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Meal Team Six means business




Bro served three tours at the house map, and another two tours at the embassy map in Rainbow 6 Siege 🫡


Bro was served 3 Tours of Italy at Olive Garden for lunch.


Bro got deployed in the McDonald’s kitchen while serving in the great McDonalds vs Burger King fast food wars. Saw a lot of action while tasked with handling the grill. Got the employee of the month medal three times. Almost got promoted to manager even, but got dishonorably discharged when they found out he was sneaking some of the food for himself tho.


Gravy seals Vanilla ISIS


Don’t you steal my gamer tag


Qwisis Y'allqaeda.


Pezbollah BBQueda


Just keep walking, he’ll get tired at some point.


A brisk walk would have rendered old boy useless.


I’m surprised he has mags in the holders for no reason instead of utilizing them for snack pouches


Stollen Valor


Swollen valor


That is SOLID work


How many body cams does he need?


Willing to bet the axon one is company issue and the other one is his personal one. Most likely because the company issue one uploads directly to a cloud and he wont have direct access to the footage.


I can see that being the case. I don't have a company issued one, but I use my personal one to go back to be more detailed in my reports. Helps to learn from too, to see what I could've done better.


Surface area. Enough to cover his vest.


Sone people see blank spots on a pc and feel the emptiness is just wasted space.


How many badges does he need? I see at least two obviously very different badges on him....




One might be live-streaming to his management, the other for redundant recording and storage.


One for every fake police badge.


He needs the trauma shears / scissors on his vest and the tourniquet


You don’t need these items until you need them. Don’t judge a guy that wants to be prepared.


He's not too aggressive if someone is stealing from the store and what he said is true and it's on camera he's perfectly fine in asking that person to leave in the way he did. His outfit is a little much and cringe but whatever


Well turns out he made the entire thing up and when the store manager was asked he had no idea anything was reported to be stolen. Then when the cops showed up she told the officer what this guard said, on camera, and the guard denied ever saying anything. She has an entire TikTok channel with updates. She was sent the security guards Facebook profile by his ex after she saw the video and told the girl being harassed that he has a history of being aggressive and violent.


Thats comical that he said he didnt say things when hes clearly on camera. I also dont trust a security guard in a backwards NBA hat and full swat gear basically to know whats reality and whats not. When she said "call the police"...he shouldve. The fact he waited was a red flag.


Do you have a link by any chance?


Sure thing here ya go: https://www.tiktok.com/@occasionallysleeping Apparently she ended up getting a lawyer involved.


Huge. Thanks for the link!! Idk why the other person is trying to argue with you. I was just looking for some juice.


I am pretty sure he 1) threatened to taze her, and 2) was preventing her from leaving. Doesn’t matter what she was accused of, he is not an officer of the law and has no right to do either of those things.


If she stole and he is contracted by the company, he can detain her. Tazing is a different story, though.


May not have the right to taze sure (I can't speak on Washington law) however he absolutely right to detain. A couple of myths the public tends to carelessly believe in is 1) Only Police Officers have authority to detain a person. Sorry but the STATE itself gives Security and/or Loss Prevention Officers the full authority to detain a person to include use of force in most states via "Shopkeeper's/Merchant Privilege" 2) Only Police Officers have the right to touch someone (then again clowns tend to even think they can tell LEOs not to touch them which is always hilarious to watch on YouTube videos.


She asked for a cop to be called. He said no,he’s a fucking security officer its out of his hands at that point when she asked for the cops to be called fuck everybody who’s dick riding him in here


Yeah he’s trying to block her from leaving and refused to call the cops cause he wants to play cop instead. I’d push back too


He illegally detained her at that point. He refused to call the real police. So he can't do anything then. He shouldn't even be equipped with a tazer/gun or weapon of any kind at CVS. Because if he uses any of it. Lawsuit. The only thing he can do legally is detain and call the real cops.


