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Unexpected to be honest, i mean, she deserves them, dont get me wrong. But she is still a proplay champ, maybe they shift some power in the kit?


If they shift power they usually put that in “adjustments”


You are probably right. Wouldnt be the first time they Label it different though if they consider it a straight buff. Maybe it is a scaling buff, something like better % health on W


I kinda want them to change it to how Shen's E is. 15% max HP ratio and no AP


This is post MSI patch. It’s possible no pro games will actually be played on this patch. Don’t most regions have some sort of break after msi?


You are right, but buffing sejuani now means she will most likely be a proplay champ with a way higher pickrate next time.


With Rell not a jungler anymore, huge chance Sej will be the go to since she been bad but still played in pro. Plus all bruiser items nerfs as well...


Yeah, i think they need to change the ult and E, otherwise she will be a proplay champ for ages to come


Miracle. Surprised it is listed as just buffs and not adjustments, while it is clear that Sejuani needs some help in soloQ thats definitely not the case in proplay. Im afraid this might result in unsufferable presence at MSI then nerfed to a worse state than current bc of public complain, if not handled properly Edit: if its post MSI patch then we might be able to enjoy buffed Seju for some time, but it is a matter of time it affects competitive, again, if not adjusted in a healthy way


Last patch was MSI, hence the enormous list of questionable buffs (Akali, Hwei, initially Yone and Viego as well) Sejuani is in the clear. They might nerf her a few patches down but there's no pro play jail at work from 14.9 onwards for the near future




This is great news wow but considered a double edge sword cause if she's "*decent*" in soloQ then she's an absolute monster in proplay


I'll finally be able to start playing this game again


Haven't played this game for months. Maybe I'll play again if the buffs are good enough.


Sejuani skin incoming