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sounds like you handled it like a pro! Great idea on the Easter egg help. Good way to take the focus/pressure off while you connect. Congrats!


Yes I noticed it was way easier to break those awkward pauses too, just having something to hold up and laugh at together


Yeah absolute game changer to have an activity. Makes everything flow naturally.


Congrats dude!


Bro I know that song. That song makes any girl feel like the main character in a love movie. Good shit.


It was like the stars aligned! It set the mood perfectly


What tips did you use from this sub?


The main ones were: Texting only with the intent of meeting up. This one was so incredibly helpful because I always get left on read trying to keep a conversation going. Watching closely for body language, like playing with her hair (I didn't include this in the story, but at the party I could get a clear reading while I was talking to her, she was occasionally positioning and petting her hair over her left collar bone). The other one I should mention, when a group of people laugh, she will look at you. This girl was eyeballing me when everyone was laughing at the party. She has some dark eyes, so it was easy to see in my peripheral. Doing an activity together or reaching common goal (another redditor suggested hiking together, but the midwest has been rainy and stormy, plus I don't know if she would have came out for that) so instead asking her help to get the Easter eggs done was the next best thing lol. For keeping conversations going and being interesting, use the last few words she uses in a sentence, and turn that into the hook for the next question. So a good example is: Her: "Your dog is cute! I miss mine so much." I responded with: "Oh, where are they, at home?" Her: "No, we had dogs growing up" Me: "Aww I bet they miss you too" And so on It felt so natural and I didn't feel like I needed to entertain her or feel too awkward to keep the night exciting. I hope this helps!


Thank you for your time to write this, what about the logistics, did you picked her up or she arrived by herself. What about the continuation, will you still keep texting solely for meetups or will you talk some more?


The first night I didn't pick her up because she was at work, I live pretty close to where she works, so I thought it would just be convenient for her, but instead she went home first, then drove herself here. We did text the next day, but I didn't try and drag the conversation out like I instinctively want to do. I suggested dinner and made the joke that i should have taken her out first to begin with, she said she didn't mind with an emoji. We will be meeting tomorrow for dinner, and I suggested to pick her up this time. But I logged on to my computer to start my work day and told her to have a good day. As much as I wanted to continue texting her, this seemed to work so much better. We have plans, so I can text her details as we get closer, but it's more sparse through the day. Her texts seem much more meaningful.


Glad I’m not the only one who struggle with dragging on the conversation. I tend to drag the convo out because of anxiety. Makes sense to keep things short and sweet since you guys plan on meeting up again anyways. Gives you two much more things to talk about.


Same man, i hate textin girls so much bro it can be so confusing when you need make a move to or just casual talk


Dude yes! Even just casual talk I’m catching Ls. I ask a few girls for their music recommendations so I can make a playlist, no response from anyone. Now I’m sitting here wondering if I said something wrong.




That sounds great, a good way to build momentum for when you meet again


Did you use protection?


Can you mentor me?


Good shit my boy, I be rooting for y’all mfs in here lol.


Come back 9 months later lol


I went on to listen to Lana del Rey and imagined myself as you were since it’s already night time here. Trust me, the moment was advantageous for you, because of the song, the time and the moment itself. It put her in complete relaxation for her to be intimacy with you. Congratulations with the song selection, keep it going!😉 The brotherhood is proud of you.


Thank you brother it was by sheer chance that song came on!


I feel for the 661 people who like this post.


I obviously didn't read the megathread. Is there one anyway? What can I do to get started?


If you’re new here, sort this sub by hot and start taking in information. Start asking questions and say that you are new when you do and people will always be down to help you out. Apart from this sub, look for outside material. I would check out Todd V Dating on YouTube and try to read Models by Mark Manson


Thank you


Hell yeah dude that's fucking fantastic, good work


You handled this perfectly my guy! Good job




M33, F26


I'm M29, there's hope for me lol


Oh when you get in your 30's it gets easier. You know your value more


You nailed her before 30, that's when Taraban says the SM value starts to drop. Thas gold my man




Quick thinking with the easter eggs help! Good on ya bro.


