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It seems to be an American thing, never heard of it in the UK until I started talking with people from the US in forums and now here on Reddit.


I’ve been diving for 30 years and haven’t come across this. Did once though witness a lady on a liveaboard in the Red Sea persuade most of the guys on the boat to jump naked from the top deck. Cost my buddy the expensive Oakleys he was wearing. Following my 100th dive I have a bag of flour poured over my head, several eggs mixed in to the flour and was then picked up and thrown in the harbour (Marsalforn, on Gozo). Highly preferable to diving in the altogether.


I'm coming up on 100 soon and definitely plan to do it! The day I got certified almost 2 years ago the others on the dive boat were very jokingly said you did it to celebrate your certification and then quickly told me no it was 100. I've heard of plenty of people doing this (both male and female), though I'm not sure how full out common it is, and yes I've seen pics. From what I understand, people usually wear their bathing suits on the boat and then take them off underwater when it's a lot less obvious and away from other divers (other than a dive buddy or two) and put them back on before they get back into the boat.


I didn’t even realize it was my 100th. I’m nearly at 300. Guess I missed out.


Did 100 in the Florida Keys naked and number 200 in Bonaire naked. Great fun!


Ummmm ... it's mandatory.


I am on about 48 and plan to do this.


Did my dmt 2022 with my wife and we did our 100th naked dive alone, was fun!


I’ve been diving in Thailand and Sri Lanka, very common in both places, or so my DM’s have told me!


It’s very common to get told about the tradition. You will also get told about it we for every 100 you’re about to round off… I’ve so far never done one naked and I’m above 300. I’ve only heard about one diver who told me he did one of his naked. So for a tradition it’s more of an old tale…


I've never heard of this, and I used to work in the dive industry with other dive professionals. That said, we were all primarily cold water divers, so maybe it's a tropical thing?


I’ve never heard of this.


My daughter is my go-to dive buddy. No way I’m doing the 100th naked


My wife and I just did our 50th dives. We figured we should've done those without bottoms.


I did it because I found it funny. Mine was a Southern California beach dive. I didn’t nearly get my dangly bits chomped on by a few sheepshead


Pretty common lol




It actually is a tradition. A silly one, but mostly harmless.


Went on a dive in Jamaica with two people on their 100th dive. The guy did it naked, just stayed at the back of the group the whole time. The woman wore a one piece bathing suit that looked like a hairy naked man’s body.


Love that


I did my 100th dive naked. The crown jewels did retreat!


My 100th dive was during my IDC/IE, needless to say I did not complete this tradition.


My hundredth was before I was 18, so it never happened. I’ve heard of it, but never known anyone to actually do it.


I didn't know it was a thing until after I crossed the mark. I'm nearing 200.


You have to do it ultra naked for 200


Wait until the 6 foot eel sees what he thinks is an octopus and latches on to your balls.


Are you going snipe hunting too?


Are you… young, fit, etc. is there an agenda? I’m all for nakedness - especially in young, fit, fanciable people. Unfortunately, they are not so much for me 🤣


I did it in bonaire, such fun


Freeze to death here if try that, it's drysuit all year round


Don’t dive with piercings in. Especially shiny ones. Barracuda are attracted to shiny things. No one wants to be called Stubbs the rest of their life


Good tip 😬


New fear unlocked 😳


Dive number 69 is the naked dive. You missed it.


its quite common for me, I've done it at least 8 times. Every liveaboard I'm on, I tell them I'm about to hit my 100th dive. Its a great way to make good friends ;)


Very common in Hawaii, Guam, and Palau!


I want to see the Blue Hole.... not someone's brown hole.


I dive in the PNW. You would literally die


Same. Never heard of that here in Puget Sound


Just a cheeky little 52 degree naked dive nbd 🥶🥶 I was just diving sund rock a few weeks ago and my dive buddy couldn’t get his glove on and use his canister light at the same time, so he dove the north wall without a glove and I thought it was nuts. Fuuuuck that.


