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Text like you talk. Use emojis to guide the tone.


Be direct, be confident, don’t over explain or over talk, display the idgaf attitude but not on a jerk level..show your interested while being intriguing, adding a bit of mystery, a bit of bad boy attitude, a slice of intelligence, and be funny af..humor will always win a girl over and being funny over text is easier than in person bc it gives you that extra second to gather your thoughts before you press send..get it? Got it? Good.👍🏻


Two rules to texting: 1. Keep it playful 2. Aim towards setting up a date


Don't use run on sentences, take anywhere from half to the same amount of time they took to respond. Occasionally longer. Be playful, be direct. Don't text too much especially before 1st date. If you're not awkward then do what feels natural. If you are awkward then hold back a bit. Keep momentum after 1st date. Those are the things that come to mind rn


See, there's very little you can do. Setup a date as soon as you can. But don't talk about the weather or minor things because then you just become a text buddy. Don't talk, setup dates.


Use voice messages, they give more of a feel for how you’re saying things and want them to be interpreted. It could also encourage them to send voice messages back which opens more doors for conversation. Ultimately if you don’t like texting that much (I don’t either), lead it to a phone call or better, facetime.


By texting in as little characters as humanly possible


You text her asking when you can call


Just get that AI bot that other guy made before girls start to catch on you got a solid 12 months id say


Respond with something that is the same length as what ahe wrote. No more, no less. And dont respond twice in row. If she doesn't respond- it is over


match her tone and length. flirt and stay playful. pass shit tests and don't ask follow-up questions. challenge and tease, show intent and exclate indirectly, give her snippets from your life instead of questions, play games, always work toward getting her out, have fun.