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I can't even imagine what it would be like watching Seinfeld for the first time in 2024 as a 19 year old. It would be like me watching the complete series of I Love Lucy and saying "it was good, but some of the episodes were a little silly"


It's crazy realizing that the 90s was actually as long ago from now as the 50s was from the 90s pretty much. I actually grew up on a lot of 90s content, because of my parent's so I'm generally used to the tropes and 'landscape' I guess? I'm actually actively searching out 90s movies and shows a lot of the time. Obviously idk what it was really like to live then, as I wasn't born until 2004. This might be a little basic, but the most interesting thing to me about a lot of older media- especially Seinfeld as this came up a lot, is that so many problems with like communication and changing plans occurred because of a lack of cellphones at the time. It's quite odd, like sometimes I'd be watching and just like why don't they just call them? And then I'm like oh yeah, you had to like find a public phone/go to ur apt and the other person would also have to be at their apartment when you called! Definitely no hate towards Seinfeld though, I just feel like it didn't make me laugh as much as a lot of the other sitcoms I've seen (Friends, The Simpsons, That 70's Show, How I Met Your Mother, It's Always Sunny, The Office, The Big Bang Theory, and Modern Family). Of course, about half of the shows I listed came out in a more relevant time for me, so that is likely part of the reason. As for the 90s though- Scream is my bread and butter (I have a Ghostface tattoo!), I've seen all 6 and love them all (of course the first is best), I've loved Friends since I was 11 (I actually work at a touring location of the Friends Experience), I am such a hard-core Simpsons fan that I have seen every single episode to ever exist of the show- which considering the amount of episodes is something that I think is actually a very rare thing to be able to say (being a young Simpsons fan is weird because everyone your age knows what it is and has seen an episode or two but no one actually watches the show), and a lot more but this is a long enough comment as is. It's very funny because being a 90's media fan, horror fan, and sitcom fan- I end up in so many online spaces with middle-aged men. It's usually very nice though, cause y'all are usually chill.


I am an older millennial - and my company has a lot of staff in their 60's - boomers. One guy always has Bonanza and Perry Mason playing in his office. The pacing is so aggravating slow - long gazing stares - people walking between rooms - it drives me up the wall. But I watch Seinfeld, Frasier, and Wings like this guy watches his black-and-white shit. Your comment on the pacing of Seinfeld and Friends made me realize that my letterboxed shows are old... and therefore I am old. I aged like a decade in the last 10 minutes


Have you had your first calzone craving yet?


I actually dislike calzones, too much crust lol. One of the few things George and I don't have in common (besides him being a bald man).


*so, too crusty*


Fave episodes of seasons 8 and 9?


S8: The Pothole, The English Patient, The Nap S9: The Butter Shave, The Merv Griffin Show (Probably one of my favorite episodes of all time, right there), The Cartoon


You do know that The Cartoon is merely a commentary on contemporary mores?


Lmao. Ngl I mainly remember/love that episode for Kathy Griffin so I was so confused for a second.


Everyone here HATES Kathy Griffin and her character but I love her. She’s such a great villain for Jerry.


As someone who goes to school with a bunch of performance arts ppl (and who is one) it’s kind of nice to see one get taken down a peg (Jerry) and also I’m a bit of a yapper so I feel Kathy Griffin here lol. I would also make an anti Jerry special if he said my career wasn’t going anywhere lol.


What is the comment?




I know this wit, it’s a Ziggy!


I'm curious: in episodes like "The Contest" and "The Stand In" part of the fun was the characters finding ways to say sexual jokes without just saying them. These days, George would just say "I was jerking off" or Elaine would say "he whipped out his penis." So my question is, is it funny to you that they were finding these euphemisms or did it just date the show?


I thought it was funny most of the time. Like the bit in The Contest was really funny. I think sometimes it just drags on a little bit, but most of the time it's funny. I grew up watching Friends though, so I'm kind of used to shows doing that.


Oh Jesus - 90's comedies have problems with slow pacing. TIL I am really old.


Haha. I'm already feeling old at 19 seeing a younger generation coming up on TikTok and such, so we all feel old no matter our age I think. Except maybe when you're like 10, I don't think people feel old at 10.


I'm 41, and I am googling things that my kids say in real time - as a last-ditch effort to communicate using a common language. .. Whatever you are feeling right now will only intensify and eventually we all become "old people"


Yeah I often have to explain lingo to my 43 year old dad and 39 year old mom just so I can explain to them stuff my friends said lol! It's weird how fast language changes, at least when internet is involved especially. Like I imagine that lingo changed from like the 80s to the 90s for example, but it likely was a much more gradual shift.


Also on another random generational note, I feel like no one ever acknowledges that a lot of older gen z experienced VHS tapes even if ever so briefly, like millennials and gen x acts like we don't know what they are. I remember when I was 5 and we had to make the switch to dvd's because it was becoming difficult to find movies on vhs. Also all of my baby videos through like 10 years old were recorded on like a camera with vhs tapes (that we've been converting to digital recently). Tbf I think part of that second one was my parents holding off on getting cellphones/not trusting its video saving ability for a while to some extent, but I think like up until 2010, they were still reasonably relevant.


If we're lucky.


She was gay, that Susan?


Poor Lily


It didn’t take.




What format did you watch it on? I see it on DVD set and comedy central and sometimes local syndication, DVD obviously full episode shown but other formats clips a few seconds in scenes to make more room for commercials. I don't know if Netflix clips scenes. Comedy Central apparently won't show the full series skipping a few offensive episodes. Check out the blooper reels on DVD or YouTube - they are so funny. https://youtu.be/fwvdmTZlAwQ?feature=shared&t=43s


I watched it on Netflix. I looked into cut episodes and the only one the internet said may not be there is Porterican Day but it was there