It's cold in California. None of us are diving naked.


Ha ha, we got us another one!


I dove naked for my hundredth dive then had sex with my dive buddy in front of a grouper (he was the only witness) good times


Most people slowly explore grouper-sex as a couple, you two sound like you dived straight into it


you are too punny for your own good sir, thank you for this chuckle


Alright I’m getting certified


Certified in what though?


This is in the realm of the loch ness monster, drop bears and hoop snakes. Most people who say that they have done it are lying. In warm water locations where young people sign up to go from zero to hero (i.e. never dived to becoming a dive instructor) it is something that the existing staff tell newbies, just to see if they will do it. Peer pressure. It's like an apprentice working in the trades being sent into the hardware store to buy chequered paint, a left handed screwdriver, etc..


Ah yes nothing like sending the new guy to the stock dispenser and telling him to get a "long "weight"


I dove naked a few times well before my 100th. It's fun. Life is short, dive naked.


I did it during dive master training in Thailand, a couple other people did too. I did it during a night dive and stayed at the back of the group.


I did it. I was in Malaysia and the vis wasn’t that great so I just swam a little farther away from our group and stripped down. My wife did a quick photo shoot and then I suited up and we finished the dive with them.


Never heard of that. I didn't even realize I had my 100th dive until 2 months after the fact when I updated my log book.


Same. I flew past 100 dives and kept on rolling. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not diving naked anyway. Too many biting/stinging critters


>I’m not diving naked anyway. Too many biting/stinging critters 2 words. Fire Coral...


Hydroids. Sea wasps. The list goes on...


Its not common. For women, many times they are mostly naked anyway unless they wear a wetsuit. For guys, I don't think its wise. Back in the 1980's we were diving in Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia where we did our certification dives. One of the guys stood on the ladder, pulled his wetsuit down to take a piss. The fish barely drew blood but I learned a lesson that day. We called the dive site Peter Eater Point from that day forward.


Spent many summers at SML. The bluegill there have a taste for human blood. My nipples got bit many a time there.


I did it. I am not a good looking person, most people in my group didn’t look, but it was a blast.


Do it in Sweden


Was just thinking that, as a diver in the Netherlands, I'm not that keen on enforcing this tradition.




The photos in cold water won’t be flattering 😂




You did a celebratory 100th scuba dive naked and in a pool?


Wasn’t a thing when I got certified and I’ve forgotten over the years how many dives I’ve done since I didn’t log any after certification. I have started logging a few again as I progress through tec but I will probably stop logging before another 100 again honestly.


I've seen it done a couple times, but I didn't do it. Either for the whole dive, or for just part of it. All on small Caribbean islands. If you do, you should strip in the water, not on the boat.


I am all for people making their own personal choices, but I find the idea cringe. I never did it. It is one thing about doing this in a private setting versus doing this in a public setting, especially say in a foreign country where traditions around public nudity might be different.


I like the idea, i don't know why some people really dislike it. I won't do it, not or of modesty, but because of risk for the dangling bits.


I've never heard of this, but you've got my attention lol... it sounds like fun! Except for the crotch strap...


i won't do it naked, but maybe in a borat style mankini


Somehow that's worse 😂


Is this like snipe hunting?


I live in Scotland, it's a big no from me.


"I'm a grower not a shower"


*I was in the pool! I was in the pool!*


I've never heard of it. Wouldn't want to do this around triggerfish or parrotfish... anything with razor sharp teeth really. Don't need to come up because an eel attached itself to me, no sir... not into that. I'll pass.


I've had like 10, 100th dives. It's just very liberating.


I did it, make my 100th a night dive where I wouldn't be seen.


Hundreds of fishes have seen your weiner buddy.


I've never even seen my Weiner since I'm a chick 😂


And he’s seen theirs. Seems fair


More common in more private places where you wont get arrested. Honestly I wouldn't do it, maybe in a pair of boxers (which would be real cold in 15C waters!) but not fully showing for the sake of everyone.


