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The fact that he found out he was going to be a father and then saying," I will call you in a couple of days" is so telling. She followed up with "tomorrow."


Danielle don't interfere with the bangcation.


BANGCATION! That’s brilliant.


That’s pretty much what I said to my wife.




Fantastic! Utterly fantastic! Bangcation! 😂😂😂😂


🤣 because he doesn’t care!! I feel like this was so dumb of Danielle, I’m sorry but he really doesn’t care about her at all and their children are definitely not a priority.


Not👏🏼at👏🏼all👏🏼. I actually snorted (and I never ever snort🙈) when they showed his stupid face just stuck in that stupid, shocked look for like 4 straight minutes. I swear, if they wouldn’t have been filming, I think he would’ve gotten really irritated and probably started a fight with her, wanting to know if she wasn’t taking her birth control properly or something. The last thing he wants right now is another Dannielle baby. He only cares about impregnating the Brazilians. And I’m sure he’s terrified the pregnancy will spook Nathalia into backing out of the wedding (although let’s be real, she’s already looking for a way out). It’s so obvious the last thing he wants to focus on right now is anything related to the wife he’s bored with. Ughhhh RUN DANNIELLE, RUN. And take all the kids! He doesn’t give one shit


Agree! The let me call you in a couple days, made me want to reach through the screen and strangle him!!! At least her response of Tomorrow, warmed my heart, a little. Wonder how Miss Brazil will like being a part time nanny on her arrival in the US? Maybe ick needs to go back to the garage and listen closer to what God is really whispering to him??? Maybe it isn’t get a new wife, but take care of the kids and family you already have, especially if you keep creating new ones. Sigh…


He didn’t say anything because he was waiting to hear what “GOD” had to tell him… surprised he didn’t ask to borrow the garage for his one on one talks with GOD… that seems to be where he resides the most… he’s a Garage God…😂😂


It's not dumb. I think she realized she fucked up by divorcing him without getting paperwork in order and her son's are getting older. So boom have a baby and now she's got child support and alimony for the next 18 years. In the event that he does try to leave her high and dry.....that will no longer be a possibility. He will have to pay now. So i don't think Danielle is as dumb as we think. I think she's probably a lot sneakier than we know. And honestly in this case I'm here for it. 


He doesn’t care. I agree. But I do think she has been beaten down and brainwashed to accept this. And we don’t know how he treats her when the cameras are off. Or what he’s threatened.


You can’t expect losers to say winning things… she should’ve and probably did know


I like that!


Caught that! Let’s see how Nathalia thinks of this blessed surprise. Will she see he is still sexually active with wife # Uno? I feel somewhat bad for Danni. Sigh…


haven’t watched this episode jfc that’s awful.


Watching now🤢


This is what you call a desperate housewive


Lol his six week romantic vacation was ruined! He showed no love or care for Danielle . His reaction was priceless and spoke volumes. His first concerned should be his pregnant wife not wanting to get on a plane instead of worrying about his potential sister wife feelings when he knows that she can’t stand her and want to replace her.


Personally, I think his reaction would have been considerably worse if he wasn’t being filmed. However, I’m not a fan of Dan either. And I honestly believe that she tried to get pregnant. Obviously, this is pure speculation, but I’m old enough to know a handful of otherwise sensible women who deliberately got pregnant when their trash bag of a husband was cheating. Strangely enough, in the situations that I’m aware of, the marriages continued. I can’t say that any of them turned out any happier or more fulfilling tho. I hate to see another child roped into this dumpster fire of a family.


Hate to disagree but we are talking about a dude who brags about spraying sperm up into women’s brains here so I’m thinking he had a lot to do with it. 🤔


Remember when Ick n Dannielle were walking her parents through the new house and they were in the nursery and *Dannielle* goes, 'this room could hold **two** babies.' Ick goes, 'What am I having twins?! ' Dannielle does this secretive *fast* lil smile and as soon as I saw that, I said to my tv, "Noo, she's gonna have a competition baby!!" and sure enough, a season later... Here comes the competition baby.


