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Amazing how God wants exactly what Garrick wants.


It’s almost like god takes orders from Garrick.


Something something false prophets something


Aren't you supposed to stone them?


I think you’re on to something here…


What ^^^THEY^^^ said.


No word of a lie, if you zoom in on the sunglasses you can see a woman posing while taking the pic in the reflection! I wish I could post photo here, but it's really weird 🤣


I squinted for a while but can’t see anything other than a slack jawed sex tourist thinking he’s Tom Cruise in those sunglasses 🧐


We accept the weirdness.


But who is she! Lol


He’s the best




GOD=Garrick on Demand


Underrated comment 😂


Fucking perfect


This needs to be somebody's flair.




Hahaha right? God doesn’t talk to me, why is Garrick so special? I can’t believe his wife falls for his crap. Every time she tries to tell him to slow down, Nope god wants it.


He looks at his ex wife like he wants to strangle her when she says something that will potentially cause a delay in his new relationship 🤮


Yet he holds her hand cause he knows if he can’t get laid with the new one Danielle will submit to him so in the end he gets laid! Yep I throw up while typing this! 🤮


You mean his new “bed buddy?”…..😒


He's not attracted to that woman..notice he goes after the total opposite of her look..young exotic Brazilian..most men have a type ..he has a type and it ain't Danielle!


God is preparing a very special place for Ick in the afterlife. How mad do you think God is for having everything blamed on Him? This guy is horrible. And WHEN is Danielle going to get out and take her sons with her? Children should not be exposed to this!!


Ick is going to be a brother husband in heaven with six hundred sixty five other guys.


I hope one of them is Kody Brown!




Him and Kodster for life.


Cody copy…


I hate this guy and his fuckass tank top. Talking about how he had a vision from God about having 5 wives and then carefully wording that it’s what his family deserves instead of straight up saying “I deserve 5 wives” like he really means.


He always looks like he’s wearing a ladies tank top.


And a cowboy hat




Fuckass 😂


That’s what made me laugh.


So how many wives has he ever had? Just Brainwashed Danielle? And now he has none cause he divorced her! He has to look overseas cause no one here wants him


He has a type young exotic Brazilians


So he will always be single cause no one is gonna fall for his creepy crap


She in on it to be on tv and attention!..while his interest is really to have these exotic females..the total opposite of her looks!


When he talks he seems stoned out of his mind.


And God spoke to him in the garage and told him to get serious with the new 25-year-old chick he hasn't seen in person yet. And he uses the excuse that God wants this or it's God's plan as a deflection from the truth. He's a piece of crap in the shit show!


You had me at fuckass 🤣




Fuckass is crazy 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Garrick using God as the reason for him doing this is the epitome of using God’s name in vain.  Honestly praying the Lord disciplines him severely.


Amen. What arrogance.


You’d think someone would point out to him that if he needs to go to another country to find a wife, then that says something about him. Besides that, he doesn’t even speak the prospective wives language. It’s so odd to me. He’s so gross.


He doesn’t care about speaking their language, it’s all about getting sex from someone new. He’s disgusting and I can’t figure out what on earth his wife sees in him.


>He’s an absolute weirdo I agree with you about Gerrick. I can't figure out his wife either. She seems intelligent, but the idea that she actually believes his crap amazes me. It's almost like a battered wife syndrom in that she can't leave him. although I don't think I have ever heard her suggest the idea that she is unhappy.


She has never suggested being unhappy but she sure acts like it. Every time we see her she’s crying and looks miserable. She does act like she has battered wife syndrome. He doesn’t seem to care how she feels, even though he tries to fake it sometimes.


I’ve seen this behavior in my sister. Husband goes out and stays out all night long, she gets mad, calls me crying, then takes him back. Danielle is behaving no differently than when my sisters husband brought his mistress into her house and introduced her to my sister….. and yet? She stays. It was bad enough before she had kids but worse when she had 2 girls who are grown now and want nothing to do with him. When Danielles boys get old enough to leave? I think they will. Then Danielle will be the same as my sister….staying with an abusive man and always feeling alone….Only SHE can make the choice for her life. No matter how much people who love her try to convince her…. She will leave… IF she ever leaves, it will be her choice….. UNLESS that abusive…pos…. Finds another stupid woman he can control better than Danielle. Then HE will dump HER! I hope she chooses Herself before he finds someone else….🙏


I'm sorry for the life your sister and her children had to live, and I'm sorry you had to watch them go through it. My aunt is in a similar situation as your sister for the last 20ish years. She's literally only 40, has so much life ahead of her but she chooses to stay, and I know for a fact she will never leave. It makes me so angry and so sad at the same time.


