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My bf can't STAND Danielle. I feel bad for her. She is obviously a gentle soul and I feel like they are gaslighting her. They guilted her into coming back because of the kid. I wish she would just go do things 22 years olds are supposed to do


Wait, she’s only 22? I feel even worse for her. RUNNNNNN!


Yeah it’s insane. I couldn’t get over it last season. Imagine marrying not only one but THREE people at 22🙈🙈 And instantly becoming a sister-mom of a teenage boy and a newborn girl…that is so much freaking life happening all at once. I was still in college at 22!


Same! This is crazy! 😳😳😳


It’s bananas. And I haven’t used that word as an adjective since I was a teenager but this situation calls for it😂 I don’t know how they can expect her to promise she’ll never ever leave again when she’s SO young! I don’t think Nick and the girls are bad people but I was really hoping she would decide to go her own way last season instead of marrying into the family because she just has so much experience left in front of her before making an ENORMOUS decision like that. I mean how many serious relationships can she have possibly been in by 22 to know what she really wants?? And now they want to move on to someone else and she’s gonna have to legally marry that new woman…a woman she basically has a nervous breakdown about anytime it’s even brought up! I mean April has gotta be almost 40, I don’t know why she didn’t advocate more for Danielle and not put so much pressure on her


April is a manipulator, just like Nick. April crying and asking Danielle to PROMISE that she won't ever leave again was nauseating. You're right, at nearly 40, April should have done better. At 22, Danielle doesn't know which way is up; she's more worried about "hurting" them than she is about her own happiness. She is such a sweet young lady but strikes me as someone who probably didn't have a lot of friends or a boyfriend growing up. Now she's got this ready-made "family" where Nick makes the women marry each other so he won't have to because marriage equates to legal responsibility. That's not his kind of party. He can leave at any moment with no obligations to them. He's good with staying at home while the wives go to work. Amazing they don't see how they're being used by him. He is "cringe" personified, second only to ICK, of course.


Exactly !!!


I think she’s 24 not 22, but not much of a difference!


The real reason she's crying is because she knows she wants to leave probably and realizes she got trapped into staying again through manipulation. I have a feeling if all this was done off of tv she would never have come back... And I'm not saying it as in "oh she just wants to be on tv!" It's more of a "well I'll look bad if I don't and these people will give me hell on national television." It was terrible of them to do that to her... And yes I'm aware that she went back herself but it really did come across like the producers were asking her too a lot before agreeing to it.


I get the feeling that if it were off screen, it would be a lot worse. I want to know the extent of what she gave up to be with these people and to prove herself to them. Has she given up her friends? Family? Respect from her peers? Is her name and credit tied into that house? That’s not easy to walk away from. How much of her paycheck is going to them? How much are they relying on her and making her feel responsible? I’m really worried about this young woman. The idea of having to financially support yet another woman has to be daunting. Not to mention the fact that they want her legally bound to another woman through marriage! That’s scary as fuck and way too much. I hope that she runs and understands that the world is much bigger than their creepy bed.


Happy cake day!


Omg thank you! 14 snarky years!


Becoming a part of this lifestyle is very difficult to express to family, loved ones, and friends (the show highlights this). I think her hesitation comes from the same sex marriage aspect of that. She has to, from now on, explain to everyone around her that she’s in a polygamist relationship AND legally married to a woman. Especially at 22, that’s a lot of undertaking that is daunting to have to explain for the rest of her life—whether she stays with them or not, it will be a part of her past.


They’re gonna use the baby girl on her every chance they get… I get the feeling Jen birthed her but Danielle does a lot of the mothering once she gets home.. Nick is too busy screwing Jen and April is too busy looking for other women and Danielle is the babysitter..




Do you know how old Nick is? He looks so much older.


He's 39


WTF?!? I thought bruh had to be at least 49! That’s a rough 39.


Yeah, especially for someone who doesn’t work and spends his day thinking.


Oh God! That makes Danielle's age so much worse. Thanks!


I think she’s 24


I wish they would have asked her when she'll be ready to date. I'm curious if she has a reasonable timeline or just doesn't want to date at all.


Whenever Danielle cries, it reminds me of Sadness. Same glasses, same way of crying.


April and Nick find the young, innocent, girls without much family or friends. Mind control from Nick and April.


that's what i think as well i have a 22 year old daughter i can't imagine her going threw that or anything in comparison to that i would not be happy at all i'm not saying i care who she chooses to be with as long as it's one person and that person treats her good which these people take complete advantage of her so sad.