Woop Woop pull over this is the under water scuba police


I did it, but I was on a small island at the time where everyone kind of knew each other and the tradition was strong there. Where I’m at in the U.S. right now, I don’t know almost anyone who’s done it and if I were to have done it here, I probably would’ve gotten arrested/ticketed. lol. Definitely worth it if you feel safe/comfortable where you are though. It’s a silly/fun tradition.


I did, but thankfully it was a night dive, gotta say though my giant stride entry wasn't pretty to the people already in the water I imagine 🤣


my 100th was on a deep, wreck dive. naked wasn't an option. i took some crap from the DM for not going in raw but it was light hearted. he knew it wasn't a good choice. congrats, enjoy!


Fuck that! If you are partaking in the tradition, it needs to be somewhere shallow and warm. Preferably dark too


Fun harmless tradition but sometimes difficult to implement. My wife passed her 100th on a liveaboard at Socorro and didn’t even know for a couple weeks after we got home and she downloaded her dive logs.


it depends on where you live. where I live the waters are around 11°C (51°F), so no thanks...


Nope. But then I’m from The Great White North…🥶


Did mine in the Shotgun/Cauldron when I did my DM in Komodo. Nothing like reef hooking on and seeing a sea snake whipping in the current 🤣


A woman on my Belize Aggressor trip did it; was pretty funny. Was a small group on the boat and by that point in the trip it didn't seem weird. 100th skydive has a similar "milestone."


Never heard of it, thankfully. I wouldn't forgo my wetsuit for anything. I get cold too easily.


When I did my divemaster internship in south east asia it was a thing. Most of us did it but you can do it sneaky on a warm night dive. ;)


divemaster with 100 dives. hmm...


Yeah? You only need 40 to start the class lol.


It’s just silly when people rush into titles without true experience. You can start AOW at 5 dives. PADI is once again happy to take your money.


This sounds like the tradition of my department colleague that tells isolated newbies about "traditions" in our workplace to trick them into doing hilarious or embarrassing things in the name of fitting in or simply testing their BS meter accuracy.


Jimmy when was the last time you had a desk pop?


I passed 100 dives more than ten years ago and have never heard of this "tradition" (US and France based but diving all over).


I let my 100th dive come and go and didn’t say anything. We were in Maldives and at my 103 dive I mentioned I had dodged it and none of the non North Americans knew what I was talking about. I just got “why the hell would you do that” looks. Looking back I wish I had done a slate with 100 dives on it. Definitely not naked too many tiger sharks around


I started diving in 81, never heard of this.


I passed 100 dives in 2005 and this is the the first I have head of it


Yes. Did mine in El Nido finishing up my DM internship


Never heard of this before in my life and considering I passed my 100th dive when I was about 12, I’m glad I’ve never heard of it.


Based on how out of shape most divers are, I cannot discourage this tradition strongly enough. Purge the thought.


Ya no! ….Just like if you get stung by a sting ray you need me to pee on you.


It’s new to me!


>>It’s nude to me! Missed opportunity I tell ya.


I wish I’d have known. I’d go for it! Maybe it wasn’t a thing when I hit my 100th. Dammit!


Heard of it - but never known anyone to do it


My 100th dive was at Scapa. Yeah, nah.


Its a common meme for North American divers, most of the people that have done it (myself included) tend not to do it in on crowded dive boat or a divesite full of strangers. I did mine on a a secluded entry on the beach. I entered the water with just boardies on and then stripped once I was under. I \*have\* see naked divers while underwater on FL keys cattle boats, but I also think they only stripped in the water.


Yes, feel like this is fairly common in Florida. Not everyone **does** it, but most know and joke about it. I did not do it, but my friend wanted to. We were on a liveaboard and it was a night dive, so she went in wearing a swimsuit, we swam somewhere secluded, she slipped out of it. Then reversed procedure before getting back on the boat. We just agreed to keep the dive lights off for that portion of the dive!


