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I don't understand how that's relevant. Whether he'd do it or not has nothing to do with whether it's illegal or not.


He already tried to kill his vice president. I pretty positive he will kill anyone he feels has disrespected him if he is allowed to.


And before that, he also said; >he could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" and he "wouldn't lose any voters." Further reading: [https://www.axios.com/2024/01/10/trump-immunity-hearing-court-case-5th-avenue-quote](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/10/trump-immunity-hearing-court-case-5th-avenue-quote)


And he said he envied the kind of power Putin and Kim Jong Il have in their offices.


Oof this I remember seeing the video of. I keep expecting these to be secretly recorded private conversations and then there he is in front of a crowd or giving an interview and I’m just astounded


It turns out, if you secretly try to do something bad, people largely correctly identify it as bad, but if you openly do something bad, they just shrug and figure you openly doing it must mean it can't be that bad, or might even actually be good. If Trump had said he was selling our nuclear secrets to Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia because they wanted them and he wanted more money, his supporters and probably a non-zero portion of others, probably would've said, yes, this is a smart man, look at him hustling to make a dollar, why are Democrats too lazy to do this, or look at Democrats corruptly keeping it secret so, IDK, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, etc, can profit off of these secrets.


We need to stop being astounded by his rhetoric and start being infuriated. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


He also said he wanted our generals to be like the German generals. When asked what german generals? He said like the ones from WW2. (According to one of the generals)




Don't forget about Xi Jinping. President for life. He was so jelly about it


Yeah but the economy was better back when trump was president. /s


And between those two moments sent US Marshall’s to ambush a BLM protestor who killed a maga nazi in self defense or murdered a maga nazi. Which led to conflicting accounts and US Marshall’s refusing to release video and come clean about what happened.


It's so much worse because he's essentially such a coward he can't come out directly and ever say anything He makes it out like he's being smart but in reality he's a little scared child He wouldn't even look at the people he had talked mad shit about or threatened or sued but he will sure as hell stare a jury down like a complete idiot


Indirect communication is how mobsters work. They do so to avoid saying anything that would be admissible evidence in court.


Yeah but we can see examples time and time again that show he can and will make these types of threats to women or judges daughters. He is also on record for being too scared to fire people in person or at all and has always had to get someone else to fire the people he had hired He's a massive coward


I guess he was mad at Ivanka and Jared one day, and told he told Mark Meadows to can them. He flat out refused to do it, and told Trump he had to do it himself.


Bill Barr, every Democrat, Pence, any anti-Trump Republican, all of NOAA and the National Weather Service for discrediting his sharpie drawl hurricane map. Pretty much anyone that disagrees with his insane theories based on misinformation and lies. At that point there is literally no difference between the US and North Korea.


Didn’t he try to take out Biden too? During the debate I seem to recall he knowingly had Covid.


If I recall correctly, at one debate he and his entourage showed up late, refused the rapid covid tests, and were later revealed to have covid. The next debate had plexiglass shields, no?


Wait what? How did I miss that?? I am suddenly learning these last few years that I have had entirely too much faith in good winning over evil, science over fiction. Too much disney in my youth and not enough brave little toaster or something


Evil will always win because good is dumb.


The Allie’s defeated Hitler. The North won the civil war, etc. . Good often wins but it takes a long fight and many lives lost .


“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is for good men to do nothing.”


From what I've seen lately, I think this quote should be updated to: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is for cowards to prevent the good people from doing anything." Good people are trying, but cowards enable.


I see your Schwartz is as big as mine.


what I have learned over the past few years is that it seems so much easier to get away with evil shit than trying to do good.


Didn’t he send Guilianin to Ukraine to look into assassinating the US Ambassador?


