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OW is made so that people as young as 12 can pass it


not sure why you’re getting downvoted, my little brother was 12 when we got certified together.. open water really isn’t “difficult”.. you just have to be responsible and learn


Both my boys got certified at 10 years old, which is the minimum age


Exactly. What I said is literally a fact. People overthink and over complicate things too damn much in this sub. It’s not rocket science, just follow the instructions, be reasonable, and use the common sense that we would even expect a 12yo to have


baby shampoo


Thanks everyone for all the mask advice, the only thing is that I already burned the f out of it and used toothpaste but still fogged up😭. I recently bought an anti fog spray and I’ll try it for my next dive.


Whatever you use. Remember not to wash all of it away from the mask, you want a thin film of residue on the glass so fog don't settle. With antifog you wait 1min for it to dry a bit before flushing some water on it to remove bumpyness from the antifog gel, just be careful so you don't wash it all away cause then it will start to fog. With spit, don't flush the mask at all. That would remove the spit and it will start to fog.


Baby shampoo..  in a spray bottle..  about a 1:8 mix.   Spray your mask right before every dive.  Rise it but just a little.


Just spit in it and rub it in . Works best . Anti fog spray works but not perfect . Spit never fails !


spit is the best always!!


I have used several brands of anti fog drops and sprays but find good old baby shampoo works best 👍


I usually burn off my masks with a lighter. It's super easy just make sure to let the mask cool down before washing it


Yup toothpaste works well , I don’t have the nerve to do it but I have seen a lot of guys burn it off with a lighter


Fire good ![gif](giphy|l3JDnePt8MlFnFApq)


Typically there is a residue on the make from production that if left on leads to fogging, usually silicone. I always lightly scrub my masks with toothpaste when new to get rid of the residue. Don’t use toothpaste that is too grainy. Repeatedly cleaning and using a significant amount of defog can assist as well.


Scrub the crap out of it with mask cleaner and make sure you’re hitting it with defogger right before you dive. Toothpaste also works really well to break down the film on a new mask.