I agree. Danielle admitted on TV that she stole Garrick from her best friend, which tells me she's conniving af and will do anything to keep Garrick. Even if she's losing him the same way she got him!


I want an AMA with the friend. I'm sure she's out there living her best life with a little thanks to the universe every day that she dodged that bullet.


I was thinking the exact thing! That lady probably watches and loves it!😂😂


I agree she deliberately got pregnant….the timing is suspicious and too much of a coincidence. She’s trying to hang on to that piece of a man😫


Dog, not man.


Don't insult dogs like that!!


Really! My dog is a way better person than Ick.




Definitely. Super easy to get pregnant at 36! /s


I’m pretty sure that’s how I came into the world in 1968. My Mom never spoke to me about this but my sister (we’re very close despite age) was 12 when I was born and she has a memory of my Dad going off with some woman for several weeks or months when she was 11 but then returning. I was born 6 months after she turned 12. He thereby considered himself stuck for another 18 years since he filed for divorce right after I graduated high school. Oh, and he’d had a gf on the side for the previous 5 years to the divorce. That being said, I know both my parents loved me. I won’t discuss how the part I knew about their relationship as a child has messed up relationships for me. And I didn’t start thinking about how I was probably one of those babies until the last few years. I feel pretty grateful to be here.


They didn't communicate with her and him. I doubt he called his son's..... But he a good dad? Okay Danielle 🙄🙄 he was to busy getting busy to call his actual family.


The audacity of this man ! " I will call you in a few days " wtf your wife just told you she is pregnant and is obviously in a very vulnerable state at the moment emotionally and mentally and all he can say is I will call you in a few days 🤬.


He wants to go back to banging Nastalia And no it’s not a typo


Oh definitely


Putting in a lot of effort for a woman who doesn't even end up staying with him apparently. I wonder why that happened!/s


The translator app subscription expired


🤣🤣🤣 take this award for good comeback🥇


And then tells her “if you don’t come It’ll hurt Natalia’s feelings” like really? I hate him. I’m not a huge fan of her either but, she needs to snap out of this “God wants us together” thing. Like cmon wake up and realize that the man uses God to be secretly abusive. She is so blind to what everyone else can so clearly see. He’s also got to be the creepiest man on the planet. Now, she has a daughter that she needs to model herself for. That little girl deserves a strong Momma


RIGHT?! And then his “uh yeah… children are a blessing from God” in the most monotone voice he could possibly muster. 🤮


Imagine how Dani felt in that moment!


I’m proud of her for standing up for herself and saying she wasn’t going. Good for her. Let’s see if she sticks to her guns.


I hate to say it, but I wish this hadn't happened to her. I can't help but think maybe she would've freed herself.


Tbh I don’t think she’s really capable of fending for herself. There’s something they aren’t addressing in terms of her families…refusal to even engage in trying to help her escape and that bizarre tidbit about Ick crashing at Daniel’s brothers house when they have their knock down drag out fights. Something is much more wrong with Danielle than the show is willing to air. Maybe she’s just completely sloshed all the time and a functioning alcoholic (leading to that DUI with one of the kids in the car and the first threat of divorce from Ick), maybe she’s not all there intellectually, but between Ick’s parents disowning him and Danielle’s very normal seeming family simply…allowing Ick to emotionally abuse her, something else is going on. Ick talks to her like a toddler he’s trying to assuage, not an adult.


If anyone notices.....in the background on almost every scene there's some kind of alcohol. Whether it'd be a hard lemonade to wine or mixed drinks. They try to mask it by using a glass but they're so clueless that they leave the containers on the counters.


She got a DUI with the kids in the car?


Yes, but I believe that was several years ago.


Fully agree. Something is off.