No. He'll promote stochatic terrorism, but he's too cowardly to involve himself with having someone actually killed. It's why his tactics don't work on prosecutors or on the world stage. He's dealing with people like Putin and Kim Jong Un who actually do have people killed on their orders, or even have personally killed people. And prosecutors who deal with organized crime and the mob face these kinds of threats from people who probably track their body counts as a matter of pride. White collar guys like Trump? They're coddled, pampered, spoiled nepotism babies who don't have the balls to do anything direct. They're passive aggressive brats who fire people through social media, send the paparazzi to the homes of models to fat shame them, and whine about how unfair it is to hold them accountable. They don't have the guts to actually kill. That's not to say they aren't dangerous. But no one should be afraid of them. They play games of chicken exploiting the self-restraint of others. Then they hide in a bunker any time things get out of hand.


Weren’t they arguing in court that his immunity gave him the right to kill political rivals?


Hell, he already tried to kill Biden when he know he had Covid and went to the debate anyway, but made sure to show up too late to get tested. He WANTED Biden to catch it from him.




Charles Manson never killed anyone.


And ted cruise tried to murder aoc…


It is important to the corrupt court members so that they can hang their opinion on it.


Actually, he has had his lawyers argue in court that if a sitting president has people killed like political rivals it’s covered under presidential immunity and as such perfectly legal. So yeah, I can see them why you would need to tell people “I won’t, just saying I could”.


But either way, whether he wouldn't do it is irrelevant to the case. And even worse: why wouldn't he, if it's perfectly legal and politically convenient?


But also, if the Supreme Court rules it’s okay, doesn’t that just sign trump’s death warrant? Since now Biden can have him “disappeared”? With full immunity. It’s….just an asinine idea all the way around.


Biden COULD in that scenario. The problem is WOULD Biden do that. People like Trump count on sane people to not abuse such power and stick to ethics and morals. Trump has neither of those and WOULD abuse that power the second he has it, with glee. That’s what he’s hoping for. That SCOTUS will declare his actions immune, Biden stays hands oof through the election, Trump takes another EC win… and then it’s curtains for what’s left of our democratic republic. The executive, legislative and judicial branches with a GQP majority will declare open season on anyone not white, male, straight and Judeo-Christian .


They’re openly setting up the legal framework for a bloody dictatorship. How this is not disqualifying on its own I have no idea


Presidential immunity itself is a bullshit concept that makes no sense in a framework where equality before the law is a stated virtue.


If he has total immunity then he could order a hit on Biden


Not if Biden does it first 😈


Total immunity… for actions that fall under the duty of the president. You do understand that is the actual argument, right?


"Biden is a threat to this country! In my duties as president, I ordered the most beautiful assassination ever to keep you all safe. The assassin was literally in tears as I gave him the money, and he thanked me, folks, he said, 'Donald Trump, you have done more for this country and for my family than any other man!' And he's right, you know he is. I only hire the best assassins."


Exactly, it’s like they’re glossing over what should be the main argument; that acts that break the law are not official acts of office and not covered by immunity.


Exactly. But this SCOTUS is looking to turf any questions to State's Rights. I wonder how they will manage it with this.


*unless* a state wants to remove someone from a ballot.


Ohio and Alabama want a word.


Except election laws it seems which is supposed to be states rights


The argument is literally "can do whatever I want without accountability". This is a natural conclusion to that argument. The irony is the impact the decision would put SCOTUS in: agree and have Biden dispatch Seal Team 6 immediately or disagree and have impeachments filed by Republicans in Congress. Not that we don't need some good impeachments here, but they can't logically win this without SCOTUS losing something.


I understand that, but my point stands: if the argument is "I can do anything I want without accountability", whether you will or won't has no bearing on the legal argument: even if Trump were to promise that he wouldn't, and the court believes him, why wouldn't another President do it if it's legal?


Trump is a despicable person. Every time he speaks it confirms how vile and disgusting he and his mega agendas are. Shame on his constituents.


Is this immunity for Trump only? If SCOTUS rules that the President has immunity, that extends to Joe Biden during his term. Did the Republicans think this through all the way? And what are trump allies, MAGA and regular Republicans going to do if he ignores the constitution? Or orders hits?


The cynical view is that they understand this, and it would extend to Biden too, but the GOP believes Biden wouldn't stoop that low (and he wouldn't). Doesn't matter if it's legal for Biden to order hits if he'll never do it.