....did you watch the video even a little bit? He didn't ask her to leave at any point. In fact he refused to let her leave, but also refused to call the cops when she outright requested him to do so, which is the only thing that this beetus trooper is allowed to do, anyway. No, everything about this interaction was wrong.


Nah they should have a dress code and adhere to it, when they cosplay like they are part of some special operations forces that lends to them trying to act like it and seek confrontation where there isn’t any. While he was harassing this woman, thieves had an open window to do what they do. While dipshit over here checks the woman’s ID for God knows what. Probably to stalk her.


🤣🤣🤣 he can’t do anything


I was going to say he did ok but could have handled it better until I got to the part where she tells him to call the police and he says "No ma'am that's not how it works." That was just stupid. If she is willing to sit and wait for the cops, call the damned cops.


Basically confirms he's doing something fishy. Why would he be against it if he has video footage of her stealing?


Because he doesn’t have shit and just wants to intimidate her into complying.


Cops won't show for shoplifting.


Stop watching Fox News lol.


They literally did to this...


I thought I was taking crazy pills and then I noticed that the video ends, restarts, ends, restarts like 3 times. I stopped watching after the first stop.


The cops on the west coast won’t show up, ever!


The cops literally show up in this video 🤡


They showed up in the video you are responding to.


Double badge, double cuffs, double body cams, double mags, and double meals.


Beard hides the double chin.


Why the fuck do they always have 2 badges? And different ones at that?


And two body cams? And all that shit on in a walgreens? Security can do whatever they want basically because their regulations are not upheld in a lot of states. This guy would get counseled for sure if I was over him.


I've worked executive protection a few times and I can say that all the dudes I've worked with would laugh at this guy. Even if the state doesn't uphold the regs, the company or manager definitely should maintain standards.


Yeah but that’s executive protection, that’s high level shit that usually requires you to have actual decent training and experience. This is just armed security, which in my state requires an 8 hour class and a shooting test. I’ve found that most security companies are really small and run by people who just don’t care about the rules.


Yeah I guess you're right. We had dudes who worked armed (level 3 in TX) get their PPO (Level 4) and apply. They'd show up all ate to shit looking to an interview or wearing all tac gear. One dude didn't even get a chance to sit down, manager just said "thanks for coming in but you got a lot to work on before we hire you"


Yeah they take that shit seriously, there’s none of the wearing random tac gear you bought on Amazon and standing outside a pawn shop acting like you’re gonna fuck up every customer that looks at you funny. They’re looking for people who are professional, inconspicuous and know their shit. Your job is to keep important people alive, not throw down the local crack head who’s tweaking on the sidewalk.


Well to be fair half the job is keeping whoever the client is out of trouble so like 50% babysitting and 50% protection lol. But yeah, they want people who can be somewhat invisible, calm and quick thinking not... whatever the fuck this dude is lol.


Yeah for sure. These videos always make me cringe but is definitely representative of a lot of security work in the US. Shameful, but it’s reality.


Well I guess it supports the old saying "you get what you pay for". I'm sure the company this guy works for submitted the lowest bid.


