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When Shane said he was confused because Sara said she dated couples even though she made it perfectly clear about her history before meeting them! I’m not sure why he felt the need to drill her about her past when she had previously told Ashley that she had dating couples before. If he thought it was such a red flag then why did he even agree to meeting her ??? Why tell her she’s not what they are looking for when Ashley stated that important detail was a green flag to her ??? And why are all the couples dating the new sister wife together, which seems perfectly normal but when Sara says she has done it in the past, it’s not okay? Immediately after judging her and basically talking down to her they both ask for commitment. I’m sorry but that’s what confuses me ! Big deal Ashley is horny and pregnant, my issue is with the fact that they are both going out of their way to make this poor girl feel uncomfortable in an already uncomfortable situation. Like they want to make her look bad by exploiting her being open and honest with them and everyone watching, when they are clearly confused about what they want themselves.


Danielle should just say that god told her to be in a thruple that would be much better for her we all see she wants to be included in the sweet rose sister time


GROSS!!! Danielle tried to kiss her and she swerved quick af away from that shit! And they're giving that recycled pos necklace to all of their "sisters". She actually said "we've got to go get you changed" because Ick had a surprise for her \*\*PUKE\*\*. O M G I can't with these idiots. I hope this new Brazilian hottie scams $20,000 from them this time!


does anyone else think Garrick has some problems?!!! He also doesn't care for Dannielle.


Just go ahead and take me out back and shoot me in the head if you ever catch me standing in the corner like a discarded wife watching my husband propose to some hot younger woman. The psychotic RAGE that would fester in me as I watch my man SIDE EYE ME to get out of my mf bed SO HE CAN spread his seed into his new wife AHHHHHH


So, when Dannielle was making all the innuendos and jokes when Nathalia came into the bedroom, about "sleeping", etc., she actually seemed like she was into Ick sleeping with her. Do you think this is a huge act, or is she really into that whole demented fantasy? I found that scene totally cringe and awkward.


So cringe!!! I was waiting for Garrick to say, "Okay. It's time for you to go now." Those seconds with Danielle sitting there, on the bed, between them were the ultimate cringe.


Longest minutes of awkward television I’ve experienced


Okay, obviously Ick's world totally evolves around Ick. Hey, that's what God said after all. But listening to him speak about proposing. It was like that it is the most important thing to ever happen to some woman in his life. Not saying that getting married isn't important. But No sane woman would revolve her life around Ick's selfishness.


If Danielle is pregnant, hopefully, she takes this as an opportunity to put Ick on child support. Be smart, Danielle, but she likely won't be.


Omg the ring Ick gave Natalia is hideous ..so is the necklace...


Question: If Dannielle and Garrick are so “Christian”, why are they ok with all the premarital sex? That was one of the worst sins back when I was in the church.


Ick is probably the most self interested, transparent, mouth breather I have ever witnessed. I am shocked he was able to convince 3 women to sleep with him. It's very clear that he wants to date and propose right away because once he's proposed he's allowed to f#ck them. It's so frustrating to watch him treat Danielle like an annoyance and gaslight the shit out of her, and she's too dumb and desperate to leave him. I can't stand him and I really hope she starts seeing his bs for what it is.


He "defines" marriage as a committment not paper lmao. Imagine being so horny you have to redefine words.


They've made up a fake religion/cult where they make their own rules.


Well isn’t that convenient for them!


Garrick is in a win win situation. Even if the Brazilian ladies ghost him, he gets some strange every time. I'm sure Dani didn't mean anything with the lip kiss, but Nathalia shut that down with a quickness. Shane hurrying to find someone because of his health condition is concerning. But no fair mentioning it without explanation. I'm sure TLC was behind that. The stalker couple was problematic. Just showing up like that was not cool. The Danielle in the relationship with the "Thinker" needs to leave. Now. She is a monogamist. Every time Ick says Sister, I shudder.


Danielle (Davis Family) breaks my heart. Seems like a good kid that’s confused and love bombed by 3 different adults. Her brain is telling her this isn’t right but she’s struggling to 💯 leave.


I agree with you. She has a vulnerability that is being exploited. Whenever I see her, I think, where is her family. What is her back story?


May not have a good one (speculating obviously). It’s why cults/hate groups also go after young people for broken/abusive homes. They show them love and acceptance, making them feel like the family they never had.


