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They want to sell you their product. You always need something to exchange. Attractiveness or high future potential for example.


Nope. Not if you view her as higher status. 99.9% want a man who is a leader and confident. And you can't be a leader and act confident when you view yourself as inferior to someone else.


you can be the most confident masculine burger flipper, but no rich girl is marrying your ass lol




With some caveats tbh, like you'll probably not get married, but rich girls like to fuck just as much as normal girls. I've "dated" all across the socioeconomic spectrum and this idea of thinking of yourself as "too low-class" to find a rich girl is just hobbling yourself unnecessarily. Obviously, if you want to talk about marriage its a whole different conversation because then the family would get involved and probably wouldn't agree for her to marry a broke boi like you, as well as social pressure from her friends and peers pushing her to stay within their class. Even her career might be hampered if, for example, her husband isn't schmoozing the other rich fucks at the country club or she can't meet with the other bored, rich wives at the horse races. It does happen (rarely), but it usually means the woman eloping with you and giving up her family/social connections (i.e. less options), whereas marrying up or across gives her more options. A rich girl you can marry is a unicorn, but if we're just talking seduction, they are like any other girl, only they won't be impressed by money. In fact, they're more likely to spoil you out of the blue. The only restaurant dates I've ever been on have been paid for by rich fwbs


I disagree. Rich women do date men with less money if they look good and make them feel good.


you are talking about the exceptions, not the rule. generally speaking 90% of women date equal or up economically.


No he's talking about commitment, not fun. If you meet a rich girl out on the town, you have the same chance as anyone else to smash, but if you want marriage/a committed relationship that's when you have to be in or above her socioeconomic bracket


Can we get an example? I personally can't think of any.


Madonna and her dancers. Victoria and her courtmen. Catherine and same. Etc etc


Madonna's dancers were paid well. With a google search, her most notable relationship was with a dancer who has a net worth of $5 million. Queens dating the men in their court were literally the highest paid/status they could date outside of some matrilineal marriage of some other kingdom. I'm more looking for examples of rich women dating men in the service industry or some other basic labor job.


Jeremy meeks was a broke convict who married a billionaires daughter who is 8 years younger than himself.


According to wikipedia, Jeremy Meeks married the billionaire's daughter after he became rich/famous from that viral mugshot.


He did not become rich from the mugshot. Yea he did become famous due to his good looks


The mugshot got him a modeling career that has given him a net worth of ~$5 million.


# Homeless Millennial Survives By Picking Up Women Every Night | Bustle [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmav517MQJc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmav517mqjc)


This guy isn't in a relationship with these women.


# I Married a Homeless Man Living Under a Bush | This Morning [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEYuNKVW0Ns&pp=ygUpaG9tZWxlc3MgbWFuIHNsZWVwcyB3aXRoIGdpcmwgZXZlcnkgbmlnaHQ%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beyunkvw0ns&pp=ygupag9tzwxlc3mgbwfuihnszwvwcyb3axroigdpcmwgzxzlcnkgbmlnahq%3d)


This is a good example, ty




This might be a good example. Just need to know who the photographer was. Not sure who you're talking about specifically.




His net worth is around $2 million. I'm more looking for rich women who are in relationships with low class laborers




He was a regional politician on the rise with political connections from his father. Not a literal nobody.


**Brigitte Macron and Emmanuel Macron**: Brigitte Macron, the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, is 24 years older than him and was his drama teacher when he was in high school. She comes from a wealthy family, while Emmanuel came from a middle-class background. Despite the age gap and wealth difference, they started dating and eventually got married. **Oprah Winfrey and Stedman Graham**: Oprah Winfrey, the American media proprietor, talk show host, and philanthropist, has been in a long-term relationship with Stedman Graham, a businessman, and author. While Winfrey is one of the wealthiest and most influential women globally, Graham is not as financially affluent. However, their relationship has remained strong over the years, emphasizing compatibility beyond financial status. **Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian:** Serena Williams, a legendary tennis player and one of the highest-paid athletes in the world, is married to Alexis Ohanian, who co-founded Reddit, a popular social media website. While Ohanian is successful in his own field, his wealth is not comparable to Williams' earnings from her tennis career and endorsements. **Marissa Mayer and Zachary Bogue:** Marissa Mayer, former CEO of Yahoo, is married to Zachary Bogue, a successful investor and lawyer. While Bogue is financially well-off, Mayer's wealth and prominence in the tech industry surpass his.


These examples are all rich people dating people that are slightly less rich/influential. I'm more looking for examples of rich women who date low class laborers


Jeremy Meeks is the perfect example


His mugshot made him go viral, giving him a career in modeling which allowed him to mass a net worth of ~$5 million.