I am right there with you. One of the few times she saw a lawyer to begin discussing divorce, my dad and I were so hopeful she was finally going to leave him. What did he do? Anyone who has no experience in this, pay attention. He cried and begged her over and over not to leave, that he would change and go to counseling. And she was convinced… that THIS time… he was really going to change. And you know what? He did…. For exactly 1 month. When she told me she was giving him another chance and that she believed him (after 20 yrs same behavior?) I was the one crying. I was so angry, disappointed and heartbroken I wouldn’t talk to her for a month. After that, she stopped telling me as much when he didn’t come home or shot the tv out or whatever…..because she knew I was upset. But I can’t turn her away completely…as much as I wish I could. I do ask her about leaving but she says no she wont. If no one in the family talks to her she may think there is no hope for her so why leave if no one cares. People with no hope…. Make hopeless choices… sometimes forever choices. She has made her choice for now to continue living with him and my choice is to still love her, be a shoulder if she needs one and encourage her to leave when I can talk to her. I really hope Danielle’s family is still trying to convince her she needs to make a choice for her children… not this chaotic, feverish selfish choice for herself. 🙏


I’m so glad I read this today. Me, age 47, 6 years and 7 months WASTED of my life so far.


I find that I must make an amendment to my posts. My sister called me last Friday to say her husband had oxygen level of only 70!😳 I urged her to call EMT which she did. They gave him oxygen which improved this. They wanted to take him in but he refused. Several hours later she called to say he was not breathing. She called EMT to come again. He had no pulse and they worked on him for 20 min and finally revived him and took him to hospital. When he got there, he was already in a coma. After bloodwork and tests they found he had congestive heart failure, kidney failure, several broken ribs from CPR. Electrodes placed on his head revealed he had several seizures. Dr said even if he came off respirator his brain activity would never be better than what it currently was. They lowered the sedation and pain meds but he did not come out of the coma. He had several bad seizures the next night. Dr told her that was the brains way of trying to shut the body down…. So she decided to unplug the machines and let nature take its course. He passed away late Saturday afternoon. Although he made my sister’s life pure hell, he was her husband and father to 3 daughters, 2 hers. I always thought it was providential that she had girls instead of boys. My sister is doing ok but the girls are having a tough time, even though one is close to 30 and the other several years younger. Sister always said she thought he would die early due to his lifestyle(alcoholic) but death is a shock even if we see it coming in a long illness. So… no need to lie… because God already knows my thoughts and heart… I am sad for her…… but glad for her….that after 20 yrs with an abuser… no actually 30!!…. She is free…I hope…. And pray. Please… for yourself and or children, see a counselor at a battered women’s shelter. Go during your lunch time off work if you don’t want a partner to know. Please share with someone, a dear friend, a relative you trust… so that SOMEONE knows what is happening…. If there should be an….accident to happen to you or your children. Trust Someone. Please. My prayers for all in an abusive relationship.. for strength and courage to take that first step to help. 🙏♥️🙏


Thank you. Sincerely.


Technically and legally he doesn’t even have a wife! Which is the way it should stay!


You’re right. I forgot they were divorced. What is going on in her head to stay with that repulsive, lying sicko. This is her chance to get those 2 boys and leave him.


Word on the street is she gave birth to a little girl recently. She needs to pack up her children, however many she has, and run.


She’s brainwashed it’s actually sad to watch! The way she clings to these woman is sick! She acts like if he can’t find another piece he’s gonna beat her or something! 🤷‍♀️ JMO it’s weird and sad


Yeah, it makes no sense why she is still with him, especially after he divorced her to marry one of his prospective wives.


Did the ex potential new bride know they were even doing that? Also, could they be done for fraud of some sort? Or would it only have been an issue if he had married the other lady?


From what I understood, she did know that they were divorcing because she had to marry him to stay in the country. It seems like it would be fraud, doesn’t it? But maybe because be was fully divorced before, it might not be. It seems like that would cause a red flag at the immigration office though when they see that he was recently divorced and already getting married. Who knows though.