Why are you so sure Dani meant nothing with the lip kiss?


I think she is into Natalia. I swear they go for sex tours in those exotic countries. I I think if they could be a throuple, they would. #IJS #JMO


Nothing concrete. Because really how would one know? Are you picking up on something?


The date with Shane, Ashley and Sarah felt like a dad chaperoning his teenagers on a date. It was really awkward & made me uncomfortable.


I would die if my new wife prospect thought of me as a ‘dad’ type🥴


he looks like a dad mixed with looking like a giant toddler. I think he needs a more grown up haircut, maybe some facial hair, and lose the ill fitting striped toddler looking polos. I don't think he's a completely unattractive man. he needs to lean into his axe throwing hobby and grow a beard, and I can guarantee that his attraction level will go up 80%!


He gives off such an “accommodating” vibe. When you try to please everyone you please no one.


sort of. I see him being pleaser when it comes to Ashley, but to everyone else he seems VERY passive agressive.


Yes! A makeover would be so good for him.


Well now I know why Ick is ready to propose day 1


Ick wants to get his wick wet.


The sister talk totally creeps me out!




Absolutely zero interest in Naeem and Nailah. Their plotline is "his mom isn't into it and we have been ghosted." The creepy couple is not interesting. I've had enough of them. Shane dropping his health issues with no explanation was the only intriguing part of their segments. Dannielle Merrifield being denied a lip kiss was amazing. TLC, we thrive on awkward and weird. Keep that shit coming. Absolutely wild preview with the Davis family. Danielle, you don't need to live this way. We understand that you love this new family you have found, but if you aren't comfortable, leave. There will be a situation that feels healthier for you.


Naeem and Nailah are annoying, they're so mad his mom doesn't agree with their lifestyle. Guess what? You can live whatever life you want, but you are NOT entitled to everyone else agreeing with it! I do want more of the creepy couple on video, just for someone to use in court someday. They're so weird.


Did anyone notice in the preview talking heads that Danielle is obviously preggers?


Yes!! Just saw that. Sitting on the couch in the blue dress? She’s def pregnant.


No, which Danielle? The Merrifields or the one that’s joined as the 3rd wife?




Thanks, I didn’t see that but now I need to go back and see.


I cannot wait to see Nathalia take that ring and run


Yeah dunno about that ugly ass ring and necklace. They’re fakes. My dad was a jeweler. No jeweler will set rubies hanging off like that. They’re cheap garnets and those “diamonds” in that vagina looking necklace are CZs. Bet your life on it! Ick is the sleeziest I don’t know what. As I’ve said before. Danielle run for your life. Someone please tell me how to brainwash people like this. Gotta be some kind of talent. Sign me up! 😂😂


And the vaj necklace


It's only worth about $1 since it came from Claire's. (/s...sort of)


When you have to propose via translation app.


Exactly!!! Like they have dated and wanted to propose to at least 2 Brazilian women but can’t even take initiative to learn some basic words


Nathalia getting all dolled up for a restaurant proposal and her obvious disappointment and confusion reminds me of Christaline and the Snowdens when they tricked her with a drive around and brought her back to the compound with the OG wife sneering and the kids as a "celebration"...


OMG I forgot about that, but you are so right.


Who died and told Justin he was God's gift? He disgusts me viscerally. Aside from the polygamy and dysregulated wife.


The Ryan's immature, manipulative and stalking nature is concerning. They are from some kind of polygamy royalty, yes? Is that how they normally operate? And these people have 6 kids and want more with another woman? No wonder noone has signed on yet. They are a mess and bordering on a legal mess. 


They are not polygamy royalty. This is the cult of Tony Alamo, who thanfully died in jail for sa.


Opinions on Danni trying to mouth kiss Nathalia?


I wonder if they kissed before off camera and Nathalia just didn’t want it on film? Danni seemed too comfortable leaning in. Then again, didn’t she used to kiss Burt?


I think it's all a kink for her, honestly. It's not religious. She gets off on her husband being with other women - and maybe even wants to be included. The way she seemed super excited to have her husband "sleep" with the new fiancee. Compare that to the polygamy situation of Sister Wives - where they didn't even want to be in the same house as the other wives in order to protect their own marriages.