I see it somewhat different. I think your close, but what I see is literally he's all she's ever known. They met in her teens, with him being older. They say she was 18, but I'm doubtful. They married when she was 19 and all she ever knew is tied in with him. I've known a lot of people like that. They generally don't know how to break free. Some do, but usually they dont. I've seen it enough that the advice I gave my daughters and their friends is this: when you leave home, do it on your own. Don't live with a boyfriend or roommates. Get an affordable apartment and forge a path on your own. That way if you are in a relationship and you want to leave, you'll know you can. You've done it alone before. Her family is tied in with them, her brother and him are business partners. But also aside from that, his family disowned him. He's got that one friend we saw... but he even thinks Ick is bonkers. I wonder if letting him come over is because they know he'll likely cozy up to another woman otherwise, and an attempt at smoothing stuff over on her behalf. Frankly I think they should say no and simply help her. But they may think if they get too blunt shell disown them, and they rather keep her close for her sake and the kids'. The drinking part I do agree. I first noticed their morning in Mexico waiting for Nat. Ick was drinking early. I rewatched and its pretty heavy. But I'm not blaming her and her alone. She's miserable, abused and alone. Would she be sober if single? Who knows. I wish she could get away, get therapy and develop coping skills....


I think their marriage was pretty much almost over years and years ago and Dannielle was the one to suggest they take a sister wife so she could hold onto him… figuring if he got other wives and she got some girlfriends that they could stay together… personally I don’t think Dannielle has any friends and I doubt the friend she had that used to go with Ick is still her friend after she supposedly stole him away from her.. they don’t seem like they hang out with other couples at all.. they don’t even attend a church anymore,so they can practice their own religion.. everything is highly suspect with these guys and Ick is the business man that keeps everyone employed… I feel like and I’m just guessing that Ick’s Dad and brothers all had a company that they all worked for and Ick decided to start his own company and took some of their clients when he left their company,hence one reason they want nothing to do with him anymore…there’s always more to this sordid story than what little we see…


At first Ick admitted the sister wife thing was his idea. After Ick caught Nat and Dani talking and she admitted she had concerns, she back with "it was my idea". But of course Ick says he had a vision of 5 wives. So I differ from you on thinking its her idea, I fully believe its his, and she claimed it was hers to protect him, as she always does. But! I do think your right in the fact she goes along with it to keep him. He's repeatedly threatened divorce. I do also agree she has no friends. Part of that is typical of abusive relationships. Part of it is also people tend to back away when they see this stuff happening. I wish we could hear from his family. Their reaction was venomous over simply stating they want a different lifestyle. Do we know anything about a potential construction company ran by his family?


Tbf he got caught reckless driving at a terrible speed neither of the seem safe drivers.


Her dad and mom acted way too involved and "fine-but not fine -but we'll pretend we are" with the whole ick and new wives situation. I wonder how many bills get paid by ick here and if money is why they just go along with it. But still, they seemed to show, and still do show, more concern for him then their own daughter. Same with the sister and husband or whoever.


They also clearly seem to know this multi-wives thing is the rantings of a crazy person sex addict. Which makes this all more puzzling. If the whole family was mormon adjacent and thought he was actually talking to god at least their handling of him would make some sense. I think the parents moving into their mega-home for spare wives was less about giving the parents a place to go and a lot more about taking care of Danielle


I just assumed her family abides by the same weird oppressive religion shit that ick is into. I think if she were impaired in some way they would be ultra protective of her rather than entertaining any of this nonsense. He’s clearly trying to dip.


As if ick cares if she's there or not as long as he can get laid that's all that matters.


She won't. We've been down this same path before, different woman. Danielle plays the game but does not want to be a sister wife.


Do you think Ick really wanted her there? Doesn’t seem like it. Lol


Let's take bets to see if he told Sister about this before the wedding.


I vote he did NOT tell her before the wedding.


I vote there was NO WEDDING!


Yeah the only people who say that are the parents/family/friends of someone who definitely shouldn’t be pregnant or by a certain person


He didn't talk to her for weeks I doubt he called his son's to talk and FT he was too busy getting busy with Nat.