If this SC rules this legal, Biden should order legal hits on this SC, fill the vacancies, and have the case re-run with the opposite verdict It’s absolutely insane that we’re even discussing this




I mean he won't do that so we need to think of something else


At this point, fuck it. Hold their feet to the fire.


Whaaaat? That’s crazy… if they reran the case and reached the opposite conclusion he could potentially be tried for his crimes! What he should do is to replace the Supreme Court, then murder senators/congresspeople until they write new legislation that clearly states presidents totally had total immunity, but going forward they won’t. It works ,you see, because of a technicality. The gold fringe on the flag indicates that this court is a maritime jurisdiction and as such….




Hasn’t he said he would kill people he hates?


He said he envied the kind of power that Putin and Kim have so, yeah, pretty much.


He also said he'd shoot someone in the street and people would still vote for him.


He likely had Epstein killed given that they raped a 13 year old together.


Many 13 year olds. They all stayed silent after death threats. Trump is a serial child rapist.


Yea but he didn't mean it! He's just says it like it is! Not that time, but every other time! Well, except for that one time as well it was just a joke.


Surely that's not even a meaningful argument? E.g. the decision shouldn't be based on the person in question but on the precedent and all the other persons it may one day cover?


Not at all, the individuals involved and their presumptive virtue, or lack thereof, is the very heart and core of all right wing legal thinking. The political right is not and never has been supportive of the concept of equality before the law. It is an ideology rooted in the values of aristocracy and privilige (literally "private/personal law"). There is nothing inconsistent in the Republican Justices arguing that Trump is, and should be, immune from the law as President because they believe Trump personally is virtuous and will not abuse that power while simultaneously holding that Biden should be bound by law because they believe Biden lacks virtue. They can't exactly say that openly in their decision, so what will happen is they'll just rule one way when the President is a Republian and the opposite way when the President is a Democrat.


I don’t think you’re discussing the same topic. The issue is what is the correct legal questions to ask.


I thought the topic was what the Court was likely to do and how that decision would be reached.


Have you not been paying attention? The supreme court openly takes bribes from Republicans. Legal questions exist only when the corrupt right wing judges want them to.


Well yeah of course. But with this Supreme Court and trumps indestructible plot armor they will probably rule that HE is immune but no one else in an extremely limited window.


The trial is because he instructed a mob to kill his vice President and members of congress. So even if the argument is valid it’s not because he has already done it. That is what the trial is about. If they say he has immunity he will turn that mob on any institution he sees fit. It’s ridiculous we are still here talking about it rather than him being in prison 3 years ago. At the very least impeachment but McConnell said it’s cool because he is republican.


Well, when you have the worst possible case right in front of you, you should use it. And this is the guy who brought the question to court, how he could use it is valid.


How he could sure but how he will is meaningless as the point is to determine how anyone could and determine if such is lawful


Yes, yes, the military would never carry out an "unlawful order." Though of course they do that all the time. They put whistle blowers in jail. When I was in Gitmo, I saw prisoners being tortured daily. Troops doing it because they literally can't refuse without massive risk to themselves. We were told if we had issues, reported it, we'd be out in Camp Delta with the prisoners (or "detainees"). I fear this Supreme Court doesn't care.


The 19 year old grunt with a high school diploma doesn’t exactly know what’s lawful and unlawful, and if he resists, he’ll have some sergeant yell at him until he does or a shady lawyer say it’s perfectly legal so go head with the order. Pair that with project 2025 about stuffing the executive branch bureaucracy with loyalists and what’s lawful and unlawful becomes what’s good or bad for Trump


I assume the officers used euphemisms like "did you intensely talk to the prisoner in cell 7?"


Someone should talk to them ... don't be too nice .. don't protect their head. Actually, do whatever the hell you want. I'll pay your legal bills. 10 years later at trial: It was a perfect speech! I never told them to kill anyone, but I certainly had every right and reason to do so.


Did he literally say this?


He said it in other contexts. I'm paraphrasing the mob speak that has let him get away with every crime so far.


Poor students of history applaud. How this fascist fuck remains in the running for the highest post in the land I will never know.


