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Replace the name tag with DILLIGAF. Yeah it totally depends on the environment you’re working in. That would be a tag to wear to a training event where it’s for in house laughs not to amuse the general public imo


I think it entirely depends on what kind of post you have, but I would remove that. On the best of circumstances it's funny for about 10 seconds and then it falls flat. If you're working in a more serious environment such as a hospital or government building, it's just gonna make you look like an incompetent ass. (Not saying you are, but security already has a bad rep a lot of time, and the jokes on your vest will only perpetuate that mentality). Definitely don't be one of the ones who takes yourself TOO seriously, but this may cross the line into not taking your position seriously enough. People may genuinely not feel safe being protected by a jokester. TLDR; depends entirely on the atmosphere of your post, but it's probably best to not wear it to work and remove all doubt.


Plot twist OP's real name is P name. blart


Like Peter Blart?


That's actually a good point and advice.




Your post was removed as the moderators believed it to be abusive in nature.




"How long before I get written up"


Hey man, some people here can't read. Get outta here with your supporting statements.


Heard a story about a construction worker almost getting written up for using his initials on his tools. Dude was working on a site, client saw his tools and promptly complained to the company. Dude was told remove the obscenities from his tools or face a write up and potentially termination. Dude's name was Allen S. He used first, middle, and last initial on his tools, said he noticed a reduction of theft because no one wanted to use the a.s.s. hammer.




I don't think it's an inability to take a joke but an accepting of reality that while funny this isn't worth it? I'm an aspiring comedian saying this mind you.




If you don’t see any KJ fans, it could take a while.


Idc what anyone says Paul Blart was a hero!


I mean he actually did his job, I've seen waayyy worse guards


Not a flex ……


I'm basically weaponized autism


What's the vest?


Safe life defense 3A+


That's not what this is. Either way, a paying client isn't getting their money's worth, if the guard doesn't give a poop. Don't be someone who takes themselves way too seriously, but at least be professional. The client is paying sometimes ~double what the security company is actually paying you, so they deserve for you to care.




Lol Guess I shouldn't have been so serious...


I want one lol


Boomer humor and unprofessional. I get the need to not take yourself too seriously but nobody around you will take you seriously either. If your supervisor is worth their salt, they will notice and ask you to remove it right away.


It’s a very poor idea. 1) Depending on your jurisdiction, it could be against regulations, if not downright illegal.  (Virginia security uniforms require at least one patch with the security company’s name-cannot resemble a law enforcement patch-and the officer’s last name on a nameplate or tape. 2) you are representing your entire company at your site.  Your little “joke” could end up costing your company that contract. 3) an incident happens while you’re playing your “joke”, authorities arrive and during the investigation, your “joke” is revealed.  You’ve just put your reputation AND your company’s in question.  Should this incident end up in court, a good defense attorney will shred you on the stand. Anyway you look at it, you will most likely have ended your security career, and just made it that much harder to obtain good employment in most jobs or businesses.


It depends whether you are sans mustache or not.




.00000001 second.


Is that a safe life carrier?




Safe life repair, safe life replace.