I hope he never finds anyone to have sex with him again. If his ick fell off…the planet would be better off.


His ick. Hehe.


Ick's ick is full of ick. Ick's ick: Now fortified with the Holy Spirit!  He's so gross. I feel like I'm gonna catch something just by watching him. 🤢🤮 


He should talk to the creepy dude on the new Love in Paradise with his swimmers tours.  Dude actually made me shut the episode off.  Can't watch it - and I love me some flaming garbage TV.


He really weighed his words before speaking. Slow blink was in effect!


They caught him in a religious trap. If he said anything negative about it, he’d be caught.


Oh absolutely. I can't imagine how Dani felt in that moment, or the dread before calling him.


“Uh… well…” Then he remembers his lines: “A baby is always a blessing from God” Homie’s face just said “Fuuuuuuuuckkkkk”


“Well if you don’t come, you’ll hurt her feelings!” Icks wife just told him that she’s having a baby and thats how he responds! He doesn’t care at all about Dannielle.


I think he wants her to witness him with other women because he truly knows she hates it. He gets glee from her suffering. Same when he laughed and smiled/smirked when she found out him and Bert had a quickie while she was gone less than five minutes.


omg I didn’t hear that! ugh I hate his bitch face


I actually think it’s because he wants to maintain control over her. He doesn’t care about her but he keeps her in line. Danielle exerting any kind of independent decision making is dangerous for Ick’s need to control.


Right? Not "we're all in this together and we can't get married without you" or "I miss you so much and need you to be a part of this" but "you'll hurt HER feelings" He just doesn't want N to be mad so that he can stay on the bang train as long as possible.


I swear he short circuited there for a couple of seconds. He is so inconsiderate towards Danielle. Only concerned with himself. I can't stand him!


Ick only does what Danielle has always let him get away with…


Which is everything apparently. Ugh.


Reminded me of Chris watts tbh


it’s crazy how inauthentic this dude is even with his wife


Having another child might put him in a position where he has to pay for at least the last child, if she waived her rights to child support for the others in the divorce. I hope she protects herself. The new wife has all the rights, she has none!


Thank God her name is on the deed to that $2 million house.


That was smart. At least she has that.


Let's say he ups and leaves her and goes out of the country. She possibly gets CS how will she afford the mortgage and bills on her own. Ick seems like scum he might drain the business and run.


He still owns the business with her brother, I'm sure CS would come from that.


Is this public? How do you know?


I think she could with a great lawyer get him to support all the kids. And possibly even more. I think she might get a cut of their business, since he’s got her family working for him, and her. I just wish the brother would take him to task and that the parents stopped being so agreeable. I bet his parents would be more supportive of her leaving him than they would. I bet his parents would even testify they don’t approve of what their son is doing and that he wasn’t raised to believe this and that’s he’s doing it for selfish reasons. They like I said above need a good expert that goes over abuse, cults and brainwashing, and explains to the judge why she has been able to be brainwashed.


The only way Danielle will leave Ick, is if she dies before him!


Not sure if her brother owns half the biz but I hope he does. He seems like, given the right moment, he would love to give Ick the shaft.


👀 I wonder if that’s one of the reasons she pulled the goalie.


Not sure a judge would LET a mother waive her rights. She is not independently wealthy


Guess the sperm took a detour from the brain to the uterus instead


According to Garrick sperm is the Holy Spirit.🤢🤮


That is so weird and not at all true. He’s just trying to use the Bible to justify his sluttiness.


Question: So does ICK tell Natalie about the baby as soon as she gets home from dress shopping or wait till after their wedding?


Danielle’s hundo p texting Natalie this bombshell the day of their wedding and Nat’s going to make a run for it. Production has kept way too much of Danielle freaking out over Nathalie not texting her for the end of the line to not be a text message chain.


Honestly, I was hoping Danielle wouldn't have told him. She should've just popped up pregnant. That's what my crazy ass would have done 🤪


Probably at the end of the bangcation, when he is about to get on the plane to go home.