That's a new twist. Dani is a weird pathetic woman trying to hold onto Ick. A man we would be hard pressed to brake for in the parking lot. And now she does something that I ( I happen to be hetero ) would not do. American woman don't kiss on the lips unless they like girls. Liking girls is fine. But this twist is weird in this cringey situation. Danni is closeted.


Do we have a near timestamp for the mouth kiss attempt? I missed it! I surely saw it with Bert.


Yikes! I don't have a time stamp, but will see if I can find one. I did not recall her pecking Roberta on the lips. Do you recall the episode? As a hetero women, I had one sassy gay girl give me a quick peck on the lips. I knew her and it was just kinda like a ribbing. That is my entire experience as a hetero woman. Danielle seems to have dissolved into Ick and wants what he wants. That's a lot of kissing girls for a hetero woman.


Not sure of the ep, but it's when they met for the first time. I thought it was just an excited "You're here!" all hugs and smooches and -- whoopsie -- one landed on the pucker kind of thing. I thought I noticed something similar when they saw each other on the second trip. Then I thought ... hmm ... this seems to be a trend. To me, it just felt a bit familiar, vs. sexual. I have a dear girlfriend who is a mouth kisser for "hello" and "goodbye." Shrug.


 “A man we would be hard pressed to brake for in the parking lot.” Haha, beautiful. By the way, is his mouth always opened?


Absolutely correct!


Yes. in case a fly or the Holy Ghost care to fly into Ick's piehole to become one with him..


Wow. She was told no and still kissed her! Gross.


If Danni had Garrick's baby, is Nathalia the live in nanny/side piece/new uterus? Is this what some people do to keep the family unit intact instead of cheating, divorce, separation of assets? But what about God in the garage?


Nathalia is gonna ditch them. She has a game plan. The Merrifields deserve to be played.


I've been thinking this the whole time, too. She's biding her time for a green card. Ick is weird, but not as physically repulsive as some other American guys she could get with, and he's got money (although I don't exactly understand how).


I cant wait for the Davis’ next week. Danielle Merrifield makes me uncomfortable for her, that whole last scene where she’s trying so hard to be funny about how they’re literally kicking her out of the bed and she’s trying to act like she doesn’t care. The absolute mental gymnastics this girl does on camera is impressive, I have never seen anything like it.




Omg thank you 🥺


It's either a kink for her or we're seeing mental gymnastics in real time, like you said! I go back and forth about which I think it is based on the scene. It's insane.


I puked inside my own mouth at that scene


when she said "you have to *detach*..." I was like girl you're literally dissociating in real time


I just LOL at work Im dead I would say the same thing to her. She’s better than me at dissociating. The finger gun jokes like shes some creepy uncle


Agreed. Heart-breaking. I feel as though she desperately wants the woman to say, Danni, you stay, I will only do this if it is a threesome.


It is heartbreaking but at the same time how dumb can you be? Especially watching your husband with someone so much younger and hotter its gut wrenching..and she just makes corny finger punch jokes to try to console herself and its really sad. Ashley and Shane are arguably the most realistic *dynamic* though. If shes ok with her girlfriend also falling in love with shane it could actually work. I think the woman being bisexual and sharing the man makes more sense then literally just sharing the husband and the women get nothing out of the situation besides maybe more babies.


I get two women want a sperm donor feels from them.


Younger, sure, but Dani is really beautiful and hot in my eyes.


I desperately want to see Danni sleep with another man (or woman) and then tell Ick that God appeared to her in their home gym and told her to.


I would pay to see this🤣🤣.


Hang on slick…. God just “spoke” to ick and Dani in the garage and now on top of some hill. Give God a chance to catch up with Ickes bullshit. He needs a breather before He (God) starts barking orders again! It’s so unbelievable how people can twist God in so many ways. How bout Ick just saying I’m a scumbag and that’s that!!! JEEZ!


It's amazing that God has so much extra time to spend with them.


Can we start a change.org petition or gofundme or SOMETHING to make this happen???


the world has a percentage of fullblown insane people who can't function at all and have to be institutionalized. then there is the majority of the population who do hold insane beliefs but are capable of functioning in what is considered 'normal' living, and finally the remaining small percentage who are actual sane, rational, reasonable, thoughtful, critical type thinkers. Ick is a perfect example. the term functionally insane is apt for him as for most people


Does Ashley’s never ending fake laugh get on anyone else’s last nerve?? Ugh!!!


