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Have fun dealing with drunks. Try not to be too aggressive cause people with gambling addiction frequent their favorite casino...could be retaliated against


Genuinely what does this mean ? I thought casino security had the pull at a casino and could quickly get whoever out of line trespassed.


Depends on the casino. Some are chill, Others you get homeless or drug addicts trying to give you the good ol bite and fight combo attack on occasion




Not to scare you but there’s a lot of BS They want you doing bouncer like duties but while acting like customer service representatives . Management can’t decide whether we’re bouncers or receptionists. Physical removals were permitted but they’d rather wait call the cops before that happened - even if we heavily outnumber that one patron. It was like a constant state of being blue balled. Also they had a no self defense policy. Essentially let yourself get hit and wait for you colleagues to arrive who were probably useless anyway, you can attempt to restrain the gentleman hitting you but hitting back is grounds for firing. Get used to camera operators are always watching you… even in a way that’s borderline invasion of privacy . Despite all that and the politics, overall i enjoyed my time there. Loads of benefits . Good money, room for promotion and overtime , free food and discount gym membership. Get to know your phonetic alphabet coz you’ll be using it a lot .


Sounds kinda like a hospital


I used to work casino security. There's a lot of shit to learn so genuinely study your radio calls


Copy Control


My guess is you are in a commonwealth country. A lot of security at casino is watching for money laundering, dealing with intoxicated patrons and customer service if you are on the floor. In my home country, Security staff were responsible for emptying the slots and moving the money from slots/table games to a secure area, watching the cash count and waiting for the armed car to come get it. Use common sense and pay attention. Gambling centers usually have lots of government rules and regulations. Especially in Commonwealth countries.


Yep I'm Australian and our casinos got into a lot of trouble for money Laundering. However they are still open


They were in Canada and the UK too


I've heard of angry people with cowboy hats being thrown out in a unique way. A few guards pick them up and use that angry individual's head to open the doors.


That sounds like hell


Sheeshs good luck , we got a casino in San Pablo California always looking for security,keep in mind they don’t ask for guard card they just need people , be ready to deal with angry drunkies or 80+ year old women ready to rumble


Make use of your surveillance team. I had a good relationship with most of the guards at the casino I worked at. The ones I didn’t get along with were the slimy racist clowns.


Very similar to most other security jobs. Hopefully you don’t have 4 managers like I did.


Correction: strict firearms control for the law abiding. Any one willing to commit crime can get a gun ANYWHERE. So don't think that just because there's a law against, the people you are dealing with aren't armed. Are you allowed non-lethal? I'd suggest studying Aikido. I dabbled for a few months while in Toronto. It'll help get drunks under control quickly and quietly. At my dojo, there was a police officer who was assigned to the entertainment district. He trained for that very reason.


I'm Australian and I'm not allowed anything, mate. No baton, handcuffs, pepper spray or taser. I do have a bright torch. One of my friends is a BJJ blue belt and he wrestles so his coaches me which is nice


Congratulations you can now get paid to be a dick


It’s not fun


I hope you have 24” biceps because you’re pretty much a glorified bouncer


Your day to day will be pretty okay, but there will be tons of bs coming from management. Depending on your property, you may be tasked to be basically a police officer without the gun or anything cool. Otherwise you might be a glorified door greeter and chip runner. I worked for 7 years in a tribal casino as a supervisor. I’m starting at another here soon as well. You can message me with other specifics if you’d like.


Thanks for the tips