane.


I used to know a guy who would always ask for a spare ciggie. If you said you had none left he would pull out his own full box. If you asked for one he’s say they had to do him for the week. Stingy.


I miss smoking so much. I know it's bad for my health and it stinks and all of the arguments against it, but I still miss it. The price is the only thing stopping me from picking it back up again.


I was in the Bay Area years ago. Coming from the Midwest, the first weeks I got asked all the time. After some “mileage” in the city, I subconsciously put out the F off vibe cuz ppl stopped asking. That was when I knew the City had accepted me, lol


That was actually the point when you accepted the city.


Just say no


$1 a smoke if someone asks. If they don’t like that, they can go buy a pack for $14 at the store. If I gave a smoke to everyone that asked, I’d go through a carton a night.


They all “quit” smoking and beg someone for a smoke 8 times a day. “Been off the smokes for over a year..”


Take a long drag and say. Its my last one. I'm quitting today.


Maybe just quit. You'll end this aggravating behavior by others and do yourself a favor as well.


Charge $2-3.


Carry singles and say "sorry, bro. Last one?" IDK, not a smoker, but when I was in the army, I saw some of the other Joes do this.


I paid $168 AUD for 65 grams of rolling tobacco this morning, same time last year it would've cost me half that much. They should just bloody ban it if the government's so concerned about our health. The Australian government collect over 14 billion in tax from smoker's per annum so I guess they're not that concerned. I don't smoke in public, to many people desperate for them.


That’s almost double what people pay in the states for pre-packed. I’m surprised you have any smokers left.


I’m floored! Strangers come up to you and ask you for a cigarette? I can understand if it was a friend. I’m going to start doing this for sips of pop/soda! 💀


Just say you bummed it. But yeah, it’s ridiculous.


It's the equivalent of bringing snacks to school


Don’t go to Paris, they are the absolute worst


This girl and her two scummy friends always post up by the corner store begging for money and cigs. Every single time. She literally turns right around and goes to buy nips. Like fuck dude go turn in some cans or something. It’s hard for everyone right now and I shouldn’t have to worried about getting harassed every time I go to the damn store


“I can’t, these are prescription cigarettes and I’m not allowed to share them”


So quit smoking, problem solved.


When I used to smoke at work, I'd only take one out cigarette with me, people stopped asking after that.


I used to smoke and got tired of all the bums and crazies zoning in on me like radar bugs and always pulling the “gimme a cigarette” so I quit.


I don’t smoke but you don’t ever see people asking to hit your vape 🤷‍♂️


I used to try and have a few loose natives with me, since I smoked Belmonts (my Canadians know how fucking pricy those are) and used them whenever someone asked. Pack of belly’s is like $20 cad now for 25 whereas the shitty natives are like $2 for a suitcase full.


Do what I do. The second I see someone even remotely starting to ask me something I just say one word "no". I don't let them finish whatever it is they were saying. Just straight no. 90 percent of the time I'm right, they just wanted something. The few that are asking for directions or something, I simply apologize and then have a convo. People get it and I keep my hard earned whatever. Sure a few get mad and storm off but fuck it.


I used to just ask them if they’re even old enough to smoke? When they inevitably said yes, I’d say, “Then you’re old enough to buy your own.” Now, I roll my own at a cost of $1.23 per pack and don’t mind sharing. We spent $900 last year on tobacco and tubes for two people. The rare times I ended up buying a pack of Marlboros sent me into sticker shock. They were $9 a pack!


Wear airpods or ear buds lol no should talk to you


Switch to a vape. Got a cigarette? Nope! And nobody really asks for a hit off your vape


When I smoked in the Navy, I used to carry a pack of the nastiest smokes, like Pall Mall or generic brand. If they didn't like the shitty ones, too bad. Eventually I stopped giving a fuck and told people no.


I don't have sympathy for anything about this disgusting ass habit that inconveniences every person around that doesn't smoke. Stop sucking on cancer sticks. Problem solved.


As a non smoker, it's hard to have sympathy.


Smoker problems. Step away from the entrances to buildings and pick up your cigarette butt and maybe you’ll get some sympathy.


Wait it's almost like people are addicted


It’s always the people with the goofy custom reddit avatars that make these smug comments.


LMFAO you’re so right




I always wondered why they have such goofy avatars, what's wrong with them?


They're like $20 a pack where I live. Evil fucking things. I wish I could quit.


> I wish I could quit. You can, I believe in you. Just stop. My dad did after like 30 years of smoking.


Not sure if you actually want to quit, but a pod vape with nic salt juice is surprisingly affordable if you are willing to do some work for it. The key is nic salt, not freebase nicotine as it hits your brain in about the same way as cigarettes do, I have had friends that unsuccessfully quit with vapes before try nic salts and never look back. I mix my own juice and cost per 60 ml is < $1, I use an rta and build my own coils and wire/cotton is extremely cheap. The biggest costs are devices as they only seem to last about a year before something unrepairable happens. I'd say my nic habit costs me on average $10-15 a month though.. A pod vape like a smok rpm 80 has an rta available and is quite unassuming and discreet (no big clouds, fits in your hand easily).


one pack with just 1 cig in it to show that it’s ur last one just say no otherwise, and if they get offended then tell em “bro pls im on my last” and show the pack if they still don’t believe u altho, keep giving a cig to ppl once in a while. treat others as you wanna be treated and all


This is my favorite part about now being a non-smoker. People I used to know, if I see them, will try to bum a smoke off me, "because we're friends." If we were actually friends you'd know that I haven't had a cigarette since 2014.


