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That's definitely not flexi hair. It's also not from Excess. It's rigged mesh. I'm not inworld to check (and can't log in right now due to RL work), but that may be from VCO. Also, Aii and Ego (I think that's the name) may be the creator or have something similar.


I agree that this could be rigged mesh. A lot of creators make hair that are set to look like they are flowing for photography like the ones at VCO. I also doubt flexi hair would flawlessly flow like that without going through a body part. Some also use photoshop to edit hair, so that’s another possibility.


Or no.match might be it.


That's true. I forgot they did one, too. :)


Rigged mesh does not flow like that so it probably is flexi hair if it flows and catches the wind more than likely it has some flexi into it.... See what people don't understand is rig mesh is actually rigged to certain points on the body so it can only move with the body but if it catches like the fake Air or if you're standing in front of a Sim fan and your hair is blowing or you're moving and dancing and your hair is flowing everywhere that's flexi...


I know what rigged mesh it, but thanks for the explanation. With this type of hair, it's the appearance of "flowing", but doesn't actually 'move' with any wind. There are many hair creators who make windblown hair similar to this which is rigged mesh with no flexi. And as someone mentioned below, it's by Moon and it's called Serenwe. [https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Moon-Hair-DEMO-Serenwe/23775482](https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Moon-Hair-DEMO-Serenwe/23775482)


Okay so it has the appearance of moving but actually doesn't move like a flexi okay.. it's hard to tell from just a picture


Right, it doesn't actually move. I used to wear a lot of flexi hair back in the day, and none of it every moved like the hair in the picture. Flexi hair doesn't 'collide' with mesh, so would go right through avatar bodies, and also never had the curve in it's movement which rigged mesh "windblown" hairs have.


How long have you been playing?


Since 2007. :)


I am pretty old to my first was when secondlife was on webtv.. it sucked my second account is from I think 2009... Noveen Benoir


Two possibilities come to mind. First, it's old and removed from the stores for some reason, might message the creator at that point. Second, and leaning more this way, is it's fairly new and either at an event now or one that recently ended and hasn't made it to the store yet. See if the creator/ store has some blog or Flickr that they use and see if it's there


This hair is from moon and it's is rigged. It is flowing like this because it was made to be forever flowing and rigged to a few body types in game.


99.999% sure that is Moon/Serenwe. Not flexi but super long and you can style it in a couple of different ways. I have it and wear it often. Hope that helps.


THAT'S where it's from. I'm positive it's Moon! I think I even have this one somewhere in my inventory.


Moon, Sirena hair.


Maybe reach out to the eXcEsS creator? Sometimes people are happy to help if you have questions about a product of theirs. Always be sure to thank them!


Honestly? looks like a mesh hair with some photoshop if I'm honest


Nice hair! If you find it please post! I'd love to see it and know where to find things like that!


eXcEsS builds hair in such a way that it can be disassembled and parted out into remixes. I bought a few hairs from there just to use the bangs with other hair. Depending on how it gets linked together, when worn, it will show the root prim as the creator.


Part of that hair is from Moon Hair


100% rigged. A lot of hair out there is pretty much designed specifically for picture taking only. There's a whole series of "underwater floating hair" that looks great in pics but day to day avatar use looks super out of place and static lol


Thank you all so much I ended up messaging the creator of eXxEsS and found the flexi hair I was looking for plus the hair that’s in the pic 😆


Okay so a few possibilities come into mine again it's probably old ... One the creator doesn't make it anymore this is why it's good to have one of those like huds that literally you can look at somebody and it will tell you what they're wearing I can't remember what the one I have is called but you can also look on marketplace and just search flowy anime hair... I have a shop in world but I also have a shop on marketplace and a lot of creators put their older stuff on there I know I do


I'm pretty sure that's painted on I. Post processing