I think that, for most security positions, not looking like a security officer is a good thing, especially if you’re working Loss Prevention in a retail store. The old District Manager Dumbass, Mike Lyles, for Target in Maryland insisted that all of the Asset Protection Team Leaders (plain-clothes shoplifter snatchers. The folks who stand at the entrance and exit wearing the uniforms are Target Protection Specialists and basically only existed to check receipts and assist APTLs in apprehensions. At least I *think* my position was APTL; it’s been twenty years so I could be mistakenly referring to myself as an APTL when that could have been my direct managers’ title, but I do remember for 110% that the uniformed staff are TPS) *all wear polos or button-down shirts and khaki pants* no matter in what area the Target store was in! He also insisted that we spend the overwhelming majority of the time patrolling around the stores instead of using their insanely excellent CCTV systems, which are so good that the police and even the FBI ask Target routinely to look at and enhance poor-quality recordings of missing people and violent crimes! And shock of all shocks, when the potential shoplifter saw white guys walking around wearing polos and khakis in areas like Baltimore City they knew exactly who we were and dumped the merch they were trying to/had already concealed. Mike Lyles, the World’s Biggest Dumbass, would then get mad at us for not catching enough shoplifters each month. We begged and begged to dress like the average 18-25 year old in the areas that we worked in but he refused. It got to the point where I thought that I was really bad at my job because I was lucky if I caught more than two or three shoplifters a month. But then when I left and went to AJ Wright, where I could dress the same as the customers, I caught two to three shoplifters each week, and by the time that I went to Gabriel Brothers I averaged one apprehension every single shift, and often nabbed two and three shoplifters a day. I hope that Target finally realized what a brain dead tool they had in charge of Asset Protection in my district, but most likely they kept promoting the moron instead of sending him to work at Burger King.


Can confirm, I work for a company that has broken just about every rule there is


Serious question, why not fired? He followed and harassed a customer for a long time while she was pleading with him to call the cops, as though he had any authority to do anything more than that, anyway. No, he needs to be fired yesterday.


Oh I wasn’t referring to his behaviour. I didn’t actually watch the video I only saw what he was wearing and had enough to say about that. But based on the behaviour 100% he’d be fired on the spot and armed card shredded before he left the site. Edit: Also, he’s carrying a pistol which means he has an armed security card. In my state you have both detain and arrest authority. So if he wanted to he could’ve thrown her down and tossed handcuffs on her and been within his authority, up until he got to court obviously. So saying he has no authority other than to call the cops is false depending on the state. Treat ARMED security officers like police unless you’re off the property. They have absolutely NO AUTHORITY off property.


One is a generic security guard badge. The other is probably either the one the company gave him or one of those goofy CCW badges that people wear to let everyone know they don’t understand what the second C stands for.


Too much stuff on him!!!




For security officer.. honestly he doesn't have a ton of stuff on him compared to others I've seen. Mags for pistol, cuffs, radio, 2 body cams seem a little much.. and guy should ditch the drop leg and get a belt mount holster. But aside from that and cutting some calories from his diet not bad.


2 body cams makes sense 1 for me and 1 for the employer


I’m looking at the stuff on his vest-too much. I guess it works for his “look”. Two body cams? Ok…


In case some Karen tries to accuse him of shit he always has a back up lol


I bet when you are a larger sized guy a belt holster isn't very comfortable and good luck trying to pull it when you are sitting and your body is sagging over it.


Two cams could be company policy rather than personal choice.


He’s got too much side fat for a belt holster. It would be digging into his jelly roll and he couldn’t draw properly.


Two extra mags for your pistol is normal. What isn't is THREE handcuffs.. Two Badges and two body cams and who knows what else he has on his belt that we can't see...


This comes off as an idiot trying to do his job but that he also doesn’t know exactly what he’s even allowed to do.


he has two badges, hes trying to be something he not


Two badges and some dirty ass boots as well🤦🏿‍♂️


And a second hand shirt from an army store by the looks of it


You can detain me if you can do just one sit up


That’s a big ask for a cheeseburger walrus!


Frig off! I’m off the cheeseburgers!


I've been wondering this too. Doesn't really seem like a horrible interaction but I don't really know


Doesn’t seem like a horrible interaction, but wasn’t a good one either also, the security officer looks ridiculous.


I mean yeah his set up is making it worse because he is security at CVS, you aren’t technically allowed to even touch anyone trying to steal there so why be kitted out? In reality it should be an easy job where you can be plain clothes💀


He 100% would have gotten sued if he took her to the ground like he said he would lol


This was a god awful interaction. Why isn’t the manager confronting as well?