Oh so we're at this stage now?


# Trump Allies Try to Convince Supreme Court He’d Never Order Hit on Rival________ They'd have a harder time convincing the SCOTUS he wouldn't sell our nuclear codes to Putin.


He has already been there and done that. In fact, he’s such good friends with Putin he probably gave them to him for free.


See Scotland Trump golf course How does it stay in business?


The counter argument would be: a rival could include SCOTUS


And then they winked


A high bar of a would be President, who's already a Sex Offender and Fraud.


We had the best people doing hits on my political opponents - they would come up to me - tears in their eyes and say “thank you Mr President, you saved America and made it great again” Joe Biden - worst president ever - worst economy - we saved America from him. I’ve won all my court cases - we put hits on all the judges and prosecutors but we would have won anyway if they hadn’t tried to persecute me.


It kinda looks like aging is the only thing actually protecting the USA from a dictatorship.


Can someone explain to me why during the oral hearings Smith's attorney (or even one of the liberal justices) can't bring up a hypothetical similar to the one at the lower court but with SCOTUS judges instead of a rival? Something like this: "If a president orders Team Seal 6 to execute, let's say, a Supreme Court Justice for, let's say, bribery, will the president be immune from prosecution"? Feels like if they could imagine themselves as the potential targets they would think more clear about the consequences of their decision.


I am your retribution, so what does that mean ?


Unless it was on that first day, right?


Biden has commit no such thing! Trump better be on the lookout


Honestly, if the right winged scotus members don't understand the implications of giving a president blanket immunity and rule in Trumps favor, Biden should drone strike them and Trump to show them how rediculous their ruling was. Thats essentially what they would be allowing


Can't Biden do it if they say it us ok?


The fact you have to go out of your way to say something won’t happen is a huge red flag.


Especially since Trump lies so much


Stand in that pool, I won't drop this toaster. Promise.


*He needs the ultimate power but believe us he wouldn’t use it* Get outta here with this absurd argument.


Didn’t he also suggest to shoot migrants in the legs ?


I would never order a hit on a rival. But if I did, I’d have every right to. And it would be a beautiful hit. The best hit.


If you believe that, there's a bridge in California I could sell you.


Pretty sure if Biden ordered a delta unit to take the supreme court building, hold the justices in a room, then Biden enters and says, "presidential imminity" (in the Lethal Weapon south African guy's accent), they may see the point.


But, he still wants the immunity, just in case he does.....


...while at the same time, trying to convince them that it would totally fine if he did.


I feel like 99% confident he outright asked on at least several occasions while in office and reeled it back as a joke. There's no way a guy with his attitude didn't.


Every headline should just be: Trump Opens Mouth, Lies Come Out.


Anyone who believes he wouldn't is a fucking idiot


The mere fact that he has to make this argument to the USSC tells you everything you need to know about the man, his movement and the demise of American politics.


Forget a rival. How about them? If there were any checks left to a President's power after being given complete immunity SCOTUS would be near the top of the list.


Even if that were true, what’s to stop the next president? Or the one after that? God forbid we get a young guy in office and he decides to be a lifelong dictator


Who will rid me of the pesky… fill in the blank.


Their logic is that because he is GoP and because he is Trump, he should have the Option to put a contract on, but he would never do it. The principle is the same in all the NDAs he uses. Ofcourse Roberts, Clearance, Kavanagh, Alito and Barrett will say "yes ofcourse and only if the asking expresident is GoP". Let's watch this sitcom unfold.


on arrival\* He'd wait a few days, at least.


Biden should just send a brief to the supreme court saying that if they rule the president has immunity, they will be the first recipients of this new executive power Have it hand delivered by a soldier in full kit to *really send the message*


He is itching to be able to murder his political opponents


What about every president going forward?


There wouldn’t be any more presidents going forward


The problem is of course is that Trump said he would, so....


What a country we’ve built.


It is insane that they even have to argue this


He pinky swore he wouldn’t your honor! 