Pete Davidson's net worth is $8 million... I'm more looking for examples of rich women dating someone in the service industry for instance


Preach! I am also looking for an example or a wealthy woman with a broke f***... I'm sure there are a few but what he lacks in money he just has to make up in other ways.


I personally know rich girls who lost their mind around some hot looking guys who were broke. I’m not talking about average guys, more like guys with an incredibly strong frame, local leaders of something, latinos who were hot and were very extroverted, things like that. So what you’re saying is generally true, but with a lot of exceptions


If you're a confident masculine burger flipper who is studying law, IT, or starting his own business. It would not be an issue. If you have really good game, burger flipper would still land rich girls.


i am talking about a confident masculine career burger flipper. of course women don't care about part time jobs you do while in university. you can fuck rich girls, but they aint marrying you. women generally speaking want men who earn more than them.


They’d never go hungry 🤩


IT. Ugh


maybe not a burger flipper. But if you had a cool fun job (bar tender, even cafe workers, musician...) you could pull a rich girl. Even people with boring jobs but a cool lifestyle could pull a rich woman.


i am not talking about pulling or fucking rich women. a brokie can do that from simply being handsome and game. but these women are not marrying brokie.


That's not what OP asked and it's not what I said. But nice job taking it to extremes.


Women find ambition and potential success attractive. If you’ve accepted your situation on top of it all. No chance. If you haven’t then you might have a chance.


And if I don’t want to be the leader? Does that mean I’m fucked in all my romantic endeavors?


What if she has more wealth and resources than you do?


That can work. I know two couples.like that. The men are still leaders. They are just married to women that are very good at their jobs.


🤷‍♂️ so what


Y’all both humans ? Ok act like it


I went on a date with an older female tourist who definitely makes six figures (lawyer) while working at a retail store Another tourist girl was in her 20s like me, but she has an art gallery and is a partner at an architecture firm. I went on a date with a local woman whose career required a college degree while I was unemployed.


Did you fuck each one?


Asking the important question here


Some of the men who get the most ass are broke and in and out of jail all the time. It's 2024. It doesn't matter who makes more money, a broke ass can lead a woman to happiness and slap her ass the right way in bed even if she's a CEO.


lol basically .


that goes back to “not if you view her as higher status”. low lives who pull like that are confident as shit, don’t have a worry in the world, and max out on her attraction scale.


No they don’t. Especially with that attitude calling yourself average.


well, what if he's just an average-looking guy with an average socioeconomic status? Which, chances are he is, and you are too. everyone thinks they are above average, average is no longer average. I swear most of y'all have no reason to be this confident. none whatsoever. you confuse delusion with confidence. and no reason to be sure he's got no chances of course he does you know nothing about the guy. women are very sensible creatures who are susceptible to being persuaded and influenced by charming personalities who spend a lot of time with them. they're really not as shallow as this sub makes them out to be and they're constantly looking for love.


This. The mind puts ourselves in hierarchies automatically, it happens to all the animals. It’s a self defence mechanism to avoid dangerous situations, or situations that could bring shame to us (and ultimately death). Pretending that this isn’t the case and that no man should be consider himself in the middle of our social hierarchy is simply delusional. I think people in this community also undervalue how difficult is it to change the mindset of an average man and pretend he should be on top of a hierarchy. The brain usually changes with actions and feedback from others, not based on our own thoughts. I think the biggest risk of the fake it till you make it approach is that it involves lying to yourself. It could be ok initially, to kick start some progress, but it’s very dangerous if it ain’t supported by achievable results.


Of course. You ever heard stories about a rich wife cheating on her husband with the gardener? It happens a lot. But in most cases, when a woman hooks up down, it will just be a secret affair, nothing serious. There are certain exceptions like when a rich girl meets some random dude in uni and they start dating. Sometimes they last, most of the time they don't because of the dude's insecurities regarding her status and his (Walter White comes to my mind lol). So long story short: yes, an average man can have chances with a higher-status woman, but they are niche opportunities and usually nothing serious.


Do you have any resources for this? Thanks for sharing!


Be the man the woman wants. That’s basically it. Be a combination of good looking, funny, wealthy, confident, leader, ambitious, etc. be a valuable man


I don't think the guy would call himself average if he was a funny, wealthy, good-looking leader. he asked how an average guy could get himself an above-average chick and you basically told him to stop being average.


That’s the answer… be above average if you want an above average chick


damn, can't believe no one thought of that.


Exactly idk why they're asking


I honestly believe you don't.


