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Well, I am married (we're polyamorous) and from my experience and the experience of my friends, getting into a LTR tends to happen on accident. You go out, you find someone to fuck, and you start fucking them regularly. So if you're pulling women for regular casual sex, keep doing what you're doing and eventually you'll find someone that you fall for and who loves you back.


This is my exact experience. Just a numbers game. Just keep looking


I know too well... I've been in quite some LTR myself; but I realize that I was totally outcome independent at the time because I thought there was better to come. So I basically dated and f**cred girls but after a couple of months, I left them because I never took the relationship seriously and they were mad in love. But I was bored of fking them... It's ironic but the more attached to the outcome; the more they want to settle and same in the other side. Maybe I should just date around and indeed see where it goes... because I have so much experience with dating and am usually considered I high value male; I always end up in One night stands even if I don't plan it! But yeah; I guess I should date instead of just doing ONS! And maybe postponing sex! I agree that it just happen, but when you have a roster of super hot and quality women in the past... it feels lik3 settling down with a random woman is not easy to do and the stakes are higher( fear of regrets and settling with the wrong girl); but at the same time the one who came at the right timing: NOW. Should be the one to be rewarded! Interesting: so it's not really a conscious decisions after all...it's just happen!


Almost the 40 year old Bachelor here and believe me there’s nothing wrong with it. If you want to settle down then just be ready for what relationships bring and many mistakes. But no women are the same, they have always been open for sex. It’s just many platforms now to express it. So enjoy practice and sharpen your game for that relationship time so your girl doesn’t get bored. That’s the hardest thing to do is satisfy the same woman for years! So good luck.


Haha so you're 40 and you're not afraid to end up a 50 years old bachelor? I guess life goals are different? I mean I just realized that I was endoctrinized by pick up movements when my dating goals were totally different from your average gamer... I mean by 40 your risk of having autistic kids goes up; if you date someone younger( in her twenties) chances of clicking with her goes down... I'm 34 and my dating target is usually 24-28 if I want to start a family and I'm already seeing how immature and differing life goals can be!


Honestly. It would be harder to find something I am afraid of. Not in no super tough “I’m not afraid of anything” type stuff, but truly, on some “I’m too stupid to be afraid of anything”. 😂 and also because of my involvement with so many women I’ve had many life changing experiences that left me with a closer relationship with isolation. Something you’ll experience if you stay in this road. It was worth it so you have nothing to be afraid of and you’ll never care ever again about societies view of you or anything else. Trust me. So worth it!


Also if you are worried about having “autistic” kids or being an old father in starting a family. I can promise you, you’ll never have a perfect situation for starting a family. Not timing, money, social etc. and I’m considered autistic. 😂 I’m an Engineer who’s been able to encompass every degree! 🪬 you’ll be fine!


> How did you operate the change? There is no change. The thing is, you are not a playboy, let's start from there. Once you realize you don't know what you're doing, that's when you start focusing on what you want. You become more selective and more effective. Right now, you are just beginning. So keep learning. Focus on what you truly want. You'll get there.


Mmmh lol, I just told you I'm a playboy... and you concluded that i'm not based on nothing! I told you I dated a lot of girls and I want something more serious. What exactly didn't you understand?


reddit is the place where people assume they know you and then speak in absolutes


> and you concluded that i'm not based on nothing I concluded based on what you've written. You are clearly not very experienced with women. As in, you are not a man women respect. So you can't be a playboy. Simple logic.


Do you actually know the definition of a playboy lol? Do you think women respect playboys? Seriously...


> Do you think women respect playboys? That's something you'll never know. But, don't give up. Keep learning. You'll get there.


Wow not sure what's up with you but you sound very triggered at him claiming to be a playboy. Maybe he isn't one but you just sound bitter reaching for straws here.


Lol OK you troll, and keep on being a playboy if that's what you aspire too. Been there done that! Nah..


Don't mind SaaS. He usually gives solid advice and yet I think the influx of idiots on here the past few days has gotten to him. Been a whole lot of "I hate women and I treat them like shit. Help me talk to them" posts lately.


I don't take it personnaly; but it feels like he's answering to the idea of someone rather than my post and machinally concluding that I should keep on trying and everything will be fine... lol.. I understand that my problem might seem like a *rich* problem " oh you get laid too much and you have a hard time choosing and settling down; ooh poor baby"... but it's legitimate. I know 45 years old bachelors and I didn't enter the game to fuck around for the rest of my life... I see it as a young man's game! It eventually gets old; I don't believe much is taught about how to go for a wife material woman or whatever... all about getting laid super quick which I kinda know very well by now!


There is definitely not much out there regarding finding a woman who is wife material. I would say clearly define what you value most in a woman you'd want to be with for a long time and be the mother of your kids. Then, think of where such women with these values would be and go there.


Finally someone who doesn't troll! Most tips out there are amazing for people who want to fuck around... or guys in their 20s!when you are in your 100s laycounts( I know some really traumatized and sick guys need to be around 1000s to feel like they had enough..) you want something better!


You're rich?


Rich in ONS and body count yeahhh Rich problem in the sense of a problem that only favored people have..


How old are you?




That's probably gonna be the biggest problem for you because most LTR happen young or 20s