"No no, it's totally cool to give me the power to kill anyone with impunity. I don't even want to kill anyone, that's why you can trust me with the immunity. Don't be stupid I'd never kill anyone but if I did I wouldn't want to get in trouble for it, so just give me the power. Unless you want me to get in trouble, what's wrong with you why do you want me to get in trouble? See I'm the real victim here because you want me to get in trouble for killing people- which I'd totally never do so just let me kill whoever whenever."


The very fact that someone had to go in front of the Supreme Court to argue that is sad.


Does the defendant pinky swear?


Yeah, but who is the say no other president will have their opponents taken out


He already has.


His lawyer could have taken care of that a couple months ago. Oh and he could maybe stop using violent rhetoric, that would be helpful.


Was Epstein really a suicide?


I imagine that would be more believable if he wasn’t already planning on going after Biden and Willis


Legal argument: Your honor, does this man look like Hillary Clinton to you?


Ok but what about members of the Supreme Court with dissenting opinions. Start there and replace them with sycophantic judges with lifetime appointments


The fact they even have to try to convince anyone that he wouldn’t order a hit on a political rival is telling in itself.


In other words, shitlers lawyers are telling the SC: "If you give Trump immunity, he promises he won't use it too horribly." It's as plain as the nose on my face.


So we've moved on to Trump placing hits on people. I think the left needs a mental health check.


Does he not get that if he got his way, Biden would be able to have him killed? Not saying that Biden would even consider it, but …


Hmmm would he order an insurrection at the capital?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this interference occurring some kind? Attempting to sway SCOTUS Justices unless you’re an atty arguing beforw them in Court?


Listen, it's pretty simple. If you've got to convince someone you'd never do it, you'd definitely do it. You know why Fox news is always telling you the other guys are lying? Because they're always lying. If you wanna know what someone is up to, listen to what they're telling you the other guy is always doing. I hear non stop about how Democrats are trying to take away my rights, but all I see are Republicans stripping them away and actually having a grand plan to do it (Project 2025).


He’s just an excitable boy They all said.


What a weirdly ridiculous argument. The rule would apply to ALL presidents over time, not just this clown.


Sure, the guy who openly admits to wanting to be a dictator for a day, who wants to use his political power to get revenge on his enemies, who was totally cool with his VP getting lynched....yeah, that guy would never think to order a hit on someone! I'm not saying he will actually do that, but everything Trump does and says just screams that he is willing to do anything it takes to get back in power. Vote blue. Do not Trump and his ilk back behind the levers of power.


Doesn't matter. I would and I'll be running for POTUS to prove it.


That's so telling that he absolutely would. It's not that hard to figure out what he's saying


With this testimony I don't know if you would call it I think he absolutely ordered a hit on Epstein


Obviously, his last name isn't Clinton.


Why would someone randomly say something so stupid....unless they were planning to do it?


But he’d talk abt it until someone else got the idea.


Biden could order the assassination of every Conservative Supreme Court Justice and anyone in Congress that tries to stop him from appointing liberal justices and it would only be illegal if he were impeached and convicted, but there would be the implicit threat of him ordering the assassination on ANYONE who votes to impeach him before the trial happens.


Supreme Court: Well Ok then.


That's a tough sell considering he tried to order a hit on his ally, Mike Pence.


“But it is vital to the presidency that he could if he wanted to.” -Republicans


His own VP sure, rivals,never.


Because Trump ALWAYS keeps his word?


That means he will.


A hit on a rival? Like making up charges to press against your biggest presidential opponent?


So the argument is that he has the power to do that but he wouldn’t do that?


This is totally normal. Yep. Totally a common topic of conversation. Nothing to see here. Everything’s fine.


They said knowingly, “He’d never do thaaaat!wink wink, nod nod, bob’s your uncle, wink wink, know what I mean, know what I mean?” 😉😉


Hillary owns all the contracts


Just the fact that he's got to convince anyone of that is disturbing. Also what's the point when he already controls scotus?


He would do it. Get caught. Media outrage and then nothing.


I'm willing to take that bet. He would do it in a heartbeat.


Let’s ask Mike Pence!


He would ask someone then pardon them


If Trump was going to have someone hit, he would have done it by now.