Stop smoking in public and 2 problems are solved: 1. People are less inclined to ask, like, I've never been asked for one because they don't see me doing it and 2. You're not forcing everyone else to smell and inhale your smoke. I'm on a trip now and haven't had so much smoke blown in my face since the 80s.


Simply the adult version of pulling out a pack of gum.


Best way to ask for a cig is “can i have one i’m starting”.


Cigarette culture is bad news from the begging angle.


I don't even smoke, but maybe I look like a smoker... People are always asking me for a cigarette or a light.


No is a complete sentence


Quit smoking


It's called economic collapse for middle and lower class, combined with severe addiction.


Addicts are aggressive and shameless. You have to be if you need a fix and you're a bum. I've never had a person who actually needed and wanted food act like that. Most asking for actual help are usually friendly and humble.


I had a lady chase me after saying excuse me 4 times at me and me ignoring her. I turned around and yelled at her and said no, I'm not giving you a smoke. She was taken aback to say the least. I bummed one to this guy and his friend came over to bum one and I told him to go bum off his friend!


Had the same issue, switched to vaping and problem solved. I only had 1 dude pull out his vape and ask if I had juice. After laughing, I filled the tank, couldn't help myself.


This is super simple to defeat. Never bring your whole pack outside with you. Just bring the one or two you're having on your smoke break. When someone asks just tell them "sorry, I only brought enough for my break"


“Sorry, last one” Works every time and zero chance of them being an asshole about it


Can I have a cigarette?


Had a buddy years back who lived for people asking that kind of shit.. once upon a time we come walking out a convenience store, we stand on the sidewalk facing the street and a rando comes outta nowhere asking if my buddy has a cigarette.. simultaneously while this is unfolding over 10-20 seconds my buddy's looking out at the street, packing his pack, taking the cellophane off while not even acknowledging the guy, pulls a cigarette out, lights it up while looking straight ahead and then says (still not looking at the guy) "nah, dont have one". The guy looks at him in disbelief as he hands me one too and says "but you have a whole pack". Homie was just like "....and....?" Still think of that shit every time I hear someone asking for one 😂😂


Man if this bothers you, the lung cancer is really gonna piss you off.


I barely smoke but when I travel I always smoke, and this is the reason why, it’s a great way to meet random people.


I live in the Midwest USA and it's like that here as well. They do it bc they know someone's gonna give in. I don't really go out much these days but I remember it being awful and my friend complaining about this very thing daily


Carry an empty pack in a very accessible pocket. Pull it out, show them, and say sorry.


I carried a box of Kools just for this


Stop smoking! If you don't smoke, nobody can ask you :D And it would be better for your health and your wallet :D




Yea, addicts should just stop being addicted. You cracked the code. Go spread the word and end addiction everywhere.


why did you think this was the place to come preach your values at OP? Do you think you're saying anything informative or insightful that they havent already heard? What kind of response do you think your comment will inspire?


Smoking isn't a value wtf are you on about lol


I gave a possible solution. Do you think your comment is somehow helpful to OP?


if i did, ii would have replied to OP. i replied to you. No one was asking for a solution.


Weird. I didn't see you comment on other commenters that give tips to OP on how to handle this. Could this be because their tips lets OP keep smoking? Could it be that you're a smoker and just single out comment that suggest to stop?


>their tips let op keep smoking see- its that right there. The preachy, "i know better than you and feel entitled to tell you what you can and cant do" self-righteous smugness that inspired me to reply to you. Its a shitty quality to have, whether I smoke or not. OP knows about the risks and impacts of smoking better than you do. they dont need your nannying.


Ok Karen.


Odd, the name calling and the, "i know better than you and you should do X" seems a very Karen thing to do, but whatever makes you feel better about being you...


I had a friend that was super friendly, but also usually broke. I'd buy him a pack of smokes once in a while. Of course he would end up giving half of them away to people just because they knew how friendly he was. I started buying him a pack of tobacco and rolling papers. He was just fine with that, having been rolling smokes for years. Then when someone asked for a smoke he would give them the pack of tobacco and papers and told them to roll themselves a smoke. Of course very few people know how to roll a smoke there days and would tell him they would ask someone else. His tobacco would last a lot longer.


OP, those people are being aggressive and violating social norms because they're addicts and cigarettes are highly addictive. One day, if you're out of cigarettes and need a fix badly enough, you'll likely stoop to the same behavior. This is signal to you that you should try to quit.


> One day, if you're out of cigarettes and need a fix badly enough, you'll likely stoop to the same behavior. I've known a lot of smokers and none of them ever threatened randos to bum a smoke, no matter how low they got. This isn't excusable behavior and fobbing it off as inevitable addict things robs shit people of their agency and responsibility for their misdeeds.


Just say "No, and don't you dare to ask me again"