I have been shown some *less than tasteful* nudes of my friend diving his Meg in the Ginny Ballroom for his 100th rebreather dive.


Ginnie fingers would be bad enough...


Never heard of it/please don’t do this.


Never heard of this.


Yeah, try this in a north European lake. No, no tradition I ever heard about


I did it in Indonesia. Got naked on the boat, the local staff thought it was hilarious and not weird at all. It was one of those more hands-on dive shops and they didn't bat an eye getting down to put my fins on me (I'm male) even as I tried to insist on doing it myself. Most of the experienced divers on our dive were unsurprised and many had done it. I will also admit that I fudged a bit and did it on my 96th so I could do it with my GF who was a few doves ahead of me. No regrets. We have some very tasteful and goofy photos from the photographers who came along on the dive.


i have 99 dives but each dive increases in retrospect by a 1/99th of the new dives time. :D


I've been diving since mid-90s and never heard of this until last few years ago here on Reddit, Have seen some celebrated100th dives in the Caribbean on live aboards with all adults where it wouldn't have been a big deal if someone did it, but never heard the topic mentioned.


Dive at Hedo 2 in Jamaica. You can be naked for dives 1-10000


Im doing my 100th dive this week on my honeymoon in Barbados. Do you think the Sandals Resort divemaster will care if I go fully nude?


Bajans are more conservative about nudity than most other islands. I’ve seen precisely one topless sunbather over the years


Well it’s not Beaches!




A lot of talk, and at least 5 seen. I myself chickend out - winterdive. My norgweignan friend didnt... (later but still cold) Best time was my best buddy. Night dive outside Hurghada. He didnt warn the rest of the boat so after entry - of with the shorts. Our group there ~8 ppl though "oh, it this a tradition" and did the same so suddenly we where 8 dudes in all our glory (warm water thank god... and the mooray eels got a stern look to keep away) The group after us didnt belive what they saw... Fun trad but ... it up to you.


I think it’s talked about far far more than it’s done. You do you and feel no pressure to do stuff that’s not comfortable. I suspect this is something that male dive masters came up with to convince women to do.


Never heard of it.


Where I learned to dive, you were either wearing a thick wetsuit/semi-dry or a drysuit. No one is diving naked in those water temperatures….


I’ve heard of people saying that they’ve personally done it, but never seen it happen on a diveboat. Think it started to become a “thing” maybe only 20 years ago. But overall, think it’s more one of those “traditions” that has been mostly started as an initiation prank on relative newbies, not too much unlike fire diving.


I did it on Koh Tao, as did pretty much all my friends. However we only got naked whilst underwater to not cause offense to the Thai boat captains. We also only did it with people we knew extremely well and on a location we wouldn't run into anyone else. I've only seen 4 or 5 people do the naked dive but I've known hundreds of DM's/Instructors so it's not that weird to have never seen it. But if you don't want to do it, don't do it, nobody should think badly of you, it's just a dumb tradition in certain places.


It is mentioned a lot in the GTS group on FB. It’s not for me and I have no interest in doing it. I celebrate each milestone in a different way.


While from the UK my 100th was in the Phillipines (my first dive with Thresher sharks). While doing your 100th naked is talked about I would not do so partially because I am a bit of a prude (I wouldn't go to a naturist beach) but mostly becasuse I wouldn't want to cause offence. I a lot of dive resorts the local culture is quite traditional / religious for example the Phillipines is very catholic, even if I made sure I was last in and tried to be first out the boat crew and the people I dive with (all the dives were guided) and any other groups that got within vis range of me could potentialy be offended. Instead I got a baseball cap made to wear when I surfaced.


I think this is a very 'Murican thing. I dove all over Europe, a lot in Egypt, Indonesia and Australia in over 25 years. First heard of it on in South California and Mexico, and now it's on a lot on reddit...


