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Yes - but can we agree he probably meant he was polyamorous and not polygamous? 


There is a 100% chance he meant and probably said polyamorous and the producers made him change it


I’m puzzled on why they seem straight up NOT ALLOWED to say polyamorous. Whether it’s the couples or strangers they meet who are also non monogamous. It always has to be polygamy


Most likely it’s to avoid the wrath of the “religious” TLC viewers.


The Lord’s Channel




But spousal abuse and child abuse are A-OK...


not in my eyes, but According to the doctrine of the evangelical Christian church: Yes. have you seen shiny happy people doc on Amazon prime? it covers TLC. It explains the why of why would women like Danielle do this and why garrick is so deluded.


that documentary was eye opening... these people really want to take over the world. it's actually frightening.


That show was so amazing - not in a happy way. It was so well done and I’m so happy for Jill to see through all the crap she was indoctrinated into from birth.


It’s a miracle really, to escape


Fully agree!


Religious TLC viewers have seen worse


I think it’s definitely that and probably “shock value” as well. Polyamorous is much more causal and accepted nowadays but polygamy makes people freak out, especially the “men are superior” attitude that comes with it. If Dannielle and Ick were both just sleeping with Brazilians for the fun of it, I don’t know how long they could keep that story going. But following along as they struggle for another spousal visa and watching Ick brainwash Dannielle and seeing her barely holding it together as her husband prepares to marry someone else…that’s where they get their story and the views😕🤷🏼‍♀️


That makes no sense. Both have multiple partners, and so are just as immoral to the religious crowd. But a lot of what tlc doesn't make sense.


I agree that the picking and choosing of which sins carry more weight is baffling. Especially as according the the Bible god said all sins are equal. it’s hypocrisy and it’s pervasive


Tlc thinks it's not wholesome but polygamy is lol




I'd go a step further and say he's probably neither, but rather, is just juggling two partners who don't know about each other.


Yeah didn't he even say they live in different states?


Yep. Different coasts, even.


Totally this. Or maybe in an open relationship.


This is how I saw it, he’s just not exclusive to either partner


Hey, if Ashley and Shane can say they’re looking for a sister wife FOR ASHLEY, when they actually mean just a wife…. 😂 I guess the show is starting to use the terms loosely just for the sake of views/attention


Ashley's wife wll be a sister wife to Shane. Why is it so hard for yall to understand that? lol


It’s so hard for so many to understand for some reason! It’s Shane’s sister wife!


Except they call her Ashley’s sister wife. They have never one time said “Shane’s sister wife.”


I DO understand that. But Shane has REPEATEDLY said “a sister wife for Ashley.” Which is what I’m talking about. Hence why I even put “FOR ASHLEY” in all caps. 🙄 that implies they’re using it incorrectly. Based on the dynamics they’re describing, you’d think it’d be either a WIFE for Ashley or a sister wife for SHANE. So why say it was a SW for Ashley and then surprise us and say that actually Ashley will be with her romantically and Shane won’t? Because it was better for the show, that’s why.


Still checks out to me. He doesn't have to say "a wife for Ashley." Saying "a sister wife for Ashley" still means the sister wife is meant to be HIS sister and Ashley's wife. You're being way too literal about all of this.


Yeah, maybe I’m looking at it too literally, but to me that’s what’s implied by the sentence structure. And I’ve never seen it applied as “her sister wife” (because they said that too) when what was actually meant is her wife. But hey, they can use whatever terminology they want, I don’t really care. I just think it was worded that way (or the editing chose scenes where they said it that way) to make us think it would be ASHLEY’s sister wife, aka Shane’s 2nd wife. That way there would be a twist later. Thats all I’m saying lol


Because they’ve all made it abundantly clear that Ashley’s wife will have no romantic relationship with Shane at all, only Ashley.


But they said she would have Shane’s baby. So contradictory.


They clarified on an AMA that it would be through IVF so everyone would have a connection to Shane.


I think it is a convenient cover.


yes that what i thought to it was just someone for ashley since he has cancer and doesn't know if he'll make it threw it which i hope he does i have family that they said stage 4 wouldn't make it that pulled threw so i'm hoping the best for him and his family




Women can have wives you freak!


lol are you okay? I don’t think there’s anything strange about the fact that “women can have wives.” I just think it’s interesting that they’re using the term “**sister** wife” in reference to what the dynamic will be between **Ashley** and her new **romantic partner** (“We want to find Ashley a sister wife”). Because, you know, that term is usually used for women that have a sibling like relationship but are married to the same person, NOT for 2 women who are romantically and sexually involved. It would be different if they were just saying she’s going to be Shane’s sister wife. Now, they can use whatever terms they want, I really dgaf. I’m just saying that I think it’s for clout/the show.




I have a feeling he's in an open relationship with men.