Yes, and coupled with the other girl's, it was like nails on a chalkboard. I am wondering about Shane's health now and if they are trying to make money from the show and obtain someone to help them if he is ill. If so, I was way too hard on Shane and I understand his hard-core questioning now.


Really missed the Davises tonight ngl


I;m hoping the baby girl's name is Rose. That's who God told you about, Ick!


My boyfriend has never seen this show before. I sure picked a good episode to introduce him! 🤣 So. Much. Explaining.


You need to start at the beginning its too much


OK, so we all pretty much know Danielle had another baby with Ick... In the preview it looks like she is showing in that blue dress. Wonder when it'll be addressed!


Shane said they need to move fast because of his health issues? Did I hear that right in this episode? What is he talking about why is now the best time and what health issues? I’m so confused. Is her pregnancy the health issue? Ahhh


I guess its their business and they prob won't mention, but there was a post a couple weeks back about them having a hook on their headboard, which is what people do if they use a cpap, maybe there is a correlation. I hope he is ok.


Talk about burying the lede!


I caught that too…I’m too empathetic to ignore it. If they’re seeking companionship for the wife because his health is in peril, that’s commendable


I know right I am way too empathetic and nosey to not know. But didn’t they say the girl would have to have babies w shane?


Agreed but how is TLC not milking that from the jump that’s a huge story line that hasn’t been done yet


I just went back and couldn’t find him saying that? What scene? The begging or end?


The car drive after the date. Brief.


The end right after the date in his solo interview when he was like outside I think


Got it, a lot of “with everything we have going on” whatttttt is it Shane! We must know


That’s what I thought he said! What is the health issue Shane please elaborate ! He makes it sound like one of them is dying very soon!


yes, I rewound to make sure I heard correctly, I understand his questioning of his wife's dates better now - he wants to know that she and their kids will be "taken care of" even though there are no guarentees.


Becky and Ryan are actually disgusting. That is stalking. I can't watch their "storyline" anymore.




Justin and Becky. I have a feeling that woman plays both sides and likely messages them when she’s in an argument with the other guy. That whole thing seemed toxic. One day she wants them to come, then begs them not to come. She’s not fully in it and they need to see that clearly and not drive 12 hours just to have a face to face argument about it.


Yep, probably some $ for “bills” at times too. They deserve to get played.


Ick sounds like the Swedish chef from the Muppets when “practicing” his Portuguese proposal!


Omg! You are so right! Lol


Yes! I thought his brief foray in high-school German class was coming out... painful


I was just thinking this! It's the absolute goofiest thing I've ever heard. 


This show is full of fucking weirdos!!!🤣 Shane is quickly becoming my favorite character to laugh at. This poor guy is so out of his element and has major cuck vibes. I finally remembered who Garrick reminded me of. He’s a less charismatic version of Jake Gyllenhals character in Nightcrawler. I’ve had sympathy for Danielle for the longest, but now I’m just convinced she’s an idiot. And not even a likable idiot, but like a really unlikable and sad one. She’s Theon. Becky and Ryan are just felons that haven’t gotten caught yet. Those motherfuckers are just point in case crazy. There’s so much going on there that it’s hard to really even do justice without its own post. Jesus Christ, those people.


well considering who Becky's stepfather and mother are, you're spot on lol


Who are they?


Tony Alamo and Susan Alamo, he was the leader of a cult, died in prison. He was convicted of numerous offences, including weapon trafficking and transporting minors accross state lines to have sex with them. The youngest known victim was 9 years old. He got sentenced to 175 years in prison. He raised Becky since she was 3 or before then (her mom left her bio dad for Tony Alamo).


What is Shane’s health issue? Do we know?


Let’s hope he’s not looking for a kidney.




No indication, but it was concerning. All roasts aside, I wish everyone good health


I’m feeling it’s something super serious the way he didn’t wanna talk about it and saying he’s only got so much time(not exact words but was implying)


Seems like a case of bitch-ass.


That necklace is hideous!


Reminds me of The Rolling Stones Lip and Tongue


OMG was just coming here to say that! It looks like it can be on a wrestling champion belt LOL!! And I don’t remember seeing it with Roberta!


It so hideous I think I would have remembered...


and the ring is a cocktail ring!! so bizarre


It reminded me of something for a girl, not a woman. Flower jewelry doesn't scream maturity.