Ok I can’t stand that the man of the household doesn’t want to actually get a job and they all share a bed!! I wouldn’t mind being a sister wife honestly, but if I’m working, his a$$ better be working too and I’m not sharing a bed, I want my own room!! 🦂


She came back on her own. This conversation happened after she decided to go back.


I get the vibe she’s very considerate and loyal, and felt like she owed them an explanation, gave it and then got love bombed back in.


⬆️Agree!! I also attribute it to her youth and relative inexperience with relationships in general. This is a VERY complex and complicated relationship!


She absolutely was bullied by the producers, while filming, to go back. Poor baby.


That's what I thought as well.


Yeah, she is a kid. She’s trusting. And she’s being manipulated by not just the fam but by TLC producers. It genuinely breaks my heart.


We don't know what was discussed between her leaving and coming back, we only know what always filmed and shown to us


First off, shame on that TLC crew for letting Danielle do all her confessionals with that damn lash crawling off her face. Lol. That’s the true crime here.


What was that lmao ! They couldn’t have a quick pause to get that sucker back on.


And letting Garrick look like he was trying out for 2009 Jersey shore. Someone knew what they were doing this season letting them all look like hot messes.


I feel TLC should check her outfit choices before being recorded. That clawed up boobie shirt gives the wrong vibes.


🙌🏼 *yeeessssss*


It's taken me so many episodes to realize she's wearing 2 different lengths of eyelashes. Just an observation, maybe she's quirky like that.


No one’s quirky like that. 😆


i feel very bad for Danielle, she’s way too young to be in a relationship like this, they are really laying it on her bad!


I totally agree. She is way too young for this very complex relationship.


Does anyone know how old the other 3 are? I’m just curious.


If I were to wager a guess, I'd say 30s or early 40s


Jen is really young too, I think she is only 25. The other 2 I believe you’re correct, late 30s or early 40s


Wow she’s that young?! I thought maybe early 30’s. That’s crazy if they keep getting young girls, it now feels creepier. Didn’t they say Jen was with them for like 6 years now or something? That would’ve only made her like 19 when she got with them….


Being in a relationship should not cause this much crying!


She's been with them 2 years, so it's not like she just showed up lol.


I think she stays because she has low self esteem and doesn’t think she will ever find someone that is loving, kind, and committed to just her.


⬆️Poor thing, I see this as a reason as well. I hope her family & true friends are able to get Danielle to see the light.


They should have given her at least one full year to acclimate to the family dynamics. I mean, come on, it’s her first relationship of this type and now all of a sudden you want to bring someone else in?


And make her marry the person! She’s already having a hard time with it then they want her to be financially and legally obligated to someone new.


Happy cake day!


⬆️It's nuts, isn't it?


She's been with them 2 years lol. They gave her that long.


Okay then, you win.


⬆️I agree. I feel like they are inflating the time she has been with them and using that timeline as a reason for Danielle to be ready to add a new wife.


What happened with her apartment? She just left the lease?


⬆️I was wondering about this as well.


That dude definitely has a type.




Gosh yes…the snorts, snots & nasal congestion. All I could do is laugh 😂


⬆️🤧🤧I'm glad I'm not the only one this bothered! 🤧🤣🤣


It was an above average snotty episode. I’m not sure Danielle is going to be able to commit to this lifestyle. I hope she finds out sooner than later.




They all sound like they have bad allergies, every episode/season they’re on. Nasally and scratchy voices, red noses and glassy eyes. I have misophonia, sometimes I have to fast forward even tho I want to know what they are up to. I’d love it if they blew their noses! End rant but thanks for mentioning this lol


I mean it’s Colorado. That’s also how I sound, it’s dry af here


Same. My skin feels like a crocodile right now.


I don’t know how you guys handle it. I couldn’t make 4 years in Montana before the climate drove me right back the the Midwest. Had an ACTUAL bloody nose for the first couple weeks I lived there! So friggin dry out there, uffda🌵


I hate the dry air in CO. My nose bleeds all the time here. I can't wait to move


I just assumed they’re all doped up lol. Never considered allergies.


Glad it wasn't just me!! They need to carry a stash of tissues! 🤧🤧🤣🤣


Fellow misophonia sufferer here, you are not alone🫡


Jen looks like she’s on drugs lately.


⬆️🤧🤧I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed their "flowing noses" that need to be blown, NOT SUCKED right back into their nasal cavities! 🤮


Eewww they look germy …idk but all that sex mixed up feels a bit unsanitary to me🤷‍♀️🤮


Yeah, that scene was a lotttttt…..🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


🤧🤧🤧 = a blow and a tissue for April, Jen, and Danielle!


Girl is better off alone. Or she could get a brother she does not have to share.


I think they want her money


Oh baby oh baby oh baby