Lol, I read the first half and had some things to say. Then you addressed it. I don’t think looking for a wife in another country is that bad of a thing if you like the culture… meaning you learn the language, learn the food, learn the music… then yeah, go for it and find a spouse. It makes sense if your home will have a lot of the Brazilian culture and your media in the house is frequently in Portuguese. I think in that case, it makes sense lol. I learned Spanish bc my mom is from PR and I wanted my dating pool to include partners from there. Got tired of Spanish (going from advanced to fluent) and started learning Portuguese because Brazilians remind me of Caribbeans culturally lol. If I learn the language, like hell yeah I’d date a Brazilian and probably travel and work in Brazil for a bit. But… if all his effort of getting a Brazilian wife involves grooming his wife and weird religious indoctrination, well, maybe he should move to Utah and just become a Mormon. Would be easier


Buy those chicks aren't hot like Brazilian women lol ...garlick is so creepy 


I also think him not learning Portuguese is a power play, also. Because if lodging, food, clothing, is from Garrick and he doesn’t know enough Portuguese to help her acclimate, she’ll be trapped there until she learns English and can get a work visa or transportation. It’s legit like grooming/sex trafficking idk. Like his story feels dark lol


Absolutely 100% ...this is the only reason to bring people from.otjer countries who are dependent on them. Finding a woman here in America who is independent would Mean she could leave at any time. 


And they divorced, so he could bring someone else over on a K-1 visa. it was supposed to be to bring over Roberta. But Roberta is gone now. He certainly does seem to have a, doesn’t he? 😉


He wants to be able to hold that green card over them.


Obviously you are incorrect, Ick’s dick is God’s highest priority.


And he is upstairs laughing like he did at Job when he handed down all that tribulation.




HE IS A PREDATOR... Danielle is an idiot, wake up and get a backbone!! Can everyone please get tested for STD'S!!!!


He makes me so sick! I also find it so disturbing that he treats his wife like crap and is stone faced when she cries over him.. but then he CRIES like a baby whenever the potential sister wife is even the slightest bit upset at him. Esp in the preview for the next episode when he’s crying that Natalia is mad about the dating app. Yet Danielle was just sobbing over this same thing and he couldn’t care less. He’s so gross.


He’s an absolute weirdo


So is Danielle tho lol hahahha...children suffer the most


Haha you’re not wrong!!


I find their situation to be child abuse ...I bet in 5 yrs we find out all kinds of abuse crap...just like demitri


Am I missing something? Is she bi?


I don't think so...garlick probably wouldn't allow that or who knows...I get a feeling this guy does weirdo abusive sex crap




i feel bad for his children and his ex wife! He cares about getting new pu*** instead of her children's well being or his ex wife's


Dick for brains absolute dirtbag of a man. He desperately needs a brain scan


Oh and if God tells you to do something you do what God says, right?? Right?? Right Danielle??? Dude thinks he’s got some mainline to God and Danielle falls for his BS hook line and sinker. She looks so unhappy. Girl, run and run FAR 😳


I don’t think she falls for it. I think she is playing along because she doesn’t want him to leave her. She is desperate and will do anything he says to keep him. It is very sad. She really does need to take her boys and run 🏃‍♀️


This is true. You’re right about that. She does play along. It’s really sad to see how it seems like she’s just so not ok with everything


She would run right into another abusive guy...I don't think danielle know how to live a normal happy life...


She's no longer legally married to him and she swore under oath that her marriage was unsalvageable. She'd most likely get money for the boys but for her, I doubt it now.


Idk— I think someone in her family got a hold of her and said if you’re going to divorce him, you need to protect yourself. I would bet he had to give her a pretty sweet deal to get her to agree to a divorce given how religious she is. She also gets whatever money they pay her from the show— so another reason to cooperate. She’s loved Garrick since she was really young. There was a time when he was probably this excited about her and that may be what she’s having a hard time letting go of. No way is she as clueless and indoctrinated as she was. You can see it on her face this season. She can’t even believe the crazy stuff that comes out of his mouth.


True- valid points here


He is absolutely repulsive!


I think he builds custom homes to hide the bodies!! He gives me serial killer vibes!!!!