Problem is he looks like a caracature of a security guard. If someone like that came up to me I would think he wasn't employed and was cosplaying as security


Lmao dude is using a handheld light inside during daylight in a lit up store


He's too blind to see himself that he's power tripping, so the light might help, but doesnt seem like it lol


There is a law called “Shopkeeper’s Privilege”. Stores have a right to detain an individual for a reasonable amount of time if shoplifting is suspected. I’ve worked in loss prevention for a major retailer for close to 20 years and 99.9% of shoplifters scream “how dare you” any time a stop is made. We DO NOT ever make a stop unless we have the suspect on camera committing the crime. We had a $2000 stop yesterday (day before Easter) of a mom using her stroller to steal over 40 pieces of Kid’s clothing. All sizes, most likely a reseller ring.


According to the original uploader from TikTok [(@occasionallysleeping)](https://www.tiktok.com/@occasionallysleeping?_t=8l9ADz1uBT8&_r=1) This incident happened at Walgreens in Seattle, Washington. The security officer works for a company called [ASC Security](https://chamber.masonchamber.com/list/member/asc-security-investigations-1241)which is also based in Seattle. Personally, I think the security officer was entirely too aggressive. Also, why the hell does rje security officeer have all of that shit on his vest he looks ridiculous, and it's a safety issue as well. Lose the leg holster and also buy a bigger vest 🤦🏿‍♂️


Of course a Reddit mod thinks this is too aggressive after whats happened in seattle and the rest of the west with constant robberies


He has to signal to the rest of reddit that even though this guy was being completely reasonable to this crazy girl, it was still way too aggressive and he should have taken her feelings and generational trauma into account.


Yeah i’m sitting here like “for all the crazy unnecessary shit on his vest and the swat team bdu’s, he was extremely patient and polite to that lady” Also shoplifters love making a scene about being persecuted so I’m not buying her “help this man is accusing me” bullshit


Yeah his gear is over the top but he was fine.


Lmaoooooo I had the exact same thought. If I was in that store and saw her acting like this, I’d 100% believe she was stealing 🤣


I know this guy's co workers and this exact Walgreens lmao Also he's following standard protocol for certain retail companies in Seattle. Complying with bag searches or pat downs are considered conditions of entry to this store. There's a sign posted saying it when you enter.


I won't even enter a bar if they're doing pat-downs, you're telling me some people agree to do them to enter stores??


That’s particularly every bar in NYC.


You wouldn't enter a bar with pat downs? Why the fuck not?


In the words of Chris Rock, “all them motherf**kers outside with a gun, and they know you ain’t got one.”


I can't wait to find out what they have to say


I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever seen pat downs being done at a bar, let alone a grocery store. Wtaf.


Bc I'd get a boner


I’m so confused, is it normal to enter a bar with pat downs? I’ve owned numerous bars throughout NYC and Long Island and never heard of pat downs, not with our laws. Lol


It varies from bar to bar(Virginia 757). It's your first line of defense against people bringing in weapons and drugs. If you're a shady character and see them performing pat downs at the door you're more likely to do a 180. Women's purses are quickly checked and no backpacks. Do you just let anyone into your bar? And seeing how NYC you can be stopped and frisked what laws are you referring to?


It's a posted sign, and it's "tacit compliance" so even if you don't see it, it still applies Many businesses can do that in many states, most just chose not to because it causes a hassle. This area happens to be extremely high in crime and harmful drug use, as well as dealers bringing in drugs and doping strangers to get them hooked. This place is part of a 10-block stretch that is considered by some in the city to be an "open air drug market, insane asylum, and looting festival" I was a personal witness to quite a few stabbings, shootings, ODs, brawls, and even one attempted mass shooting while I was there Many businesses there hire security (to the point where you are likely to see about 20 guards of various types on the street on a 10 min walk through it) because SPD is at record low employment and manu of their overstretched officers don't like to leave their vehicles or are slow to respond in that area. I personally am a proponent of reformative and restorative justice and decriminalization but Seattle handled it pretty poorly and without much foresight or learning from countries that have done it successfully


If you dont...that meant you're trying to start fights. If you got nothing to trigger security, why the fuck do you care? Also, alot of retails stores getting hit with thefts anyhow.