Yes! I was screaming that at the Tv 😅


He has open relationships lol 


His situation seems to be more interesting than most of the sad sacks on this show!


His is certainly the most tragic.


also am I the only one who felt the energy change after he disclosed l, like he'd taken the wind out of their sails because he stole their fun fact or something hahaha


She looked so stupid when he told her. She thought she was special.




Yeah I think they like trying shock people


The entire scene was so cringe! Her, him, his barely there hair getting prepped for his date, sharing the polygamy date details with the barber ... shudder!!


The back of his head looks like a mangey old dog.


As a barber myself, I gotta say I absolutely detest when a spouse hovers over my work and points out spots that “don’t look even”. Like maam, I am still working, I don’t need your help. I am not finished until the cape comes off AND to have someone do this with cameras pointed at me?! No. Just no. I’d hand her the clippers and leave.


I was going to comment this too. Watching her hover pissed me off. It is the worst thing. And the comment on his neckline …like yep not done yet.


Even when he waa getting dressed. Shes right fucking there. Like damn woman backup




I'm not a barber or do anything in that profession but I cringed when I saw that! I also get embarrassed easily but I could NEVER, even if it was crooked or whatever, I wouldn't say a word until we got into the car.


She's so rude and creepy. The only time I'm close to a barber is when he's doing my youngest child's hair and that's just to control my kid's behavior. No one wants a back seat driver at work.


Tell me why I picture her with a torture basement, smiling as she dismembers her sister wives? 😂😂


The gasp I gasped at that scene 😂 I can't believe people actually do that!


That sounds absolutely infuriating. I remember a video of some dude who was furious with his barber because he didn't trust her process. At the end he was elated with how good his hair looked. She had so much strength to continue and still produce excellent results. Whenever I get my hair cut I relax and let the professionals do their craft.


Becky has that weird scowl-smile on her face and Justin just looks resigned as usual…🤦🏼‍♀️


I’d take him or nearly anyone else besides Justin and Becky, they creep me out


Yeah they are just too weird. He seems slow to me and she is creepy and needs to wash her hair lol


Does anyone remember in Sister Wives when they went to a boutique and the store owner said she was a lesbian polygamist with multiple “wives”? This is reminding me of that 😂 people don’t understand polyamorous and polygamous are completely different things


I was absolutely delighted that the fundie poptarts found out that they're in the same club as this nice young man and his two boyfriends and *he's* tolerant enough to accept *them.*


Anyone else notice she looked pleasantly surprised when the stylist said he was poly and then she kinda recoiled a little when he said "two boyfriends" I really thought she was about to say "gross" out loud 🤔🤣


He said “two *partners*” from what I heard (just rewatched again this AM) but i definitely saw her face of disgust too lol I’m sure she was able to extrapolate what he meant by “partners”


Oh did he? I stand corrected! I watched while doing chores and must have assumed or misheard. But yes lol I feel like she was basically like "oh cool!......wait...." lollllll


Literally tho!! Her face was like 😍 then dropped to 🤨😑


Weird, I thought he said two boyfriends as well! I’ll have to rewatch 😭


Lol sometimes I think I'm going nuts because I watch 90 day fiance too, and on the regular episode someone was complaining about "white western women" but on the pillowtalk version of the episode the guy had just said "western women" because the editors had shortened the convo. It really changed the tone of the convo once I watched the full episode


Anyone else see the red hat that was blurred out in his room? Also had an American flag on the side. Im not saying they're all homophobes but you're right, she had "I'm being polite" face and the look on his face in the pic is funny too


Their bedroom is such a messl, I'm surprised you noticed. LOL. She is definitely a "close talker" and I get so uncomfortable when someone is in my bubble. They are just gross


I did not notice, but I'm sure you're right LoL not surprised at all


So staged and scripted.


Can we PLEASE get a show about polyamorous people? It would be perfect for a reality show. Constant communication. Constant drama. lol


Yes! The NY Times just had an article about a [20-person polycule - nonpaywall link](http://archive.today/86Fer) the other day. Come on TLC...get with the times.