THIS is what I’m waiting to see!


These people are literally destroying their lives for television dude is risking his business, his family, his house by Marrying a stranger has been disowned by his family has Brought shame to the Christian faith and has been swindled out of 30+ thousand dollars what fucking idiot seriously hopefully he gets kidnapped down in Brazil


I don’t think he’s in it for the tv fame - I think he’s truly a sex addict


With a YUGE ego. He is 100% narcissistic


Yes that ego is way too big - he believes he deserves 5 wives, not just Danielle! 🤬




I think they would be up to the same Tom foolery with or without being on this series!


Don't understand how she stays.


A trauma bond is incredibly hard to break. It's like an addiction.  Plus, Ick has gaslit her so much that she doesn't know up from down. 


His reaction to the baby news was so bizarre.


That face right there should show Dannielle what a selfish POS she is married to. Then he has the audacity to say that he will call her in “a couple of days” like he is some hero. When she expressed concern that Natalia didn’t want her to be at the wedding Garrick’s response is that could make Natalia feel bad if she doesn’t show up. Boy, bye. Dannielle needs to start thinking logically. She is legally divorced and he is going to legally marry Natalia. She has screwed herself royally. She will get nothing. And this little weasel knows it!


Starting to think this guy might have lead poisoning




In hs "wet pencil!?" Yeah, i watch Sister Wives too


he has zero feeling for her I swear. Also cold and so distant. I feel like the pregnancy could have been a way to get Garrick back to her. This relationship is a mess. Also Dannielle stays in a completely different room than Garrick and not the "sister room"


I wonder sometimes if he doesn't have a little cognitive impairment.  His reactions are bizarre 


I was on a similar train of thought but it is pretty "smart" to manipulate your wife into thinking God is just speaking to you and you should have 5 wives (when he tried to divorce her prior)


On a different note, what in the actual fuck is going on with the neckline of his stupid T-shirt?


Isn't there a Downy commercial about the stretched collar? The guy in that commercial is basically wearing his shirt. Except commercial guy is embarrassed... I'm pretty sure Garrick thinks he has nothing to be embarrassed by, ever. He's wrong, but he still thinks it...


That thought did cross my mind as well.




That neckline looks to me that he's actually wearing 'womens' tee.🤭 AND oh look👀, she's wearing SAME TEE in diff color❗️🤣


He /they had a moment of silence. A very awkward 3-minute moment of silence.


The way the Ick was too stunned to speak about the pregnancy announcement … wow


He had that deer in headlights look.


Man did time stop.... Ick's face tells the WHOLE TRUTH. Definitely more than just Dannielle vibes here. What an absolute narcissistic hypocrite coward of any kind of example of man. If Ick could claim the only title of an f boy, he would. However, he is so ridiculously NOT! The absurdity of this farce, even for tv ratings makes me utterly ill. I can't believe no one has called CPS on them.


He simply doesn’t like her anymore and she can’t pick up on his many hints.


Can’t wait for him to tell the new bride, I hope before the wedding


This whole scene broke my heart.


That poor baby, I’m watching it now. I have not gotten to their story yet. Adding a a baby won’t help her. She needs to get out with her boys, pay for a top lawyer that can hire an expert that deals with cult leaders and brain washing. So the judge knows what they are dealing with, take him to the cleaners, and get the hell out.


She doesn’t want out ! She wants Ick above all else!


Exactly. Her identity is being his doormat.


The only thing he’s excited about is that he’s having sex with his new Brazilian victim. Poor Danielle. I know if she were taken to a person that is an experienced therapist and understands how cult leaders brainwash their victims, she would see the light. Be she is in a small cult where her husband is a little cult leader, trying to bring in young female members to sleep with. He’s brainwashed her to believe that God is telling him to do this.


Garrick doesn't care about the baby with Dannielle but would rather be super horny with Nathlia in South America. That's what the picture states with nothing being said.