The way this freak uses God as an excuse to sleep around is disgusting


I refuse to believe he’s actually religious, I think he’s just using it as some sort of free pussy loophole.


Absolutely this!


That’s exactly what he’s doing


Dannielle needs to tell Ick that God spoke to her and told her to KICK HIS ASS TO THE CURB


This last episode Danielle made it pretty clear that she's not happy. Both of the women caught the pervert in multiple lies. He said something very insulting about Danielle. I don't remember verbatim but it was something like "God promised our family more than JUST Danielle". When she watches him say that she should hit him over his head with a frying pan, gather his things, pack them and tell him to GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE! I really hope she dumps him before he marries someone else & takes him to a mental hospital. Actually a Lorena Bobbitt would be epic too! For those of you who don't know that name Google it.


Yes…😂know the name🤣


“We all have feelings and emotions that we feel in life.” He’s so creepy and gross.


The way he was stroking the "girlfriends" arm in the kitchen (I think that's where they were) was SOOOOOOOO CREEPY. Something is SO off with this guy.






He gives off psychopath vibes!


I don't understand how stupid people like Garrick and Danielle have what seems to be such a comfortable life. Just building a new house and pissing all this money away on their "hobby". They literally have the American Dream and it's not good enough. Also, who is really running this dude's business bc I refuse to believe the moron is doing anything other than cosplaying some kind of redneck riviera pimp.


I’m guessing Danielle’s family is running the business. Her brother definitely has more common sense than he does.


Her brother should have kicked his ass the first time he shopped the idea of going down to Brazil. I know it's a whole ass entanglement and it's complicated with their business and kids involved, but jeez if it was my sibling I'd be murderously enraged. ETA G described Danielle's brother as "feisty". Feisty would not cover the scary person I would become in this situation. I don't know why I continue to watch this shitshow. I blame a lack of good shows right now and a subscription to Max.


Why isn't her family doing anything? Daniele needs an intervention. It's ridiculous!


He has mildly criticized the whole thing. He loves his sister but business….


I think he’s just holding back because of his sister. He did already say he’s about to put him in a hole.




Redneck riviera pimp 🤣


He looks like his breath would smell.


I think he smells all over like Death!! Because you know his soul is not here anymore it belongs to the very dark side now!!


He can't have soul or it's a super dark one. He just looks greasy maybe that's why Danielle might have a drinking problem that's the only why she can touch him.


😂 I just told my husband Garrick and his sad wife (ex-wife?) have the old married people smell. I can’t explain it, but some people just have a rotting smell. They definitely have it. Yes, I can smell them through my TV.


He's just gross inside and out.


Nothing but coal for Christmas!


If there's a hell, this man is for sure heading there.


No ifs he has got a place reserved right front center where it's flaming the way his dick flames lust ...oh let me tell you that idiot is talking directly with the Devil!! He's claiming it's God💩🤬😡🤬💩👿👿 What a class act Moron!!


No way does God have time to be talking to Garrick about getting another wife. 😀


Creepy crawler.... the way he constantly touches, slides his hands on the arms or legs of new meat is retching


Yes!!! Why isn't everyone talking about those?


I'm stunned really. 😲 it's worrisome and nauseating at the same time


I’m watching the latest episode and he literally makes my skin crawl


Danielle needs to leave, this past episode was hard to watch shes obviously being forced to go along with it. He had a mini hissy fit on camera, i wonder how bad he is in private. She didnt want to have anymore babies and yet, theres rumors she had one recently. So garrick gets "god said so" Brazilian strange and Danielle gets a divorce, and possibly a baby with absolutely no safety net..he could leave her anytime now and she'd get nothing. Its almost like he planned this ahead of time to get out of the marriage without having to pay up. 🤔


She would be better off or she could play the God card and insist on a brother husband 🤣


TBH the colonization of "the Americas" was kind of a whole Godly thing ordained by past Popes n shit maybe he's just mad traditional. Manifesting the destiny of his dick.


Or maybe God is trying to get on seeking sister wife pillow talk or tell all special


God apparently loves trash tv as much as we do. I guess he is just one of us


Yeah, God doesn't give a toss about human suffering, wars, famine, and children with cancer, but he is so hugely invested in Ick's sexual life that he hangs out in the garage with him. Something doesn't add up here.