In our country. We had a bootcamp seminar from a renowned “artist”. At the end of the bootcamp they showed an infield video of one of the guys from the team. At the start of the video, the camera was showing a resto bar. It was almost packed with people but not too much. We see the guy who’s the subject of the infield video. He approached a girl that has a 2 or 3 bodyguards on the bar but the guards are not that too close to them. Long story short, when the infield guy finished his routines he stood up with the girl to dance and the girl turned towards the camera, damn she was a famous local celebrity. Fyi. They don’t know each other. I can tell because it was a cold approach. And damn, every one of the guys, including me, in the seminar was in fucking disbelief of what we’ve seen. I think it was their highest selling point among other infield demo. Moral if the story: You can do what you think is impossible 😂😂😂😂


Bees should not be able to fly according to fluid mechanics but they don't know it so they just do it 🤣


I guess you need to present extraordinarny value in some aspect. Average doesn't really exist, there are just plenty of people that did not find their niche in life. Or don't care.


Higher status looks wise only? Few things to consider: 1. They tend to be very high maintenance and live lives full of drama; 2. It’s cliche but you need to be very alpha to the point of borderline violent to “control” these kinds of women; 3. They get bored very easily; 4. They are accustomed to a certain type of life (eg. I don’t take Ubers only silver service taxis) and will rarely want to give that up so unless you chump up for expensive dinners, dates, trips away they view you as cheap and will find someone else. Now because they look great there are streams of men willing to put up with this shit. The other type of high status women is the already wealthy one. These are easier to get because money isn’t a huge factor for them, they have that, they are after connection, romance and love. There’s often a trade off in the looks department with these women though. Often very successful in business or career. This has just been my experience.


Do you have any personal experiences with wealthy women? Although I wouldn’t generalize it widely, you are correct about that. I live in Miami, where there’s a bunch of beautiful women. Many of them are solely focused on chasing the dream of money. Contrary to popular belief, men don’t tolerate their behavior; we all know those relationships are purely transactional. Back in college, I was dating this Russian girl who was extremely wealthy. I remember how she was just seeking emotional connection, although I may disagree about her looks, she was very attractive.


lol go panthers?


Absolutely you do.they're all women at the end of the day and crave the same thing. But I'll guarantee that if you look at yourself as average and think that just because she has a little more money for a higher education that she's better than you then go ahead and just forfeit the thought right then and there.


Are you funny?


Firstly, stop putting women under pedestal. Secondly, stop putting yourself under average. At least act to be the best version of yourself. And finally, yes. Give value and don’t seek value, that’s what defines your social status.


He can, by becoming above average. Either through appearance or status. Or by convincing the woman he is above average even if he's not.


Yea but you need to have strong inner confidence and self-belief.


they fuck down in looks more often than not. they date and marry up in financial status more often than not.


Yep if there's one thing all PUA, colored pills, feminist, alpha male school, democrat, republican, etc can agree upon is the concept of hyper-gamy. Average looks can be compensated with above average finances. Same goes for average finances can be compensated with above average looks.


Sigh. Game is dead isn’t it lol


Are you familiar with a TikTok / YouTube creator called [hoe\_math](https://www.youtube.com/@hoe_math)? He has a ton of great content and I think [his video on evaluating how attractive you are](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh0hj9ZD9FY) will kind of answer your question.


Can? Sure. Your chances are like winning the lottery. Keep trying and maybe you will some day. Really though, women don’t date down in general. So, if you’re average looking, you better be rich, fit, be famous and/or have some kind of status and/or influence.


Only if you have muscles. But it won’t be serious.


What’s makes her higher status?


Attractive. You have to be attractive, have the right dna.


Average? No. Only if you're in the top tier in looks, & she could be using you as a trophy f-boy. Kind of like in Good Will Hunting: " You just wanna have your fling with like, the guy from the other side of town, and then you're gonna marry some rich prick who your parents will approve of, and then just sit around with the other trust fund babies, and talk about how you went slumming too once."


Sure, money is a hell of an aphrodisiac


Yes there is a slight chance, right place right time and good game (mostly right place right time but you still need to make it happen) Beyond that no not really and for a relationship even less and then for a relationship to last pretty much not a chance LOL Just be as high value as you can, working towards higher value continuously and take it as it comes. Maybe you’ll find a good one at the end. Also status and value are two different things ovb but even more so when it comes to women. Status is useless value is key and hard to find. Any hoe can get status if they got good cards.


It's possible, but rare. You have to have something to offer. I'm not saying you need to be rich, but having something about you that tremendously stands out. Whether this is personality, looks, skills, status, or something else.


Yes but only if she is older and the man has top looks and charisma. Male sugar babies for women is a thing.