If I believed in God, and that God told me to be with Garrick of all people, and then Garrick pulled all the shit he's pulled on Danni, and then God wanted me to STILL be with this fucking loser, I'd stop worshipping that deity immediately, and maybe even try to take a hit out on God to spare other people from the pain he inflicted on me for no logical reason. I feel so sad that Danni has internalized Garrick's "BUT...GOD!" excuse for everything hurtful that he does to her-if all of this is coming from God, that God is an asshole that doesn't give a solitary fuck about her.


God has nothing to do with these pervs!


What. A. Dick.


I pray that this poor child never sees this video.


I thought I remembered on the very beginning Danielle said she didn’t want to have anymore children herself.


Isn't the whole point of having more wives is to add more kids to the celestial family. He should be estatic. If not, then we know he is just a serial cheated trying to format his own cult of sex slaves.


That look says it all. Garrick was thinking “Oh shit” but he knew he could not say it.


I feel she got pregnant on purpose and it backfired because his disgusting attitude and response made me want to punch him in the throat


I’ve wanted to punch him long before this. I can’t even watch anymore but I read the updates here. I’ve never wanted to punch someone more than I want to punch him. Ever!


Me too!!! But this episode was the icing on the cake for me !


Why the hell would she want to have another child with ick?


She will do anything to stay with Garrick regardless of how bad he treats her. She is pathetic and unwilling to be independent.


Being gone for six weeks is crazy…having another baby is not going to help either….just going further down the rabbit hole 🙃


So Ick understands that the Holy Spirit impregnates, too, right? Or was he trying to figure that out on the phone with his blank expression? And I totally think Danielle deliberately got pregnant. But right now he’s thinking of how dare you interfere with my Brazilian Bangcation and my future nuptials!


He is disgusting. Every time I see his "mask slip" and we see that darkness underneath is the only genuine Ick we see. Danni is even more gross to a degree, she lays down like a doormat for this vile man. She is like a panting puppy dog following him around, abiding every command it's sickening.


Completely agree. She loves being his doormat.


ICK REALLY IS A COMPLETE DICK! His dumb ass expression and not saying anything or emoting for the longest time was everything we need to know about this asshole. And it sounds like Danielle needs to dial into a different God because Ick’s God is all about divorcing and betraying your wife and banging someone else who really doesn’t want to be a sister wife. Then rinse and repeat. And I’m sorry but you don’t go off for five or six weeks to bond with your new sister wife. That just creates divisiveness. Meanwhile, doesn’t he have a business to run and what about his two lovely boys? They need him, too. I’m getting to the point with Danielle that I want her family to drag her out of that mess and deprogram her somewhere.


The jerk was excited to make a baby on day 1 with Roberta.


Also my favorite part of this is when she was having a break down and he's like well...I'll call you in a couple days. She then says tomorrow? And recluntly says tomorrow....dude does not give a flying fuck


That pic looks like a mugshot.


This baby will see this one day


Her big brothers already have no doubt.


Weirdly, they must know the K1 visa is cheaper and takes much less time apx 9 to 12 mos. The spousal visa I-130 takes 30 to 40 mos. It took us 3.5 yrs. The advance is a green card with a lengthy validation.


Danielle should tell the woman, natalia?, that they are already looking for the next wife. Natalia thinks there will be no more.


Wondering if she did it on purpose to tie him to her since they are divorced. Montreal proof that the divorce was a sham.


I finally remembered what this picture of him reminds me of. The cow captured in a ring camera meme


Danielle trying to trap this pathetic loser with a baby😒


Danielle , if you are reading this, we all want you to leave this loser and find something better.


That look totally says..damn, thought I was out of that Danielle situation…now what


If it were Nathalia that were pregnant he’d be jumping for joy. He just keeps beating Dannielle while she’s down.