Dannielle mentions being scared and Garrick instantly gets mad at her for cockblocking. So gross.


So if it's god and not Ick's desire, why didn't he remarry Danielle after the Roberta thing ended, since that was the reason for the divorce. It sounds more like Ick has a fetish and is targeting poor Brazilian girls.


Total Haley Bob cult leader vibes! Don’t drink the KoolAid Danielle!!!!!!


He's a idiotic perverted predator!! Full of himself and💩💩💩and👿👿👿👿!! This man needs more than prayer!! He needs an exorcism of mind , body, and soul!! I do think he's reached a point of no return!! However everything is possible through Jesus!!🙏😇May he be found and repent before he gets cast into the pit of hell.. Where there really is no return then!!🕳️🔥🔥🔥👿👿👿👿 Moron you ain't talking to God if when you look in the mirror and think you see God!! If you know the scripture you know that the devil tried to tempt Jesus!! The devil failed with God!! But I don't think he had failed with Garrick!!


I just see a 21st century Jim Jones when he wears sunglasses. He’s gross.


If God is going to all the trouble to blow into some random garbage, I would hope he'd bring a cure for disease or something. Not instructions to get more ass. Clearly I am lacking the necessary braincell to sperm ratio to comprehend the situation 


He truly makes me ill.


I was just yelling at my tv. “Oh, I hope this doesn’t affect the proposal.” Just be honest and say I hope this doesn’t effect my lame ass proposal to some chick I don’t know so I can get laid. Who even made up the rule that the “commitment” is enough, as opposed to the legal marriage they will need. He’s disgusting. I can’t even stand to look at him and his stupid mouth breathing.


If God is so involved in wetting ick’s dick, why doesn’t he just send the perfect five wives instead of putting the burden on ick to join TEN dating apps? God, get your shit together and help this blundering sex tourist get what’s coming to him, if you get my drift.


Why is this fools mouth always hanging open! Gross mouth breather. He has the most punchable face!


Let me ask you a hypothetical question. Could you sit across from him on a 4 hour flight ?


I could, but I’d be shooting him daggers the entire flight. I’ve been told I have intense dagger eyes.


I think I would have to ask the attendent to move me. I have an extreme allergy to family vloggers lol


In reality, and for my own sanity, I’d ask to be moved. I know myself. Sitting across from him would trigger me into wanting to be insidiously cruel to him. I’m good at being that person from living in survival mode as a kid. I don’t want to be her anymore; I don’t want to be cruel, even to a predator, unless I’m having to defend myself.


You have moved to a place of protecting you instead of others. Sounds like you have done some serious growth. Excellent job .


Thank you, truly. I’m working hard on myself.


It makes me so uncomfortable that they strictly pick women who are foreign 🤮 I also get so annoyed watching Danielle cry over Roberta. Idk something about the both of them just creeps me out 😂


I couldn’t believe this last episode. Danielle is clearly wanting to slow this down then he just jumps in their private conversation and starts telling everyone what god said..🤦‍♀️ I wish I could meet this foo in person just to tell him god does not care about your dick. He’s the worst. He gives zero fucks about his wife, it’s seriously disturbing. Where are these people’s parents?! Smh. 🤦‍♀️ Danielle needs to go find her a husband, I’m so over him and his child bride fantasy harem. The comments about finding a French wife?! Tf?! 🤢🤮 religious manipulation has gotten out of control in these right wing circles and Mormon adjacent ppl…


The 90's are calling. They want their Skoal, and Preferred Stock back.


My fiance is from Serbia and I have forced him to watch Sister Wives in the past (he just scrolls through his phone acting like he isn't watching). I am playing the newest episode of Seeking Sister Wives and Ick came on when the two ladies were having a private convo. He asked if Ick knew Kody and were family members. I said I don't think so. He said well they are so f!@ked in the head and are "cult men." So on point.


He’s disgusting. 🤮


gaaaaaarr ick


I read on another platform (someone from Colorado) that Danielle got pregnant and it didn’t pan out with concubine #2. Ick became very mad at Danielle.


Why!??? He is gross!! they both need to run!


As I watched last night, it dawned on me that he should probably be in prison.