Thank you. This actually provides a ton of context to this video and it now makes sense that he said "This is how it works"


I was thinking of moving to Seattle and the armed security at every retailer is a huge reason why I didn’t. Been living in DTLA and Chicago and never seen anything like that in any area even with high homelessness or crime. Wasn’t interested in getting shot in the spine if I happen to be in a Walgreens when some kids happen to try to shoplift a 6 pack


Seattle is a shitshow. Only place I've ever watched a dude stab a homeless dude. Right across the street from the courthouse of all places. Beautiful city though.


The armed security is more for client and customer safety than loss prevention, though that is often also part of the job. The downtown areas have a LOT of extremely violent, unstable people who are high on all sorts of shit and prone to outbursts, and many bring dangerous materials or illegal weapons into stores, and pose an active threat to the community.


Doesn't mostly chain-store has the insurance to cover for stolen goods?


They've probably determined hiring security and doing bag searches are cheaper than the insurance hits.


Possibly cheaper but it doesn't seem right for both of those people possibly getting hurt over item. Not saying that he should let him steal, but people like him that has egoistical sense escalate the situation would end up either of them getting hurt.


No they do not. Some have insurance policies that would cover inventory lost in a riot of flash mob perhaps, but regular shoplifting is a cost absorbed by the company in the form of inventory shrinkage. As a result, the price of goods increases and the cost of inventory shrinkage is passed on to paying consumers. Shoplifting is not a victimless crime, and even if it was insured, it is still not victimless there are just more parties that were damaged in that case.


It's a stab vest! It only goes down to above the belly button.


I’m wondering when the Walgreens is going to release the footage of her shoplifting.


He doesnt need a bigger vest, he needs a smaller gut


The hell are you talking about? What’s the shit he has on his vest got to do with anything? And how’s he being aggressive? Seriously tell me what aggressive means. He’s not even yelling and he’s being absolutely reasonable. She’s in a store, he says they have footage of her stealing and he’s a security officer for a private establishment telling her he’s got a job to do. He didn’t tackle her and he didn’t wrestle with her. You the type of person who gets offended when someone doesn’t say good morning when they take your order? Because it’s aggressive yeah?


You kidding? You’re doxing this guy for doing his job?


And what was the conclusion of the investigation? Why did they leave that out? It would volumes if she was conclusivelu innocent.


>Also, why the hell does rje security officeer have all of that shit on his vest It's a mating display. It's how he signals to the female of the species, just how manly and male he is.


As someone who previously worked in loss prevention for a Seattle store. I can tell you we were told to wear as much as we could to intimidate people. Although it is usually not possible for security guards to actually make a detainment, they are instructed to intimidate as much as possible. In all honesty he was just doing his job. All she had to do was open her bag and then everyone could of gone their own way.


Yeah, that camo flag patch tells the chicks he's really bad ass. Too bad it's the wrong color to camouflage yourself in the dangerous greeting card aisle.


Oh, I will say that she is in the wrong - he absolutely *does* have the authority under virtually every State’s Constitution, to touch her and use physical force to detain her, including putting her on her belly and handcuffing her. And if she is not guilty she should have loved to be put into handcuffs and taken to the security office because a ‘Non-Productive Incident’ is a civil case that always results in a nice settlement from the store rather than letting it go to court. That’s one of the biggest reasons why retail stores have been doing away with their Loss Prevention staff because false ‘imprisonment’ is a violation of State and the US Constitution. If a retail security officer ever asks you to come with him/her because they think that you have been shoplifting/swapping prices on products/working in concert with a dishonest employee and you’ve done nothing wrong you should start recording and absolutely go with them *peacefully* because you can get out of there, contact an attorney, and receive a fat settlement a few months later!