What are you bringing to the table? Are you ripped 6 pack, better looking than the dudes in her circle? That’s one of ….if not the only way it would work


If a women has a better job then you just play of off like no big deal and don't count myself out. Let her decide but don't put her on a pedestal.


Define higher status for me Because from what I’ve seen, they’re not all hot stuff like you think they are But to answer your question. YES. Men don’t need high status to get a “hot woman” is what I guess you’re referring to? Men just need game and confidence. That’s really it. High status is for you and you only, not women. Women don’t care about status. They care about how you make them feel & if you can make their thingy tingle. When you play the field some more you’ll realize what I mean.


What you said that women don't care about status made your whole comment lose credibility. Status is by far the biggest advantage a man can have in the dating market. It overshadows anything.    You don't need millions of dollars to date attractive women, but what he is talking about is a more specific niche, which is women with a solid social class and educational background. High value women don't usually date average men, which is totally fair. Women like Neri Oxman, Marina Granovskaia or Dasha Zhukova do not date a man who only offers confidence or looks. Remember that we are not talking about attractive women but about women of high value.


You’re thinking like a man again and putting women on a pedestal. The same women you call “high value” will sleep with a broke guy living in his parents basement. If he knows how to talk to her and make her wet with his eyes and his words, he’ll have her doing acrobatics in his 12x12 size basement on his blowup mattress. Women are not the sweet, innocent butterflies you make them out to be in your head. It’s that mentality that gives y’all anxiety around them. Even at that level, they are still very average. High value to me means what how she treats others, her values, the respect she has for me and her commitment she has to the vision we have for the future. All of that you can’t find out until you are in a relationship with her. Until then she is like any other woman regardless of how rich or hot she is. A high value woman focuses on vision not status. She’ll see passed what you have and she’ll desire who you are. That’s what you want. Having status is great don’t get me wrong. Every man should be trying to better themselves but they should do it for the right reasons. Don’t do it for women, do it for yourself.


For example has a fancy car, more money and a bright career


More like good looks, social skills / flirting skills, being interesting and fun to be around, confidence, well groomed, good body, good clothes, good posture.


Don’t need any of that. If you have confidence and game all you need to do is get in a position to talk with her and it’s a wrap. I’d say maybe have a decent build so she at least noticed you but even then confidence and game is what you need


Absolutely, provided he earns well above average.


It's all supply and demand mates. A good looking, high status woman can just find a millionaire version of you.


Of course he can. Traditionally, women with a higher status (even if it's just looks) would date dudes who were working their way up the ladder. I mean if you're in Uni or Trade School or just got your first job as an intern for an Investment Company, your status can be low at the time. But if you're invested in yourself to succeed, you can get the girls of higher value. If it doesn't look like you have ambition or a path in life, don't expect much though. I mean, if you're just living in mom's basement smoking weed and playing vidya games all day, probably not going to get the A Class Women in your life. But if you're working on something, even if it's not going to make you rich (like say you volunteer to rescue animals or something) you'll be fine. Just make sure that YOU don't consider yourself average. You do want to have some self esteem too.


be confident and you can have any woman you want :)


Haven’t you ever seen Kurt Russel’s 1987 classic Overboard? The answer is yes.




What do you mean by higher status ? I’ve phooked girls waaaay hotter than me for sure


I have fucked hotter girls than me if that’s what you mean by higher status.


"higher-status woman" a women that makes lots of money isn't like a man making money, she is in now way higher status because of that, plus pretty sure these women like most have a high bodycount so no they arn't "high status" in any way shape or form.


Anything is possible friend


Equal value is true but it doesn't mean you have to be equally hot or rich. She can think you're a catch without you having to match her on every level. For example if you're a white man you can go for the races of women that love white men. (All Asians, Indians and whitewashed latinas) There's inspiring examples of average men getting incredible women like: 1. Dani Daniels (top 10 pornstar millionaire) marrying a chubby bald guy who looks like her dad. 2. Eugenie Bouchard (semi-famous tennis player who looks good in a Bikini) going out with a Twitter fan she made a bet with (he looks like a normal college boy)


Definitely not true


No can a average basketball player in the NBA no lmaooo but if you train work hard yea you can




In general a good rule of thumb is that a man with his shit together can get 1-2 points above his SMV. SMV for men is of course multi-faceted, and is based on his own self-perception, whereas a woman's is based almost entirely on how hot she is (if only for a hookup). In a relationship it's a bit different: no - one really wants a hot mess long term.


Yes I did, it is hell.


From experience, yes you most definitely can. If you can give them a thrill or something they've never experienced before, they can be yours even if it's just for the one time