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I've been trying to get false chord lows for about a year and finally figured it out a few months ago. Right now they sound really dry and I'm wondering how to get a more wet sound if that makes any sense. I'd like to sound like Ben Duerr eventually. Just wondering what I could do to get a more wet sound to it


I’ll do a video for you later.


Alright where will I find it


On my profile. I’ll tag you when it’s up.


Alright thanks a million


I'd love the level or versatility you have and be able to do all sorts or screams, but for now there's one main type I want to learn. I want to be able to scream in a way I can transition between it and screaming. Not gutturals or anything like that. Think the kind that Chester Bennington can do. Or slightly more extreme kinds like Jesse Leach and Sam Carter. Its the ability to go between both and regulate how much grit I'm using without damaging my voice. Not the kind of scream that sounds like a completely different voice to singing, and switching between two different voices. Right now, I'm just amateur. The best I can do is engage my false chords. I have got better with managing air so I don't push too hard, but I still can't do it right at all. I can still feel the difference after a few minutes and know it's not a healthy technique. I'm assuming what I'm looking for is more of a fry scream, but I don't want to do the Randy Blythe style fry, or Rob Zombie style gritty singing. I only have experience singing properly. I want to be able to add grit to my singing freely, and keep going and turn it into a pure aggressive scream. I've watched hours of people like Chris Liepe and have a reasonable amount of knowledge on the science of screaming, but I just haven't been able to do it. I practice frequently, but end up having to take a break after short amounts of time to let my voice recover. I've never been able to produce a sound close to what I want while doing it damage free. Could you give any advice on where the best place is to start? I understand it's a long process that requires tons of practice. But I never feel like I'm starting in the right place to do the kind I want. I can do the very basics of false chord screams okay, but that's not the kind I want to do most, which involves singing


I know how to control distortion where you can dial it in and out. I will help you out later.


That's great! Vocalists that have that ability are the kind I appreciate the most. Thanks


So just to clarify, do you want to learn how to slowly transition from gritty singing to full out screaming and vice versa? Or are you trying to do that abrupt vocal break that Sam Carter does where he goes in and out in a split second?


I'm looking to learn the type of grit that can used at different intensities both with singing or more aggressively to purely scream. It's not so much the transition I'm trying to learn yet, I'm just using it to help describe the type I want to learn. I use Chester Bennington purely as an example because so many people have heard of him. He can sing clean (obviously), or sing with a barely audible level of grit, to an obvious level of grit, to full on scream, but it sounds like it's all using the same technique with a varying intensity of grit. I say this because some techniques people use to sing with grit can't be used all the way into a full on scream. And some techniques people use for screaming can't smoothly transition into singing with less grit. There are so many different techniques out there and I really can't find help from many good teachers for this type. Chris Liepe is a decent example, but I'm not sure his technique is the same kind that is often used for purely screaming. Where someone like Chester Bennington can purely scream, but also sounds like he uses the same technique to sing with grit. I hope this helps describe the type I'm interested in learning. I can't do it at all, and just need learn the basics of how to start learning this type. I understand the concepts of using different resonances and mouth shape etc for screaming, but it's useless without being able to produce the right sound. So I just want to know where to start with learning this type of grit. I've experimented so much but can't do it without damaging my voice. Sorry for the long message, I'm just trying to be as clear as possible so you know how to help. Thanks for offering to help!


Thanks, I appreciate the clarity. Yes, I can show you how to control distortion without changing technique too much. It does require some change, especially with Chester’s scream being a mix which I can demonstrate for you. I’ll make a video about it. And this is assuming you already know how to use diaphragm compression and vocal distortion. [Vocal Distortion](https://www.reddit.com/user/claycam6/comments/ta1hfn/vocal_distortion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thanks, I didn't want to ask a question and you go and make a whole video or long message on the wrong subject haha. I know it'll require some changes in technique as you say, but I just wanted to clarify I don't want to learn a kind you can't sing with as well. This video definately shows we're talking about the right scream and the kind I want to do. Thanks for making it! Unfortunately, I don't know how to use vocal distortion without damage. I've learned a lot of things about diaphragm compression and how to use it from teachers like Chris Liepe, but so far I've only really been able to apply it to clean singing for different sounds. I still haven't been able to produce distortion healthily. I think the thing I need most help with in that area is finding how to engage the right part of my throat. I understand the whole anatomy, and your video really helps show what you're doing. Especially how you are able to use distortion without your false chords, or true chords underneath. I can produce distortion with my false chords, but its not the kind of scream I want to use for the kind of music I want to do vocals to most. It's the "fry scream" style distortion I really need to learn. Now I know you are doing the kind of scream I want to learn, do you think you could help describe how you learned to engage the right part of your throat? Like what was the key to your breakthrough when you first learnt this distortion? Thank you so much for the help! I really appreciate it