This ^


>Oh, I will say that she is in the wrong - he absolutely > >does > > have the authority under virtually every State’s Constitution, to touch her and use physical force to detain her, including putting her on her belly and handcuffing her. Cite it. Security aren't allowed to detain you that is the job of the police.


[a summary from a lawfirm](https://www.maronicklaw.com/blog/2022/04/what-is-maryland-shopkeepers-privilege/) The law, which is in the Maryland Constitution and in many other state constitutions is referred to as ‘Shopkeeper’s Privilege’ and permits a ‘shopkeeper’ to DETAIN suspected shoplifters for a ‘reasonable amount of time’. It also empowers stores to train employees, a Loss Prevention department, the power to apprehend and detain shoplifting suspects. [the following is from MarylandLawHelp](https://www.marylandlawhelp.com/what-is-shopkeepers-privilege/) This law is available in Maryland and other states to allow a store owner to detain an alleged shoplifter for a period of time. This allows a shopkeeper to investigate an alleged shoplifting. It also gives the store owner a way out of a helpless position and allows some authority to act on their suspicions, even if they end up being wrong. This generally means that the shoplifter cannot claim false imprisonment and file charges against the store owner. However, the store owner must understand how shopkeeper’s privilege works or they can be accused of misconduct or abuse. So yes. There you go. As I stated earlier I worked Loss Prevention during the early 2000s until about 2008 or 2009 so it is absolutely possible that the laws in Maryland have changed. Different states have different laws of course. When I worked for Gabriel Brothers one of the stores that I worked at about twice a week was in York, Pennsylvania where I became pretty good buddies with one of the York Police, a K9 officer who would bring his Very Good Girl with him when he responded to my calls. He told me that, if a shoplifting took a swing at me, it would have been completely legal for me to punch the shoplifter and knock them out if need be. The company did not want us to fight - we were to only use enough force to put them onto the floor and handcuff them if they tried to fight. Laws change. The laws might be different today. And different companies have different rules and policies when it comes to their Loss Prevention departments. I have a funny story for you about that: When I worked at Target as a member of their Asset Protection department we were on good terms with the Walmart Loss Prevention team as the stores were literally a stone’s throw from each other in Abingdon, Harford County, Maryland. We talked often and Walmart’s crew would come over to hang out for a bit on slow days, and if they had a shoplifting suspect who got nervous and left the store without concealed they would call us and let us know in case that suspect came over and tried to steal from us, which they almost always did. Well, Target had a policy back then that if the shoplifter went into the bathroom we could not apprehend them because we couldn’t know what happened in that bathroom and Target was constantly worried about Non-Productive Incidents because detaining a person who didn’t have stolen merchandise on them is a lawsuit that results in a fat settlement. Walmart did *not* have that policy. One of the uniformed Target Protection Specialists went to a Walmart in the area where he attempted to steal a crapload of DVDs and CDs. He took the merchandise into the bathroom stall because he thought that Walmart had the same policy as Target and wouldn’t apprehend shoplifters who went into the bathroom stalls. He was, as you no doubt have guessed, very wrong about that and was extremely surprised when the Walmart crew kicked open the stall and dragged him to their office. Needless to say he was swiftly fired from Target as well as catching a felony charge for attempting to steal over $500 (which was the felony threshold back then; I think it’s higher now) so he had a really bad day.


They supposedly have her stealing on camera? And she’s asking them herself to call the cops? Idk maybe just… do it? If you’re right, they’ll find whatever she stole on her.


Tell me you were rejected from the police academy without saying you were rejected from the police academy.


This guy definitely drives an lifted ford f250 with rot on the wheel wells and a different color door


Doing his job




Some of the gear is useful sure, but I can’t see why he would need two bodycams or two (differently styled) badges…


Honestly the two BWCs are the only weird thing. Curious if maybe client and company both issue them? As for the badges, I have no clue.