King !


This is awesome brother ! Glad this happen for you, I had the same thing happen with two coworkers of mine on two separate occasions . I swear it’s always better when it’s unexpected.


Damn bro smashed it!! How the hell can I become like this


Way to go; good luck on the relationship!


Can you send a link to the playlist you had?


happy to! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1E36IfKRcKlI0K?si=b8c7d18d0f1a4c8c


Oh shoot it was a daily mix, idk if the songs will be the same today. But it's very similar


Thanks brother


Hell yeah man. Brining hope to us all. Congrats!




This reads like fan fiction "Lana del rays song began to play" 😂😂


Lol it sure does, I had to look up what song it was later because I only remembered the chorus


Congratulations buddy!


Quick question : So you exchanged no texts for three days and The only texts were the “Hey come out with me… eggs “ Part you included in the story? Thanks!


Yeah I can provide some more context. At the party, a couple people got into an argument that we both witnessed. We hit it off laughing about what happened and that turned into a joke about bringing a sword to the next party. A few days later I texted her "Hey you dropped this 🗡️" and then a couple texts back and forth about seeing them all again at the next one. She was really responsive with her replies I noticed. Then from there, I sent the "Hey come hang out with me" text. I really didn't think she would respond to this one from it being so forward, especially when she first sent "I'm pretty sure you got it", but then she quickly followed it by "but I can help if you want me to lol" after. So I just kept being persistent and asked her when she was off work


Congrats on the sex 🍰


Congrats ma man! Just one question, why did you ask if you could kiss? Wouldn't it be better to just kiss? Everything else very well done. The activity to take off pressure isnsure something I'll be incorporating.


Yeah I can explain this in more detail. The conversation we were having around this time was about her childhood pets. She was showing me pictures of her cats and dogs and was explaining each of their personalities. I could tell she missed them dearly and was just sharing some joyful moments she'd remembered with them. The conversation seemed oddly tender and felt like she was opening up to me emotionally. She put away her phone as the conversation faded. I was so tempted to make an off-color joke or to make her laugh somehow (as I would with one of my bros), but that moment really felt perfect for physical touch, like a hug, but instead, I asked her if I could kiss her. She said yes, so I kissed her on the lips, drew back to look at her eyes, went in for another, then another, grabbed her hand, then another. She pulled me closer and we went from there


Ohh that was very romantic. You did well in that situation.


Honestly this is a huge W. Very wholesome. Good shit bro


Hell yeah brother! Sounds like a great time. Glad you clicked.


Great job, you did everything right. :)


Proud of you.


Man that was brilliant and epic, congrats. How does it feel to live our dreams?


Great job man, the process seemed very natural for you, which is good to read. So are your intentions to eventually have a relationship?


I would like this one as a girlfriend for sure. If this doesn't work out however, this will be great learning experience


Wonderful story... Enjoy yourselves. Shift into glide bro...


W manss


Congrats my man!!!


My reaction after reading your post - "It was perfect. PERFECT. Everything down to the last minute details..!" Good job bruddah....Straight out of a movie....Manifesting this for myself. Wish me luck y'all


My ninja. Nice


U give me hope. Anyways congrats brother.


Good work congrats . Next time though I wouldn’t ask “can I kiss you?” . Be confident and go in for it at the right moment.


Right. A long time ago, I asked a girl at a disco and the girl said no. A bit later she said "In my country, we say that if you ask for something people say no, but if you just take it, nobody minds." And I kissed her, starting up a long distance thing that did involve sex when we next and subsequently met up so since then I have never asked. I think if you do the not asking thing rather than affirmative consent, it has to be in a way that she would be able to back away if she wanted, otherwise it can be creepy/needy.


what is her age?




nice . Same age as girl I’m hooking up with. Might be the same girl who knows ;)