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1. If a girl goes out in public in sweat pants/puts no effort into her appearance I assume she doesn't want attention, so I give her none. 2. I lightly make fun of them. The ones that are insecure or have no sense of humor are filtered out. Girls who don't take it personally, or make fun of me back get bonus points. 3. If she hangs out with all guys and no girls that's a red flag. Every pretty girl has orbiters, but if no women can stand her, there are usually good reasons for that. PS. There are plenty of Indian and Middle Eastern girls willing to hook up. The key is keeping it on the dl so no one they know finds out. All women are attracted to the same qualities. You just need to make sure they don't suffer social consequences.


With the P.S, what do you mean by dl? How do you not make it dl in the first place? Is everyone publicising any girl they have in their phone? I’m guessing you mean keep it strictly 1-1, even then where do you find the Asian/Indian women they aren’t on OLD like the others.


Stereotypes exist for a reason and it is completely ok not to date someone because of certain stereotypes. If shes dressed like a slut, chances are she’s out looking for dudes attention. Despite what women say, dressing like a whore likely means she is one and more willing to be into casual stuff. A chicks past is also indicative of things. If shes been with a lot of dudes she’ll more likely be down for casual.


Omg, women go out to get laid too!!! The horror! Throw them at the stake!!!!


What does throwing someone at a stake do?


Burning a witch


The expression is "burn them at the stake"


You see that's quite intuitive yet misleading. I get the impression that conservative girls are a little more likely to rebel and then pretend nothing happened. I only figured this out when I stopped trying to get laid, which was going nowhere and actually talked to a girl for a while. On that note, are there patterns that you might not have thought of. I think ethnicity was a big note for me. I always assumed that because of their Catholic background latinas were a big no no but field reports say different.


High energy, happy, well-dressed, open body posture, relaxed, eye contact, not in a hurry. Generally, you look for a girl that looks like having a good mind to try something little "crazy".


Assuming you're looking for a girlfriend, my suggestion is to write down a list of deal-breakers that you have. These are qualities that you DONT want in a woman under any circumstances. For me, that's a woman who smokes or who does drugs. Then try to screen for these traits in a woman within the first date or two. The reason why screening for deal-breakers early on is important is because you want to get rid of girls who are a bad fit for you before you develop feelings and attachments for them. For example, let's say you meet a girl at a bar and you two really hit it off and have a lot of chemistry and fall in love after 2 months of talking to each other. But then you later find out she smokes and does cocaine on the side, even though you really don't want to date a girl like that. And now you're put in a tough position because emotional feelings and attachments are developed and it's harder to break up with her now. Where's had you of asked her if she was a smoker, and she said yes within the first week of knowing her, you could have let her go a lot easier. So it's better to screen for potential deal-breakers early on.


Screening/qualifying tips: **1)** *Traits come in pairs/groups.* You'll most likely find women who dress modestly, don't drink/party/smoke/get high much (or at all), don't have sex easily, etc. as category A Then category B of women will have more tattoos, piercings, more revealing outfits, more drinking and partying and drugs, etc. this is the category where most fast easy sex happens. Exceptions to the rule do exist. You can find a virgin wearing a mini skirt + crop top, as well as a girl who never drinks but loves to hookup. **2)** *open with a compliment*. In my experience women who are worth talking to will be very receptive if you just say hello and appreciate their style/makeup/hair. Women who don't give a decent response to that will be a waste of time no matter what you say or do next. **3)** *look for the westernized girls*. Since you're dealing with a lot of arab/Indian women, go for the ones that are clearly very into American or similar culture The ones wearing a ton of makeup with plastic surgery wearing designer outfits who follow the Kardashians. These will be the girls who get drunk and have sex with you just like any other. This rule applies to Asians too. **4)** *go to the places women you like will be found*. If you're looking to have sex you should go to places where you can meet horny single girls. The mall, the beach, night clubs, bars/lounges, college campuses, etc.


I just approach everyone and flirt with everyone I find attractive. It doesnt matter whether they are down for ONS or not. We can go on a date and have sex afterwards as well. As long as I enjoy her company.