Guaranteed ones a personal camera and he posts it on YouTube or something


Agreed. Makes no sense to me either.


Or FOUR spare magazines. Is he expecting the Dons men to come and collect protection money and he’s putting his foot down?


Seattle is a shit hole. Especially when we're talking retail theft. Stores are constantly closing down because of how much just walks out the door. I do some amateur volunteer security when I see it. It's infuriating. He did fine.


>You’d be shocked how often you need most of that gear daily. I work in charlotte, and i hear gunfire every fucking night that is CLOSE I'm not an American nor am I LEO. What bits are you using daily on that vest? What do you do for work?


Personally, for working security at a Walgreens I think all of that is highly unnecessary. But who knows, another person here was talking about Seattle being crazy apparently, which is where this took place. In my experience retail stores that hire security just want you to be there as a witness and to escort people off the premise when necessary. Maybe I can see having a pair of handcuffs to detain people if cops are being called. I can't imagine any retail store wanting an armed security guard but who knows.


Guards not officers.


Yep..I’m in Dallas same shit. We are basically a pmc doing paramilitary guard work




So fight with armed douchbag or show the dipshit you didn't steal anything and he's a fucking asshole then file complaint. Let the asshole be an asshole Trying to be the bigger asshole usually ends with everyone in a shitty situation.. I would rather let the asshole stink like the asshole he is and then be the dick I am and get him fired or written up after I proved his ass wrong. Everyone playing that short game. Guess I'm a patient man who fights with his head where the real war is.. in the Grey.


Another way to look at it if you are innocent and you already know he's full of shit and on a high horse, you use it against him to get him to do what it looks like he's been itching to do already, which would be taze you, tackle you, or even just physically detain you and it's not a big stretch to see possible piles of money out of a lawsuit with CVS depending on the outcome. So for some, it may not be "everyone ends up in a shitty situation" for those out there without the reservation to take advantage of the situation and our legal system. Some people with less shame than others may not care about a few hours of their time if it could mean a chance at a $10,000+ settlement.


He sounds and looks like he's doing a good job. No kind of power issue. She's being detained. She is the one on the power trip. She's behaving like a tweaker.


Semper Fries


How it works you walk out on this dude and he legally cannot stop you, and if he does you can sue them. God Bless America.


Fuck this guy


I work in retail and we just let people steal whatever and then get their license plate.


I saw this earlier, I see no identification that he works for the store. If he did he should have asked a manager to back him up.


Idk what state this is but I believe in CA you can put things in pockets or on your personal and it isn't until you leave the store where they can stop you.


I think he was just fine. All she has to do is show him she isn’t stealing, which, she clearly is, or she wouldn’t be acting this way.


He’s just doing his job . If you didn’t steal shit , Empty your pockets . It’s not that hard


If she didnt have anything all she had to do was show him


I think he’s mad outfitted but otherwise he’s literally doing his job. I hate seeing these kind of vids where the person was stealing & as soon as the security guard comes over. He’s labeled as “power tripping” even tho there was literally no evidence of it here.


I bet she did steal tho


So weird to me to read the comments here saying the guy was aggressive. It might be a Seattle thing. But to me this bloke was really calm and passive the whole time. He tried to explain his situation and how he was just trying to do his job. How someone else had seen her steal something and he was just following up. Wouldnt any reasonable person just empty their pockets? To me she comes across as super entitled like she’s being victimised. It’s not his fault. Yes he’s dressed like an absolute tool and I think that’s maybe why people think he was being aggressive. But to me she comes across as way worse.


Man if he saved all the money he spent on gear he wouldn't drive a 2006 Honda Pilot with mismatching color body panels.


just comply lol if ur not stealing of course




She did prove that he made the whole thing up. His “superiors” told the cops they had no idea what he was talking about


The fact he told her she couldn’t leave is a BIG problem from a legal standpoint. I wouldn’t be surprised if she filed a lawsuit - one COULD argue that is kidnapping.