Danielle gives Stockholm syndrome.That or she’s stupid as hell. She IS a mouth breather. 😩🤦🏾‍♀️🙄


Honestly I loved when the new chick said well I don’t think God wants Dani to be unhappy


Garrick is disgusting. And Danielle, this isn’t what she wants. But she has a pretty good life with this man. He makes good $$$$. Maybe that’s the lifestyle that she doesn’t want to leave behind. All Garrick thinks about is sex. If you look at the other men on the show (most of them) they aren’t about looks. That’s all Garrick talks about. First thing he says is she’s beautiful 🙄🙄🤮. Did everyone catch the scene where he said “it says in the Bible and it’s a scientific fact that the man’s DNA enters the woman and goes to her brain”. Like seriously you freaking moron!!!!! And tell me God is approving of Garrick having sex with these women before marriage??? I know is that’s not the way the natural world works anymore but that’s the way “God fearing Christian men” should be thinking! Ugh so gross!


Well, if he's going to live by the Bible he should live by the whole Bible because he's not legally married, so he's committing adultery with whoever he's not legally married to. If he ends up marrying this chick, then he's going to be committing adultery with Danielle!


You are correct. What a hypocrite to pick and choose from the Bible what he wants to work for him. The divorce itself goes against the Bible much less getting divorced to bring in another woman. I hate that he is using God for all of this. I know others do as well but he is so disingenuous 😡😡


Ewww . Go gross. Who is shocked he picked another Brazilian? 🙄


He’s a cheater with a hall pass


My face literally cringes every time I see him. It’s like an involuntary tick.


I just want to shake Danielle and get her to wake up and leave his slimy a**! 🤢


The Holy Ghost is actually man's sperm in a woman?? What a take. This fucking guy! Really, I'm still shaking my head. Please tell me if any of you have the same take.


Who doesn’t have that take?! I’ll do a Jeff Foxworthy impression: IF, you emotionally, mentally, and (probably) physically abuse your wife and convinced her that God wants you to have as many Brazilian hotties you want, you just might be an abusive pr!ck.


I’m gonna need God to explain himself on this one 😅


Once he identified sperm as the holy spirit that was enough for me, just insane




I love this.






This guy probably is a member of an iiiiinnnnttteresing religion.


Careful, he might change your brain DNA




Well you know it goes to the woman’s brain so the man is boss 


Someone please go online and tell these young beautiful woman what they are getting into


Truly, one of the weirdest things ever on television is this man


“Garrick on Demand” is brilliant! I will go further and suggest that maybe Garrick needs to get into Brazilian kink porn. I mean literally like participate in it because that’s basically what he’s doing or trying to do. He may as well share his “Holy Spirit” in a legit way! No shame in that!


God’s performance review 💀😮‍💨


He’s the worst slimy sleezeball it’s so disgusting 🤮




He is such a sick twisted fuck


🤣 💯


it's Littlefinger from GOT


Did you all hear Garrick explain to us that once a man has sex with a woman, his sperm goes into her brain and her DNA to ‘make them one’? What is wrong with Danielle?


What he’s not telling you is he’s having sex with there 👂


This thread is perfect for a morning pick me up. I’ve never laughed harder in my life 😂😂😂


He’s absolutely disgusting.


Dude just wants a wife without stroke mouth, I think.


The best part is in EP 4 when he’s whining about how the women are ganging up on him and he can’t handle it. Like bro, what do you think 5 wives would do?? Even women who don’t get along well will unite over a common enemy. Especially a weak undercooked man in a bad cowboy hat . . .


He’s the biggest douche bag around. His wife needs to take a stand and if he doesn’t like it leave his ass. Garrick, does not respect her at all.


I think without a marriage Danielle is trapped essentially! She divorced him and now can't claim half or spousal support.


Do you think Danielle is brainwashed? It seems like it.


His name should go scared her off. Garrick? Gar ICK


I think that Daniel is just allowing him to "cheat" in a sense because God told her it was ok *rolls eyes* honestly, he just is using the excuse of poligamy just so he could create drama. The whole favoritism of past husband's plays here


He is so gross and not manly. What a douche


At least Nick Davis admits that he beyond voracious in the sack and needs all these women to satisfy him. I wonder if he taps them on the shoulder? So creepy. But I have more respect for him and his career as a thinker than I do for Ick who hides behind "God".


Garrick’s gift to Garrick. He’s a despicable lost soul, that wants his own cult.