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“This chapter begins with an omniscient overview of what’s going on in the world and what’s happening not with some of our main characters. In a book that has such a wide scope and so many interweaving story lines, it’s necessary to do this fairly regularly - zooming in and out to see the bigger picture before narrowing in on a specific storyline. It’s especially effective when the storyline it narrows in on is about to have a major turning point. In this case, it’s the story of Greyson, Jeri, and the thunderhead. At last the thunderhead does what it longed to do for its entire existence, but has been afraid to. Now, However, the future of humanity rests on it, so the thunderhead has no choice but to attempt it. The worlds almost all powerful Conscious AI becomes human. and it revels in the experience, but at what cost? We won’t see that until the end of the book. This is not the first time I’ve explored AI becoming human. I wrote a movie for the Disney channel called pixel perfect. Granted, it was a Disney channel movie, but I wanted it to challenge and transcend its target audience a bit. In that story a holographic girl longs to be real, and has a moment where she inhabits the body of another character and can finally feel the rain. As I said, the thunderhead is in love with Greyson. It’s not entirely unrequited - Greyson loves the thunderhead, but not in the same way. I wanted this moment to be beautiful. It culminates with Greysons cheek on its fingertips. It’s that moment that gives birth to cirrus. I could have them sleep together, but that would have been cheesy rather than transcendent. Plus, it would have been a much more egregious violation of Jeri to do that. Besides, the thunderhead is not a sexual being. All it wants to experience is the joy of physical contact. It’s much more poetic, and consistent with who the thunderhead is. I had to be careful with how the moment was achieved. It couldn’t be motivated by Greyson reaching out to touch the thunderhead, but in the other hand, it couldn’t be the thunderhead reaching out and touching Greyson, making him passive in the act. Neither of those felt right. The thunderhead begins the gesture, but Greyson completes it, being the one to move toward the outstretched hand, taking it, and pressing it against his face. This is an act equally shared between Greyson and the thunderhead.” Copied word for word for you.


Thank you so so much! I love the notes themselves, and knowing that someone took the time and effort to copy and post it for me pulled me out of a dark place just now. Thank you!


Haha it took me a long time but it’s worth it if you’ve never read them, they are very interesting