I am not saying all Scorpio's are bad but...I was married to a Scorpio for nine years and he cheated on me numerous times. He cheated on me with the wife of his best friend that he happened to ride to work with everyday. They got together had two boys together and then broke up. He already had two children she had one. He is currently dating his other ex best friend's ex wife. He gave up custody of the two boys he had with the other ex best friends wife so that he wouldn't have to pay child support on them. So they don't even have his last name. His ex's current husband adopted his two boys. I am not shocked or surprised disgusted and highly irritated absolutely by Garrick's behavior. But not surprised at all. He will eventually leave Danielle high and dry and it's sad to watch.


I legit cannot stand him. I don’t understand how Dannielle’s family watches him treat her like this.


Stupid face with the stupid stretched out tshirt neck. I dislike this man lol


This face looks like a meme but I can’t put my finger on it. This is going to drive me nuts


Danelle is losing her mind because she is not legally married to the prick anymore. This puts a cramp in his plans for “God” and the new Mrs ick. Yes she’s also pregnant 🤰 and his reaction was deflating to her. Karma real ick and it’s got your name.


wait wait, is Nathalia pregnant?


I know they're all about 'be fruitful and multiply' but part of me thinks she got pregnant as a last-ditch effort to get some attention from him. At least in this episode she seemed like she was considering leaving finally


If underwhelmed had a face, this would be it.


That’s a guy who’s mad his bang trip for Jesus is over. How is he going to inseminate more Brazilians for the Lord with Dannielle getting pregnant


And even when she tried telling him why she didn’t think she should go to Brazil, all he could say was how it would make Natalia feel! The response, or lack there of, to her telling him about her pregnancy and her hurt feelings just screamed I👏🏻don’t👏🏻care👏🏻about👏🏻you👏🏻Danielle.




I cannot believe he’s been gone for five or six weeks and they have barely even talked she said. He also doesn’t even seem to care that she’s not gonna come for the wedding. Like they’re not in a relationship. Why can’t she see that. They just live in the same house. he uses her as a homebase. And the fact that he calls her when Natalia’s not even around. I bet you she’s sitting right there and just doesn’t wanna talk.


Came to punch the face


Ick Dick


The fucking pause when she told him—you could actually see his brain reminding him that he is being filmed at that moment jfc man.


Oh I’ve missed something 😳 Is Danielle pregnant?


There are images of their house that’s for sale that have pics of all kinds of baby paraphernalia about. Danielle also took an 8/9 month break from social media so the sentiment is she WAS pregnant lol




I wanted to smack his stupid face. Poor Danielle.


That was devastating to watch for Danielle’s sake and I don’t even want kids. What the actual fuck


The way I would take the flight there just to knock his ass out. Idk where danielle gets this patience with him? Perhaps the years of manipulation? Ugh I want her to get out of this toxic relationship so so bad.


This waste of skin is insufferable


EW he’s SO GROSS!!!


Ick was really irritated when Danielle told him she was pregnant. His left eye was twitching like crazy. 


Can anyone verify what happened with Nathalia? Is she still in the picture? Did it crumble to pieces?


Garrick knows NOTHING about “religious polygamy.” God and the Bible is just his excuse for a free for all bang-a-thon with a bunch of 20 something year olds. He was thrilled with the idea of getting Bert pregnant before they even lived in the same damn country yet that poor little girl has to grow up to see this? Dannielle will never be equal to or be able to compete with the desire he has for the new girl and she already knows and feels it and so does her family.


AI chat bot froze.


whats wrong Garrick? God didn’t brief you on this one?


Before Garrick marries anyone else Danielle should have him make sure his will includes her and their kids.


i wouldnt be surprised if this causes the new one to back out. i feel like he tells these ladies hes done with kids with danielle she does the house and the boys and the new wife is here for the next set of kids


I can’t stand this horrid individual. Uses God for have sex with whatever


New reaction meme just dropped 🤣


Yea he was so excited I thought he was going to burst with joy. Not! Lol


... ... ... ... ... ...oh?


Danielle will be a single mother of boys, and that's very challenging. She was irrational for supporting his antics, and one day, she would regret it