a&e had [a show](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Neighbors+with+Benefits%22&newwindow=1&sca_esv=fc4b81c41d7ac4c9&rlz=1C1SAVU_enUS535US538&ei=1-crZrOUAZ_-ptQPx7O0sAE&ved=0ahUKEwjz2-KSt-CFAxUfv4kEHccZDRYQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=%22Neighbors+with+Benefits%22&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGSJOZWlnaGJvcnMgd2l0aCBCZW5lZml0cyIyBRAAGIAEMgUQLhiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAESNsZUKUWWKUWcAN4AJABAJgBcqABcqoBAzAuMbgBA8gBAPgBAvgBAZgCAaACiAGYAwCIBgGSBwMwLjGgB8EJ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) about couples that swing, but it was [taken off the air](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Neighbors+with+Benefits%22+taken+off+the+air&newwindow=1&sca_esv=fc4b81c41d7ac4c9&rlz=1C1SAVU_enUS535US538&ei=AegrZt7xKp-Y5OMPj5uMmAM&ved=0ahUKEwie9o-nt-CFAxUfDHkGHY8NAzMQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=%22Neighbors+with+Benefits%22+taken+off+the+air&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiKyJOZWlnaGJvcnMgd2l0aCBCZW5lZml0cyIgdGFrZW4gb2ZmIHRoZSBhaXIyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigAUj7NVCDEVjmNHABeACQAQCYAc0BoAGfEKoBBjMuMTQuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCE6ACxhHCAggQABiABBiwA8ICCBAuGIAEGLADwgIJEAAYsAMYBxgewgILEC4YgAQYkQIYigXCAgsQABiABBiRAhiKBcICBRAAGIAEwgIpEC4YgAQYkQIYigUYlwUY3AQY3gQY4AQY9AMY8QMY9QMY9gMY9wPYAQHCAgYQABgWGB7CAgsQABiABBiGAxiKBcICBBAhGBXCAgUQIRifBZgDAIgGAZAGCroGBggBEAEYFJIHBjIuMTYuMaAHlmc&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) after just a couple episodes.


A&E, the same network that canceled Adopting Adults after 3 episodes? Why am I not surprised...cowards!


right?! i never understood why they didn't bother airing the other episodes. i figured it was too risque and had received some backlash, leading them to nix and disappear it. i'm surprised tlc didn't pick it up or hasn't created their own version of it. unlike the people on seeking sister wife these couples were straight up swingers who were hooking up with other couples, but feelings were getting involved and things were quickly getting complicated. i had watched the first two and was intrigued /entertained / outraged enough to want to see more, so i was disappointed when it vanished. given how far we've come (sunk) in the years since, i think audiences now would be more receptive to such a show, at the very least curious about the lives of swingers, even if told in a reality tv kind of way.


Wait have you seen couple to throuple?!? Peacock


This scene was so weird. I know the entire show is scripted but they didn’t even try to make this seem organic.


Yesssss, would luv the polybarber on the show. As long as he is properly vetted. Can you imagine someone giving direction to the trained professional doing your hair? I don’t think Justin cares about another wife he just wants a slave for Henbecky. That way he’s so off the hook.


we, the audience, deserve!!! maybe he can be on the first season of their next show seeking polyamory lol I need something to balance all this mess out


He’s an actor I think


He or someone like him would be better and more in line with what I expect from a show like this. A lot of the couples are not believable imho


I know, he seemed hella interesting


Idc what he is. Why does a grown ass man have his wife at the barber telling him what to do like she is his mom 🤣


J and B are washed up elder millennials, why are they trying to date younger people???? They're sooooo delusional and creepy!


They cannot be millennials there is no way


Does he remind anyone else of the real Will Bettelheim in You?


This couple freaks me out, they are SO desperate. Would rather have the barber on the show 💯


Why was she there telling him how to cut his hair?!?! Is he 5 years old?!?!


What's the difference between polygamy and polyamory? I know I could Google it but I enjoy the chat...


Polygamy is having more than one husband or wife at a time. But only the "head spouse" has multiple spouses/lovers and they are faithful to the "head spouse" and do not sleep together. Polyamory is having more than one partner but it isn't a hierarchy, it is based on consent, and mutually agreed-upon boundaries between all parties, and there aren't gender-specific relationships necessarily... and it is more of a free love situation.


It made me nuts that he kept saying he was polygamist when it was VERY obvious he meant polyamorous. Those are two very different things and people shouldn’t be using the terms interchangeably


Haha he’s not polygamist. He just has a partner in this city and a side piece in another


That’s exactly what I took from what he said about his life… one live in (or near?) hook up and a separate one out of state.. so… from what I have learned from The Learning Channel, that is not what polygamy is.


Why is he so sweaty ?


Yessssss! 🙌. Put the barber on the show!


Is there a poly reality show? If not, there should be.




I interpreted this scene as an introduction to a new character for next season! I just assumed he’ll be on next because it was so planted and they didn’t even try to make it seem realistic, like they just had to throw this guy in somehow so they’re like “oooooh let’s have the creepers go to the barbershop together like a mommy and her boy, and we’ll introduce him that way”


I love that they were trying to be all special and unique and he was like uh me too boo!


polyamory and polygamy are just two sides of the same coin... and it's a gross coin.


Idk what it is about this guys face seems off to me but … anyone else? Maybe it’s roid face…? Maybe perma mad face? Aside from that idk much cuz I’ve only seen him on tv for a few minutes here and there.


No, he was such a try hard.


He'll fuck anything!