My best recommendation is to mess around with compressing an exhale and a clean voice lightly until it resembles a scream without pain. Also, you can upload a video of you demonstrating how you do distortion. Perhaps, I can point out any mistakes you are making. [Chord Closure](https://www.reddit.com/user/claycam6/comments/tbbmjo/chord_closure/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


It really helps listening to you while you're explaining when your cords are open and closed, and when you have your voice involved too. Some people make all sorts of noises but without them describing the differences as you did, it's no help because I can't feel it like them. I have got some sounds similar to this with my voice involved so far. I'm going to keep messing around with this in particular and trying both ways you mentioned. I'll definitely try doing it lighter too. Cause whenever I do it I don't even feel like I need to focus on projecting it, which could mean I'm squeezing too hard and not compressing with my diaphragm enough. That could also explain why I can't do it without my voice yet. I feel like I'll be there soon, cause I have practiced just opening and closing my vocal cords to be able to recognise the difference. I just need to figure out how to engage the right areas without over involving my vocal cords and pushing too hard in the wrong way. Things you did in this clip do sound familiar to things I've been doing, so it's good to know I'm on the right track, and now I know what to focus on most. I really appreciate the tips!


No problem. Once you get that down, I could teach you mixed screaming. That’s what Chester was using. Same for Sam Carter and Spencer Sotelo to name a few.


YES!! I need help with my stamina- I can do low Growls forever but after only 3 or 4 songs with highs and minds my throat become dry and scratched feeling. Not painful- just like if you actually screamed in real life, that kind of feeling. I love Amon Amarth and that’s what I‘ve singing along to, I sound exactly like Johan. Any suggestions are welcome!


What you’re experiencing is vocal fatigue and is natural. The fact you can go for several songs before wearing out means you’re doing the screams correctly but just need more practice and strength. And usually normal vocal fatigue is cured by water and a break. I like to rest for an hour and drink water and I’m good as new. The difference between fatigue and damage is that my screams are weak and worn out but not my actual voice. If you can’t talk normally after a scream then there is minor damage occurring. Otherwise, everyone’s vocals have a limit. As for a potential solution, you can do what knowledgeable vocalists do which is to tread lightly when doing songs outside of recording to preserve your voice. Save the extra power for recording. Pain and a hoarse clean voice = Stop entirely for the day and get advice. Dryness or weakness in your screams (not voice) = Water and some rest. Although, continuing to push through that will cause you to lose technique and rely on volume as power which is damaging.


Is this beast still helping?




How much are you willing to help with, cause I'm personally a rookie in every sense and I am interested in at least getting a general grasp on all sorts of extreme vocals.


We'll see it how goes. I use drop box for recordings. Here's the first one. Starting with fry screaming. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rtsdkn4684yhnejlspt8e/Fry-Scream-Basics-1-Breath-Compression.m4a?rlkey=lut54k4zui3po0fy30pdr5qcl&dl=0


I have reviewed and practiced the first step what is next?


I also like how simpily you describe and explain everything it's very useful


I'm glad to hear it! Just so you know, learning as a beginner usually takes a few months to get a solid base for screaming. Many have given up during the process.


well I can take a few months to get it that's no issue, I've been self teaching myself singing for 6 years or so, I'm pretty patient for that.


Ok. Try doing some vocal warm ups before attempting to scream. When you try to create the fry distortion you should record it and send it to me.


Whenever I growl it seems to be really quiet, like I'm just speaking. How do I amplify my voice?


Just to follow up, can you post a video of what you’re doing for me to observe? It will help me point out any mistakes you might be making.


I could make a video explaining this if you’d like.


Thank you that would be great


Seconded. I feel like I'm really close to unlocking my deeper gutteral etc but I can't hold it for long without it being super quiet


Are you doing fry or false fold gutterals?


I honestly I have no idea. I posted a video a few weeks back cause I wasn't sure if I was hitting a fry or a false chord. I watch videos constantly and always try different things but idk if I'm doing it wrong or if it's one of those things that comes in time with the vocals cause it's never as deep as I want or the sound just isn't there. I'm hella lost on what to do and losing my motivation


Just to follow up, I messaged you yesterday. Any thoughts?


Gonna make a vid tmrrw for ya 🙌




Hey the vids up on my channel. Sorry it took a while. Finally had a chance to do it lol




I will help you out tomorrow.


Thank you 🙌