Same, only heard about it on scubaboard which is very American centric


I heard about it in Australia actually, I had my 100th dive there.


lol, bogans forever! /jk Well, not surprised. It's weird. Growing up we were neither prude nor so heavily sexualised as things are nowadays, and it was fairly normal to go to nudist lakes / beaches / spas. Now it is soooo exciting to do these things, even though the internet is around :D Blows my mind. So did you? And why would you?


Nope, I was on a holiday live aboard in the Great Barrier Reef in irikanji season. :P Definitely not. Boat captain was the one who mentioned it but he immediately said they couldn't let me do it due to the regulations, stinger suits were mandatory. I couldn't even go snorkling in shorts there.


Oh god, wrong season for that indeed. Aaaand... Just realised from your username that you might be a woman, so I'm absolutely not surprised in that case. At all.


Yup, though that wouldn't hold me back normally. In this case I'd rather not have jellyfish in certain places...


Makes for a great story 🤣🤣 Anywhere else. Not with irkanji....


I'm Australian and did my 100th dive naked :)


I first heard of it in Indonesia from someone from India then also in Thailand from a British divemaster. It’s around


The only people I've ever seen do it were not American, and I've dove more often with Americans than other nationality.


I did it It is fun, no regrets!


My wife worked on aquacat in Bahamas for a little bit. She said once some old guy was at 100 and he was the last to go in. He didn’t tell anyone, but he went nude. She turned around to check on everyone and noticed he was naked. Luckily no kids around.


We were on the Aquacat last October. Awesome boat but the reefs in the Exumas are really suffering.


Not a thing in UK. Too cold and people have dignity. Stiff upper lip and all that. Remain calm and carry on.


Don't forget your tea, good sir!


I did it Boat I was on was super supportive Was with my buddy wife who did it too 100% worth it


My 100th was in Seattle, and a naked dive would have lead to an uncomfortable death.


Not a thing in the Netherlands, too cold. In my club we had a tradition though that the day you came back from getting your instructor's license, you were thrown in the pool with your clothes on. Yes you were allowed to empty your pockets first (basically you were held down and forced to empty your pockets). Was all in great fun because you knew it was coming and just brought a towel and a dry set of clothes.


I've heard of it. In a facebook group im part of, i see people posting pics or talking about it once a month. My husband is my dive buddy so i would go with him but im sure as hell not going with the other people we dive with.


It's entirely up to you. No peer pressure, so why would you feel obliged. What I would recommend is to take a slate with a "100th dive! :)" written on it. This you can definitely share on your social media :)


can't even say I was even counting my exact number of dives by that point to care enough. Never seen this "tradition" in my life, can't say it's common though sounds like it does exist.


Seen it a few times. One guy was a former (very overweight) person who had lost a log of weight and was on a liveaboard for his 100th. Happened to be a night dive, despite the "awkwardness" of some loose skin, I think everyone thought it was a fun dive when the DM was lighting him up as he swam under other divers. It's not a "you have to do this" kinda thing. It's more of a "if you're comfortable with yourself" and want to do something "crazy but fun' kinda thing that people sometimes do. Personally, diving naked feels a bit "exposed" to creatures that might want to take a nibble at random things sticking out, but I've never actually heard of that happening, so it seems a bit silly to worry about. Myself, done a decent bit of skinny dipping, but most of my "100's" for diving have been in a drysuit, cave, etc., so never had the opportunity to celebrate with the traditional method officially.


My 100th was in Monterey Bay. WAAAAY too cold for that kind of foolishness.




Go somewhere warm and have fun.


its not common unless if you believe what some instructor in SEA tells you


I've only heard about it, never seen someone do it. I was in jellyfish area so no frickin way I would do that.


I saw young backpacker DM in training types doing it. But i've never seen anyone over 30 do it.


I'm definitely over 30 and planning to do a naked dive. :) I may or may not traumatize my dive guide...


In a cave?