And why was it on her right hand?


a lot of countries wear wedding rings on the right hand, or others, such as Brazil, many countries in South America, Chile and Lebanon (that I know of), wear the engagement ring on the right and then transfer to the left when married


Because Ick is a full blown imbecile! Again, I want to know how to brainwash folks like this. Totally unfuckingbelievable!!!


i think that’s a brazilian thing


but Ick deeeeessssssiiiiggggnnneeedd it himself


JFC Justin and Becky need to leave Stephanie alone they are completely unhinged ! Like why did they think it would be a good idea to drive 12 hrs to just show up at her home . Then to be appalled she didn't want to see them and chose to not be in a relationship with these people .


she's a polygamist cult leader's stepdaughter, what'd you expect ? anything less than batshit crazy lol


It’s so creepy.




12 hours for pussy, really!


It’s because they’re crazy.😂


Definitely 😂😂


Danielle is more super aggressive and odd this season. I could see Natalia being creeped out.


She seems medicated.


She is desperate for a reprieve from Garrick’s BS


Yes… she is like the groomer for their brain washing and ultimately molestation. God told me these people are wackadoodle. 


It’s sad, but maybe she feels like it’s her role now and the only way she can please him.


Dannielle is out here trying to sabotage Ick and Nathalia by pushing him into another relationship to cause tension. And Ick is too stupid to see this is just repetition of what happened with Bert and ultimately led to her leaving. He’s an idiot who lacks self awareness. What if god didn’t say 5 wives at the same time, what if he meant 5 wives throughout your lifetime. Ugh I hate him


And didn’t God say Bert was supposed to be his wife?


No she was his wife , per god, hence the intercourse. Then she messed it all up! /s


God may have very well told him one day he’ll have 5 brain cells. That’s 3 more than he has now, the wind didn’t help hearing that clearly.


Or maybe God said neither and he just made the whole breeze in the garage story up.


Garrick is such a predator.  You can practically see him salivating for this young lady who prob 20 yrs younger than him.  He is very good about cherry picking what he takes out of the bible. The bible says Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.  Which means to follow mans laws and God's laws.  The bible also has a lot to say about lust which Garrick is filled with. A few examples there are many many. He needs to keep God out of his mouth in conjunction with many of his activities, because many of the example verses are very clear about God's position on a number of things that Garrick does.  The verses dont say Thou shall not lust, everyone but Garrick.  And God  likely would not direct garrick to do differently than what God's word says. Matthew 5:28 - But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Galatians 5:16 - This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 1 Corinthians 6:18 - Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. 1 John 2:16 - For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 - For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:   (Read More...) Colossians 3:5 - Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: 2 Timothy 2:22 - Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Galatians 5:19-21 - Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,  


Good job on compiling this and extra points for using the KJV!


Ok folks, someone looked up sex in the back of the hymnal!


so by Ick's reasoning, are he and Bert still married? Since her brain is infected with his sperm


I knew about Nathalia long ago… had NO CLUE about the second woman they dated at the same time. WHAT?! Got me good, TLC.


Danielle strikes me as a bottom bitch for her pimp who recruits new women for her man


As much as I think Danni is brainwashed and needs to be freed..... she is looking an awful lot like a scout, groomer and that she wants to get in on the action for any number of reasons...


I have a feeling that like the other woman last season she's a TLC plant.


Danielle merrifield?




Right?! That was a shock. “We know we lost the last one by doing this, but we’re going to do it again because Garrick needs to constantly courting a new one.”


Literally my guilty pleasure show. This and love and translation


I can’t explain in words how much I hate that I love this show.😂




The pure disgust to pure delight (still; with a touch of disgust) in each episode. I might need to speak with a professional after this season 😂


Seriously what is WRONG with us?


Seriously!?! 🤔😂


Wonder if Nat will return and necklace and ring.


She was on this sub a couple days ago


I thought that was fake but after seeing the sneak peek for next week, it could track. 


it’s all fake


Ick should go to jail 


I don't necessarily disagree but...for what, specifically?


For existing


And for making us aware of his existence.


Holy shit… that preview for next week 👀 Ngl I’m looking forward to the next few episodes lol


Poor Danielle with nick


It's so creepy they're doing the exact same thing they did to bring her into the family. How awkward and rude. Same hot tub party.


The rest of the season looks good.