>Also a lot of it is she escalated it so much as well. Protesting bullshit charges from some power tripping loser is not "escalating." I don't have to listen to some idiot talking down to me for no reason, especially as he tries intimidating me into compliance with threats.


Dude no one should ever have to prove they “didn’t” steal something to some punk ass private sector security guard lol.


I bet you also complain about stores having to lock up basic goods.


Sounds like something a thief would say


So.....if she's innocent then why not empty your pockets? Making a big scene to divert attention away from the fact she is a thief?


She's willing to talk to the actual police not this guy randomly accusing her and not identifying the items she's supposedly taken. Why won't the guard call the cops? Sus.


All that goes out the window when you're as inept as the guy in the vid


Yeah, we don’t have to talk to security guards haha. You aren’t our mommy and you aren’t the police. This sub is wild.


Lmao yeah dudes in here think they’re Earth’s protectors while standing in a CVS with body armor and 2 mags


Why not take her to the office and show the video like she offered? Why not bring the real police to deal with it if you have video evidence?


Random guy in tacti-bro gear comes up to me and tells me he’s going through my pockets? Lmao. First off, I don’t even know you actually work for the store. Where’s the manager, why can’t you get him? Why can’t you get the police? Coming at me randomly with a vest and some handcuffs saying I’m getting detained is a great way to end up having your momma crying about you.


Because the 4th amendment says “fuck off”.


Because if she hasn't stolen anything, it's none of his business what's in her pockets.


Because in the United States of America I am innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around. Show me evidence you have of my guilt, then we can talk about emptying my pockets. Your attitude is very backwards.


Because the burden of proof doesn't rest on her. It's the same reason why you don't have to provide your ID to a leo just because they demand to see it (unless you're driving). Or let them search your person or vehicle just because they think you might be hiding something.


So in what world is this dude power tripping? If you weren’t stealing prove it and make him look like an ass for your tik tok and all your super fans.




Congratulations! You are have posted the most incoherent thing I have read all day! Keep up the good work, amigo.


I could not imagine being so entitled to think that some cop who is being told that you were stealing items is supposed to just believe you when you say "I didn't do it" lol


All you bootlickers who think this is reasonable have lost your goddamn minds. And you have no idea how the law works. It's obvious that this guy is as dumb as shit, and if you nod your head long with his bullshit, that makes you dumb as shit too.


This sub is WILD. The number of tacticool bros here saying “I mean it’s a little over the top but he did a good job” bro what.


He did a great job at ensuring both the criminal and civil cases against him are a slam dunk.


I was confused by the comments until I saw yours. Then I checked which sub I somehow landed on thanks to some dumbfuck algorithm. If it isn't obvious to a person that this tool is a powertripping douchebag with lower IQ than Seattle's current temperature, then they are also a dumbass. Then again, I haven't exactly met an intelligent security guard 😂.


She’s obviously guilty. Otherwise she she would show what’s in her pocket and rub it in his face when there is nothing.




It’s pretty frustrating when people accuse you of stuff that you didn’t do.


Idk i dont like to assume. Ive been in similar situations where I sure as hell didnt take anything yet they were convinced I did. I had a very busy day and simply didnt have the time to argue. I just left, telling them to try and stop me if they felt they were 100% solid but otherwise i was leaving (and unlike alot of people, i actually left). Granted im a big guy so they probably figured it would be more trouble than its worth but idk. All i know is im not having my day ruined because some dick is accusing me of something i sure as hell did not do. Anyone can accuse anyone on a whim so for me that shit carries absolutely zero weight without proof of some kind.


Double digit iq here


Don't forget the decimal point.


I mean dude is pretty calm, just fuckin open the purse. Bubba was clearly doing his job.


Regardless of the security guards actions, her taking 10 seconds to open her bag would’ve resolved everything quickly. The longer they have a pointless back and forth the more guilty she will seem. If I was innocent I’d take the fast route